60 ORGANISATION FOR CO-OPERATION years BETWEEN RAILWAYS (OSJD) R E P O R T ON THE ACTIVITIES OF THE ORGANISATION FOR COOPERATION BETWEEN RAILWAYS IN 2014 Warsaw 2015 1956-2016 Heads of delegations at session XLIII of OSJD Ministerial Conference (2-5.06.2015, Ulan Bator, Mongolia) Heads of delegations at meeting XXX of the Conference of General Directors (Authorised Representatives) of OSJD Railways (20-24.04.2015 , Prague, Czech Republic) Contents OSJD Structure ................................................................................................................................................................4 Introduction .....................................................................................................................................................................5 Progress of OSJD Activities by Subjects .................................................................................................................9 Activities of the OSJD Governing Bodies .............................................................................................................37 Participation of Observers and Affiliated Enterprises in the OSJD Activities .........................................40 Cooperation with International Organisations .................................................................................................41 Activities of the OSJD Committee ..........................................................................................................................45 Reference on Participation of OSJD Members in Agreements and Treaties, Being in Force within the OSJD Framework .............................................................................48 Statistics ....................................................................................................................................................................55-56 Members of OSJD .........................................................................................................................................................57 The report was approved on 23 April 2015 by the XXX meeting of the Conference of General Directors (authorized representatives) of the OSJD railways (20-24 April 2015, Prague, Czech Republic). Ratified on 4 June 2015 by the XLIII session of the OSJD Ministerial Conference (2-5 June 2015, Ulan Bator, Mongolia). PUBLISHER EDITORIAL STAFF Committee of the Organisation for Co-operation Editor-in-Chief: S. Kabenkov between Railways Editor: Wang Lianbin Secretary: L. Filipiak, T. Korniluk EDITORIAL BOARD Sergey Kabenkov, AP (Chairman) Address: 00-681 Warszawa, ul. Hoża 63/67 Zubaida Aspayeva, BSc Telephone: (+4822) 657-36-17; Wang Lianbin, BSc (+4822) 657-36-18 Radovan Vopalecky, BSc Fax: (+4822) 621-94-17; Zurab Kozmava, BSc (+4822) 657-36-54 Аian Mamytov, BSc [email protected]; www.osjd.org Mykola Nosenko, Ph.D. Šabik Peter, BSc Printed by: ”PAB-Font s.c.“, Maria Sack, Atty. (DB AG) 03-214 Warszawa, ul. Krasnobrodzka 2/1 Tel./Fax: (+48 22) 675-65-17 Submitted: : 7 September 2015 e-mail: [email protected] Imprimatur: 10 September 2015 List of Abbreviations Used in the Text ADB Automated Database AWG Ad Hoc Working Group CCTT Coordinating Council for Trans-Siberian Transportation CGD Conference of General Directors (Authorized Representatives) CIT International Rail Transport Committee DMU diesel multiple units EMU electrical multiple units ERA European Railway Agency ETT Uniform Transit Tariff GNG Harmonized Commodity Code IT Information Technology ITC Inland Transport Committee JWG Joint Working Group MTT International Railway Transit Tariff STI Scientific-Technical Information NHM Nomenclature Harmonisée Marchandises OSJD Organisation for Co-Operation between Railways OTIF Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail PGW Rules for the Use of Wagons in International Traffic PPW Rules for the Use of Coaches in International Traffic PWG Permanent Working Group PWGCI Permanent Working Group on Coding and IT PWGF Permanent Working Group on Finance and Accounting SMGS Agreement on the International Freight Traffic SMPS Agreement on the International Passenger Traffic STEI Scientific, Technical and Economical Information SUE State Unitary Enterprise TSI Technical Specifications for Interoperability UIC International Union of Railways UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNESCAP United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific USS Uniform Search System 2 OSJD Committee’s Managing Board Chairman of OSJD Committee Tadeusz Szozda Deputy Chairman Deputy Chairman of OSJD Committee of OSJD Committee Viktor Zhukov Dong Jianmin Secretary of OSJD Committee Attila Kiss 3 S t r u c t u r e of Organisation for Co-Operation between Railways (As of 1 September 2015) MINISTERS CONFERENCE Governing Bodies GENERAL DIRECTORS CONFERENCE O S J D C o m m i t t e e Executive Body Managing Board Meeting of OSJD Committee Members Working bodies of OSJD Commissions and Permanent Working Groups Plenipotentiary Representatives Meeting g k c y e c Working Bodies affi affi Tr Accountin Tr ansport Polic ansport Law eight Tr Coding and IT Infrastructur Tr Fr Passenger and Rolling Stoc Finance and and Development Strategy Permanent O S J D C o m m i s s i o n s Working Groups Joint Groups with other international Working Groups organisations OSJD Participants s s state state s d railway r participants Affiliate 26 railways Observers (7) International organisation Othe enterprises (40) Railway authorities sector of OSJD member of 28 OSJD member 4 Introduction In 2014, the activities of the Organisation for Cooperation between Railways (OSJD), carried out in difficult con- ditions, were focused on meeting targets related to further development of international rail traffic in the service between Europe and Asia, improvements in the legal and regulatory framework with the purpose of increasing the competitiveness of rail transport sector and meeting the requirements of the OSJD member countries in carrying goods and passengers. A number of railways carried out its activities in difficult conditions resulting from the complicities in the economic sector, which required from them additional efforts to be made in order to solve the subsequent problems. Meanwhile, railway transportation has shown its leading role in the common transport system and its abilities to transform the possibilities on unconditional implementation of a full package of transport services. It is worth noticing that most railways of OSJD member countries have undergone essential reforms and modernisation of their managerial structure for its adaptation to the modern conditions and the requirements of today. According to the measures and recommendations developed by OSJD in cooperation with ministries and railways, a great amount of work has been carried out to reconstruct the railway lines and modernise the infrastructure within the OSJD transport corridors which resulted in the increase of freight transportation volumes on the railways of OSJD member countries to 6 billion tons, and passenger traffic – to 4 billion persons a year. The harmonious and purposeful operation of all railways of OSJD member countries has facilitated such results. The Azerbaijani Railways have been carrying out a considerable amount of work to improve the infrastructure of the main lines of OSJD railway transport corridor No. 10 in section Baku – Bejuk-Kasik where in 2014 10 traction substations were constructed, allowing to provide AC traction by the electrical locomotives. The second railway bridge over the Kura River has been constructed on the 73rd kilometer, 317 km of tracks have been modernised. In accordance with the National Programme the railway stations located on a 185-km section between Osmanly and Astara are to be developed. In 2014 a container route of Poti – Kishly - Poti was organised. Work is in progress to initiate perspective container trains on the routes: Poti – Aljat – Aktau, port Aljat – Poti, Poti – Aljat – Turkmenbashi – Aljat – Poti. Introduction of “Enroute technologies for the organisation of passenger transportation in international passenger traffic” has allowed to reduce considerably the customs procedures at border stations in both directions on the route Baku – Bejuk-Kasik and Jalama – Samur. In 2014, the volume of a cargo transportation on the Byelorussian Railway made up 141.4 million tons of goods (101.1% as compared to 2013). Special attention was concentrated on the development of container traffic, where container transport growth was remarkable in communication between EU countries with China and back which resulted in an increased volume of such a traffic by 3.1 times. Remarkable work was carried out in the field of Volkswagen car-accessories transportation from Europe onto the assembly factories in the Russian Federation by the direct fast block-trains mainly under the unified CIM/SMGS consignment note. In July 2014, the Center of Transport Service at Baranovichi-Central station was opened that was the first step towards the introduction of improved quality service system for the freight owners and the single-window principle, as well as towards rendering of comprehensive services in goods delivery. According to the State Programme for 2011-2015, 12.5 thousand freight wagons are planned to be procured, of which 989 freight wagons were procured in 2014. Since 2010 the Railway has been implementing together with the Czech company “СZ Loko” a programme for the production of high-technology
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