LETTERS TO ROLLING BACK WANT ADS & AT YOUR oruKIS & THE YEARS LEGAL NOTICES SERVICE OBIjijES SEE PAGE 2 SEE PAGE 12 SEE PAGE 8 LOMA HARTFORD WA VLIET Vol. 104 - No. 10 RED ARROW EDITION OF THE WATER VLIET RECORD MARCH 9,1988 II Hartford downs WHS Principal seiection PATRICK'S DAY# Watervliet in 1H district opener TIVAL MARCH l2 Tueeday night saw the begin- narrows to two candidates ning of Class C district tourna- By Karl Bayar Ml ment play at Watervilet High The search for a principal for the Board members. Board at Its meeting next Monday School with Watervilet taking on Watervilet High School has President Darrell D^y told them night. Hartford for the rubber match been narrowed to two can- after the separate .ialf-hour In- Dave Llckfeldt, 46, Is Assis- for both teams. Hartford prevail- didates, Dave Llckfeldt and terviews that Superintendent tant Principal at Stockbrldge ed by beating the Panthers by a Dave Shoemake. Bruce Watson would make a Community High School. He score of 62-50. Both attended a work session decision as to his recommenda- has held that position for 4 w.- The Indians will advance to of the School Board Monday tion for filling the position this years. Previous to that he the semifinal match Thursday night and were Interviewed by week and present It to the Board taught In the Livonia Schools. night to play the Parchment Pan- Llckfeldt and his wife, Judy, there who drew an opening- have three children, Celeste, /T . A round bye. Game time Is 7:00 Darin and Kevin. YOU'RE INVITED.-.Festlval co-chairmen Wllma Yeoke (lelt) and Joan Dave Shoemake, 40, Is Direc- Bell Invite you to Coloma Saturday. (Carole Kleman photo) See DISTRICTS on page 3 tor of Guidance Services at Elkhart High School, Elkhart, In- diana. He and his wife, Rosemary, St Patrick's Day Parade have two children, Scott, 14, and Sonya, 16. They live In Buchanan. heads Coloma celebration Shoemake formerly taught and coached football at The eighth annual St. Court Davis Buchanan High School. Patrick's Day parade will get •Honorary Guest-Ralf Mojsle- •State Representative-Carl F. Dave Llckfeldt Dave Shoemake underway this Saturday in jenko (San Diego Chargers Gnodtke beautiful downtown Coloma punter and 1988 Pro Bowl •Aif beginning at 1 p.m. punter) •Miss Watervilet and Court The grand marshal for this • Prosecuting Attorney Paul •Coloma Glad-Peach Festival year's parade is a lifetime resi- Maioney Float dent of Coloma, Roger Carter. •Grimace •CoSY 98 Radio-Joe Jason Coloma Twp. to Investigate •Mies South Haven This announcement was made • Manager of McDonald's by Joan Bell and Wiima Yeske, Restaurant of Coloma-Jim See PARADE on page 14 co-chairmen of this year's St, need for fire pact changes Patrick's Day Committee. By Marlon Leedy There are 62 entries in this Coloma Township Board Fred Martin volunteered to serve reorganization as the City of year's parade and they are as $284,000 sewer bond members voted Monday night, on that committee. Among the Coloma owned and maintained listed: March 7, to review the Joint Fire Issues In the agreement to be the fire etation. insurance and •Coloma City Police Board Agreement to determine considered are to determine If the line of authority will also be •Coloma Township Police sought by Watervilet If there Is a need for some the agreement complies with studied. Johnson noted that • Berrien County Sheriff's changes In that agreement Act 33 which is the state there was no need to reopen the Department which wae adopted by the leglalative act under which such joint agreement to make ad- •Michigan State Police to plug leaks In system Township and City of Coloma on organizations are governed and justments in It until it is •American Legion Color Guard By Karl Bayer Dec. 12,1983, to provide fire pro- to determine what authority established that adjustments Post 362 The Watervliet City Commis- PAPER CO. TAX BREAK tection for the residents of the handiee building maintenance. are needed. •Coloma Senior High School sion will seek to eeli 1284,000 in Commissioners approved a it was noted by the Board thle The committee was directed Band two municipalities. municipal bonds to make request of the Watervilet Paper Township Treasurer Bob by the Township Board to study •Benton Harbor High School was not an Issue with the fire repairs on Its sanitary sewer Company to extend a tax ex- agreements of other jointly- JROTC Magnet program, Col- Johnson and Townehlp trustee department prior to the emption certificate through operated fire departments and oma and Eau Claire, (140 Cadets system. Cornmissionere gave approval to begin the bond sale 1990. Paper Company President to accept input from the Coloma with a color guard and drill procedure at their meeting Tues- Dave Styles said projects to City Commission, the Joint Fire team) day night. upgrade and Improve paper- Board and the firemen concern- •Coloma Leprechaun-Ken Irwin 0B/GYN services return Commissioner Ed Campbell makinnaklng mechines were running ing the issue. The committee •Grand Marshal-Roger Carter said the Public Works Commit- behind schedule. will report back to the Township (Mr. Carter was Township Super- tee determined the repair pro- The Initial project of new Board at its next regular visor for 23 years and has been a to Community Hospital ject was needed to stem the equipment at a value of 19.3 meeting on April 4. lifetime resident of Coloma) flow of ground and rain water In- million was Granted an In- The City of Coloma has re- •Stuwart Thurlow (Stuwart to the sewer system; from which dustrial Facilities Tax Exemp- The administrators of two the small, community hospital- quested that the Joint Fire wants to thank the community the sewage flow is charged to tion In January of 1986. The ex- area hospitals have announced to find creative strategies for Agreement be opened for con- fo/ its support during his kidney the City by the Paw Paw Lake emption cut the personal pro- a cooperative venture to provide new programs and services. Op- sideration. Township Supervisor transplant) Sewage Treatment Plant. Camp- perty tax bill on the new equip- women's health and education portunities must be explored Rodney Krieger read a letter •Judge David Peterson bell said more sewage water ment in half. At that time the ex- servlcee. with other providers; It's just from the City Clerk asking for •Coloma Lions Float-1988 Miss was pumped out of the system emption was estimated to save Steven Spencer, Adminis- sound business practice." the action to be considered. The Coloma and Court than water pumped into it. the Paper Company 1276,000, trator of Community Hospital, Bruce confirmed the need for City will be advised of the •Mayor Marvin Taylor and Mrs. and Sandra Bruce, President of Department of Public Works Styles told the Commission at joint planning and discussion Township's planned action, Taylor Superintendent Glenn (Corky) that time the exemption, along Berrien General Hospital, have between providers, "Prudent Martin reported the Joint Fire •Coloma City Commission Openneer said during a heavy with the new equipment, would joined forces to bring women's utilization of capital and human Board has advertised for bids for •Father Adoiph Nadrach-St. rainfall period as much as 8 keep the mill In operation, pro- health services to the Coloma resources Is critical," Bruce a new fire truck. The bids will be Joseph Catholic Church, and Watervliet areas. The million additional gallons of tect jobs and make the mill more said. "Berrien General Hospital opened by the Joint Fire Board Watervliet water may go through the competitive, cooperative venture was In- has offered comprehensive on March 29. Martin also •Township Supervisor Rodney system, charged at 80 cents per The exemption expired In itiated through dialogue bet- women's services since 1986. reported bills were approved by Krieger Jr. and Mrs, Krieger ween the two leaders about area thousand gallons. Openneer 1986, Personal Property Tax Previously, making these ser- the Joint Fire Board In the •Township Board of Trustees said the savings of the extra Assessor Tom Yore told The healthcare needs and vices more accessible to the amount of $4,383.72 for the •Brownie Troop #46 flow charged would pay for the Record after the meeting the ex- resources. women in Coloma and Water- month of February, •State Representative Lad S, "The healthcare industry cost of the repairs, emption request was retroactive vliet was not feasible, The In other business the Board Stacey faces Incredible challenges dur- Campbell estimated the cost to its expiration. Yore said the avaliabliity of Community approved Krieger's recommen- •Miss Benton Harbor and Court ing the next decade," said of the project to City users exemption amounted to approx- Hospital's facilities makes the dation to appoint Susan Stampf- •Benton Harbor Mayor Pro Tem Spencer, "Shrinking reimburee would be about 19,00 per imately 193,000 for 1988, provision of these services prac- ly to the Coloma Township Plan- Charles 'Mickey' Yarbrough and ment, the dramatic escalation of quarter, He said the bond issue The Commission granted the tical and economical for both ning Commission to replace Mrs. Yarbrough malpractice insurance, and the would be for 20 years at 8 or 9 exemption extension through providere, and beneficial for Milton Stibai who has resigned, •First Runner-up for state Apple high price tag on technology are percent interest. consumers," Queen and Berrien County Ap- See WATERVLIET en page S forcing provlders-particularly See TWP. on page 14 See HOSPITAL on page 14 ple Queen Susan Oiney and h JEFF BUSH WATERVLIET •VIMUNTH "Ifs e thing with an KERIANN SHEMBARGER orange beard and he ROBERTSON JESSE SMITH JUSTIN SMITH ERIC PRINCE fiweys weere green WATERVLIET JULIE JEFFERY MARK EPPLE WATERVLIET I WATERVLIET WATERVLIET WATERVLIET end he hes magic.
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