132 AROIDEANA, Vol. 29 Arum-A Decade of Change Peter C. Boyce Malesiana Tropicals Suite 4, Level 9, Tun Jugah Tower No. 18JaIan Abdul Rahman 93000 Kuching, Malaysia ABSTRACT cense, Arum italicum ssp. albispathum, Arum italicum ssp. canariense, Arum it­ When published in 1993 The Genus alicum ssp. majoricense, Arum italicum Arum (Boyce, 1993) presented for the first ssp. neglectum, Arum longispathum, time in 70 years, and ever in English, a tool Arum lucanum, Arum maculatum, Arum to identify with some degree of confi­ nigrum, Arum orientale, Arum pictum, dence all of the 25 Arum species and their Arum pictum ssp. sagittijolium, Arum subordinate taxa then recognized. Inevi­ rupicola, Arum sintenisii, Croatia, Cyprus, tably since publication there have been polymorphic species, Turkey changes in species delimitation as well as new discoveries, such that the species tally for Arum now stands at 28. Changes of TAXONOMIC UPDATES note since 1993 include the recognition of Arum longispathum two species treated then at subspecific rank within A. orientale Bieb. [A. longis­ Resurrection of A. longispathum at spe­ pathum Reich. & A. sintenisii (Eng!.) P. C. cies rank is supported following observa­ Boyce] while a further species [A. alpinar­ tions made of living material from Croatia iae (K. Alpinar & R. R. Mill) P. C. Boyce], to which I did not have access before pub­ treated then as a subspecies of A. elon­ lication of The Genus Arum. It is now clear gatum Steven, is formally raised to the lev­ that A. longispathum is distinct from A. or­ el of species in this paper. Additional study ientale, indeed from any other Arum, by has resolved a number of issues including the inflorescence carried on a long pedun­ application of names for the species hith­ cle clear of the foliage in the manner of A. erto called A. alpinum Schott & Kotschy rupicola Boiss., but strongly odorous of and the status of subordinal taxa in A. it­ cattle dung. Discounting the long pedun­ alicum Miller. These are all detailed below cle, the general aspect of the inflorescence together with sundry other observations. is that of A. elongatum, with which A.lon­ While much work remains to be done gispathum shares a penetrating smell at on Arum it seems a worthwhile exercise anthesis but differs by the spathe being to present an overview of these changes pale purple with a still paler central por­ wrought in the past decade and to cast tion and the spadix appendix dull lilac; the some pointers for work that still remains entire spathe and spadix of A. elongatum to be tackled. is deep purple. Sterile flowers of A. lon­ gispathum are filiform and not thickened KEYWORDS as in A. elongatum. The information (Boy­ ce, 1993) concerning the restricted natural Arum alpinariae, Arum alpinum, Arum range (endemic to Croatia) of A. longis­ apulum, Arum besserianum, Arum cylin­ pathum remains valid. draceum, Arum dioscoridis, Arum dios­ coridisvar. cyprium, Arum dioscoridisvar. Arum sintenisii and Cypriot Arum syriacum, Arum dioscoridis var. philis­ taeum, Arum elongatum, Arum elonga­ The change of status of this Cypriot en­ tum ssp. alpinariae, Arum hygrophilum, demic was published in the Annales of the Arum italicum, Arum italicum f. majori- Goulandris Museum 0994 pub!. 1995). PETER C. BOYCE, 2006 133 However, this is not a well-known journal the sense of tuber elongation in, e.g. A. and so it seems worth repeating here the maculatum L. and its kin, in which the tu­ salient points. Arum sintenisii differs from bers are rhizome-like with the tuber grow­ A. orientale by the long-peduncled inflo­ ing laterally through the soil. The tubers of rescences carried at or slightly above the A. orientale are better described as being level of the leaves and the spadix appen­ obliquely or asymmetrically globular in dix producing a strong fruity smell at an­ such that the new tuber does not form di­ thesis (inflorescence carried below the fo­ rectly over the old tuber, as is the case liage and smelling of cattle dung/urine in with A. besserianum, but rather slightly A. orientale). In general aspect A. sinten­ offset to one side so that observing tubers isii rather closely resembles A. hygrophil­ of several years growth a somewhat elon­ um Boiss., especially as herbarium mate­ gated tuber does result, but not in the rial, although it differs in the spathe colour manner in which such rhizome-like tubers and spadix odour (A. hygrophilum has the occur in A. maculatum, etc, where new spathe pale green with a very narrow pur­ growth is produced laterally to the tuber ple margin and a spadix that is odourless axis and a long, sausage-like tuber results. at all times). It has further become appar­ The synonymy cited for A. besserianum ent that all the vouchered records of A. (Boyce, 1993) is still valid. hygrophilum from Cyprus are attributable to A. sintenisii and that Arum hygrophil­ Arum alpinarlae um appears to be absent from Cyprus. A plant of Cypriot origin that I errone­ Treated as a subspecies of A. elongatum ously reported as a putative hybrid be­ (Boyce, 1993), A. alpinariae (K. Alpinar & tween A. orientale and A. hygrophilum on R. R. Mill) P. C. Boyce is distinct from it by pages 179/80 of The Genus Arum is also the much shorter and considerably less referable to A. sintenisii. massive spadix appendix and most readily As an outcome of these changes, three distinguished by the startling rich crimson Arum species are currently recorded for spathe interior, quite different to the som­ Cyprus: bre purple spathe of A. elongatum and, indeed, unmatched by any other Arum species. These striking characteristics, to­ A. dioscoridis var. cyprium (Schott) Engl. gether with the so far endemic habitat (see note below under discussion of A. dioscoridis Sm.) strongly support its recognition as a dis­ tinct species. A. rupicola Boiss. The formal publication of its new status A. sintenisii (Engl.) P. C. Boyce is presented below: Arum besserlanum Arum alpinarlae (K. Alpinar & R. R. Mill) Arum besserianum Schott, treated as in­ P. C. Boyce, stat. nov. sufficiently known in 1993, is, based on Basionym: Arum elongatum ssp. alpi­ study of plants now in cultivation, quite nariae K. Alpinar & R. R. Mill in Fl. Turkey distinct from and indeed probably not par­ & E. Aegean Is., 10: 236, 219 (1988). ticular closely related to A. orientale. The Type: TURKEY: Sebsen to Bolu, Bolu spathe is deeper coloured and the tuber Yolu, Agu Dagi, Kesik yaylasi, amongJun­ globose and compressed, rather in the iperus, 1,600 m, 6 June 1983, K. Alpinar manner of a begonia tuber, while the ster­ ISTE 50605 (holotype ISTE!; isotype E!; K ile flowers are more densely arranged. photograph!). At least one nursery offering A. orientale and A. besserianum states that they may Arum cyUndraceum be separated by tuber shape, which is true, but implies that the tuber of A. orien­ Perhaps the most unfortunate outcome of tale is elongated. This is not strictly so in these new studies is to note that A. alpinum 134 AROIDEANA, Vol. 29 must now be called A. cylindraceum Gasp., pinum ssp. danicum (Prime) Terp6. a name treated as doubtful in 1993 but, fol­ A. orientale ssp. danicum (Prime) lOwing recollection of material from the type Prime locality, shown to be unequivocally identical A. transsilvanicum Cztez with the later A. alpinum. Additionally, new collections of herbar­ Arumpictum ium and living specimens of A. lucanum Cavara & Grande have demonstrated with­ Arum pictum 1. f. is a distinctive autumn out a shadow of doubt that it too is refer­ flowering species occurring in the Balearic able to the prioritised A. cylindraceum. islands, Corsica, Sardinia and mainland Given that A. alpinum has been so-long western Italy. Although unquestionably all obfuscated by A. maculatum and further belonging to one species, the populations burdened by a plethora of trivial taxonom­ in the Balearics tend to have rounded ic epithets, I feel it worthwhile presenting leaves with rather weakly defined rounded the new name for this species with its basal lobes whereas populations from Cor­ complete synonymy but without the long sica, Sardinia and mainland Italy have type and publication citations, for which leaves almost triangular in outline with see Boyce (1993). quite well formed basal lobes. Given this, the publication of a purportedly Majorcan Arum cylindraceum Gasp. A. macula­ endemic, Arum pictum ssp. sagittifolium J. tum var. cylindraceum (Gasp.) Engl. A. Rossell6 & 1. Saez (Acta Bot. Barcin., 44: A. alpinum Schott & Kotschy. A. ma­ 170 (1997)) is intriguing in that the speci­ culatum var. alpinum (Schott & Kot­ men that forms the type has leaves with schy) Engl. A. maculatum ssp. alpin­ much more the appearance of A. pictum um (Schott & Kotschy) Richter. A. from the easterly part of its range. maculatum var. angustatum subvar. alpinum (Schott & Kotschy) Engl. A. A New Approach with Polymorphic orientale ssp. alpinum (Schott & Kot­ Species schy) H.Riedl. I was inconsistent with my treatment of A. alpinum var. pannonicum Terp6, polymorphic species such that while I A. alpinum var. pannonicum fm javorkae treated some, such as A. maculatum as a Terp6. single highly variable entity, others, e.g. A. A. danicum (Prime) O.N. Dubovik A. italicum and A. dioscoridis I attempted to gracile Unverr. A. maculatum var. split into discrete subordinate taxa. The angustatum subvar. gracile (Unverr.) unfortunate result of this latter course of Engl. A. alpinum ssp. gracile (Un­ action was to leave behind a mass of verr.) Terp6 plants unplaceable within any taxon with­ A. intermedium Schur ex Schott. A. alpin­ out resorting to finer and finer degrees of um var. intermedium (Schur ex differentiation.
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