Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía ISSN: 0717-3326 [email protected] Universidad de Valparaíso Chile Díaz-Asencio, Lisbet; Armenteros, Maickel; Díaz-Asencio, Misael; Fernández-Garcés, Raúl; Gómez- Batista, Miguel; Alonso-Hernández, Carlos Spatial and temporal variations of meiofaunal communities in Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, vol. 44, núm. 1, abril, 2009, pp. 13-22 Universidad de Valparaíso Viña del Mar, Chile Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=47911450002 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 44(1): 13-22, abril de 2009 Spatial and temporal variations of meiofaunal communities in Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba Variaciones espaciales y temporales de las comunidades de la meiofauna en la bahía de Cienfuegos, Cuba Lisbet Díaz-Asencio1, Maickel Armenteros2, Misael Díaz-Asencio1, Raúl Fernández-Garcés1, Miguel Gómez-Batista1 and Carlos Alonso-Hernández1 1Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Cienfuegos, Carretera a Castillo de Jagua Km 1.5, Ciudad Nuclear, Cienfuegos, Cuba 2Centro de Investigaciones Marinas, Universidad de la Habana, 16 # 114, Playa, Ciudad Habana, Cuba [email protected] Resumen.- Se estudió la estructura de la comunidad de la Abstract.- The community structure of meiofauna was meiofauna en 16 estaciones submareales y en cuatro meses, en studied in 16 subtidal sampling stations and in four months in la bahía de Cienfuegos, Cuba, para describir sus patrones de Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba for describing their patterns of distribución así como sus posibles causas. Los contenidos de distribution, as well as their possible causes. Silt/clay (S/C) limo/arcilla (S/C) y materia orgánica (OM) en los sedimentos and organic matter (OM) contents in sediment were positively estuvieron positivamente correlacionados y sus cambios se relacionaron con la variación espacial del ambiente correlated, and their changes were related to spatial variation sedimentario a través de las estaciones. El restringido intervalo of sedimentary environment across stations. The narrow range de salinidad intersticial sugiere un efecto pequeño sobre la of interstitial salinity suggests a slight effect on meiofauna even meiofauna aún cuando ocurrieron cambios en la salinidad when changes of surficial salinity occurred. Density and number superficial. La densidad y el número de taxa cambiaron entre of taxa changed among dry and wet seasons plausibly as a la estaciones seca y húmeda como respuesta a las condiciones response to hypoxic conditions due to water stratification in hipóxicas causadas por la estratificación del agua en la estación the wet season. Negative relationships were recorded among húmeda. Se determinaron relaciones negativas entre los S/C and OM with meiofaunal densities possibly due to contenidos de limo/arcilla y materia orgánica con las densidades restrictive effects of accumulation and oxidation of organic de la meiofauna, debido posiblemente a los efectos restrictivos causados por la acumulación y oxidación de la materia orgánica. matter. Physical disturbance appears to be a main process El disturbio físico parece ser un proceso principal que afecta a affecting meiofauna in some shallow stations subjected to strong la meiofauna en algunas estaciones someras sujetas a fuerte waving and tidal currents. No any single ecological factor oleaje y corrientes de marea. Ningún factor ecológico por sí explains the large spatial variability of meiofaunal communities solo explica la gran variabilidad espacial de las comunidades in the whole bay; a combination of several processes like de la meiofauna en la bahía; probablemente una combinación distribution of primary production, stratification/mixing of the de varios procesos como la distribución de la producción water column and physical disturbance probably is occurring primaria, la estratificación/mezcla de la columna de agua y el in the bay. disturbio físico está ocurriendo en la bahía. Key words: Spatial patterns, community structure, Caribbean Palabras clave: Patrones espaciales, estructura comunitaria, Mar Sea Caribe Introduction bays are one of the most important challenges in their study. The complexity of sedimentary processes in bays Semi-enclosed bays are common estuarine systems with suggests undertaking a primary description of high dynamics in sediments and water column. compartments (e.g. meiofauna, macrofauna, organic Particularly, the sedimentary environment is important as carbon, macrophytes) with a relatively wide spatial and it is characterized by high fluxes of matter and energy temporal extension in order to estimate the variability and (Heymans & Baird 1995) and it tends to accumulate major features of sedimentary environment; a holistic pollutants (Birch 2000). Biological processes (e.g., analysis of processes should follow this step. primary production, decomposition of organic matter) The meiofauna (here defined as metazoans which size strongly determine the sedimentary environment over range from 50 to 500 ìm) is a faunal group of high short time scales (i.e. weeks, months). The inherent importance in the functioning of estuarine systems, variability of these processes in space and time within especially where soft bottoms predominate and the matter 14 Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía Vol. 44, Nº1, 2009 and energy fluxes originate mainly from the benthic Material and methods detrital complex (Heymans & Baird 1995, Rosado- Solórzano & Gúzman del Próo 1998). In these Study zone ecosystems, meiofauna ensures several major ecological The study was carried out in Cienfuegos Bay (Fig. 1), a roles, among which: i) the decomposition of detritus and semi-enclosed bay situated in the southern central part of the recycling of nutrients; ii) the link between organic Cuba, with a surface area of 90 km2 and an average depth matter and higher trophic levels and iii) a significantly of 14 m. The bay is composed of two relatively well- contribution to benthic secondary production due to their differentiated basins, due to the presence of a submerged rapid turnover rate and high metabolic activity (for a ridge. The northern basin is subjected to anthropogenic review, see Coull 1999). inputs from the outfall of Cienfuegos City, an industrial The spatial and temporal distribution of meiofauna is area (including an oil refinery and a power station) and highly variable and scale-dependent (Higgins & Thiel the freshwater input of the Damuji and Salado rivers. The 1988, Hodda 1990); hence the assessment of the driving southern basin, with a considerable lesser human ecological factors is uneasy. In temperate ecosystems, influence, is only affected by inputs from the Caonao and seasonal factors such as temperature and physical Arimao rivers. The occurrence of riverine and rainfall disturbance have been proposed to explain the temporal discharges causes notable seasonal decrease in surficial variation of meiofaunal communities (e.g. Emberton salinity in all studied stations (Seisdedo & Muñoz 2005), 1981, Coull 1986, Hourston et al. 2005, Nozais et al. with marked estuarine characteristics in the rainy season. 2005). In addition, their spatial distribution in shallow The bay is characterized by a semidiurnal tidal regime, habitats is often driven by the grain size of sediment (e.g. with average tidal amplitude of 28 cm (Rodríguez & Ward 1975, Duplisea & Dgras 1999, Ndaro & Ólafsson Rodríguez 1983). Muddy sediments are present in most 1999, Schratzberger et al. 2004) or by food availability parts of the bay (Alonso-Hernández et al. 2006). (e.g. Ólafsson 1992, Danovaro & Gambi 2002). In tropical bays, the ecological processes drive meiofauna distribution patterns should be essentially the same, but the scales and details are largely unknown and dependent on local conditions. Therefore, a thorough and reliable description of the structure of meiofaunal communities and their variability is essential for understanding the fundamental ecological processes occurring in the sediments that are driving the functioning of these ecosystems. We expect then changes in community structure following fluctuations in environmental framework, mainly organic and silt/clay content and contamination load. Recently, the Environmental Studies Centre of Cienfuegos has initiated an extensive monitoring and research environmental programme to describe the major physical, chemical and biological characteristics of Cienfuegos Bay for management purposes. As part of the Figure 1 latter programme, the objectives of the present study were to describe the spatial and temporal distribution patterns Study zone. Location of 16 sampling stations in Cienfuegos Bay, Cuba. The dashed line indicates of meiofaunal communities of Cienfuegos Bay and to the submerged ridge that limited the northern assess the weight of several abiotic parameters as and the southern basin. Major sources structuring factors. We use a multivariate and univariate of pollutants are indicated statistical framework for testing two general hypotheses: (i) There are no differences among stations/months in the Zona de estudio. Localización de las 16 estaciones de community measurements of meiofauna (e.g. number of muestreo en la bahía de Cienfuegos, Cuba. La línea discontinua indica el bajo sumergido que limita taxa; multivariate
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