."TIOK (lALENDAil . 1I."T8, FATS, K••• tamp., A8 Ibrou,b za an. AG I. XI ••1111 Ind.llnllely: ".oeIlSS!U FOODlI, Blu. .IIm, •. AS I. Z8 hl.lu.lu an' 11.5 I. ~ I"rl•• ln, ••11. 1.... ,lnltel y: ~UOA ••oupon. 30 31, 3'1 an. sa Fair •••b reo. lor live !'!. ......11. 1••• 11,,11.1,: OAIIO­ LINI HA" IOtlpoal Na: IS vaU •• Ince 8ept4 n lbroDch Dee. %l: rUILL on.... p .... lor perIod 4 a" 5 .1 ta.1 IOWA: "air aD4 raLber euoL M.U" .....a •••••upoa. I.r perlool 1 ., ae .. bul- THE DAILY IOWAN l., ....." val'" Ibroarh Aur. 31, 1S.r.. SHOES •••• I .n I an. 2 .lrplane .Iamp valid lad.llallol,. Iowa City's Morning Newspaper ~FC~ENT~~S===========================T=. =I=~=~===T=I=D=ra==u=.~========~===========I=O=VV=A===c=rr=Y=,=I=O=VV==A===SA==TURD===A=Y==,=OC==T=O=BER===1=.=}=9=44=====================ftd===u=~===~===~=='=.==~====~V~O~L~UME~~XL~V~~NUMB==~ER==~}2 = Yanks Drive to Point 26 Miles From Cologne Push 11 Miles Reds Join Tito British Seize Rion; FOR's Speech Cited As- Penetrate Seal Gulf of Cod nth Cause .for Misfri'ol Hurlgen Forest Into Hungary In Greek Advance WASHINGTON (AP) - Presi­ leader of the SUver Shirt,'!. dent Roosevelt's reference to the PresIdent Roosevelt, sayin( th~ Germans Abandon Silver Shirts in Thursday night's Republicans had charjfect tba,t the First Army Launche. Moscow Announces campaign speech was cited by de­ Sept. 24 Invasion Most of Peloponnesus tense attorneys In the mass sedi­ administration "'{ould sell out Surprise OHensive Under Bombardment , tion trial yesterday as cause for a American democracy to the Com- 'South of Aachen Of Axis Satellite I mistrial. munlsts, lldded in his SPlleCh: ROME (AP) - British invasion Judge Edward C. Eicher di- "This form of fear proPBllanda SUPREME HEADQUAR- !JQNDON (A I' ) - lt1l sHin n rected that written motions be is not new among rl\l)ble rousers Corces in Greece advanced yester­ TERS, AEF (AP)-The United troops iuyadillj.:' tollel'illg Hun­ tiled over the weekend and said and lomenters of class hatred who States First army dealt 8 great 1\ day toward the Isthmus of Corinth, he would hear them Monday. seek to destroy democJ;acy itseU. gary ou bl'oad ('I'onl ypstl' l'day surprise blow at the icgfried e8pturcd thl' big' l'ttil ,junction gateway to Athens, and it ap­ William Dudley Pelley, one of country ... It has be~ used be­ the 26 defendants accused of con- fore in this country by the Silver line south of the Gcrman fort­ town of lkkl'scsuba, 100 miles peared that the Germans already I ress of Aachen yesterday, driv· froOi BudHP('Ht, and abo toppled spiracy to undermine morale of ,Shirts and others on tbe lunatic had abandoned most of the Pelo­ the armed forces, formerly was fringe." ing through the evergreen for­ lIHko. olily ];) mil c~ from Sze­ ponnesus gel tin gout oC all of est of H urtgen to witbjn 26 Greece as rapidly they could. gc<l, II Ulll?8ry 's second city. a as miles of Cologne and thc Rhine Moscow communique announced Seizure of the fortified town of Rion, seven miles east of the cap- Poll"ce FI"nd Clue behind the drumfire of massl'd last 11 ight. artillery and swarms of war· Rolling across I·jcll farmlnndR • tured port of Patral, sealed ocr the I S dSI Bricker Hits planes. which offel' the OCI'mans anti. GuH of COrintb at its narrow n noo aying mouth. This ncw assault was un­ HUDg-8rians liltlo nat IIral dc­ RUSSIAN TROOPS have linked SheU Traffic I corked as the Germans, sucked tCILSC lines, the Red finny seized up with unlls of the Yu&,oslav Up the Adl'ialic coast, British LOOKING AT THE WORLD SERIES score on The DailY Iowan 16 miles north to defend a I Discover Man's Belt 'Government• l' ' . more than 100 towns and hamlets 14th partisan corps In a conver&,- tI D It'· I d Ing drive on Belgratlc. Strugglll'" guns on le a m~ Jan IS an s teletype Is Gardner Cowles, publlshcr of the Des Moines Rulater and Near Body breach torn in the line by a First on a 7fi-mUe front in a dctermim:d ... shelled enemy trafhc along the Tribune and Look magazine, aud pre Ident of the Oowles radio sta- army drive now five days old, ellort to knock out the last big against fieree Nazi resistance and co?stal road. ~riti sh planes on a tlons. He was thc tlrst of a series of Frlday visitors who wlU speak Of Strangled Girl hurled in all available reserves axis satellite nation. the l'mmlnencc of heavy autwnn raId ncar Salontka destroyed three to advanced classes ill the 5<:hool of journalism. _____ By Secrecyr In addition to the key lowns of and 30 tanks and drove the rains, the combined forces under enemy transport planes and shot WASHINGTON (AP)-A mon's Americans temporarily Irom Beg- Mako and Bekescsaba, the Rus­ Marshals Ilodion Y. MallnovskY up a dozen retreating Nazi motor sians seized Gyula and Baltonya, aud Tlto al'e threatenln, the re- vehicles. belt rurnshed a possible clue last MILWAUKEE, Wis. (AP)-Gov. gendorl, at the tip of a salient also road and rail towns of im­ conquest of bi&' German-worked Deserted by the i r German At a Glanc:e- I Tokyo ~eports Yanks I night in the slaying of Dorothy I John W. Btick r, assai.\ing "gov- menacing the Ruhr valJey. portance, the bulletin disclosed. Bcrrum, 17_year-old war depart- " , Then the doughboys, reinforced copper and coal mJnes In a 40- masters, "security battalions" of ment clerk from Chippewa Falls el'nll)ent by secrecy, declared llist by tanks, swept back into Beggen­ This invasion of sou lheastern mile area. between Donjl Milano· colLabofaUng Greeks were re­ 1 Wis., who was found slrangled night that "N~ one knows ~ow dort" and the German town was HlUlgary, which the Germans said vac and Zajecar. ported surrendering wit h 0 ut a Bomb Kita Island with hcr own snood early deeply the presldent of the reported firmly in their grasp. has been under way since Sept. 24 -------------- tight at many points in the Pelo­ yester~ VDl~d Todoy's day on Potomac park goll course. Stlltes' has involved us 'in s~ret It was too early to tell whether but just now has been announced ponnesus, Announce Nearest Pollce said the belt was lying aga·eemen~s." '" the savage new onslaught, 10 miles by Moscow, WIlS coupled with At Rlon, the British turncd cap­ steady Russian outffanking move­ Gener.al Marshall, tul'ed enemy guns "with good re­ Approac~ to Japan about 50 feet from the girl's body, Tbe nata~nal ad~I~ls~ratLOn, ~aid southeast of Aachen, eaugbt the ments in Yugoslavia south of the sults" on the Germans attempting Iowan was new, and had been exposed the ~epublLcan candidate ,for Vlce- enemy off balance, but a front pre·war Hungarian rrontier. to rcllch the north shore oC the By Aleutian'Planes to the clements only a few hours. presl~ent, does ~ot believe the dispatch said ' Lieut. Gen. Court­ Byrnes Fly to Paris It In the Yugoslav theater the Gulf of Corinth, It was announced. I hali no Jlientlficatlon marks but Amencan people are able to gov- ney Hodges' assault WJits advanced * * * U, THE A8110 IATEn paES8 , ern themselves." nearly a mile in an hour and a Dozens of small craft, discovet'ed rore~t, units under Marshal Rodion Y. Ya'nks penetrate llurtgcn Amel'ican bombers punched at de;ectlve~ counted It as an Im- "FOr twelve years," he added it). MaUnovsky were deployed a long Army Chief of Staff, londed with fleeing Germans along in new lightning of(emiive, po tant tmd. a preparecl text of a speecb in haU and were within six miles of the nOI·th bank ot tbe Danube the south shore of the guH, were reaching points 26 miles from Kita I$land in the Ku'riles, Tokyo :wo park ~mployes ca~e across Municipal auditorium, released by Duren, 20 miles from Cologne. river opposite Belgrade, Yugoslav WMB Head Confer attacked by rocket-firing HUlTi­ COlogne and the Rhine. radio said yesterday ' in the clos­ !dISS Berrum s b~y while clean- his campaign staff, "We have been The Sieatried breach here now ca~ltal, and dUring the day also With Eisenhower canes oC tbe Balkan air force, The cst approach to the Japanese mg ~p park debris.. governed by secrecy, subterfuge is seven miles wide at the base, is enemy's guns at Andlrrion, op- Inva.dlng Reds size rail junc­ reached the Tisza river at a pOint homehmd yet made by Aleutiun­ Nearby were. bloodstams and and wilfl,11 withholcU'n, 'o( imGCm8- three miles deep and little more 33 miles south of the Hungarian SUPREME HEADQUARTERS, posite aion, W()I'C silent yesterday. lion 11 miles inll ide Hungnry. sltns .of a ler~'l!lc strulile, 1{ e r tlon. Our freedom is thl'eatened by than two miles wide at the east­ bilsed plane's. frontier with the capture o( Novi AEF (AF)-Gen. George C. Mar· Take P.t~at tace was brUised and scratched. the - insldIous propaganda 'ot the ern apex. Becej. shall arrived in Paris yesterday PalL'ai was calltured after sev­ BrItish seal ort GuJ[ of Corinth, "A fierce air battle," in which Coroner A, Magruder McDonald ad'ministration at Washington." (The German news agency DNB South of lhe Danube in the con­ eral days of flghting when the sur­ G<lnnans e v a c u ate Pelopon­ two of 12 attacking Uberlltors said she had been raped.
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