All tiio Hews of WE DO BED BANK mid Surrounding Towns OUR PART Told Fearlessly and Without Bias. Issued Weakly, Entered as Se.cond-Cl&es Matter at the Po&t- Subscription Price: Ona Year 31,50 VOLUME LVJ, NO. 21* offica at Bed Hawk, N. J., under tho Aet o( March S, 1870. EEP BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15,1933. Six Months 31.00. Single Copy *e. PAGES 1 TO 10. SATUKDAY NIGHT BALL. Siren As Guard WORKING FOR RED CROSS. Examination Of Testimonial Dance to Bo Held In Many Volunteers Preparing the Runtson Council Honor of Commoiloro ApplegBtc. For Applejack ] By Morris Miller Christmas Seals for Distribution. Meeting Tonight According to present Indications Volunteer workers have been giv- thero will bo a capacity attendance Speaks for Shrewsbury Post of ing considerable time in helping to Depositors to Gather at Jhe John L. Ely Place Bought Liquor Regulation Questionnaire at the first annual Commodore's ball Burglary Alarm System Installed prepare th'6 3,000.000 Christinas Seals [Report Made by Morris Portnsr by Jerome F. May of Asbury Discussed—No Contribution to bo given by the Monmouth Boat at the Plant of the Laird Dis- American Legion Over Station that are going out from, the oiilccs Hall to Hear Details of Re- to the Middletown Township Park—Historic Property With to Taxpayers' Association— club in the clubhouse Saturday night, tillery at Scobeyville—Three WJBI—Would Have Nation of tho Monmouth County Cb/lstmas opening Plan—May Appoint Board of Education Thursday November 18. The affair is a testi- Watchmen. Prepared for War. Seal committee, Pearl street, Red New Charter Committee* Revolutionary Background. Other Public Matters. monial to Commodore Joseph Applo- Bank. Members of the class of 1931 Night—Other School BUM* Morris Miller, delivering an Arm- of tho Red Bank high school gen- Tho John, L. Ely farm went ot Whethe,,,.,.*,..r. the --stat. e or tho munlcl- ! gato, who is serving IIIB first year aa The Laird distillery company has A meeting of the depositor of the Morris Portner of Red Bank, who istice day speech for Shrewsbury post erously volunteered to fold all the let- Firrit National bank of Seabright will Holmdel was isold last week to Jer- pallty uhould regulate the sale of in- (|lca(i of the club, which was organ- Installed at Its plant at Scobeyvllle a s a certified public accountant, was of the American Legion over Station ters that are being sent out and Misa be held tonight at eight o'clock at ome F. May of Aeibury Park through toxicating > liquor was ono of the |Ze(j moro Uinn half a century ago. burglary alarm system In the form of engaged by tho board of education of WJBI, pleaded for preparedness by Dorothy Thompson and her commit- Dowd's hull for the purpose of mak- Daniel H. Applegato of Red Bank as matters discussed at a meeting of , Commfidorc Applegate succeeds tho a siren which malfes such a loud Middletown township about a month l-the United States for "any emer- tee consisting of! the Misses Betty ing complete arrangements for re- broker. Mr. May Is a eon of tho late tho Rumson mayor and council ]at0 §®mmoaore Thomas' Hubbard. blast that It can bo heard miles away- ago to make an examination.of thi gency that might arise." He cited Allen, Marion Harm, Elizabeth Le- opening the bank. A set-up plan will Morris May, long a. prominent resi- Thursday nlgh^ Councilman Robert | jatne8 T. Clayton is in general Folks living within the neighborhood books and records of the board. Ha Japan's invasion of China as one of Bow and Winifred Mack and Messrs. be given to the depositors, touching dent of Aebury Park and a largo V. While, opened the discussion when charge of the affair and table reser- of tho plant have been requested presented his report Thursday night ho produced a questionnaire sent by vntions can be secured by telephon- tho strongest arguments In favor' of Morris Straus and Worden Grooms upon all the necessary requirements and it waa unanimously voted to ac- property owner there. Ho Is also a whenever they hear tho siren to at tho New Jersey state league of mu- i g Red Bank 2315. Dancing will an adequate national defense. have been hard at work for several cept it and to pay the bill for Mr. brother of D. Winthrop May, who n once use their telephones to summon j that the comptroller hag g nlcipaiitles to the governing bodies begin promptly at half-past nine Excerpts from Mr. Miller's address days at tho headquarters of the com- Portner's services. Oliver bought a large tract at tlio end of the. atato police. Tile mechanism Is and upon what plan the bank may follow:. "The American Legion served mittee. They have aroused consid- be reopened. The appointment of a of Navesink was tho only member Little Silver Point about two years of municipalities in tho state to de- o'clock and at midnight refreshments BO delicately adjusted that tho alarm faithfully during tho war and are erable comment by their devotion committee of five directors to make of the board not present. ngo and mado extensive improve- termine their attitude on the ques- will bo served. ' At eleven o'clock an will be given instantly if an intruder and excellent work. continuing to servo the country in application for lh« new charter may The report consisted principally of ments in bulkheading, filling and tion. Tho answers are to bo used elaborate floor show will bo put on breaks through the fence which sur- times of peace. Our service to the be taken up, together with sugges- comments and recommendations as landscaping it to prepare It for use as by the league in formulating a plan hy Tony Hunting, president of the rounds the factory. Tho siren is con- Tho senior class of the Red Bank to bo sent to the legislature. country did not end with the. Arm- tions for the name of a represent- follows: * a waterfront estate, or building sites. Plnyers' Boat club of Fair Haven. - nected up with steam, air and elec- Catholic high school are following a istice and the ' American Legion ative man to head tho bank aa pres- Mr. May haa already made plans Mr. White stated that his inter- tricity. In addition to this safeguard time-honored custom of giving two J JURRENT FINANCIAL POSITION teaches us to servo just us loyally ident and cashier. ' for greatly improving his farm and pretation of tho questionnaire was to a watchman is on duty at all tlmeB. hours a day for the week or ten days The current financial positloa at and faithfully--,in times of peace as Many names have been suggested will start work at once to convert it determine in a broad senso whether There arc three of these guards, each before Thanksgiving in order to June 30, 1033, is presented in the or not tho community favored in war and to this the entire mem- stuff tho envelopes and get them and others have made known their into a fine country estate which ho "Mums" Shown At with eight-hour shifts. statement below. Indicating an excess local option. Attorney General Wil- bership of the Legion dedicates it- ready for tho mall. desire to become directors ana stock- current assets over current liabilities expects to occupy an hia home. He The plant continues to be a very liam A. Stevens, who ia the borough self. holders. Under the new plan the by $14,357.28. is proprietor of tho Lake.Park hotel Rumson Meeting busy place. Thousands of bushels of attorney, said that Borne municipali- "Boys of America with eager eyes -stock purchased is non-assessable and h in bunk—vefTular account.5 S,421.12 at Asbury Park, ono of several large apples have been ground into cider, ties favored tho issuance of licenses put on the uniform and went out to all deposits under the new law as laid 19.V.! District Tnx 40,fl(H!.llO properties there owned by tho May which In turn has been converted In- Tuition Fees. 1932-1U33 16.(00.00 by tho court, as was tho case before Fine Exhibit of Chrysanthemums serve the Republic. Mothers, wives Pet Show Is Held down for bank deposits are to be In- estate. One of his purposes in buy- to apple brandy or applejack. The 00<;t Slate School Tn* 13,181.68 prohibition. These places, ho uald, and sweethearts awaited their com- sured up to $2,500. Mayor Fowler's 10</o Stato School U'ftx - ,. 104.02 Ing tho farm was to provide his own Held Among Members of the company has gone far afield to get wanted tho fees to go to the munici- ing back. They came back blinded committee includes John P. Mulvi- supply of poultry and farm products Monmouth County Horticul- apples because the local supply has Total Current ABSCU 378,750.77 palities and also wanted the munici- or with their bodies shattered, or liill, Edward W. Wine, Alston Beek- for the hotel. been insufllclent. Largo quantities of Unpftlrl Ertpende and Supply palities to handle all cases of viola- tural Society. with their minds shadowed by man, William E. Foster, Raymond Tho iarm, which comprises about the fruit have been Imported from Ullln ...S 7,821.09 tion. Mr. StevonB declared that a strange horrors. They were brought Many Kinds of Animals, Fishes Fary, Clarence Stevens and' Waiter J.
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