Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1997-98 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 8-25-1997 The thI acan, 1997-08-25 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1997-98 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1997-08-25" (1997). The Ithacan, 1997-98. 1. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1997-98/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1997-98 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. WELCOME BACK EDITION The IT ·AN The Newspaper for the Ithaca College Community VOJ.IJME 65, NUMBER I MONDAY, AUGUST 25, 1997 32 f'A<,1-, • • ew e IDDID The Ithacan/Suzie O'Rourke President Peggy WIiiiama has spent much of her time this sum- of the-Ithaca College community. Here, she asks first-year stu- mer getting to know Ithaca College by speaking with members dent Karin Bonilla about her first Impressions of the College. The Class of 2001 is not the only • group new to the area. There are also hundreds of transfer NEWS 3 Find out about Ithaca's new 911 sys- students and, of course, tem. ,r-...______ our newly hired president, Peggy Williams. Today's Welcome Edition ACCENT 12 tells you all you need to know Find out where to shop in the lthacan's - version of "Supermarket Sweep." about Ithaca College and the surrounding area. SPORTS 25. Familiarize yourself with where the intercollegiate Bombers play. NEWS ACCENT SPORTS Peggy Williams discusses her The Catholic Community is There is a new Athletics Director first days in office and her plans going through changes at the at Ithaca College. Get to know for the College. beginning of semester. Elizabeth Alden next week. 2 THE ITHACAN AUGUST 25, 1997 More time to buy books Get connected August 29 and Tuesday, Friday, September 12. _____ __!!y_ Ithacan Staff ___ _ Scptc_mher 2; 9 a.m. to I p.m. There will also be a Used The opening of the Ithaca Wednesday, September 3, Book Buyback, where students to cable, phone College school year brings with it through Friday, September 5; 9 can return hooks used in past new faces, new classes and, most a.m. to I p.m. Monday, semesters in exchange for cash. of all, lines. September 8, through Thursday, This will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 The College Bookstore will September 11, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday, August 27 and Hooking up extend its regular hours to help p.m. Friday, September 12. Thursday, August 28 at the buy­ For Information regarding their services students can • alleviate the student rush to huy The last day for refunds is back window. contact these numbers: textbooks. Michael Bovi, director of ACC: on-campus office 275-5222 College stores, said he advises Bookstore Hours main phone number 1-800-481-4224 !,tudcnts to wait unul after the first day of cla~s to purchase text­ Regular hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday llme Warner Cable: 272-3456 books. "Often there arc a lot of Extended hours for opening of school year: 9 a.m. to 6 changes, especially wirh fresh­ p.m. Tuesday, August 26 to Friday, August 29; and 11 a.m. is on campus can pick up a man clasSC!,,," Bovi !>aid. to 5 p.m. Saturday, August 30 ____ By Ithacan Staff cable box al the company's Students interested in office at 519 W. State Street in "There arc new sections open­ Textbook Refund Polley: ing receiving cable or telephone Ithaca. up .. nd faculty changes. • Must have cash register r~t and student ID . Sometime~. H's hc!,,t to wait," he • Must have purchased book for current semester service can sign up on cam­ If students have any ques­ added. • New books cannot be rnarkec:t ln any way. Used books pus this week. tions regarding their ACC If !>tudcnts do purchase books may be returned In the condition purchased Several representatives phone service or would like lo in error, there will he a textbook • If you purchased by a charge card or ID Express, you from Time Warner Cable will sign up for voice-mail or a refund period at the buyback win­ will be issued a credit, not cash be in the North Foyer of the long distance calling card they dow located in the Post Office m • Books must be returned during the designated refund Campus Center on August 25, can go to the ACC office Phillips Hall on the following ~ri~ - . _26 and 27 from 5 p.m. until 8 located in the Terrace Dining dates: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Friday, p.m. Hall. Students can pick up their The office is open Monday cable boxes and sign up for through Friday from 9 a.m. to School year to officially open other services during this 11 p.m. and from 12 p.m. to 2 time. p.m. Williams to give Gymnasium. faculty, staff and students. "Whatever [the students] If the office is closed, stu­ The ceremony welcomes all Herman E. Muller, Jr. '5I, need we'll have on campus," dents can call the main office Convocation speec~ new and returning students, and chairman of the College Board of said Susan Williams, cus­ phone number. also sets the keynote for the Trustees, and Catherine S. Henry tomer service supervisor for Jeanna Hale, on-site repre­ By Ithacan Staff incoming freshmen's education al '98, president of the Student Time Wagier. sentative for ACC. said if stu­ The new president of Ithaca the College. Government Association, will The cost for basic service dents have billing concerns College, Peggy Ryan Williams, Williams will speak especially also be speaking to students at the is $13, plus $21.39 for instal­ they should wait until the on­ will officially open the new lo the members of this year's convocation. lation. campus office is open because school year today at 11 a.m. with incoming freshman class and also The Ithaca College faculty Students who are unavail­ problems can be handled more traditional convocation cere­ lo the returning members of the ensemble will also perform at the able al the times Time Warner quickly there. monies in the Ben Light College community, including ceremony. BIG ·.PUlllfDl..JTARl PlfCIN6 lt·.-Alt .IflfllRI AL'S STORE HOURS: Dr of_CJmr ,_8 ftmlf • fal lffl klir_M___ _ Monday - Thursday: 6 a.m. to Midnight ~ ,,_ DIii 11111 ......... PIZZA~ Friday & Saturday: ., ...... CMIIIODPlift! ~- 6 a.m. to I a.m. ... S.,11 HUii ....... Sunday: ... S.,.K 11:11 .. ..,.. .. Mllliln .................11 8 u._m. to Midnight 1111. Oct.I 11:1111 Wlllllill._ ..., .. ,.,,,s.. ws...1~...... 272-3448 la Oct.ZI 11:11 .. w,-. .. ,. .. ,..~ ............ ... lllNOI .....,. • .,.,.. lll'lm .. 1103 DANBY RD. .r.5 HI"' Wllilli!I._ "'n.,, .......w,,..,..i' • .- ... 21 HI"' w,.. .. ............... ,_ Dlc.l a .. FREE DELIVERY: w.._ .. .................c.,.almllllC Monday - Thursday: 11 a 111. to Midnight ·-·-•....,s..w ... Friday. 11 am. to I a.rn. ....... ..... ., ............. Saturday: Noon to I am Ta •....... .,,.,s,i, ........ .,,, .. ,.. .. ................. Sunday: Noon to Midnight "'11111' ....... ,... .. l\11UST MENTION COUPON WHEN ORDERING. fri. 11:1111 .. ,.. .. r--~--- ~----, ........ a .. _..._._ - Ta 11:1111 MIiia. N llilll l:tlfll ....... 11111'. ... 0 !:IIPII ........ IW. IK.4 12tt .. 11111111 .. ,..,_... ~hf ......... 11w.. 111,.,.~:s,. 111 : H-lfiwl~ .., DIii ........... ........ ........k HELP WANTED lhl S.-17 11:1111 ....... .........._ llalillla'-l n.. Oct t IHI.. .._._ .., ...... c..c. rz. 11r.11 a .. _...._._ r1 I 'A lllnli,.11 Apply in person Cl.k ti 10 I d •._ ........ _ ~ ... ... ... ..................... .... Ml r J; ......k 1103 Danby Rd. ••i61111aW.i ........._ 0.-111a iillllllllilr IIIIIC.,.C.,•••ltflil... 11. ,..• .,.... fpbl(; 111, (1 _mile up_ from Ithaca-College) ...., ,... .. EIJW..., llir.~ ...................... .......... -,.W<w '-'1...... 1111111 ..........11 ....c... AUGUST 25, 1997 ·1111 IIIIAl'•\N' Dial 911 for emergencies Trouble? Head By Michael Bornstein activated the new 911 numher one when they ched.. 111 lll al lhc The cou'lt)'·\ numher for emer­ mformatmn de~k." Ith.1c.1n Staff genc1e~ u~ed to he 27)-8000. Holt \lre~~ed that the new 91 I for a blue light Ithaca College rnmmunlly When a pcr~l,n called tlm numher numher ~hould only he U\ed ll1 memhers inu~t now dial 911, they would get an 1n11ned1a1c report emergerw1e~ \Uch a~ I ire\. instead of :n:n. when trying lo re~pon~e. hut operator~ did not \erJ()lJ\ IIIJUry or dine\~. a cr1111e contact the Office of Campus know where the call wa\ coming 111 progre\\, a per\on chokmg or Safety for all fire, police and from. 111c1denh rnvolvrng weapon\ and medical emergencies. Roher! Holt. director of cam­ chemical ~pilb. The number 1l1e numher change took place pus safety, ~alt: the College ha~ ~hould not he u~ed to report 1111~\­ August 3. The 3333 nurnhcr 1s always heen ahle to locate where rng property. to rnquire about now used for non-emergencies. a call wa~ coming from even w11h weather or road cond1t ions. However, only the hlue light the 3333 numhcr. However, Holt \aid 911 may he phones and dialing 911 from resi­ "The only real change 1~ that u~ed for IIH>lon~t a~~1stance. dent hall phones will reach cam­ the numhcr is shorter," Holt said. "We do consider not herng pus safety. There is no need to "We have hcen ahle to tell the ahlc lo get your car ~tarted or hav­ dial 9 first in order to reach an location of the call for year~.
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