H,alted ', • i Ballot Blitz Expect favorite ' Sons ', Weather forecast l~ ~; I~ Feir .w, pM1ty doucty welt . r' through tonitht. w.~ flYer To Keep State Votes : ; ". '- ( .. owan most of at... loUy, witfI ..... Gl tmd the P.opz. of IOtOtJ Cit, ;LOS ANGELES (AP) - Sen. John F. Kennedy of Mussa­ S.m,., Til. Stat. Un'".,.", of lou.w In the upper WI. c1lUsCttS Thursday was still the man to beat for the Democratic nomination, but campaign camps of the challengers claim.ed Established In 1868 Herald Tribune Ne",~ Service Features Friday, July 8, 1960, Iowa City, Iowa .' they have staved off a first-haUot sweep. LOUNGE · Pulling the fuse out of a first-round Kennedy blitz is the im­ Aluminum mediate goal in the preliminary battling roaring around the n Webbing Democratic National Convention which opsns Monday. Ken· "Insane_II _. _ it Castro Label$::: Sugar Cuts • nedy rivals said they have made •• • NLY by shoring up the line of favorite sons. , One o( the top lieutenants of Sen. Johnson Cries Lyndon B. Johnson said campailln headquarters of the Texas senator I • has positive assurances that Govs. Arrog~n.ce' . Robert B. Meyner of New Jersey, George Docking of Kansas and At Kennedy eXICO upports a tJcrschel C. Lovelcss of Iowa will u stand fast as favQrite sons on the POUNb49JAR " Nixon and Rockefeller 2 C ~ first roll call. This was the word from Robert G. Baker, secretary Split on 2 Issues; to thc Democratic majority in the New I)rive for Rocky States Group N:.~~ faldinl ' U.S. Senate. New Jersey has 41 voes in the By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Hottelet Believes .;;·~ CAIP convcntion, Kansas 21 and Iowa Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson cried 26. arrogance Thu1'Sday at forces cj{ May Take Action ' STOOL Kennedy supporters were count­ Sen. John F. Kennedy. Backers of ing on a major lift from another Johnson and two other presiden· Betlil1 .. Blg,/Issue Fr.... Ibe A_elated Pre.. 30 to 50 per cent below normal. favorite son, Gov. Edmund G, tial posibilities claimed they can A spokesman for Mexico's ruling In developments In the U.S .• e Brown, and his 8I·vote California prevent a (jrst-ballot blitz by Ken· political party told cheering Mexi- strategists Thursday looked for ,6i ' delegation. nedy at the Democratic National By HELEN FERGUSON Europe and outside of Europe, if can congressmen Thursday that joint action by the Organization of Staff Writ,r I we were to be flushed out of Ber- Backers of some of the other Convention. Mexico would bave to side with American Stales WAS) as a fur­ U!" lin." Cuba in the growing U.S.·Cuban ther step toward curbing Cuban contenders conceded this was like­ There was friction among the The Berlin problem is a smaller "'J1here would be defeal for Us in crisis. Prime Minister Fidel Castro. ly-perhaps before the convention Republican.s. too. · C h air men version o~ l U1e worlli problem. We tbree main areas," Hottelet out­ The speaker was Emilio San- A multination move in concert curtain rolls up. Charles H. Percy of the GOP P/.at­ owe it to ourselves and the world lined. "They are: Morale defejlt­ chez Piedra. who said he was with other Latin states is greatly Regardless of what Brown does. form Committee said Vice Presi­ to dig for facts. We must put the we wouldn't have gumption to. speaking for the Party of Revolu- desired by U.S. diptomats. Their WITH , they say, Kennedy has been cut dent RQ(!hard M. Nixon and (iQv. present into f.ocus and compare it stay; political defeat-no 'Wit · to lon •• d'IUlti Nelson A. Rockefeller of New tionary Institution~ (PRl).. :-vhi~h hopes rose with prospects that the off from a first·ballot victory. And with the past. think of a way out ; and finally, has an overwhelmmg majority 10 ol'ganization will vole Friday to their contention is that if they can York still are far apart on some This is the opinion of Richard material defeat _ not enough Congress. hold a meeting, within the next proposed planks of key import· stop the Massachusets senator on C. Hottelet, CBS news analyst, who strength to stlay there." Both senators and dep~t1es were fe\X weeks, of the foreign minls­ l[[~ ance. ....., ... the first ballot they can stop him . spoke in the Iowa Memorial Union In addition. Hottelet said, sllCb r present at the extraordlDary con- ters at the 21 OAB nations. _II1II Kennedy people were interpret· At a news conference In Wash­ Thursday night on "Germany: a defeat would take the heart and gressional meeting called to ex- The OAS Is one o( several - it is ...... ing this line of reasoning as doused ington, GOP Platfurm Committee Proving Ground of Western Polio ,,"uts out of lhe NATO alliance. plain the policies of the govern- often called the most successful Chairman Percy said Nixon and cy," 1akt III, liberally with elements of wishful ment of President Adolfo Lopez _ of several regional organizations Rockefeller, Nixon's severest cri­ Berlin, 100 miles east 0{ the line Hollelet admitted that the United Mateos. formed under the United Nations. ONE u,nu DaiLY thinking, Their man still is head· ing into the convention with more tic in RepUblican ranks, differ on between East and West Germany, States policy regarding Germany Pedra said the Uni~ed States ap' Meanwhile, Washington awaited such major issues a s defenSe LEE" prolonged'fCtion cap5ules II. self. solid support than Johnson, Sen. is perhaps a political monstroSity. has not always been clear or parently has shut Its doors to with relative calm expected retal­ regulating, and taken In the morning will spending and health care for the and a monument to the empUness 10gioa1. The United Sttates Govern· friendShip and understanding, des- ialion by Castro for President Ei­ Stuart Symington of Missouri or elderly. of our hopes aeter the war, Hotte- ment, however, has openly ex­ provide I smooth, uniform appetih·\If' Adlai 'E, Stevenson. pite desires of the Cuban public senhower's 0 r de r Wednesday premnt e!lectlasting throUghout the ill, Nixon's press secretary. ller· let said. pressed its policies which have to live in liberty and economic in· knocking out virtually all U.S. ... making reducinl and weight CGntrvl In Sacramento-, Gov. Brown was bert Klein, released a report !laY' "However. it is up to us 'to do been based on a desire to make dependence. purchases of sugar from Cuba lor easier than JIlu ever dreamed possib~ . warding off all efforts to smoke out ing the vice president's health is something, and it requires 'a g!\nu- possible {or Germany a "free He said the Mexican COngress, the rest of the year. 30 days' supply ill ,listie cau •• alr $3.1!. l oCfers its friendship to the Cuban Price Hike Unfor_n &0 days' IUDPI" $US. his intentions. "excellent in all respects." The ine interest in such aCfafrs. We ohoi'ce at government by demo­ One leading Kennedy Democrat report on Nixon's annual p!)ysical must have a willingness and 'ener- cratic individuals." people. Secretary of Agriculture Ezra in the California delegation said checkup was made by a White gy to root out and to face racts," Although the current Berlin 5it­ Solidly W'1th Cuba Taft Bimson in effect told Ameri- Brown will release its members House doctor. the news analyst said. "The United uadon hoi d s advantages t()r ~ Mexico will stand solidly with can housewives not to worry, At a by Saturday or Sunday lo vote the 11here were these other develop. States is in a struggle to the end. Khrushchev, Berlin in a peculiar Castro's Island republic, the PRI news conference Benson foresaw way tbey please. meQt,s br a-day wl1ic1! saw ll)e po- t,ecause there Is 110 coft¥Olllise. way, Hotlel!lt,'saJd is a rear tiIraL' spokesman declared. neither a sugar shortage nor a rise T AnaJ.y-st Exp}.ains , Role Brown has been making noises litlca'l. pace qtllck~: " • TO fall Is to pay the pri~Il . '" (i, tbe iSO\l1ml Un/im bec8~ l if Is His remarkS touetted off an ova· ill prices nlsUlting frOOt Elsenhow" "This is a problem whJch is with a beacon of the democratic hope Lion. Mexican newspaper report- er's order. like a Kennedy man for weeks. I • - ~t DemocratiC platform h~ar­ Rlch.rd Hottel,t discuss" th' rol. of II news IIn.lyst with II Dllily ers said It was the greatest they Americans in CUba were not dis­ But the California delegation is ' lOgs 10 Los Angeles, 30 org;aJUZ8- us continually," Hottelet. /!Ontin- and because it is an esca~ hatch low.., reportor before spe.klng on ·... G.rm.ny: Proving Ground of ued, "even though not in head- to the West, . , remembered I among congressmen. couraged lrom leaving but neither splintered, with Stevenson com- tions j~ to urge adOption of a W"t,m rollcy" .t the I,w. M,rn~~ illl Union ThursdllY. In Cuba, Prime Minister Fidel did the State Department issue manding secondary strength. pla~k calling for stron~ federal lines. The 'time of crisi~ ( 'It at 'through this esCape hatch bun· . action to guarantee equality Of Ol>- Khrushchev's choosing, any 'lIbur dteds of thousands of professional ." -P,ily 10l!!lIn-{rhoto by Cllrolyn Gottsch,lk Castro rallied his ~upporters Thurs- any panic.causlng instructions for In SPite of all the maneuver~g, poliunity iii voting, ~ucation, • ., I, ". )),j'lJ'_ ____---' ____ _ cWy for a continuing battle against them to flee {rom the Oastro 0{ the day or the night.
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