2358 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS February 8, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS LEGISLATION INTRODUCED TO It is important to note that the than one year after the date of enactment STUDY FEASIBILITY OF RAIL right-of-way down the median strip of of this section."·• TRANSIT LINK TO DULLES the Dulles Access Highway has been INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT reserved by the FAA for possible future use for a mass transit rail system. Also, the road was graded with H.R. 1176 HON. FRANK R. WOLF this prospect in mind, and enough OF VIRGINIA space was provided under the over­ HON. ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO passes. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Wednesday, February 8, 1984 The legislation will call upon DOT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to review various rail systems. Each •Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, today I am Wednesday, February 8, 1984 introducing legislation to direct the must be examined for capital and Secretary of Transportation to study operational costs, efficiency, conven­ e Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, the feasibility of constructing a rapid ience, capacity, and demand. One ex­ today I am introducing legislation to rail transit line between the Metrorail ample of a system with a potential for repeal the sunset date on the mort­ station terminal in West Falls Church success in this area is light rail transit gage revenue bond program. and Dulles International Airport. My <LRT>. Such a system is in use in San As you know, Congress failed to Virginia colleague, Senator PAUL Diego, where the LRT was completed extend this essential program last year TRIBLE, is introducing a companion on time and under budget, with 75 per­ in spite of overwhelming congressional measure in the U.S. Senate and Con­ cent of its operating costs recovered at support for mortgage revenue bonds. gressman STAN PARRIS and Senator the farebox. The legislation to repeal the Decem­ JOHN WARNER are joining us in our ef­ Throughout the past decade, Con­ ber 31, 1983 sunset date, H.R. 1176, forts. gress has considered several bills call­ garnered the support of 334 House The study will examine various rail ing for extension of the Washington Members. However, the bill was not modes, including but not limited to Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's considered on its own merits but was, heavy rail, light rail, monorail and Metrorail system to Dulles. While unfortunately, included in H.R. 4170, magnetic levitation systems. some of those bills have been approved the Tax Reform Act, which failed to by one House of the Congress, none receive a rule in the House due to con­ I believe that this legislation is an has passed both the House and troversial provisions unrelated to the important step in laying the ground­ Senate. Numerous studies of extend­ mortgage revenue bond program. work to accommodate increased ing Metrorail or establishing alternate Mr. Speaker, it is critical that Con­ demand for adequate and responsive gress address the extension of this ground transportation to and from rail modes to Dulles also have been conducted by several different groups, vital program immediately. As we all Dulles Airport-the Washington met­ well know, affordability is the major ropolitan area's airport of the future. including WMATA, highlighting the interest and support for some type of obstacle to the dream of homeowner­ Many recent developments have fo­ rail service to the airport. ship for millions of Americans. For ex­ cused Federal commitment on encour­ ample, in my home State of California, aging use of Dulles. The 1981 Metro­ I believe it is time to update past ef­ you must earn at least $31,000 to pur­ politan Washington Airports Policy forts and look to the future with one chase an average-priced home. Only 25 set limits on growth at National Air­ study that can then be the basis for percent of Californians earn that port. Refinements of the policy are action to make rapid rail to Dulles a amount. Thanks to mortgage revenue now being considered and will likely reality if proved feasible. I look for­ bonds, many Californians with in­ speed the transfer of future growth to ward to working with my colleagues to comes below $31,000 have been able to Dulles. The master plan for Dulles is speed passage of this legislation. finance homes. In fact, in 1982 the currently being updated and is expect­ The introduced legislation follows: median income of State mortgage rev­ ed to include plans for expanding the Be it enacted by the Senate and House of enue bond program beneficiaries was airport's facilities to accommodate the Representatives of the United States of $23,511, and approximately 200,000 of anticipated growth. Even today we are America in Congress assembled, That the these middle-income earners were able witnessing significant growth at National Capital Transportation Act of 1969 to purchase a home because of single Dulles. New airline service has been is amended by adding at the end thereof the family mortgage revenue bonds. added and passenger use of Dulles is following new section: In addition to increasing the afford­ increasing on an average of 16 percent "STUDY OF RAPID TRANSIT LINE TO DULLES ability of homes, mortgage revenue monthly. AIRPORT bonds also provide jobs-nearly These developments, coupled with "SEc. 17. <a> The Secretary of Transporta­ 100,000 in 1983-and taxes to Federal, the fact that 80 percent of the region's tion shall study the feasibility of construct­ State and local governments-approxi­ growth is occurring outside the belt­ ing a rail rapid transit line between the mately $800 million in 1983-generat­ way in the Dulles corridor, underscore West Falls Church, Virginia, station of the ed by the construction of new housing the need to begin planning now for a Washington, D.C. metrorail system and units. The minimal revenue loss to the rail line to accommodate passenger Dulles International Airport in Virginia. Federal Government as a result of the The study shall include, but need not be growth and accessibility at Dulles. We limited to, a study of the feasibility of heavy tax-exempt status of the bonds is, I be­ have unique opportunity also in this rail, light rail, monorail, and magnetic levi­ lieve, a small price to pay for the nu­ study to examine whether such a rail tation systems. The Secretary shall study merous benefits reaped by millions of system could also help alleviate the the feasibility of each such system with and Americans through the single family growing traffic problems in western without intermediate stops. mortgage revenue bond program. Now Fairfax Country, Va., by providing "(b) The Secretary shall complete the that economic recovery is well under­ commuter stops at several locations study required by subsection <a> and trans­ way and unemployment is nearly along the route. mit the results thereof to Congress not later under control, we must not stifle fur- e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by the Member on the floor. February 8, 1984 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 2359 ther economic growth in our Nation again shown that private sector initia­ BICENTENNIAL OF TREATIES OF by failing to extend this important tives can work and should be encour­ PARIS AND VERSAILLES program. aged. I encourage all of my colleagues to I commend Zoe Laurence for a job HON. DON SUNDQUIST join me in supporting and urging con­ well done. Her dedication and sense of gressional action on legislation to civic duty in volunteering to organize OF TENNESSEE repeal the sunset date on the single such a large-scale project for no mone­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES family mortgage revenue bond pro­ Wednesday, February 8, 1984 gram.e tary gain are rare. I thank Zoe Lau­ rence and I am sure the parents of e Mr. SUNDQUIST. Mr. Speaker, last Houston thank Zoe Laurence. If her fall more than 200 members of the HOUSTON MISSING CHILDREN efforts help even one missing child, Daughters of the American Revolu­ PROGRAM A GREAT SUCCESS they will have been worthwhile.• tion and several other distinguished Americans including Senator JOHN HON. JACK FIELDS WARNER, Mrs. Charles Robb and Mrs. OF TEXAS NATIONAL CREDIT UNION AD­ Douglass MacArthur made an historic MINISTRATION REDUCES FEES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES trip to Paris to participate in the com­ memoration of the bicentennial of the Wednesday, February 8, 1984 signing of the Treaties of Paris and •Mr. FIELDS. Mr. Speaker, the na­ HON. CHALMERS P. WYLIE Versailles. Also attending the events tional incidence of missing children is OF OHIO was Mrs. Walter Hughey King, presi­ a stunning and frightening problem. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dent general of the National Society Each year some 1.5 to 1.8 million chil­ Daughters of the American Revolu­ dren are missing from their homes. Wednesday, February 8, 1984 tion. Although the bicentennial year Approximately 50,000 of those missing •Mr. WYLIE. Mr. Speaker, I am has passed, I felt that my colleagues children are the victims of serious ac­ pleased to note that the National might still benefit from the important cidents or foul play. Credit Union Administration has historical background and timely com­ Responding to the tragedy of miss­ slashed by 30 percent the operating ments in portions of this speech Mrs. ing children, Congress passed the fees it will require in 1984 from Feder­ King delivered on this grand occasion Missing Children Act in September of al credit unions. This brings to 40 per­ last year at the American Church in 1982. The act was designed to encour­ cent the total fee reductions credit Paris. age the Federal Bureau of Investiga­ unions have received from NCUA over The speech follows: tion to utilize specific information the past 2 years.
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