December 2013 HE MAKANA DECEMBER The Gertrude Mary Joan Damon FREE EVENTS Haig Collection Of Hawaiian Art, AT HISAM The public is invited to these free Paintings and Prints Opens First events for December 2013 to be held at the Hawai‘i State Art Mu- Friday, Dec. 6, 2013 seum in the No.1 Capitol District Building at 250 South Hotel Street he Gertrude Mary Joan Damon ing lands, an interest her children in downtown Honolulu. See feature Haig Collection of Hawaiian inherited. stories and photos of these events TArt, Paintings, and Prints is a Forty-three works of art-small in this enewsletter. Not subscribed distinguished collection of traditional objects, paintings, and prints collected to eNews? Join here for monthly arts of Hawai’i, over thirty years updates. paintings of by a keen-eyed First Friday Hawai’i, and single donor He Makana exhibit opening prints of Hawai’i comprise this Friday, December 6, 2013 presented to the important exhibi- 6-9 p.m. state of Hawaii in tion that opens to Celebrate the unveiling of the honor of the life the public at the Gertrude Mary Joan Damon Haig of Gertrude Mary Hawai’i State Art Collection of Hawaiian Art, Paintings, Joan Damon Museum on First and Prints. Haig. Friday, December First Friday In the Hawai- 6, 2013 from Holiday Harp ian language, He Waimea Canyon, Kauai by D. Howard Hitchcock 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. Friday, December 6, 2013 Makana means 1909, oil on canvas Perceptive and 6-9 p.m. A Gift, referring knowledgeable, HiSAM favorite Ruth Freedman to the generous the donor focused returns to weave holiday magic with gifting of the the core of the classic Christmas tunes and harp collection to the collection on the standards. state of Hawai’i three ‘giants’ of Second Saturday in honor of early 20th century Mele Kalikimaka Gertrude Mary painting: Lio- Saturday, December 14, 2013 Joan Haig, born nel Walden, D. 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Gertrude Mary Howard Hitch- Join us for a fun day of lauhala Joan Damon in cock and Madge weaving with hands-on projects and Moanalua val- Tennent. All three demonstrations. Learn simple ways ley on July 23, were academically to create your own heirloom lauhala 1920. She was trained in Paris ornaments. the daughter of Mokapu Peninsula, Kane`ohe, Hawai`i by William -- Hitchcock and Art Lunch Henry Fowler Twigg-Smith 1925, oil on canvas Tennent in the Artists of Hawai‘i and Gertrude McKinnon Damon, and same atelier -- and all three have left Tuesday, December 31, 2013 a granddaughter of Honolulu banker the firm imprint of their influence on 11 a.m.-1 p.m. Samuel Mills Damon, developer of the subsequent artists in Hawai’i. Enjoy films from the “Artists of large Moanalua agricultural and horti- Included in the collection are a Hawai‘i” series before heading cultural estate. Joan’s mother Gertrude group of small objects found under upstairs to the galleries to see the had a keen interest in the history and the designation of “Traditional Arts of masterpieces in person. legends of Moanalua and its surround- Hawai’i”; these rare pieces are virtually www.hawaii.gov/sfca HSFCA Enews | December 2013 | Page 1 Teaching Artist Spotlight: Kathleen N.M. Kam–cont’d Above: Kou Calabash by unknown artist 19th century, Kou wood Right: Hawaiian Flag Quilt by unknown artist c. 1889, pieced and appliqued cotton impossible to acquire. Hawaiian feather work is unsurpassed in its stunning beauty and originality of concept, and noth- ing remotely similar is to be found anywhere else in Polyne- sia. Feather lei and garments were strictly reserved for the ali’i (chiefs), with the great period of cape making ending before Kamehameha’s death in 1891. Other pieces consist Governor Neil Abercrombie. The catalog contains the entire of Hawaiian calabashes made of Ko’u wood, umeke (round collection and is written by well-known writer and local bowls) from breadfruit, and ni’ihau shell leis, and a Hawaiian historian David Forbes. Book design is by Barbara Pope flag quilt circa 1898. (cloth-bound, 120 pages, 50 illustrations, printed by Studley The cloth-bound publication features a message by Press, Massachusetts). First Friday at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum Friday, December 6, 2013 6 – 9 p.m., Hawai‘i State Art Museum, Free n December Ruth Freed- the galleries with their old style ki man returns to the Hawai‘i ho‘alu and also shared some very in- OState Art Museum to enchant teresting background history and sto- us with classic Christmas tunes and ries. Harmonizing perfectly, Pomaika‘i harp standards. A retired Registered sang falsetto, on many of the old time Nurse, Ruth started playing her harp classics as well as new compositions. to soothe patients at Kalaupapa, Playing without any amplification, Moloka‘i. Currently, she continues to Pila Nahenahe really lived up to their volunteer her time as a harp therapist name. once a month at Straub Hospital. Don’t miss First Friday in January A huge mahalo to Pila Nahenahe 2014! Start off the new year right with for their performance in November. Shoji Ledward, who will be playing Ron Loo and his son Pomaika‘i filled jazz guitar in our Sculpture Lobby. Ruth Freedman HiSAM Facilities Rental Program The Hawai‘i State Art Museum is available for rentals for special events and parties. Download an informational bro- chure here: http://hawaii.gov/sfca/pdf/hisamrentalbrochure.pdf). For more information, contact the HiSAM Visitor Services Manager via email at [email protected] or call (808) 586-9959. www.hawaii.gov/sfca HSFCA Enews | December 2013 | Page 2 THE Gertrude Mary Joan Damon Haig COLLECTION HE MAKANA of HAWAIIAN ART, P AINTINGS & PRINTS FIRST FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2013, 6:00 - 9:00 P.M. HAWAII STATE ART MUSEUM Open to the public E XHIBITION CATALOG BY DAVID FORBE S He Makana means A Gift- to the state of Hawaii in honor of Gertrude Mary Joan Damon Haig The State Foundation on Culture and the Arts “Moonlight Over Diamond Head” by Lionel Walden, 1923. Volunteer Opportunities at the HSFCA Interested in helping the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts with projects that benefit the Art in Pub- lic Places Collection? Become a volunteer! Opportunities are available in the Art in Public Places Program. Learn about Collections, assist with exhibit installations at the Hawai‘i State Art Museum, support the Acquisition Award Selection Committee process, or go behind the scenes of current and upcoming public art projects. If you’re an art or art history student, volunteering at the HSFCA would be a great addition to your resume. To apply, download the volunteer application form, call 586-9959, or email [email protected]. www.hawaii.gov/sfca HSFCA Enews | December 2013 | Page 3 Ka Hana Kapa Project Goes to Maui aui will blossom with kapa creativity this winter. The opening of this exhibit is set to coincide with another The Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC) is the important Hawaiian cultural event, the premiere of a full- Mproud host of our statewide length hula drama by Halau O Kekuhi, kapa project which launches a ground- entitled Hi‘iakaikano‘eau. This hula breaking exhibit and an original full- work recreates occupational movements length hula drama incorporating kapa and distills messages from historical costuming in January 2014. mele, delving into the Hawai’i sense of MACC’s Schaefer International Gal- practical beauty: that all things should lery is bringing together kapa history be made to be both useful and beauti- and contemporary practitioners for ful. The hula performance reincarnates Mohala Hou Ke Kapa (Kapa Blos- the wisdom of the Hawaiian kupuna soms Anew). Open to the public from Halau O Kekuhi attired in kapa – photo courtesy through the poetry of movement, January 21 through March 9, 2014, Edith K. Kanaka`ole Foundation just as the kapa work reincarnates the the exhibition features a select group Hawaiian functional aesthetic through of 24 kapa practitioners from Hawai‘i the poetry of fiber. Halau O Kekuhi will and California whose work involves be wearing traditional kapa costuming, both traditional and contemporary use designed and made by each kapa prac- of materials and techniques in kapa- titioner especially for this performance. making. Works by the invited kapa Strict traditional guidelines were set practitioners investigate concepts about out for the making of the kapa gar- nature, Hawaiian cultural values and ments, with all pa‘u, malo and kihei and mo‘olelo in both form and function. belting to be made of kapa, with panels Marie McDonald, the originator of this sewn using natural fiber cordage or kapa practitioners’ collective project, thread in the Hawaiian fashion of old. will be honored in Mohala Hou Ke Seeds for both the exhibit and Kapa with a retrospective of her kapa performance were planted in January work. An associated symposium Kapa: 2010 when a hui of 20 kapa makers The Makers’ Journey will be held on collaborated with Halau O Kekuhi, Sunday January 19. Kumu Hula Nalani Kanaka‘ole, Kekuhi In addition to the contemporary Marie McDonald in her studio in Kamuela – Keali‘ikanaka‘oleohaililani and Huihui and artistic pieces, the exhibit encom- photo by Neida Bangerter Kanahele-Mossman to create authentic passes the historical foundations of kapa Hawaiian kapa garments of pa‘u and with artifacts from the Bailey House malo to attire the halau for a one-hour Museum and other private collec- performance at the ho‘ike of the 2011 tions. Thanks to a collaboration with Merrie Monarch Festival. Kapa mak- the Maui Historical Society, visitors ers came together to produce kapa for can learn about the history, tools and traditional Hawaiian hula garments in a botanical resources of this ancient Ha- manner that has not been seen for over waiian art form through the dedicated a century.
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