. ^ I ^ ^ . D enver C atholic Vol. LXXVI No. 7 35 Cents Ninety-nine years of service to the Gospel March I, 7000 ^ 0 0 ^ h* ■ ^ t s Coptic Orthodox children cheer for Pope John Paul II as he arrives for a meeting with their religious leader, Pope Shenouda III, in Cairo Feb. 24. (CNS photo from Reuters) Journey to Egypt Pope begins long-anticipated series of Holy Year pilgrimages - Page 3 Father Dennis Ryan, pastor of Nativity of Our Lord Parish, stands near the baptismal font at the entrance to the new church. House of God New church to be dedicated in Broomfield - Page 7 Jubilee for Deacons Local deacon addresses g a th e rin g at V a tica n - Page 5 Father Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights, is being considered for canonization - 1 6 New Bishop Welcomed Jubilee Mass at JPll - Page 8 DFNVFR ( ATI lOlK k’h( ilSTFR M.ik h I , ?00() Carrying the cross of the poor Colorado Knights celebrate 100 years of service defense of the family. The Knights are hat would happen if all Archbishop's convinced that hand in hand with sup­ Catholics and other porting religious and priestly voca­ W Christians would suddenly Column tions is the need for strengthening fam­ stop accommodating the "culture of ily values. As husbands and fathers, death" anct dedicate themselves to the grit By Most Rev. f members are called to set a standard of goal of making Christ the vital princi­ prayer and faithful leadership in the ple in their lives? Charles J. Chaput home. Without this experience of fami­ History offers many examples of O.F.M. Cap. ly commitment, children cannot be ■ff*' what happens with such dedication — expected to develop those qualities of from the Apostles who gave their lives .y/ /i i i i k character which will enable them to in testimony of Christ, to Mother 539 on November 18, 1900. He estab­ live a life of Christian responsibility. On Ash Wednesday, the Teresa in our own day. lished councils in other states, as well Finally, the Knights of Columbus forehead is marked with the When we ask why their number as the first council in Mexico. He was demonstrate leadership in the commu­ Sign of the Cross. cnsmo isn't greater, why more of the Lord's , the founder of the "Fourth Degree," nity, in the workplace, in education followers have not accepted the chal­ and his daughter, Josephine Redden and in politics. Knights have fearlessly lenge to bring about moral, social and Taylor, wife of T. Rayber Taylor, a lead­ challenged ideas contrary to the Ash Wednesday, economic renewal through the applica­ tion of Christian principles to daily liv­ ing Catholic layman, continues to play Gospel, such as abortion, euthanasia, and now, the death penalty. March 8, begins ing, the answer seems to be that we're an active role in the Church of northern not convinced of our own personal Colorado. The Knights know that honesty and Season of Lent responsibility to make Jesus a vital 1 would like to pt)int out three integrity in politics, government, busi­ force in our world. important areas where Colorado ness or in the arts and sciences cannot he 40-day season of Lent begins As we look about and see the prob­ Knights and their families are advanc­ be achieved by legislative enactment Ton Ash Wednesday, March 8. lems which often seem to assail us ing the priorities of the Catholic faith: alone, but must take their inspiration Ash Wednesday is a day of fasting from every side, we wonder what we The parish is the primary focus of from the abiding moral convictions of and abstinence. The law of fast allows can possibly do to help solve them. We every council of the Knights of America's citizens. a single full meal each day; it does not wonder whether our hopes for a peace­ Columbus. It is there that Knights and The Knights of Columbus have a rule out taking some food in the ful world for ourselves, our families their families gather with their fellow proud tradition of support for Catholic morning and evening. Abstinence Christians to share in the Mas.s, which education, and youth and young adult bans the eating of meat. The law of and for others can ever be realized. As state chaplain for the more than is the source and summit of our faith. It programs. The order's evangelization abstinence is binding on those 14 or is primarily at the parish level that the efforts include a satellite uplink that older. The law of fast is binding on 10,500 Knights of Columbus and their families, I'm honored to be a part of a Knights do service projects and offer broadcasts the Pope's Christmas Eve those 21 to 60. acts of charity. These can be great and Mass at St. Peter's Basilica. Ashes, symbolic of penance, are fraternity whose members are taking an active role in addressing the moral small. The restoration of the Cathedral In our community and across the blessed and.............. distributed ed ,among the of the Immaculate Conception and its faithful. They are used to mark the challenges faced by our nation. nation, the Knights of Columbus are forehead with the Sign of the Cross, I'd also like to express my congratu­ magnificent pipe organ were funded, the Simons of Cyrene who help to with the reminder: “Remember you lations to the Knights of Columbus as in a large measure, by members of the carry the cross of the poor. They visit are dust and to dust you will return," the organization celebrates its 100th organization. the sick and help bury the dead. They or "Turn away from sin and be faith­ anniversary of proclaiming the Good The Knights also place great empha­ lend a hand to widows and orphans. ful to the Gospel." News of Jesus Christ in our state. sis on supporting vocations to the We can't say that we are dedicated In his Year 20(K) Lenten message. Colorado has a special place in the priesthood and religious life. Members to our faith unless we live and share it Pope John Paul II exhorted the faith­ history of the Knights of Columbus, pray for vocations, help organize in daily life. I encourage all men to join ful to recognize that this Lent takes which has more than 1.5 million mem­ retreats for young people and distrib­ the Knights of Columbus as a way to on an especially meaningful charac­ bers worldwide. John H. Reddin, ute vocations materials. deepen their faith, defend the family ter by virtue of its occurring during known as the "Columbian Pioneer of The second area where Knights and work for a brighter future for all the Great jubilee. the West," installed Denver Council model Christian virtue is in their people. God bless you. "The time of Lent is in fact the cul­ minating point of the journey of con­ version and reconciliation, which the Jubilee, the year of the Lord's favor, Archbishop's Jubilee talks continue on March 1 offers to all the faithful, so that they can renew their fidelity to Ghrist and rchbishop Chaput's special op's theme this month will be Television, or Mr. Greg Kail, secretary proclaim his mystery of salvation Jubilee talks on the basics of "Repairing Wrong-doing" - how' we for­ for communications, at 303.715.3123. with renewed ardor in the new mil­ Christian living in the new mil­ give others, .seek forgiveness ourselves The full content of the archbishop's lennium," the Holy Father said. A and heal the damage done by sin in our lennium will continue this Wednesday, February 2 talk is also available in "God offers his mercy to whoever March 1, at 7:15 p.m. Admission is free. lives. streaming audio format on the arch­ is willing to accept it, even to the dis­ All are welcome. As always, an open The archbishop will edit and expand diocesan website, at www.archden.org. tant and doubtful," the Holy Father question-and-answer session will fol­ his series of talks later this fall for publi­ The March 1 talk will be posted in continued. "The people of our time, low. Refreshments will be served. cation in book form by Servant streaming audio format early next week. tired of mediocrity and false hopes, Kindlv note that the archbishop will Publications. The book will be available are thus given an opportunity to set present his talk in the refectory of the in early 2001. out on the path that leads to fullness Official Appointments John Paul 11 Center. Parishes can acquire videotapes of of life, "the Pope said. t his will be the sixth installment in a previous talks in the series by contacting Reverend Joseph A. Hartmann, nine-part series of talks. The archbish­ the archdiocesan Office of Radio and appointed Pastor of St. John the Ministry of Reconciliation Evangelist Parish, Longmont, effecti\ e Archbishop's Schedule immediately for a six-year period. C apuchin Franciscan Friars will be a\ ailable throughout the day to admin- March 1: Archbishop's Jubilee lec­ Denver Catholic Register Denver Catholic Register (USPS 557-020) istiM' the Sacrament of Reconciliation at ture series in the refectory of the John Paul II Center (7:15 p.m.); March 2: is published weekly except the last week of the following parishes in the coming Published by the Archdiocese December and the first week of January by weeks: March 1: St.
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