Rain, Rain Medicare SoundoH Consider.bl. cloudln," with s..,box SouncIoff will " held scattered show." .nd thu_r­ tr.m _ te 2 p.m . .....y In the storms oyer north .nd c.... tr.1 ....., Mside the Union Gold sections TUHd.y .nd ovor tho F•• tIIer R.... The m.ln topic stete Tuesel.y night. High Tues· fer _ndl",-off will be the Melli· ail day in tho 70s north to 1_ lOs c~ bill. Seroing the State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa Citfj south, Plrtly cloudy W.dnesday 111 Cula Per Cop, Iowa City, Iowa - Tuesday, July 27, 1965 I, Aigren May Jo;n Writers Workshop u-.s. T rooF?s Escape Ambush; Nelson Algren , whom Ernest Aigren really a r r i v e d with JI~ingway once. called "Ameri- "Never Come Morning," a novel ca s greatest writer after Faulk- which told of poverty and crime ner," . may be . among the Instruc- among the Poles on Chicago's West , night tors III the Writers Worksbop next Side. Critics compared him with 'hI September. James T. Farrell and Richard I tirnol"! Although Algren has not yet re- Wright, author oC "Native Son." No Casu Ities Are Repo.r:teain turned his contract, workshop "Never Come Morning" estab· velalld sources say it is 'very likely' that lished him as a significant Ameri· Delroll be will be coming to the Univer· can novelist. lihln,. sity. "The Man with tbe Golden Arm" Boston Born in 1909 in Detroit, Algren was written on a fellowship from grew up in a Polish immigrant Newberry Library in Chicago and 10,000 March Viet Con9 Step IUp community on Chicago's West the American Academy of Arts G• •• Side. This is the setting of much and Letters. It was the story of - of his writing, including "The Man Frankie Machine, a dope addict 3 On City Hall 3 with the Golden Arm," whicb won and card dealer in the Chicago Saigon Harassment ., ~ the National Book Award as the slums. ". most distinguished American novel OTHER ALGREN works include SAIGON, South Viet am ( P) - group of U.S. ma- 1'1 of 1949. the novel "A Walk on the Wild In Chicago rines !>masht'd a Viet Cong band that attempted to ambush U.' 12'11 ~LGREN GRADUATED from Side," and "The Neon Wilder­ them in the Da lang area 1\ londay and camc out of thc skir­ 25 college in the middle of the de- ness," a collection of short stories. Rev. King Leads First mj ~ h without a casualt)" a U.S. spokesmun announced. pression, earning a degree in jour- "Chicago, City on the Make," is nalism (rom the University of IlIi- an extended prose·poem. Major Rights Effort The ~pokc~man said the leatbcl'Ilccks, >~adiJlg the trap on Iale nois. He worked on a newspaper Algren has also written articles In A Northern City patrol, killed two, wounded one and captured six of thc Red lelll· for only three weeks. of critical -interest, including inci· • ntCht CHICAGO "" - Dr. Martin Lu­ guctTillas. I I. late In 1933, in an abandoned filling sive dissectio~ of the. French The action near 1)a Nang, an air ' Bien Phu, 165 miles wcst-n\lrlh­ .tatlon In Rio Hondo, Tex., Algren novelist. and phliosopher Simone de ther King Jr. climaxed a three· day visit to Chicago - his first center 380 miles northeast oC Sai· west of Hanoi. I wrole his iirst published short BeauvOlr.. ckl 2~ ) major effort in a Northel'n city - gon , was one of a series of ground U.S. spokesmcn said all thc raid­ - nl lbl s~ry, "So lielp Me." His first ~1~Ten lS consl~~red by s,~me. to by leading a march of some 10,000 and air operations estimated to ers returned. Radio Peking broad­ • Fnn. novel, "Somebody in Boots" was be I~ the t~adi~,on of nallve persons on City Hall Monday. have left 78 Viet Cong dead. Most casl a Hanoi dispatch declaring :hlel,o [ a story of life during the depres- ~mencan reahsm, after tbe Ia~h- sion Ion of Stephen Crane's "MaggIe" The march was orderly and of lhis total, however. lacked con- two were shot down. It 101"" . and Theodore Dreiser's "Sister without incident. After speeches at Cirmation by body count. Among raids in which specific luxhlll Carrie." This tradition is charac­ City Hall, the demonstration broke Guerrillas had stepped up their damage was reported was a strike ·1 and terized by an extreme simplifica­ up. Therc were no arrests. harassment activities around Sai· by 10 Navy Skyhawks against the gon over the weekend. The spokes­ Quang Soui barracks, about 80 tion of character and maUve. The marches moved the ll{z Circus Sets man said the gueniUas initiated miles south o[ Hanoi. The pilots . ANOTHER newcomer to the miles from Buckingham Fountain, Chicago Rights March six actions within 25 miles of the Fool· workshop this fall will be Jose on the downtown lake front , to City said they destroyed six buildings, More than 10,000 p.rson, g.th.red Monday In m.rch l.d by Rev. Mertin Luth.r I<ing who .d· capital, including a mortar bar­ r over Donoso, a native of Santiago, Hall in 50 minutes. They marched damaged four and set off several ion In four Shows downtown Chlc.go to prot.,t .1I1It.d segrllt1tion dressed the crowd. rage against one government out· secondary explosions. Chile, and one of the most import­ 25 abreast and the line stretched post. By JOAN MUYSKENS ant writers in Latin America. He five blocks. in the city'. schools. The g.th.ring follow.d I -AP Wirephoto Twenty • one U.S. Air Force lePllrl· The spokesman said U.S. and has done literary criticism and AT THE HEAD of the procession Vietnamese planes flew more than planes made the raid on Dien Bien for a StaH Writer Phu , another in a series launched r general jnterest features for mag­ - which blocked traffic during tbe 200 sorties against suspected Com­ I Chy. Bears, chimps, seals, ele­ azines and newspapers throughout height of the evening rush hour - munist installations in the south July 2. The spokesman said they of the Latin America. Donoso is the au­ were King and other integralion in a 24-hour period of Sunday and dropped 37 tons of bombs, but the speei· pllllots, daring acts on the thor of two novels and is currently pilots could not see thc effects trampoline, acrobats and all leaders. Monday. A sortie is the mi.ssion oC rk Dot working on a third. He has also May Waive a single plane. because oC low clOUds. King, appearing well after two u.s. !kends sorts of clowns comprise the published several short stories. Newsmen were told : Two carrier-based planes were DOthall One of his books, "The Corona­ days o[ extensive street-corner reported to have destroyed three circus that has cOme to town. speeches and chuI'ch sermons. -Air squadrons closely support­ tion," won the William Faulkner ed a government search-and·de­ trucks among eight they spotted The Shrine Circus, produced by strolled along in good spirits, wav­ Foundation prize in 1962. sh'IlY operation about 30 miles traveling about 70 miles south of Clyde Brothers, will present a An instructor at the University ing to the crowds standing four Hanoi. Three bridges were among and five deep along the curbs. south oC Da Nang in Quang Tin matinee and evening show today of Chile, Donoso attended Prince­ Trial Jurisd iction Province. Twenty-six Viet Cong other targets of the day. and Wednesday at City High Foot· ton University on a scbolarship in The marchers moved forward. were reported killed. ball Stadium. Sbow times are 2: 15 1951. chanting " Ben Willis Must Go" and SAIGON. South Viet Nam (,fj - aDd 8:30 p.m. R. V. Cassill, instructor, and singing "We Shail Overcome." The The U.S. Government is expected -A forward artillery observer 13 A rested SIXTY FIVE performers from Paul Engel, d ire c tor of the crowds watching the procession to waive jul'isdiction and let a estimated 35 guerrillas died under r all parts of the United States, Writer's Workshop, will both be seemed curious, but for the most Vietnamese court try an Ameril'an an attack seven miles cast of the Italy, Hungary, Peru, Colombia, absent next year. Cassill is on part applauded only intermittently. aid official in the triangle slaying Bien Hoa airbase, itseU 12 miles After Melee leave for one year to teach at Pur­ northeast of Saigon . Germany. Finland and Mexico, TRAj;~IC WAS snarled as the oC a seDiol: U.S. police advisel'....od -A. raid of a Viet Cong encamp- will sMw their talents. due University and Engel is going march moved through the cavern- a Vietname e woman. ment in the Mekong River delta 80 Howard W. Suesz, executive pro­ to Europe to write and study. QUs downtown area. One Fire De- Robert Kimball. 36, was trans­ A R · miles southwest of Saigon left 15 t. eservol r ducer of the Clyde Brothers Cir· partment ambulance, with light fer red Monday night from munici­ guerriilas presumed dead, CUS, and his wife spend about three blinking, was held up for sevel'al pal custody to the national police months eacb year touring Europe School Budget Up minutes while tbe mass moved after. authorities said, he confessed U.S . Navy and Air FOl'ce squad­ A wild weekend at the Coralville past. shooting Jack E.
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