University of Leeds Classification of Books German [A General] A-0.01 Periodicals A-0.02 series A-0.03 Collected essays, Festschriften etc. A-0.04 Bibliography A-0.05 Study and teaching A-0.06 Social life and institutions A-0.08 Collections of texts, anthologies A-0.081 Prose A-0.082 Verse A-0.19 Dictionaries, lexicography A-0.2 Language A-0.21 Grammar A-0.22 History, etymology A-0.23 Pronunciation A-0.24 Personal names A-0.25 Place names A-0.3 Literature in general; reference works A-0.31 History of literature A-0.32 Poetry A-0.33 Drama A-0.34 Novel A-0.35 Foreign influence A-0.36 Prosody A-0.37 Criticism A-0.39 Miscellaneous A-0.4 Folk-lore A-0.41 Folk-song A-0.42 Legends and popular traditions A-0.43 Folk drama, e.g. Oberammergau Passion Play [B Old High German period (to 1050)] B-0.08 Collections of texts, anthologies B-0.19 Dictionaries B-0.2 Language B-0.21 Grammar B-0.22 History B-0.3 Literature in general B-0.31 History of literature B-0.32 Poetry B-0.36 Prosody B-1 Earliest texts (before Charlemagne) B-2 Hildebrand B-5 Reign of Charlemagne (miscellaneous texts) B-6 Isidore of Seville: German versions B-7 Monsee fragments B-10 Later Carolingian, vernacular texts B-11 Heliand; Genesis; Exodus B-12 Muspilli B-13 Otfrid B-15 Saxon period (miscellaneous) B-16 Notker/Labeo B-17 Williram B-18 Ezzolied B-20 Annolied [C Middle High German period (1050-1350)] C-0.08 Collections of texts, anthologies C-0.19 Dictionaries C-0.2 Language C-0.21 Grammar C-0.22 History of language C-0.24 Proper names C-0.3 Literature (reference works) C-0.31 History of literature C-0.32 Poetry C-0.33 Drama C-0.34 Narrative prose C-0.35 Foreign influences C-0.36 Prosody C-1 Popular epic (general and miscellaneous) C-2 Reinhart Fuchs C-3 König Rother C-4 Herzog Ernst C-5 Salman und Morulf C-6 Orendel C-7 Oswald C-8 Nibelungenlied C-9 Gudrun C-10 Heldenbuch C-12 Sigenot C-15 Courtly epic, early (miscellaneous) C-16 Conrad: Rolandslied C-17 Lamprecht: Alexanderlied C-18 Eilhart von Oberge: Tristrant C-19 Floris und Blanchefleur C-20 Heinrich von Veldeke C-21 Albrecht von Halberstadt C-22 Graf Rudolf C-25 Courtly epic, Blüthezeit (miscellaneous) C-26 Hartmann von Aue C-27 Wolfram von Eschenbach C-28 Gottfried von Strassburg 2 C-30 Courtly epic, later (miscellaneous) C-31 Albrecht von Scharfenberg C-32 Rudolph von Ems C-34 Konrad von Würzberg C-36 Tales (miscellaneous); Wernher der Gartenaere C-40 Minnesang, early and Blüthezeit (miscellaneous) C-41 Der Kürenberger C-42 Dietmar von Asist C-44 Friedrich von Hausen C-45 Heinrich von Morungen C-47 Reinmar von Hagenau C-48 Walther von der Vogelweide C-50 Neidhart von Reuenthal C-52 Minnesang, later (miscellaneous) C-53 Frauenlob C-55 Religious literature, 12th century (miscellaneous) C-56 Biblical translations C-57 Hartmann: Vom Glauben C-58 Mariendichtung C-60 Religious literature, 1200-1350 (miscellaneous) C-61 Biblical translations C-62 Legends C-64 David von Augsburg C-65 Berthold von Regensburg C-66 Meister Eckhard C-67 Heinrich Seuse C-68 Johann Tauler C-69 Rulman Merswin C-70 Moral and didactic literature C-71 Sprüche (miscellaneous) C-72 Reinmar von Zweter C-73 Marner C-75 Heinrich von Melk C-76 Der Winsbecker C-78 Thomasin von Zirchere C-79 Freidank C-81 Seifried Heibling C-83 Hugo von Trimberg C-85 Chronicles C-87 Kaiserchronik (Crescentia) C-90 Drama [D Early New High German period (1350-1500)] D-1 Poets (miscellaneous) 3 D-3 Suchenwirt D-5 Hugo von Montfort D-7 Oswald von Wolkenstein D-9 M. Beheim D-11 Rosenplüt D-19 Folk-songs D-20 Romances (miscellaneous) D-22 Elisabeth von Nassau-Saar-brücken D-25 Ulrich Füetrer D-30 Schwänke, Fables and Tales (miscellaneous) D-31 Der Stricker D-32 Boner: Edelstein D-34 Frankfürter: Pfaffer von Kahlenberg D-36 Stainhöwel D-38 Tyll Eulenspiegel D-40 Drama (miscellaneous) D-42 Theophilus D-44 Wimpheling: Stylpho D-46 Schernberck: Frau Jutta D-48 Translations of Terence D-49 Fastnachtspiele D-50 Allegorical, satirical, and didactic poets (miscellaneous) D-52 Heinrich von Laufenberg D-54 Hartmann von Sachsenheim D-56 Johann von Mooscheim D-58 Sebastian Brandt D-60 Religious literature (miscellaneous) D-62 Tilo von Kulm D-64 Heinrich von Hessler D-66 Johann Rothe D-68 Geiler D-69 Bible translations D-70 Prose writers (miscellaneous) D-71 Konrad von Magenburg D-72 Johannes von Saaz D-74 Niklas von Wile D-78 Arigo (Heinrich Leubing) [E Sixteenth century] E-0.08 Collections of texts; anthologies E-0.19 Dictionaries E-0.31 History of literature E-0.32 Poetry E-0.33 Drama E-0.34 Fiction E-1 Miscellaneous prose writers E-4 Murner E-7 Hutten 4 E-10 Luther see also Modern History B-4.22, Theology F-7.13 E-13 Erasmus Alberus E-16 Fischart E-18 Paracelsus E-19 Weigel E-25 Faust E-30 Novelists (miscellaneous) E-32 Wickram E-34 Rollenhagen E-40 Dramatists (miscellaneous) E-42 P. Gengenbach E-44 N. Manuel E-46 P. Rebhun E-48 T. Kirchmeyer (Naogeorgius) E-50 Frischlin E-52 Hans Sachs E-54 Englische Comödianten E-56 Herzog Julius Ernst von Braunschweig E-58 J. Ayrer E-70 Poets (miscellaneous) E-74 B. Ringwald E-78 P. Schede E-79 Pfinzing [F Seventeenth century] F-0.08 Collections of texts; anthologies F-0.19 Dictionaries F-0.31 History of literature F-0.32 Poetry F-0.33 Drama F-0.34 Fiction F-0.37 Literary criticism F-0.4 Folk-lore F-1 Prose writers (miscellaneous) F-2 Olearius F-3 Schupp F-4 Johann Arndt F-5 Justus Georg Schottel F-6 Spener F-7 Aegidius Albertinus F-8 Abraham a Sancta Clara F-10 Thomasius F-20 Novelists (miscellaneous) F-22 Moscherosch F-24 Christoffel von Grimmelshausen F-26 Philipp von Zesen F-28 Zigler F-29 Beer F-30 Reuter 5 F-40 Dramatists (miscellaneous) F-42 Rist F-44 Andreas Gryphius F-46 Weise F-48 Lohenstein F-50 Poets (miscellaneous) F-52 Böhme F-53 Klaj F-54 Zincgref F-55 Sigmund von Birken F-56 Weckerlin F-58 Spee F-60 Opitz F-62 Dach F-64 Fleming F-66 Logau F-68 Lauremberg F-69 Quirinus Kuhlmann F-70 Rachel F-72 Gerhardt F-74 Silesius F-76 Wernicke [G Eighteenth century (to c.1770)] G-0.06 Social life & institutions G-0.08 Collections of texts; anthologies G-0.31 History of literature G-0.32 Poetry G-0.33 Drama G-0.34 Narrative prose G-0.35 Foreign influences G-0.37 Criticism G-1 Prose writers (miscellaneous) G-2 Moralische Wochenschriften G-4 Gottsched G-6 Bodmer G-8 Breitinger G-10 Lessing G-12 Winckelmann G-16 Zimmermann G-18 Hamann 6 G-20 Dramatists (miscellaneous) G-22 J. Elias Schlegel G-24 Borkenstein G-26 Gerstenberg G-30 Poets (miscellaneous) G-32 Günther G-34 Brookes G-36 Drollinger G-38 Haller G-40 Zachariä G-42 Hagedorn G-44 Gellert G-45 Lichtwer G-46 Rabener G-48 Uz G-50 Ewald von Kleist G-52 Gleim G-54 Gessner G-56 A. L. Karschin G-58 Ramler G-60 Klopstock [H Late eighteenth century (c.1770-1800)] H-0.08 Collections of texts; anthologies H-0.19 Dictionaries H-0.3 Literature in general H-0.31 History of literature H-0.32 Poetry H-0.33 Drama H-0.34 Narrative prose H-0.35 Foreign influences H-1 Prose writers (miscellaneous) H-2 Nicolai H-3 Gerstenberg H-5 Wieland H-7 Herder H-9 Jung-Stilling H-11 F. H. Jacobi H-12 Johann August von Emsiedel H-13 Forster H-15 Lichtenberg H-17 Heinrich Meyer H-18 Justus Möser H-19 Amalie von Gallitzin H-20 Novelists (miscellaneous) H-22 Sophie von La Roche H-24 Miller H-26 Moritz H-28 Musaeus H-30 Heinse H-32 Klinger 7 H-40 Dramatists (miscellaneous) H-42 Ayrenhoff H-44 Leisewitz H-46 Lenz H-48 Wagner H-50 Gemmingen H-52 Iffland H-56 Maler Müller H-60 Poets (miscellaneous) H-62 Boie H-63 Gotter H-64 Hölty H-65 F. L. Stolberg H-66 Voss H-68 Bürger H-70 Claudius H-72 J. G. Jacobi H-74 Göckingk H-76 Matthisson H-78 Salis-Seewis H-82 Kosegarten H-84 Helwig-Imhoff H-86 Seume H-90 Goethe H-90.1 Complete works H-90.21 2 or more works H-90.22 Extracts H-90.23 Collected dramas H-90.24 Collected novels H-90.25 Collected poems H-90.26 Prose works Individual works: H-90.32 Clavigo H-90.34 Dichtung und Wahrheit H-90.36 Egmont H-90.37 Elpenor H-90.38 Faust H-90.4 Götz von Berlichingen H-90.42 Hermann und Dorothea H-90.44 Iphigenie auf Tauris H-90.45 Italienische Reise H-90.46 Joseph H-90.47 Mahomet H-90.48 Die Mitschuldigen H-90.5 Die natürliche Tochter H-90.51 Reineke Fuchs H-90.52 Römische Elegien H-90.54 Stella H-90.58 Torquato Tasso H-90.6 Werther H-90.62 West-östliche Divan H-90.64 Wahlverwandtschaften H-90.66 Wilhelm Meister 8 H-90.68 Xenien H-90.69 Other single works H-90.7 Märchen, Die Novelle H-90.71 Letters H-90.75 Conversations H-90.76 Drawings H-90.8 Books on Goethe H-90.82 Societies H-90.84 Biography H-90.85 Criticism H-90.88 Sources H-90.89 Bibliography H-90.91 Goetheana H-90.99 Influence H-95 Schiller H-95.11 Collected works, text H-95.13 Collected works, translation H-95.21 3 or more works H-95.22 Extracts H-95.23 Poems, collected H-95.3 Individual works (use 3 letters of titles) H-95.7 Letters H-95.8 Books on Schiller H-95.81 Periodicals H-95.84 Biography H-95.85 Criticism H-95.89 Language H-95.98 Allusions to Schiller [K Early nineteenth century (1800-1850)] K-0.08 Collections of texts; anthologies K-0.2 Language K-0.31 History of literature K-0.32 Poetry K-0.33 Drama K-0.34 Narrative prose K-0.35 Foreign influences K-0.37 Criticism K-1 Prose writers (miscellaneous) K-3 Wackenroder K-5 A.
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