Tab1e of contents D 0 C U M E N TAT ION I. Introduction II. Fatal Shootings (Art. 6 of the Covenant) ~ Fatal Shootings (Art. 6 of the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights) Petra Schelm 5 Confinement in Isolation (Art. 7 of the Covenant) Georg von Rauch 5 Thomas Weisbecker 6 Killings in Prisons (Art. 6 of the Covenant) Werner Sauber 7 The Manipul ation of the R ight to legal Defense (Art. 14 of the Covenant) \-- Wi11y Peter Stoll 7 Criminalizing of the struggle against confinement in isolation (Art. 9 Elisabeth von Dyck 7 "- Michael Knall 7 and 19 of the Covenant) '\ ( Ian Mac leod 10 Guenter Jendrian 10 Documentation and critical comments about the report submitted by the Measures against pri soners from the RAF and oth er po 1iti ca 1 Federal Repub1ic of Germany to the United Nations Human Rights prisoners 14 Committee in November 1977 (Art. 40 of the Covenant). III. Confinement in isolation (Art. 7 of the Covenant)14 A. An overview of the conditions in which political pri- soners are detained in the FRG 15 Presented by B. Regarding the use of isolation in itself, at the' Dr. Pi eter ilal,kerSchut, lawyer, ,\msterdam! Netherlanrls j same time a critique of the decision of the European Dr. Ralf ilinswanger, psychiatrist, Zl1ricb! Switz"rlanc:j Human Rights Commission 26 Dernard Rambert, lawyer, Zl1rich! Switzerlanclj 1. The method of isolation (editors 0' the 1st ed. too) 26 40 I Prolo iJr. mell. Herman J. van Aal<leren, ,I.mstercacj '\ 2. The effects of isolation \ Heuy d'Ancona, llecber oi tbe Buropean Parliament, Stras• 3. The goals of isolation 45 bourg, from the Netherlands; Willem van Bennekom, lawyer, Am.ter~amj Josephine Dubois-ilrinkrlan, lawyer, ~:aastrichtj IV. Brutal, coercive acts against prisoners, often with the co• Glyn ford, Member oi 1he ",u,-opean?arliament, Strasbourg, operation of medica1 doctors (Art. 7 of the Covenant) 63 from the United Kin~dom; Eva Forest, psychiatrist, Bilbao, Spainj V. Kil1ing of prisoners from the RAF (Art. 6 of the Covenant) ~ichael Hindley, Member oi the European Parliacent, Stras• bour:;, form the Vnite,; Kin,:rlomj 1. Ho 1ger Mei ns 70 Les Huckfield, Member oi tbe Eurapean Parliament, Stras• bour~, from the Uni ted Kin;;tlomj 2. Katharina Hammerschmidt 90 ?roi. Dr. H.U. Jessurun d'Oliveira, Am~terdam; 3. Siegfried Hausner 99 Panar.0tis n:andakis, laW)"er\..l.then5j Gerard P.M.? ~lols, lawyer, ~laastricht! ~etherlandsj 4. U1rike Meinhof 103 Adele van der Plas, la~~er, Acsterdamj 5. Andreas Baader, Gudrun Enss 1in, Jan Car 1 105 Ties Prakken, la"yer, Amster,amj Raspe, life endangering injuries to Irm- ~Iichaelis Raptis, journalist, Athen!; gard Möller, in the prison of Stuttgart• Joke Sacksioni, psycbiatrist, Amsterriamj Stammheim during the night of 17/18.10. Phili Viehoii, llember oi the European Parliament, Stras• 1977 bourg, from the Netherlands~ .\rnoud ',Y.~(. Wille::!s,lah'yer, A;::sterda::lj 6. Ingrid Schubert 122 Georgios ~ocsis, journalist, Athens. 7. Sigurd Debus 125 October 1985 List of Appendices of the DCCur1ENT~ION VI. Interference in the right of juridical defense (Art. 14 of the Covenant) VII. Crimina1izing of the strugg1e against confinement in jso• 1. Oecision of the Bundesgerichtshof Karlsruhe on 22.10.1975 lation (Art. 9 and 19 of·the Covenant) 2. Oecision of the European Commission for Human Rights, Stras• VIII. Conclusion bourg, 1978 3. Letter of a prisoner detained in a "dead wlng" Bibl iography 3 b. Expertise cf Prof. Rasch, psychiatrie examination of the pri- List of Appendices soners from the RAF in Stammheim, 10.9.1975 4. Oetention order against Hanna Krabbe, 1975 \-., 5. Oetention order against Verena Becker, 1977 '\ 6. Oescription cf the high security section of Lübeck ( 7. Oescription cf the high security section of Ce11e ~. Oescription cf the high security section of Ber1in-Moablt 9. Ouration of confinement in isolation - examples 10. Confinement cond1tions of Irmgard Möller 11. Hunger strike declaration, 8.5.1973 12. Hunger strike dec1aration, 13.9.1974 13. Position taken on hunger strike by the Federal Governrnent's Attorney General in December 1974 14. The request from the comrades In freedorn to the prisoners on a hungerstrike, 2.2.1975 15. Hunger strike declaration, 29.3.1977 16. Report from Ingrid Schubert on the situation in Stam~neim, 26.a.1977 \ 17. Cessation of hunger strike, 30.4.1977 ( 18. Cessation of hunger strike, 2.9.1977 "19. Hunger strike declaration from 20.4.1979 20. Cessation from 26.6.1979 \...., 2~. Hunger strike declaration from 2.2.1981 22. Selection from the talks between the oovernme!'ltmediatars and a lawyer for the prisoners on the night öf 15/16.4.1981 about thz condi• tions for the interruption of hunger strikes 23. Detention order against Sieg1 inde Hofmann, 1980 24. Letter from Lutz Taufer 25. Report from a prisoner about "contact ban" 25,b) Confinement conditions of Guenther Sonnenberg 26. Report by Kar1-Heinz Oe11wo on mistreatment, 25.9.1978 Go ~.,.. C N - .... • - 01 O&lN ~. c ~ ~ ~ &I C •••• L. ~ - ••• &I L __ •••• ° ~ .•. ., ':;~1· oS u'5c ~B •.• I .cO.! 1~, .. ~ ~ ••• UV't "li U "" •• ~1~ ~ ~-:~ f ~1 ::i ~ ~ ~ i -I!.cQ••t:•.•t W_ '_:100.)i ~l. v •.•Z' g 13~ ~ - '" "t -- .,.. ••• oJ •.•• e •.• , ~ ...)' "'1 ~ ..... e ~ ::t ••••• "" •.• ~ 27. Press release from the 1awyers of Bernd Rössner. 31.3.1983. •.••0'" •• '" L.. :> g ~i c "'~.:! .5i4V't f ;::; 3 ::i'i "'i ~rc:..c: ..;0 -."t.~ Assau1t by a raiding SQuad 'ClD~ ~ c:i~ •. ~ ~ •• "" ~"" c 1'( ••••• e __ ~ ""% .., 0 U "iN '0 WG'lc.- ° _ .:~'"••••• 5 28. Newspaper report from the 1awyers of Bernd Rässner, 22.4.1983, ., • 0 '" V1 10.. 410'_ -:I: 0 r.:-_ s:. ~., C :; Bernd Rössner starts a "Schmutzstreik" (strike against clean1i- •.••••..•.•'0 •.••••.c'- '"& J~ 5':~et.tZ :';~g"e ... :-~"'" &I-.c :100. s:. ••• g ••• oJ D •• >. ••• ness) ö .,~i CJ~EE: ace ~iU ~ % ••••.Q.- 0 0 ~ •••• 0 &I ~ ~ >. u u c: c '- 0 •••••• L. •. ••.• '-C'" 0% ••••.• 0 .x1:Pl~~~ ..og~ ..., o '" GI •••• c('" ••• ••."" e a. 10._ a. 29.Report abou~ forced feeding of Holger Meins on 12.10.1974 0'''' ., ••••,..0 ••..• '" '" - 4f ••••• ~ ~ .., •.•••• c: .,'Q - ~ <"(: ~.c:: 1IC~:;~••.• "'" __ ~l'!~"::c c: .., '" ~e~2a: ~-:: •. - "' ••• O't, ••• GoI .••• 30. Reoort about forced feeding of women detained in Hamburg in ·0 oJ C ~ r. 0 T.oJC·_o _ C 5 i., ,~~.~l2~~.~:•••• '- •.•n 11 fU " I.. Ö ••• r. , ._ c"' April 1977 ••...•.•.... c ., ., u •.•.." 0 n.::J .•• c ••• ,,~ ••••....•0 t1' "" 1..;.1 •..•. L. - "':1""- ~.•. " • (7\ ••• _ >.'" •• ., l.&,.. .., , ••••• ..,,, ••• "lI-:( ., •••- ••• 0 .os::. s::..c:: O'tco- a. 2: er: c v .c:: . .., x •.••.••.• " E 41_ "" 0- 31. Report about forced f~eding of Hanna Krabbe on 6.12.1978 L. •••••co ••..• o . c: ••.• 0'"c >-_ ......c 1.."0 • V't., 0._ GoI ~~ .,M ~.., J: ~... - ••.•••.• co 0 0- ••••.00 -"0CD_ ., _ ••• c: •.• ~N 32. Report about forced feeding of Kar1-Heinz De11wo in Mar~ 1981 >. '.c •.. 0 DECD .•.• _ ~_ •••• ce !~ ~ oJg-Ct;::';~~f0 ••.•.• c: li 0- ::t 0::'" 0 '--' ~ 0 J n n •.• uO'c·_ .•... ••• L. •••••. C 1_ '" C -.., •••. t') •••• .., 33. Transcript of the attack against the prisoners in Stuttgart- ., 'a ••.. f' v •.• I~'" ,)" " '" r. ••• ,~.... , ~. '"~ ... 'Il - q.u •• '- L. I,,'" •.••.• ~ 4' '" ~; Stamrrheim on 8.8.1977, written by lngrid Schubert <U ••• '" L J: •.••.••.• c: o •••E l... V' "" •.•.•.•.c 0 ••••.- co , •• ~., •• ~ ~" .c """ ':~oJ g:S ~._~~ 34. Forced confrontation of Stefan Wisniewski CIII<jI Q.'1IJ C1t •••.•••l....., I.L.0 ...J..,. - -r.'"'' ~ "'..,~a:OO::r::OL.OI ...J 0 U oJ 0._ ;! ~c :... -:(J ~*C"U~,..;'" ..;~ ....~ ~~o."oJ ~ 35. Last Letter of Holger Meins C"II N "'f'O"jf'O"j M_f""I M M ::; ~ ~ si ,\ I 35 b). The petition by Attorney Dr. Croissant on 7.2.1977 in the " ,. process against the Commando Holger Meins .} 35 cl. Response by the Federa1 Attorney Generals from 16.2.1977 refusing ',. ~.- the petition of the defense attorney on 7.2.1977 36. Message from the Federa1 Attorney to the defense 1awyer of Siegfrfed Hausner 37. Statement .by Irmgard Möller before the Examining Committee of the . ~c Landtag from Baden-Württemberg on 16.1.1978 about the occurences 3 o~ the 17/18.10.1977 on the seventh f1eor of Stuttgart-Stamrbeim ..!. •. ~ C ~ "'.c , a. ~ 0. 38. Report on the Separating Window '" .,~ ;~.~ o .c c ~ J ~" .•••• GI GI .; ~., 39. Death of Ulrike Meinhof. Report by the International Exa~ining ~ ~ ~ e c ••. ~0 Lc •••0 ~~ o "" GI _ Committee ~ - .•.• c > '" 1 :;;; :c ~~ t:> N"S.e"Ö •.• ~ a. l'\I - ~ GI - V 40. How the FRG supports the war by the USA in Vietnam which is contrary oe '" ~ - ftI\ •••• .c .,. g c I' •.C ::J., ~ GI ~"'''' ~ c • ~ to international law - petition by the defense attorneys of the . '" ..... .,•. ~ GI;oe: '~;V'Icro· •..• .....~...Juep_.•..~ g. ~L. Z ~:::" c .c r.::l ~~ •..•.~ ,.." 0 0 "" ., ~'" •. prisoners of the RAF in the process in Stuttgart-St~eim on 22.6.' ::l :I: 410'1 ••.•• 0'1 I'( L. "- l5 'c •.. "- ~-O'o-cC"'GI 0 I ~-~ " !c 1976 ••• \. tU •••• _ 00 - GoI 't) - 0 ••••'" ... .•.Q) 0.0" o "i:.!? ~ ~~ •.•..• -:::: I;; • -S t "" "" . •. ~ ~ ~ ." z •.• o GI GI U U e: J: f""I ••••• L. - ~ u c ;,.c c:: "'_ .0 .loC "CI 0 ,.." 01 >. ~ ~ ~ "': " •. 41. The argumentation for the rejection by the court in Stuttgart• ~ o "'.- .0 U "" "" _ "0 ~ _ .0_ '- 0 N 5 'Sb.•. ~ .c •. '"'" .- z:: •. .., dJ u •..•..• 0 ••••• C , - c ~ '--" u 0"'" e: ue ••. cn >.>. •• .., °01 "0._ .• .... N c; e:e: Stam~heim on 22.6.1976 .c '" - >..-:a.c: .•.••.• _ tr'I V'I • ~_ .... •. " 8 ~ o , " e GI ••• .c: ." ••.•. - •••••• .".-- OE .M._ ••• "" o ~• "1.c •• .
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