* Kyrie …joining our voices with the heavenly choirs and with all the faithful of every time and place who forever sing to the glory of your name: Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. ...We proclaim the great mystery of faith: Christ has died. Christ has risen. Christ will come again. * Assurance of Pardon (Leader, People) The Lord’s Prayer Friends, believe in the good news… Words of Institution In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Sharing of the Bread (Please hold until all have been served) Rest in the assurance of God’s grace, and be at peace. Sharing of the Cup (Please partake as the cup is received) Prayer after Communion * Gloria Patri Hymn No. 581 SENDING THE WORD * Hymn No. 138 Who Would Think That What Was Needed Prayer for Illumination * Charge and Benediction First Reading Isaiah 60:1-6 OT Page 690 Postlude How Brightly Shines the Morning Star J. Pachelbel Anthem The Shepherds Farewell Berlioz We invite you to remain seated for the final act of worship, the postlude. Second Reading Matthew 2:1-12 NT Page 2 The pastors look forward to greeting you following worship. Sermon Going and Searching ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the Pulpit: Rev. Sam Massengill RESPONSE Assisting: Rev. Laura Ferguson * Hymn No. 377 I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light * Please stand as you are able Offering Our Gifts to God Offertory Christ Our Lord Came to the Jordan J. Pachelbel WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENTS *Doxology Hymn No. 606 The chancel flowers are given by Alan and Elaine Thress in loving memory of Elaine’s mother, Mrs. *Prayer of Dedication and Thanksgiving Isabelle Sorrentino. THE CELEBRATION OF HOLY COMMUNION Ushers: 9:00 a.m., Team G – Doug Rendall, Captain; Barbara Clark, Dave Clark, Carol Sheehan, Invitation to the Table Dave Strome, Phoebe Strome Great Prayer of Thanksgiving (Leader, People) Communion Preparers: Nyla Houser and Dorle Ramanujam The Lord be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Communion Servers: Heidi Adams, Mike Adams Linda Geiger, Bev Remsburg, Andy Warren, Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. Elaine Warren It is right to give our thanks and praise… Visitors are always welcome! If you are visiting Newtown Presbyterian Church and wish to learn more about our congregation and programs, please stop by our Welcome Desk, which is located in the parlor next to the pulpit where Membership Committee representative, Archie Foor, will be available to answer any questions. Nursery Care is available for infants through two-year- old children in our Nursery during the 9:00 a.m. service. Worship bags are also available for children in Kindergarten to Third grade who remain in worship. Please see an usher to get a bag. Fellowship Hour: All are welcome for light refreshments in Ettenger Hall each Sunday after January 5, 2020 the 9:00 a.m. service. Come meet and greet your fellow NPC members and guests. 9:00 a.m. New Members Class: We have a casual Saturday morning class where you can find out more “I WAS GLAD WHEN THEY SAID TO ME, LET US details about the church and what it means to be Presbyterian. Call the church office to sign GO INTO THE HOUSE OF THE LORD” up for our January 18 gathering (8:30-11:30 with childcare upon request) and get excited about Psalm 122:1 joining the work and ministries of Newtown Pres! The next 8-week session of Yoga begins on Wednesday, January 8 to February 26, at 6:30 p.m. $80 Prelude What Is This Lovely Fragrance? Gilbert Martin or $15 drop-in fee. Please bring a mat, beach towel/blanket, blocks, strap and water. All profits continue to go to the ongoing restoration and maintenance of the Historic Church cemetery. Welcome (Please sign and pass the Friendship Pad) 2020 offering envelopes are waiting for you in Ettenger Hall. We ordered less envelopes this year Call to Worship (Leader, People) because many of you donate on-line. Thank you! If your number was 201 or higher, it had to be Arise, shine—for your light has come! reassigned. The glory of the Lord shines upon us. For a complete list of weekly meetings and events, please check the calendar on our From far-flung lands, people stream to the light. website: www.newtownpres.org We come, drawn toward the brightness of dawn. Lift up your eyes and see: the faithful gather together. Our hearts rejoice as we greet the Lord with praise! Let us worship God! * Hymn No. 150 As with Gladness Men of Old * Call to Confession Our Pastors and Staff: Contact Information: * Prayer of Confession (Unison) Rev. Sam Massengill, Pastor Office: 215-968-3861 God of glory, your light shines throughout the earth, scattering the gloom. You make Rev. Laura Ferguson, Associate Pastor [email protected] yourself known to all people and gather multitudes into the brightness of your dawn: Rev. Matt Pigman, Parish Associate for Pastoral Care Office hours: Mon-Fri 9am to 4pm the powerful and the wretched, the penniless and the rich, the children of faraway Jason Moore, Director of Music Website: www.newtownpres.org places and the children of this land. Yet, we do not delight in the diversity of your Colleen Rimel, Accountant 25 N. Chancellor Street realm and fail to welcome strangers into our midst. When we claim there is no room Hehsun Chun-Smith, Organist Newtown, PA 18940 for others in your sacred courts, when we deny grace because of status or Eileen Honea, Office Administrator circumstance, when we guard your blessing as if it were ours alone, forgive us. Dan Stevens, Sexton Expand our constricting hearts, and help us draw the welcome circle wider, until our communities radiate your glory and grace. (Silent Prayer) Soup Sale: We will be selling soup between services on Sunday, January 26th, and we need your help to make this event a success! We are asking that you make a pot of your favorite soup or chili and share it with your friends here at NPC. We always have a creative variety of soups, and I'm sure this year will be no different! Soup containers will be available for you to pick up in the kitchen. We will be happy to accept both fresh and frozen soups which can be dropped off at your convenience. If you would like to deliver your soup to the church from 1:00 - 3:00 on Saturday, January 25th, we will be happy to put it in containers for you. All proceeds benefit the maintenance and beautification of the Historic Church. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at 215 -962-2907, and I thank you in advance for your support! Beth Weinstein STEWARDSHIP UPDATE - January 5, 2020 To date we have received $ 535,226 dollars in pledges. We are very thankful for each of you who have submitted your individual pledges toward fulfilling the ministry of our congregation. These pledges are extremely important as they indicate which ministries we can engage in during the coming year and unfortunately, if we are short, which we must pass upon. So, if you have not quite gotten around to submitting your pledge, may we ask that you consider doing so this week. You can either return your pledge card or go on line at https://newtownpres.org/. It would be much appreciated and you will feel better knowing that you are doing your part in helping to fulfill God’s will in our neighborhood and beyond. Week of January 6 – 11, 2020 Monday 11:00 a.m. Bible Study (MR) Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Men’s Bible Study (B1) Wednesday 8:00 a.m. Aid for Friends (Kitchen) 10:00 a.m. Book Club (211) 6:00 p.m. Bell Quartet (205) 6:30 p.m. Yoga (EH) 7:00 p.m. Trustees Meeting (RR) 7:00 p.m. Bell Choir (205) 7:30 p.m. Flying Solo (211) 8:00 p.m. Celebration Ringers (205) Thursday 8:00 p.m. Chancel Choir (Sanc) Friday 9:45 a.m. Historic Church (B1) .
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