INDEX TO VOLUX{E 50 Onl-v leading articles are set in bold face type Adams, J. W. The visible region Stinson, M. C. Matthews, absorption spectra of rare- R. A. and Pabst, A. Seven earth minerals 356 new barium minerals from Adler, H. H. Examination of eastern Fresno County, Cali- mass-radius effects, hydro- fornia 314 gen bonding and vb splitting AJlan, D. with Brown, V. (Book in infrared spectra of Zr-Hf. review) 276 homologs 1553 Alluaudites. dickinsonites and and Kerr, P. F. Variations fillowite (Fisher) l6+7 in infrared spectra, molecular Alumo-aeschl'nite (Es'kova, Zha- sFrmetry and site symmetry bin, Mukhitdinov) 2101 of sulfate minerals 132 Ames, L. I-., Jr. Zeolite type :u Aerugite (Davis, Hey, Kings- equilibrizr rvith trivalent ce- bury). 2108 riurn and yttrium cations Agarwal, M. K. with Patel, A. R. (abs.) 279 Micro-structures on Panna _ self_diffusion of some cat_ diamond surfaces 1.2+ ions in open zeolites 465 Agrell, S O. 2r0+ Amphiboles, natural calciferous Bown, N'I. G. and McKie, and subcalciferous, the rela- D. Deerite, howieite and tionship between tetrahedral zussmanite, three neu' min- aluminum and the maximum erals from the Franciscan of possible octahedral aluminum the Laytonville District, in (Leake) 843 Mendocino Co., Califomia Anatase and rutile determination (ebs.) 278 in soils and sedirnents (Ra- Ahrens, L. H. (Book revieu') 273 man, Jackson) 1086 Akhmanova, NI. V. rvith Pavlenko, Andalusite, kyanite and sillima- A. S. arrdOrlova, L. P. 2099 nite, mullite, thermodynamic u'ith Pavlenko, A. S., Or properties of (Waldbaum). 186 lova, L. P. and Tobelko, Andersen, C. A. Keil, K., ancl NIa- K. I. 1505 son, B. 521 Albite, deformation bands in Anderson, R. J. with Heinrich, E. (Seifert) . .. 1.+69 Wm. Carbonatites and alkalic Alexandrite, peridot and sinhalite, rocks of the Arkansas River chrysoberyl, crystal-field Area, Fremont Countyr Colo- spectra of (Farrell, Newn- rado. 2. Fetid gas from car- ham) 1972 bonatite and related rocks . 191+ Alfors, J T. and Putman, G. \\r Andorite, a new occurrence of Revised chemical analyss5 6f (Willianrs) 1498 traskite, verplanckite and Andradite, zr r.ater-bearing, from muirite from Fresno County, the Totalp serpentine (f)avos, California 1500 Switzerland) (Peters) 1482 - Stinson, NI. C. and Mat- Ar-rgaralite (Semenor') 21lI thews, R. A. Seven new bar- Anhydrite, Recent, frorn Clayion ium miuerals from eastern Playa, Ner-ada (Moiola, Glo- Fresno County, Californier ver) 2063 (abs.) 279 Ankinovich, E. A., Vileshina, 2117 21t8 INDEX TO VOLUME 50 G. L.arrdGekht, l. L .. 2l1t polytypism: III. Crystal struc- Antarcticite (-Iorii, Ossaka) 2098 ture of an orthohexagonal Anthony, J. W. Crystal morphol- iron chlorite. 868 ogy of thorium-bearing s1'n- Baird, A K., Copeland, D. A., theticmonazite,. l+21 McIntyre, D. B. and Welday, Antimonpearceite (Harris, Nuf- E. E Note orr "Biotite mica field,Frohberg).. 1507 effect in :r-ray spectrographic Antiperthite and mantled feldspar analysis of pressed rock pow- textures in charnockite (en- ders"byA Volborth .... 792 derbite) from S. W. Nigeria Barium minerals, seven new, (Hubbard) 2040 from eastern Fresno County, Aplite-pegmatites, composite, of California (Alfors, Stinson, the Franklin-Sylva District, Matthews, Pabst). 311 North Carolina(Heinrich). 1681 -- (abs.) (Alfors, Stinson, Aplow-ite(Jambor, Bo,vle). 809 Matthews) 279 Appendix to the secondedition of Barnard, W. M. with Wright, an index of rrrineralspecies H. D. and Halbig, J. B. Solid arrdvarieties arranged chemi- solution in the systems ZnS- cally (Hey) (Book revier,v) 815 ZnSe and PbS-PbSe at Appleman,D. E. and Clark, J. R. 300"C. and above. 1802 Crystal structure of reed- Barnett, P. R. with Staatz, M. H. mergnerite, a boron albite and Grifrtts, W. R. Differ- and its relation to feldspar ences in the minor element crystalchemistry . .. ... 1827 composition of beryl in vari- and Evans, H. T., Jr, The ous environments 1783 crystal structures of syn- Barrrs, R. L. u jth Rubinstein, thetic anhydrous carnotite, C. B. Crystallographic data K2(UO,)2V2OE,and its cesium for rare-earth aluminum gar- analogue,Csr(UOr)rV:Os 825 nets: Part II 782 rvith Clark, J. R. Crystal Barrer, R. M. and Nlarshall, D. J. structure of the sodium cal- Synthetic zeolites related to cium borate,ulexite (abs.). 283 ferr ierite and yugawaralite 484 Aragonite, pure, and its transfor- Barringtonite (Nashar) 2103 mationto calcite,preparal iorr Basalt, alkali, from Nye County, of (Rao, Yoganarasimhan) Nevada (Vitaliano, Harvey) 1489 TJ ,lrnott, n. ;, earti"le si"es of clay Basalts, submarine, chemical anal- minerals by small-angle r- yses of (Poldervaart, Green) ray scattering lJo.t l723 Arsenate-belovite (Pierrot). 813 Bassett,W. A. and Takahashi,T. Arsenopolybasite (Harris, Nuf- Silver iodide polymorphs 1576 6eld, Frohberg). r507 Bayliss, P., Loughnan, F. C. and Arthurite (Davis, Hey). 522 Standard, J. C. Dickite in the Avrova, N. P. with Lobanova, Hawkesbury sandstone of \'. v... 261 the Sydney Basin, Australia Bailey, S. W. with Doman, R. C. 418 and Cinnamon, C. G. Struc- Bayly, M. B. The sampling error in tural discontinuities in the modalanalysis ... 196 plagioclasefeldspar series. 72+ Beck, C. W. rvith Stevenson, with Shirozu. H. Chlorite R. G. Xarrthoohvllite from INDEX TO VOLU]IE 50 2119 the'fobacco Root \'Iountains, native lead-pyrochroite para- Ntlontana (abs.) 292 geneses(abs.).. 281 Belovar, L. N., Litenkova, \,'. I. Bou.n, NI. G rvith Agrell, S O and Novorosovtr, L. E. 265 and McKie, D. Deerite, horvi- Bergstein, A , 5est6k, J. arrd Kitz- eite and zussmanite, three inger, E. Phases in the spinel new minerals from the Fran- region of the system CuO*- ciscan of the Laytonville Dis- N{nOr-FeO,. 762 trict, Mendocino Co., Cali- Berndt, F. with Moh, G. H. 2107 fonria (abs ) . 278 Berry, L. G. Recent advances in Bou.ser, C. J. The origin of tincal- sulfidemineralogy.. 301 conite at Searles Lake, Cali- and Rao, S. V. L N. A fornia (abs.) .. 281 method for taking back reflec- Boyer, R E. (Book review) . 1135 tion oscillation photographs Boyle, R. W. u'ith Janbor, J. L. of single crystals 1118 .266, 808, 80q Beryl, differences in the minor Bradley, W. F. (Book review) . 1138 element composition of, Bricker, O. P. Some stability rela- in various environments tions in the system Mn-O:- (Staatz, Grifttts, Barnett) 1783 H:O at 25" and one atmos- Best, NI. G. Pyroxene relations in phere total pressure 1296 experimentally crystallized Brinck, J. W. with van \\'.ambeke, 1887 Nlauna Loa basalt (abs ) L., Deutzmann. \\t . Gonlian- 280 tini, R. Hnbaux, A., M6tais, Biogeochemical methods of pros- D , Omenetto, P., Ton- pecting (Malyuga) (Book re- giorgi, E., Verfaillie, G., vierv). 816 \Ueber, K and \\'-immenauer, Biotite: stability of, experiment, \\t'.(Bookrevieu').... 1512 theory and application Brindley, G. W. and Moll, W. tr'., (Wones, Eugster). 1228 Jr. Complexes of natural and "Biotite mica effect in l-ray spec- synthetic Ca-montmorillon- trographic analysis of pressed ites with fatty acids (clay- rock porvders," note on, by organic studies-Ix) 1355 A. Volborth (Baird, Cope- - with de Souza Santos. P. land, NIcI ntyre, Welday) 792 and de Souza Santos, H. Biotites, polytypism in (abs.) Mineralogical studies of kao- (Ross, \\-ones) 291 linite-halloysite clays: Part Blake, R. L. Iron phyllosilicates of III. A fibrous kaolin mineral the Cuyrrna District in Min- from Piedade, 56o Paulo, nesota 148 Brazil 619 Bloss,F. D Pitfall in determirrirrg Brixner, L. H. Note on schirmerite 2\r in micas. 789 259 Boos, M. F. Skarrrsof the precam- Brochantite, Cu4(So,) (OH)u, with brian, Denver Mountarn kamarezite, evidence for the Parks area, Colorado (abs.). 280 identity of (Mrose, Reichen) Borcarite (Pertzev, Ostravskaya, 1450 Nikitila) 2097 Brock, P. \\r. G., Gellatly, D. C. Borodin, I-. S. with Vlasov, K. A. and von Krrorring,O.. 1506 Serdyuchelko, D. P. and Es'- Bromellite, crystalline synthetic, kova, E. M. (Book review-). 819 macrocrystals II, studies on 'lhe Bostrdm, K. origin of some the formation of (Newkirk, 2120 INDEX TO VOLU],TE 50 Smith) 41 R. H. Photometric measure- --- microcrystals I, studies on ment of rotationProperties 1608 the formation of (Newkirk, Ca-montmorillonites, comPlexes Smith) 22 of natural and sYnthetic,with Brophy, G. P. and Sheridan, M. F. fatty acids (clay-organic stud- Sulfate studies IV: The jaro- ies-IX (Brindley,Moll) 1355 site-natrojarosite-hydronium Cannon. H. 1,. (Book review) jarosite solid solution series 816.817 15q5 Carboborite (Hsieh, Chien, I-iu) 262 -f. nith Nash, .f. Observa- Carbonatites and alkalic rocks of tiorrson the crystalchemistrl' the Arkansas River Area, of fossil bone and the carbon- Fremont County, Colorado. 2. ate apatites (abs.) 288 Fetid gas from carbonatite Bror,n, \r. and Allan D. (Book and related rocks (Heinrich, revieu') 276 Anderson) . .. 1914 Brownmillerite (Hentschel) 2106 Carnotite, synthetic anhYdrous' Buerger, NI J (Book review) 270 Kr(UOr)rVzOs, the crYstal Presentation of the Roebl- structures ofr and its cesium ing medal to Clifford Frondel analogue,Csr(UOr)rvrO r (Ap- 530 pleman,Evans) 825 a rrd Dollase \\' '\. fhe Carozzi,A. V. (Bookreview) 272 shape of rnisoriented recipro- Carpenter, R. H. with Cameron' cal lattice planes as recorded E. N. Photometric measure- by'precession photographl- ment of rotation ProPerties (abs ) (Buerger, Dollase) . 281 1608 Buhsmer, C. P. with Roy, R. Ef- Carrison, L. C. u'ith Sclar, C' B. fect of neutrorr bombardment and Schwartz, C. M. 267 on the kinetics ot some recon- Castaingite (Schtiller, Ottemann) structive phase transforrna- 26+ tiolrs. 1+73 Cattierite, pyrite-, an intermedi- Burnham, C. \V. Temperature ate member of the binarY sYs- parameters o1 silicate cr_vstal tem FeSrCoSz (Riley) 1083 structures(abs). 282 Cerolite (kerolite) (D'Yakonov) . Butte District, NIontana, Mirr- . 2111 eralogy of the (abs.) (Guil- Cerphosphorhuttonite (Pavlenko, bert, Zeihen) 286 Orlova, Akhmanova) 2099 Cabri, L. J. Discussion of "Enr- Chalcosiderite, x-ray studl' pressite ald stuetzite rede- of, CuFeo(POr)'(OH)a' 4HzO fined" by R.
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