WHR/WHRH and WHRE WASTE HANDLING SUMP PUMPS Installation and Servicing Instructions for Myers WHR/WHRH and WHRE Submersible Sump Pumps Single & Three Phase Power Single & Double Seal SINGLE SEAL PUMPS DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS 23833A201 (Rev. 9/08) TYPICAL SECTIONAL DRAWINGS FOR WHR/WHRH AND WHRE SINGLE AND DOUBLE SEAL WASTE HANDLING PUMPS SINGLE SEAL DOUBLE SEAL FIG. 1 FIG. 2 WHR WHR-DS WHR-SD L/D WHRH WHRH-DS WHRH-DS L/D WHRE WHRE-DS WHRE-DS L/D 23833A201 2 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND USES Simplex single phase pumps can be made The WHR and WHRH Series are solids handling automatic by attaching MFLC or MLC controls pumps that can be used to pump RAW SEWAGE to pump. These switches have a fixed draw off for COMMERCIAL and DOMESTIC use, but are level of 8 to 10” and can be used up to 1 H.P. For not intended to handle large rags, mop heads, or higher H.P. ratings two mercury switch (or SMNO) strings. All pumps can be used for normal sump controls with a magnetic starter can be used. duty where extra capacity is required. The ALC and AWS-1 controls can be used for The WHRE Series is for pumping sump water simplex single phase pumps with ratings up to 2 and EFFLUENT from septic tanks only. DO NOT H.P. USE FOR RAW SEWAGE. All duplex systems must use pilot mercury RECESSED IMPELLERS control sensor switches with control box and All of the pumps are of the recessed impeller magnetic starters. type that provides a clear volute passage for solids as no solids pass through the impeller. Plug in cords can be used on all the single phase All of the pumps listed can be used to pump pumps without seal leak detector. The cord septic tank EFFLUENT or GROUND sewage as has a GROUND pin that plugs into a grounded used in some pressure sewer systems. receptacle. The grounded receptacle cannot be used in the wet sump or basin due to DANGER DESIGN OF PRESSURE SEWER SYSTEMS of current leakage. MYERS has available complete computer Sealed junction boxes must be used in wet sumps SOFTWARE for designing PRESSURE SEWER or basins to make connections to motor cord. The SYSTEMS. This gives pipe sizes to use and gives AWS-1 control also acts as a sealed junction box exact flow from any pump or group of pumps in for connecting power cord to pump cord. the system when operating simultaneously. This design DISK for IBM or COMPATIBLE SAFETY WARNING computers is available to engineers on request. All pumps single or three phase must have a GROUND WIRE that is connected to a screw DOUBLE SEAL PUMPS in the metal pump housing. This wire goes to All double seal models have two seals with an oil the control box and is connected to a good chamber between the seals so that seal faces of outside GROUND such as a metal water pipe or both lower and upper seals are oil lubricated for GROUND STAKE driven at least 6 feet into the longer life and greater protection against water ground. leaking into the motor windings. These double seal units are made with and without a seal leak MOTOR TYPES probe. The leak probe in the oil seal chamber All single phase pump motors are of the detects any water leakage into the chamber and permanent split capacitor type that do not turns on a red signal light in the control panel. require a start switch or start relay. Pumps should be removed from sump and seals Automatic reset overload switches are attached replaced after seal light shows in the panel. directly to the motor windings. Control panels must be used for pumps having Three phase pump motors require a magnetic the seal leak probe. starter with 3 leg overload protection. Double seal pumps without the seal leak probe, should be pulled and seal leak checked in 12 to INSTALLATION 18 months. Pumps can be installed inside sealed basin with proper venting for either simplex or duplex LEVEL CONTROLS systems. SIMPLEX or DUPLEX basin systems All pumps must use sealed level control switches are available. See Figs. 3 and 4. for automatic operation. MLC and MFLC controls It is not recommended that basins be used for have sealed mercury switches that are 1 H.P. RAW SEWAGE inside the home, but are for use rated at 230 volts. ALC and AWS-1 controls have in office buildings and small industrial buildings sealed mechanical switches that are rated 2 H.P. and factories. at 230 volts. 3 23833A201 PUMP CORD PLUGS INTO SERIES SWITCH CORD FOR AUTOMATIC OPERATION 3” VENT PIPE GATE VALVE DISCHARGE PIPE MYERS FREE FLOW CHECK VALVE MLC or MFLC LEVEL CONTROL “O” RING SEAL INLET WITH SERIES PLUG FLANGE FOR 41/2” O.D. PLASTIC PIPE FIBERGLASS BASIN SIMPLEX SYSTEM WITH ALC LEVEL CONTROLS. WHR – WHRH – WHRE SEWAGE PUMP 1/2-3/4-1-2 HP FIG. 3 SINGLE PHASE 35” SEPARATE 2” DISCHARGE SPLIT RUBBER PIPE CAN BE RUN FROM SEAL BUSHING EACH PUMP IF DESIRED PUMP CORD PUMP 2 10” PUMP 1 3”– 45º TEE LEVEL CONTROL CORD CAST IRON PUMP COVER SEALS WITH RUBBER GASKET OPTIONAL ALARM CORD STEEL BASIN COVER EPOXY COATED. SEALED TO BASIN WITH CAULKING COMPOUND NEMA 1 DUPLEX CONTROL BOX 3” VENT PIPE 2” PUMP PIPING, CAN BE 3” IF 2” GATE VALVE REQUIRED 11/2” CONDUIT 3” DISCHARGE BUSHING PIPE 11/2” CONDUIT NOT MORE THAN 14” THAN MORE NOT 10” CV-200 CHECK VALVE DUPLEX SYSTEM WITH MERCURY FLOAT OR HEIGHT TO SUIT TO OVERRIDE CONTROL SMNO CONTROLS AND START CONTROL 36” “O” RING SEAL INLET FLANGE FOR 41/2” O.D. REMOTE CONTROL BOX. PLASTIC PIPE WASTE HANDLING PUMPS FIG. 4 OPTIONAL ALARM CONTROL STOP CONTROL 30” DIA. x 36” DEEP FIBERGLASS BASIN 23833A201 4 Basins can be used inside the home where extra AIR LOCKING capacity sump pumps are required for water A sump pump is said to be air locked if water traps in the pump and softeners and wash water. it cannot get out, thus preventing pump from operating. ALL MYERS SUMP PUMPS HAVE A SMALL AIR VENT HOLE IN If raw sewage must be pumped in the home use THE IMPELLER CHAMBER TO LET OUT TRAPPED AIR. IF THIS outside basins that connect with pressure sewer HOLE BECOMES PLUGGED, PUMP MAY AIR LOCK. THIS mains or gravity sewers, or run to septic tanks. USUALLY HAPPENS ON PUMPS THAT ARE USED MAINLY IN THE SEASONS. IN SUMMER MONTHS, THE PUMP MAY BE TURNED If an inside basin is used it is usually installed at OFF AS SUMP WATER DRIED UP. WHEN PUMP IS TURNED ON time of pouring the concrete floor. AGAIN AND WATER COMES UP IN SUMP, THE AIR WILL TRAP IN PUMP IF NOT VENTED. Pumps can be installed in a compartment of septic AS A SECONDARY PRECAUTION IN INSTALLATIONS OF THIS tanks for pumping to pressure sewer mains, gravity TYPE – 1/8” HOLE SHOULD BE DRILLED IN THE DISCHARGE PIPE sewers, leach fields, or evaporation mounds. See BELOW THE CHECK VALVE. THE CHECK VALVE SHOULD BE 12 TO 18 INCHES ABOVE PUMP DISCHARGE. DO NOT PUT CHECK Figs. 5, 6 and 7. VALVE DIRECTLY INTO PUMP DISCHARGE OPENING. In normal sumps where the pump is operating daily, air locking PROPER VENTING FOR BASINS rarely occurs. INSTALLED INSIDE All inside sealed basins must have a 2” or 3” vent 2. With 2 “mercury” controls turn on power at the pipe installed in accordance with local codes. control box and run water into sump. When level Sumps for handling softener water, wash or gets above top control pump should start and drainage water do not have to be sealed or vented. continue to pump until level drops to lower con- Outside basins are usually of fiberglass and from trol stopping pump. Run pump through several 4 to 8 feet deep and have a sealed cover. Pump cycles. If pump runs but does not pump, check is usually installed with a lift out rail system so air lock as in 1. Leave power on for automatic that pump can be removed without disturbing the operation. discharge piping. The check valve comes out with 3. Where ALCL or AWS-1 controls are used plug pump for servicing. Complete LIFT OUT SYSTEMS in cord or turn on power and run water into mounted in fiberglass basins are available to meet sump, when level is about half way up on upper customer’s specifications. weight pump should start and run until level WARNING: Sump basin must be vented in accord- drops until about half the lower weight is above ance with local plumbing codes. These pumps water, stopping pump. Check 1, if pump does are not designed for and CANNOT be installed in not operate properly. For all cases if motor does locations classified as hazardous in accordance not start when water level is up check for proper with the National Electric Code ANSI/NFPA 70. plug in or that start switch is on, or if fuse is blown. ALWAYS HAVE ELECTRICTIAN MAKE PIPING ELECTRICAL CHECKS. Pumps are fitted with 2” or 3” female threaded pipe flange. Galvanized or PVC plastic pipe can be STARTING PUMP “WHE-P” (AUTOMATIC) used. Plastic pipe is preferred for raw sewage or USING MECHANICAL SWITCH WITH septic tank effluent. SERIES PLUG-SIMPLEX SYSTEM 1. These pumps have a mechanical (mercury-free) CHECK VALVES AND SHUT-OFF VALVES float switch with a 20 ft. cord and 115 volt or 230 All pumps must have check valves and shut-off volt series piggy-back plug on ½ H.P.
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