McLEVY TAKES OVER BRIDGEPORT OFFICE TO BACK CHANCELLOR Fil'st Socialist to Win May- BERGIN APPOINTED Hand Picked Candidates Win yoral Race in State Is In­ TO FEDERAL POST Arms Parley Doomed, V as There Was No Other augurated— FnD Text of Say Italy and Hungary His Address. Majority Leader of State Ticket in Field — Largest Geneva, Nov. 13.— (AP)—Italy's without Germany is sterile and Voting Tamoot in History Bridgeport, Nov. IS.—(AP) — Senate Named District contention that the present disar­ Italy rejects the London and Paris Jasper McLevy, first Socialist to mament conference la sterile with­ agreements and the plan of Sir of the Reich. Attorney. out the presence of Germany was John Simon of Great Britain which win a mayoral race In Connecticut, backed up by Hungary today. was submitted the day Germany took over the affairs of the third As a result, observers said they left the League. largest city in the state today and bellevfc’ present negotiations were Meanwhile, today, delegates were Berl^ Nov. 13.—(AP)—Elected New Haven, Nov. IS.—(AP) — warned that “ample and prudent doomed to failure in their existent concentrating on expected propos­ by a nearly unanimous ballot, 661 Senator Frank S. Bergin, majority form . als from Chancellor Adolf Hitler of planning for the immediate future Nazis and near-Na||ts wlU march leader in the State Senate and chair­ The Hungary effectives commit­ Germany. It was reported in Ger­ is imperative.” ^ into toe Kroll Opera House on or man of the State Liquor Control tee announced that it would main­ man circles that Hitler will offer The elimination of unnecessary tain the attiude of an observer France a non-aggression pact pre­ about December 1 for toe opening municipal offices, establishment of Commission, has been appointed dis­ strictly and Italy annoimced that it liminary to talking disarmament session of toe largest Reichstag civil service and merit system in trict attorney for Coimecticut. Ignored everything approved by the from a fresh angle. ever assembled. aU departments, itemised accounts His appointment, announced last great powers since July 15, when General Zeigler of Hungary said There is one seat there for every of all public expenditures and strict night from the White House, Germany accepted the original plan “we cannot take a positive attitude adherence to the city charter were 60,000 votes cast in toe election dropped the third major plum from of Ramsay MacDonald of Great because of the special position of yesterday and hence toe largest the rich tree of Federal patronage Britain as a basis for discussion. Hungary; moreover, it is imdeslr- voting turnout in German history into the laps of the “New Guard” This neans that Hungary, like able t discuss the problems at also means toe largest number <rf of Connecticut’s democracy. Italy, deems that the condference present.” Bolons ever elected. Archibald McNeil, National com­ Not only toe great election of mander and leader of the New Reichstag representatives was Guard, said: “Naturally, I am heartening to Chancellor Hitler greatly pleased with the news of the and his ^des, but also toe over­ appointment, for which we have CROSS ANSWERS ICKES whelming vote on toe plebiscite been working since spring. Sena­ which showed more than 9C per tor Bergin is ideally eqihpp^ for the epnt of German voters were favor­ ofitice of district attorney, and his able to toe governmental policies appointment will bring credit to the ON ^ A D U G CRITICISM advocated by their chancellor. administration. AR Hand. Picked “He had the endorsement of Mrs. Routed*from their homes by shot and shell, inhabitants in the vicinity of Fort Atares, Havana, are pictured Despite their number, nothing Fannie Dixon Welch and myself, as fleeing for their lives as government troops began bombarding the fort in an attempt to rout rebels hold­ but a unanimous vote may ever be members of the Democratic National ing it. This was during the latest uprising in which more than 60 were killed and hundreds wounded. committee, and others have been ac­ Says Public Works Chief PINCHOT APPEALS exi>ected on any measure proposed tive in the so-called New Guard by the government as all are hand­ wing of the party.” Must Have Had Goyem- picked men, “blindly devoted to “Bather a Surprise” Chancellor Hitler’s policies,” as do- The new district attorney himself, NEW FEDERAL A Q FOR BOOZE CONTROL scribed on Novembe. 11 by Rudolf TREASURY IS BACKING Hess, official head of toe Nazi Par­ however, termed the appointment or’s Reassnring Letter Be­ “rather a surprise, although it was ty- expected,” and declined to make cuxy TO CREATE JOBS! The -Croll Opera House w ill con­ comment. fore He Issued Admonition Keep Liquor and Politics tinue as toe meeting place of toe GOLD BUYING POUCY Reichstag because toe plenary ban This “New Guard” appointment followed those of Dr. Edward G. .of toe Reichstag building had not yet been rebuilt following toe In­ Dolan as collector of internal reve­ Hartford, Nov. 13.— (AP)—A slip­ Apart Says Chief Execu' nue, and Mrs. Fannie Dixon Welch AH State Highway Depart- cendiary fire last February. Jasper McLevy Secretary Woodin Tefls Re­ up in toe office of Harold L Ickes, as oollector of customs. The post SEES IMPROVEMENT tire of Peonsylrania. H^Uer’r first visit, a fte i toe elec­ of United States, marshal alone re­ Federal Emergency Administrator tion yesterday, was to President promised by the 55-year old roofer iients Ordered to List von Hindenburg, to whom he offi­ as he was Inducted into the mayor­ mained of ths major offices to be porters He k Heartily in is toe real reason for toe publicity filled. given by Mr. tokes on toe extent cially reported toe result of toe bal­ alty for a two year term. INIDLESIIUA110N Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 18— (AP) lot They_^^S(^jig8^;|Mmding pollti- After Nine D^^ste Davld^ of tb« • a ; V ^ SmaU Jobs at Once. -to. vdaieh;. O sknecticut is using Fed* Democratfersfajaxeagw i comnxtttoe Ftyar nf Profram-^-Bto^^ —Oerv. CSfforfl Plnchot today stood eal questions. McLevy, whb achieved the '^sror- era)' tnMiey for highway improv^ Issue Statement alty after idne previous defeat, and aligned ipidttt: t£ e **OM Guard” , before a special sffwion of Penn­ ments, it wai^ asserted today An official communique stated! told the large crowd in the audi­ was utlderstiqod to Iiafi the en­ Watolngton, Nov. 13—^^(AP) —to Governw Wilbiir L. Cross. sylvania’s L^|iBlaturo to ask that “President von Hlnbenburg heartily torium of C^tral High school that dorsement for thi dlstrlct-attorhey- mes New York Official Says Many a move to create employment The governor believes his explan­ political qraa^rations “go hang” expressed his deepfelt gratitude the administration would plan “an through road building, T. H. Mac­ ation to Mr. Ickes that by Decem­ (OonMnoed on Page Three> and that politics li^or be kept and honest appreciation of Chan­ important part in caring for oi Wai Go Off Relief Rolls Donald—chief of the Bureau of ber 15 Connecticut will have con­ apart through eliziiitstion of private unfortunate citizens who are Washington, Nov. 18.— (AP) — A cellor HitleriB accomplishments In Public Roads—^today called upon all tracted for all ot toe work to oe profit in the sale of liquor by toe unifying toe German people. HS victims of the breakdown of t] vigorous denial that the Treasury State Highway Departments to sub­ done under Federal appropriation package. voiced toe confident hope that toe industrial system.” mit by wire projects for each coimty is opposing President Roosevelt’s This Winter. was In toe Washington office at toe 'The governor asked for speedy tasks at home and abroad would be “I believe,” he said “that the dty GOVERNMENT BUYS gold bu3dng policy was made today in their jurisdiction to coat up to time toe Ickes letter was enactsMnt of 'cpntrol to prevent a ... .A. ------------------------- ..consummated successfully and re- should take advantage of the Fed­ by Secretary Woodin. 85,000. public. ' ~ a t liquor unrestraint and un- eral Uaamployment Relief Act to the boimd to toe blessing of toe father­ Coincident with another increase Albany, N. Y., Nov. 18.— (AP)— To highway department heads, be Cross Stetement. dontfoDe^ which otherwise, he said end that as many of our citizens as land.” PORK FOR NEEDY in the RFC piu?cha8e price for newly David C. Adle, state commissioner wired toe Federid Relief Adminis­ The governor today issued toe fol­ would “Overflow and overwhelm toe The Boerse was stimulated by possible can be given employment mined gold to; $33.45 an ounce, the tration through its local agendea lowing statement to the press: Commonwealth.” vital and necessary and public toe election results and by declin­ cea Secretary o f 4he TrejusLiry was a of social welfare, is confident that would furnish sixty-five per cent “As stated by Mr. Harold L. Ickes, For public ^schools struggling to improvements. ing foreign sales. white House visitor. Later he call­ at toe end a" toe present winter of toe cost and that there would be Federal Emergency Administrator keep open; for getting toe Federal Lower Bates Although toe nev members of ed reporters to his desk at the there will be continuous but slow a set-up of “Federal funds in toe of Public Works, I received a letter public works program started and “The administration will aUo toe Reichstag are “hand-picked," 10,000 Hogs Purchased on ’Treasury and said: Improvement in toe unemployment State Highway Departments possi­ from him dated October 7, 1933, for repeal of toe four-mill tax on strive to sectire lower public utility relief situation.
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