CASS C ITY CHRONICLE.... ",~' " "1,~,~ ,,I ..... VOLUME 35, NUMBER 23. CASS CITY, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1940. EIGHT PAGES. Public Schools Will Married in Knapp Home Thursday Miss Auslander and ITw0 Ma D ,¢ , iDolan Sweeney a .d Chas. Osontoske Wed[.I /Mms Garety to Marryyi52 Head of Live Open Here on Miss MarieAuslande !mT.s !a H vO [ ...... + ........................../ +of James Garety, of Cass City and Next Wednesday Charles Osor~tosker of Sheridan, sono: Candidates Oo:n :onJas. o: Sweeney,=d of of Mrs. Thomas Osontoske, Satur- Ubly will be mar- D t 0it Exhibit day morning at 11:00 at a cere- 4H mony performed in the rectory of ried at 8:30 a. m. Six New Instructors Saturday, August Fr. E. R. Worm of Sheridan. Primary Tickets Show 35 on Teaching Staff Miss Auslander wore a street 31, in St. Columb- Members of County Clubs length dress of navy blue and Democrats and 36 Repub- kill Catholic Which Numbers 23. white rayon faille with a corsage Church at Sheri- i Plan Extensive Showing of snapdragons and baby breath. licans in Primary Race. dan. Rev. Ft. John Miss Dorothy Orloski of Cass McCullough of at Michigan State Fair. City was the bridesmaid and wore Gagetown will of- Cass City Public Schools will They will a street leng~th dress of black and If you vote a Republican bhllot ficiate. open the autumn term on Wednes- Miss Garety be attended by Members of the 4-H clubs of day, September 4, when students white checked wool and also wore in Tuscola County on September a corsage of snapdragons and baby Miss Dorothy Car- Tuscola County will exhibit 41 head will enroll, commencing at nine 10, you may choose from 36 candi- ety, sister of the bride, of Cass breath. dates to place nominees of your of cattle, 11 sheep , and two fat o'clock in the morning. The eight City and Neff Sweeney, brother of hogs at the Michigan State Fair school busses transporting rural Henry Austin of Detroit attend- party in 15 national, state and ed his brother. the groom, of Ubly. the coming week. students will make their return county positions. If you decide to The following are the 4-H live trips at 11:00 a. m. that day. Saturday night a reception was vote a Democratic ticket in ,the given )for the couple at the groom's stock entries from this county: Students who enrolled last spring primary election on that date, you Guernseys--Robt. Bush, Care; need not report until Thursday, home with abo~t 75 guests present. have 35 candidates seeking the Many lovely gifts were received. Seven Autos Crash, James Russell, Fairgrove. Sel~tember 5. Classes start that nominations for the 15 offices. Jerseys--Robt. Phillips, King- morning in grades and high school A shower honoring the bride will Four offices have but one candi- be given at the home of the bride's ston; Margaret Chatters, Milling- at 8:40 o'clock. date for each position on the Dem- ton; Edgar Mantey, Fairgrove. The following is the list of in- mother on Friday, August 30. ocratic ,ticket and their nora/nation Two Drivers Fined, The couple will reside at the Holstein-Friesian--J. D. Montei, structors for the coming year: is practically assured because of Fairgrove; Stuart Merchaa`t, Cass J. I. Niergarth, superintendent. home of Mrs. Thomas Os0ntoske no opposition. On the Republican on her farm in Grant Township. City; Allen Rohlfs, Fairgrove; Ma- Willis Campbell~ principal and ticket, it looks as though six are Three Are Injured rion Horst, Akron; Ralph Cramer, agriculture. as good as nora/hated for each Fairgrove; Francis Kirk, Fair- man is without a contestant for Verda Zusehnitt, commerce. grove; Harold Lane, Vassar; Orion Cardew, industrial arts. the place he seeks on the Novem- ber ballot. Series of Accidents Cause Keith Brady, Unionville; Devere Arthur Holmberg, science. Much Interest Rob]f s, Fairgrove. Daniel KrolI, literature and Republican Ticket. Traffic Tie-up near Ayshires -- Donald Harrington, speech. Republicans seeking the nomi- !Akron; Glenn Harringt0n, Akron; J. Wesley Dunn, mathematics. Shown in W. S. C. nations of their party at the pri- Millington Saturday Night Donald Harrington, Akron; Clare Lester Ross, government and mary on September 10 include the .......... Harrington, Akron; Brown Swiss, coach. following: Foster Parrent, Reese. Charles Keen, •music. U. S. Senator--Bower R. Cover, When seven automobiles crashed i Shorthorns--Donald Doerr, Don Verna Bmley, home economies. F0wer Show Saturday night at ten o'clo0k, on' Arthur H. Vandenberg. Koepfgen, Frances Koepfgen, all of Edith Carlin, history and French. Governor--Ernest T. Conlon, M-15, 1% miles sou,th of Milling- Cass City. Turn ,to page 5, please. Luren D. Dickinson, Miller Dunckel, ton, in a series of accidents, two Herefords--Leslie Smith, Stan- cars were completely wrecked, two MRS. CLARK W. MacKENZIE. Ten Prizes Awarded to Melville B. McPherson, Th6mas ley VanVliet, Karl Kolb, Lowell Read, Charles Renaud, O. L. Smith. drivers were arrested on drunken Sickler, Bruce Stine, Ka`thleen Mrs. Russell E. Gardner, widow The bride was a,ttfred the Best Exhibits in the Lieutenant Governor--Horace T. charges, three persons received iSmith, all of Cass City. in a navy injuries and the sheriff's depart- Three Thumb of the late a~tomobile manufactu- blue .tailored suit with which she 48 Entries on Tuesday. Barnaby, Elton R. Eaton, Felix H. Aberdeen Angus--Norrine Good- rer of St. Louis, Missouri, and wore a corsage of white orchids, H. Flynn, R. N. Holsaple, Eugene ment :spent more than two hours ,all; Dane Guisbert, Ray McGrath, Clark W. MacKenzie of Kalamazoo, and Miss Margaret MacKenzie and C. Keyes, Arthur F. Moore, George in having the wreckage cleared up Dale Kettlewell, all of Cass City. were united in marriage in a cere- Gordon Blair MacKenzie, daughter W. Schudlich, James F. Thompson, and the highway opened `to normal Fat S`teers--Frances Koepfgen, Persons Fatally The annual flower show under traffic. mony read at noon Thursday at and son of ,the bridegroom, at- Arthur E. Wood. Don Koepfgen, Robert Mathews, the home of Mr. MacKenzie's broth- tended the couple. the auspices of the Cass City Representative in Congress~J. It started when a car, driven by Gone Muck, Kathleen Smith, Ste- Woman's Study Club was held Tues- or-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. wedding Turn `to page 5, please. William Price of Mayville travel- phen Dodge, Lewis Profit, Norrine Injured'Crashesm Following a trip, Mr. day, August 27, at the D. ~A. Krug ling north, crashed into the rear Alfred J. Knapp, Cass City. The and Mrs." MacKenzie will make Goodall and Bruce Stine, all of Rev. Wendling Hastings, Presby- their home in Kalamazoo. store. The associate mem~bers o;f of an automobile, driven by Wil- Cass City. 2 the club were the committee in terian Church, officiated in the Mrs. MacKenzie made her home Local Shorthorn liam Buckle of Vassar. The Price Turn to page 5, please. charge. Judges were Mrs. R. A. Two Auto Mishaps !presence of Mr. MacKenize's im- in St. Louis, Missouri, until 10 car went 380 feet aftr .the impact ;mediate family. Turn to page 4, please. McNamee, Miss Eleanor Bigelow Breeder to Exhibit and stopped in a corn field on the Claim Lives of Sebewaing and Miss Ruth Schenck. west side of the road. The Buckle The list of classes and winners at the State Fair car was ,turned over on the east and Care Residents. are: side of the road. Both cars were Seven to Represent Auto Mishap Claims Best table arrangeme~`t, Mrs. completely wrecked and William Albert Cregaer. Mack Little of Cass City, well Cass City Scouts known breeder of purebred Polled Pric~, 22, was arrested on a charge Mrs. Richard Sage, 63, of Rural Second Victim Best basket~,~ Mrs. Ben Schweg- of driving' while intoxicated. He Tuscola in 4-tl Route 7, Care, died in the General ler. Shorthorns, is planning to show several head of his cattle at next paid a $50 fine and $14.55 costs in Hospital at Midland at seven Joseph Kaminskas, 71, of south Best arrangement of flowers in Won Swimming week's Michigan State justice court,. oMock Monday morning of a frac- of Care, died Thursday evening, most unique container, Miss Fern FMr at Detroit, according to H. B. Kelly, Charles Risdon of Mililngton, Contest Program tured skull suffered in a head-on August 22, at Care Community Schwegler. driving north, hit the Buckles car, collision on U S-10, two miles north Hospital of injuries suffered in an Men's best arrangement of director of livestock at the fair. • The Polled Shorthorn competition Harold Bennett of Flint hit .the of Freeland at 4:30 p. m. Sunday. automobile accident August 20 at Meet Here Tuesday flowers, Albert Creguer. Risdon automobile and William J. Eight other persons were in- a highway intersection eight miles Child's (12 to 16 years) best this year is relatively small, says County Livestock Judging Mr. Kelly, for only one other herd Walkardine's car hit the Bennett jured in the collision which in- west of Kingston. arrangement, Katherine Price. auto• volved cars driven by Milford Sage, His was the ,second death re- Best display o~ gladioli, Mrs. B. will be ishown, that of F. E. Shep- Team Scores Highest in Defeated Troup Seven of ard of Olivet. After this has occurred, Vern 41, of Carrolton, son of the victim, sulting from the accident. The Schwegler. Mills of Millington neared the 21 Groups Represented. and James Stephens of Toronto. other was that of Michael York, t~a~y City, 25-14, Before Best display of dahlias, R.
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