"Farmers S eak, Out" Program Slated For Tuesday 'policymakers in our nation's capital managers or the four local coopera· rather an attempt to find solutions The " farmers Speak Out " program will hear the facts about conditions in tives in the Abernathy area. have acceptable to a majority of the in· "til he a two-stage hlitz In addition to agriculture directly from farmers who indicated that fifty lines will be teresL~ represented in our government. the telephone calls, there will be a telephone them May II in a "Famers available from 9 a.m to 9 p.m .. CDT. by discussing these too-long ignored wntten survey of farm opinion This. Speak Out " program. so that anyone wanting to express an problems with officials ci all back· sur\, ey wtll measure the seriousness of Orga nized through the Agriculture opinion on agricultural issues can ca ll grounds··rural. suburba n or urban cond itIOns on t.; S farms and will ask Counci l of America I ACA ) with a 1·!lOU -368-5769. The telephone lines will be set up in a farmers their views on actions they grant from Farmland Industries. Inc .• The purpose of the " farmers Speak room in the Ca nnon House Office feel can be taken to improve the farm farmers. ranchers. farm business Out " program is to dramatize to the Building where members of Congress, economy operators and anyone else will have Washington audience the depth of their aides, officials of the U.S. Depart· Filrmers wanting to fill out a survey the opportunity to call lawmakers and larmers' and ranchers' difficulties­ ment of Agriculture. officials of other ca n stop by anyone of the rour local other orficials in Washington. D.C. on and . as Importantly , to try to stimu· ~~xec utlve Branch . departments and cooperati ves in the Abernathy area toll· free telephone lines. la te a broader discussion of feasible representatives of . independent agen· and p,ck up a copy . I See advertise· S W ' Dub l Hoyal. Leland Phillips. remedies It is not an attack on the cles with economic responsibilities will ment elsewhere in this issue or the Ikl' Bennett and Ted Major. general administration or anyone else. but take the calls. Review for further information I \ 'OL UME 61 .' '!I~:; 1 Sen'illK lIale, Lubbock Countil's 1 Tilt 1l~1I" . \1 \ Y 'i. i ~ I X~ \:.S.P.S. NO. 003-340 " HEtLO WASHINGTON. D.C." Speck Cox. a local farmer. may be one of the area farmers that participates in the " farmers Speak Out" program May II . Everyone in this area will have a chance to call the nation's capital on toll·free telephone lines that day. Lawmakers and officials in Washington wi ll answer any questions the public might have on this day over t.he telephone. I Review Photo I School Board Accepts Resignations, Insurance The Abernathv School Board met for Abernathy to insure the school for President, Lorin Prather·Vice·Presi· even the eleventh and twelfth grades if Lions MS Golf Tourne,' Sat, urda~ ' their May meeting !\Ionday night at B S5 .21 7 .39'2 Coverage was increased dent. Bud ROOdes·Secretary and necessary. The test has to be taken pm and accepted three resignations over 5600 thousand for school facilities Thomas Pettit·Vice·Secretary. until it is mastered. Thl! Abernathy l.lons Cluh will spon· "ear the tourney raised sruo ror thiS and a n insurance bid. that were added this past year. Last years test results revealed that ,;or a ~o lr tournament (or 'ullJple cause Hefdre the meeting. Lonnie and Hubbard submitted the low bid of Other Business Abernathy students were having the Se ll'rosls 10 be held at the Abernathv Prizes. donated by businesses a nd {) ' Ana Howard gave a presentation on SI5.682 for a one year policy . Richard The board accepted 32 transfer most trouble with mathematics, main· Cou ntr~ Club Salurd:J) . \la) 8 at 8 30 JIldl\,duals, ",Ii be a\\arded to \I lOners " f,;mbrvo Transfer In Beef Cattle" DuBose Insurance posted a bid of students : 7 from Cotton Center. 18 Iy finance and fraction type problems. am and partiCipants The pnle; that aren't which t·hey ",11 present III competition 516.582 and R.S. Wilkinson Assoc iates from New Deal. 2 from Hale Center, I The board then set a public hearing ,\11 pro('l'l'ci-, rrom the tournament glH' n "III he auctioned off (ollowlng later this month <i Lubbock. a bid of 515.850 . Hubha rd rrom Idalou and 4' from Petersburg. for June 7 at the school board meeting will 1(0 to Mult lpl(' Sc lerOSIS Last Ihe tuurnament Twenty Junior High Sc hool student and DuBose .... ere present at the m~t· i\ lany or these students are presently for those who wish to see the results of council members from the 6th. 7th and mg to answer que;tions rrom the at tending Abernathy Schools. this years TABS test. 8th grades ~~re pre;ent to see how a board Baseball WE,\TlIEIt David Ratcliff gave a presentation school board meeting operates. They The board went with the one year and report on the Texas Assessment of The board approved a personnel . \pril · :\la~ lIiKh 1.0" Main "ere accompanied by teachers GlOger policy rather than a three year pOlic y . evaluation form. These forms will be Tr)'outs 28 70 5-1 17 Basic Skills I TABS ) test. Ratcliff H('("dy and Lorine Billingsley. Seven In hopes that interest rates will go used to evaluate the performance of 2~ 71 4 8 :\i explained that students are te;ted in other' people were also present. do .... n by next yea r. Abernathy teachers. 30 i1 4!i three main areas, reading writing and Saturda~' U' The board met 10 executive session 'The three new board members took Enrollment is at 962 which is down 57 50 1 vO math Students are tested in the third, Due to last . a turday's rain. clean· iI nd accepted the resignation of tennis the oa th or office. Gale Davis, Robert firt h. ninth and tenth grades and now from last month. 65 50 O ~ coach Lo" ell Anderson. elementary Pope and Speck Cox took the places of up (or both ball IXlrk~ will he at 9 00 6Y 5-1 .U6 leache r Irene Walker and high school am &1 tunhlY, May H DaVid Pinson, Jerry Oswalt a nd Bob Pre-Redistration 75 55 English teacher Cynthia Robinson. Of Kindergarten TryouLS (or I () . 11 12 year olds "III Riley . e 1 69 An Insurance bid .... as accepted by Officers were then elected to the he at 2 P III a t the hill ballpark the board with Hubbard Insurance of board They are: Richard Howard. And Pre-Kindergarten Students . Abernathy Elementary School will immunization record. It is important to pre-register kindergarten and pre-kin­ bring your child with you becallSe the Burglaries Head Pollee dergarten. t 4 year old migrant) • . '"speech therapist will be sC~niilg · stude~ts for the J 982 -83 school year children's speech and hearing. have taken place recently and a large Several regional burglaries were burglary arre;ts. I probation revoca· The April police report for Aber­ Wednesday. May 12 . Pre· registration The school nurse will be available to number of arrests "'ere made during cleared up recently when a man was tion. 1 criminal trespassing. I evadmg nathy revealed lhat several. buralariel will be held in the elementary build· answer qu~tions about the immuni· the.onth, according !D Police Chief oicked·up in Abernathy Lonnie Da le arrest and 2 re;isting arrest. Some of ing from 9: 30 to 3 p.m . zations required to enter school. Amy Raymond :"\aron \\ at/e) . 1B .- or Elk Ci ty. Oklahoma has the people in the arrests listed above ' been linked Lo several burglaries in the ..... ere arrested for multiple charges. Everyone should bring an official Garcia will also be on hand to answer birth certificate. ( not a hospital record -questions concerning the Migrant flurglarin panhandle He was arrested in Aber· Officers Taffy !l;aron and Johnny or baptismal certificate). and an Program and to translate. The largest burglary or the month nathy Aprll:!l . "'aron salf1 Clayton arrested a white male, 24, for took pl ace at Joe Thompson Imple· According to ~aron . Watley is want· ptlblic intoxicatien. disorderly conduct. ment the weekend of April 17 and t H ed ror thefts in Amarillo, PlainView. resisting arre;t and trespassing on Ca nyon and Hereford. The .Ca nyon In thiS burglary. eq.Jlpment val u ~>d a t private property. The incident occur· Police Department had contacted S 2 .0 ~0 was taken from the John Oeere red near Abernathv Meat Products warehouse. ~aron said :\aron and asked that he arrest when a man driving' a pickup attemp· Watley The burglars enlered the warehouse ted to cross the railroad tracks at the by ripping out a portion or the meta I wrong place a nd his pickup high wall Arter entering. they took 30 ·five Arrf'liIS centered on the tracks, Naron said. pilon cans of hydrolic Oll. 25 casCti of Ouring the month of April. 62 arrests In another incident. Officer Taffy John Deere Motor oil , one John Deere "ere made by the Abernathy Police ~aron arre;ted Lupe Reyes, Jr .. a 20 qui ck coupler and two AM ·FM radiOl> Oepartment, :"aron said year old Mexican American male All the equipment taken was valued at ArresLS were as rollows : I DWI wanted by the Hale County Probation $2 .0 40.
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