QueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLI] (341) FRIDAY, 10 MARCH, 2006 0RYH\RXUKRPHORDQWRDQHZDGGUHVV :KHWKHU\RX¶UHEX\LQJDQHZ SURSHUW\RUUH¿QDQFLQJ\RX¶OOVDYH ZLWK&UHGLW8QLRQ$XVWUDOLD¶VORZ <HDU)L[HG5DWHDQGDZDUGZLQQLQJ ORDQIHDWXUHVÖ <HDU)L[HG5DWH SD &RPSDULVRQ5DWH SD &RQWDFW&8$'LUHFWRQ YLVLWDEUDQFK RUJRWRZZZFXDFRPDX Ö<RXU0RUWJDJH0DJD]LQH0RUWJDJHRIWKH<HDU$ZDUGVï5HYHUWVWRFXUUHQWVWDQGDUGYDULDEOHUDWHRQH[SLUDWLRQRIWKH¿[HGUDWHSHULRGð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ueenslandQueensland Government Government Gazette Gazette EXTRAORDINARY 2005PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLI] (341) WEDNESDAY, 8 MARCH, 2006 [No. 53 NOTIFICATION OF SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION Statutory Instruments Act 1992 Notice is given of the making of the subordinate legislation mentioned in Table 1 TABLE 1 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY NUMBER No. Subordinate Legislation Empowering Act 36 Wagering Amendment Rule (No. 1) 2006 Wagering Act 1998 304566—1 898 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 53 [8 March, 2006 TABLE 2 SUBORDINATE LEGISLATION BY EMPOWERING ACT This table shows affected subordinate legislation Empowering Act Subordinate Legislation No. Wagering Act 1998 Wagering Rule 1999 • amd by Wagering Amendment Rule (No. 1) 2006. 36 Copies of the subordinate legislation can be obtained at— Goprint Publications and Retail . Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 371 Vulture Street Woolloongabba Qld 4102 . .Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected] A mail service is available from— Goprint Publications and Retail . Telephone: (07) 3246 3399 Locked Bag 500 Coorparoo DC, Qld 4151 . .Facsimile: (07) 3246 3534 email: [email protected] © The State of Queensland 2006. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications, Locked Bag 500, Coorparoo, DC, Q, 4151. BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 8 March, 2006 304566 [899] QueenslandQueensland GovernmentGovernment Gazette Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLI (341) FRIDAY, 10 MARCH, 2006 [No. 54 Local Government Act 1993 BOWEN SHIRE COUNCIL (MAKING OF LOCAL LAW) NOTICE (No. 1) 2006 Title 1. This notice may be cited as the Bowen Shire Council (Making of Local Law) Notice (No. 1) 2006. Commencement 2. This notice commences on the date it is published in the Gazette. Making of local law 3. Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993, Bowen Shire Council made Entertainment Venues (Amendment) Local Law (No. 1) 2006, by resolution on 25 January 2006, that amends Local Law No. 9 (Entertainment Venues). Inspection 4. A certified copy of the local law is open to inspection at the local government's public office and at the Department's State office. ENDNOTES 1. Published in the Gazette on 10 March 2006. 2. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 3. The administering agency is the Queensland Department of Local Government, Planning, Sport and Recreation. Local Government Act 1993 WAMBO SHIRE COUNCIL The Wambo Shire Council made Subordinate Local Law No. 5 (Meetings) 2006 by resolution dated 02/03/06. A certified copy of the Subordinate Local Law is available for inspection at the Council’s public office at 26 Wood Street, Dalby and may be purchased at a cost of $2.00. Lee R. Vohland CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 303922 900 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 54 [10 March, 2006 Cardwell Shire Council Integrated Planning Act 1997 ADOPTION OF TEMPORARY LOCAL PLANNING INSTRUMENT 01/05 – POPULATION DENSITIES Notice is given under the Integrated Planning Act 1997 Schedule 2, that on the 2nd March 2006, Cardwell Shire Council adopted Temporary Local Planning Instrument 01/05 – Population Densities. The purpose and general effect of the Temporary Local Planning Instrument is to allow Council greater control over the location and density of dwelling unit development and also the reconfiguration of land in the Conservation Zone. The Temporary Local Planning Instrument applies to land included in the Conservation zone, Tully Township zone, Mission Beach Coastal zone, Tully Heads and Hull Heads zone and Cardwell Township zone as identified in the Planning Scheme for Cardwell Shire. The Temporary Local Planning Instrument will take effect from Friday 10th March 2006 and will cease to have effect on the 10th March 2007. Copies of the Temporary Local Planning Instrument are available from Cardwell Shire Council Planning Services, located at the Civic Chambers, 38 - 40 Bryant Street, Tully, or telephone 40439101. PO BOX 401 MARK KELLEHER TULLY QLD 4854 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER CARDWELL SHIRE COUNCIL © The State of Queensland 2006. Copyright protects this publication. Except for purposes permitted by the Copyright Act, reproduction by whatever means is prohibited without the prior written permission of SDS Publications. Inquiries should be addressed to SDS Publications 371 Vulture Street, Woolloongabba, 4102. —————— BRISBANE Printed by Government Printer, Vulture Street, Woolloongabba 10 March, 2006 [901] Queensland Government Gazette PP 451207100087 PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ISSN 0155-9370 Vol. CCCXLI (341) FRIDAY, 10 MARCH, 2006 [No. 55 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 989) 2006 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Taking of Land Notice (No. 989) 2006. Land to be taken [s .9(7) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. The land described in the Schedule is taken for the purpose of transport, in particular, road purposes as from 10 March 2006 and vests in the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, for an estate in fee simple. SCHEDULE Land Taken County of Elphinstone, Parish of Stuart - an area of about 7335 square metres being part of Lot 1 on RP711920 contained in Title Reference: 20539210. County of Elphinstone, Parish of Stuart - an area of about 28.04 hectares (including about 2718 square metres being part of Easement A on RP711921, about 1.37 hectares being part of Easement K on RP800678, about 750 square metres being part of Easement B on RP723114 and about 1.03 hectares being part of Easement J on RP800678) being part of Lot 1 on Crown Plan EP930 contained in Title Reference: 20695132. County of Elphinstone, Parish of Stuart - an area of about 1.329 hectares (including about 1010 square metres being part of Easement S on RP721468) being part of Lot 2 on RP717218 contained in Title Reference: 20582094. As shown approximately on Plans R9-438 and R9-439 held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Townsville City Stuart Bypass (Flinders Highway – Bruce Highway) 775/274; 1008 ENDNOTES 1. Made by the Governor in Council on 9 March 2006. 2. Published in the Gazette on 10 March 2006. 3. Not required to be laid before the Legislative Assembly. 4. The administering agency is the Department of Main Roads. 303921—1 902 QUEENSLAND GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, No. 55 [10 March, 2006 Acquisition of Land Act 1967 Transport Planning and Coordination Act 1994 Transport Infrastructure Act 1994 AMENDING TAKING OF LAND NOTICE (No. 990) 2006 Short title 1. This notice may be cited as the Amending Taking of Land Notice (No. 990) 2006. Amendment of Land to be taken [s. 11(1) of the Acquisition of Land Act 1967] 2. Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 777) 2004 dated 11 March 2004 and published in the Gazette of 12 March 2004 at pages 897 and 898 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland, is amended as described in the Schedule. SCHEDULE Amend Schedule to the Taking of Land Notice (No. 777) 2004 dated 11 March 2004 and published in the Gazette of 12 March 2004 at pages 897 and 898 relating to the taking of land by the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, as constructing authority for the State of Queensland as follows - Omit - “County of Canning, Parish of Kilcoy - an area of about 811.7 square metres being part of Lot 338 on Crown Plan CG1843 contained in Title Reference: 13787054. County of Canning, Parish of Kilcoy - an area of about 1509 square metres being part of Lot 339 on Crown Plan CG319 contained in Title Reference: 15000015. As shown approximately on Plan R2-877(B) held in the office of the Chief Executive, Department of Main Roads, Brisbane. Kilcoy Shire D'Aguilar Highway (Caboolture - Kilcoy) R2-877(B) 510/3688; 775/365, 366” Insert - “County of Canning, Parish of Kilcoy - an area of 814 square metres being Lot 8 on SP169485 (being a plan to be registered in Queensland Land Registry, Department of Natural Resources and Mines), being part of the land contained in Title Reference: 13787054. County of Canning, Parish
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