
""' ...... , GAY~ CoS 0 ~ssue 8 Firstly thanks to all those who confributcdiOlhiSisSUC , andiO)OUfor Weo.,.·esinccrethankstOC\'Cf)'ooewho l'lelp1ngtokcepthl.:faro.i11C golng helpedwiththisissucofChangcof Weli , IIOO!her)"Clll" , aoother-tour . We could get IISCd IOthiS. IIavingbecn SauiOavies""""' hardly off the I"Vandradioforthclast2 JimGienme rnonths , thchardworkhasseemcdto Steve.KPandSarahatExca.s payoffw1th Jamcs achtevmg Lhcir rust Davellrown UK no. \ wnh "The lkst or..·. With StuartRalston DeslinyCalhngalsort:achmglheTop20 LauricRussmko , the tour m April seems to be destined Carlton&Mmdy forapartyatmospliere . lnsiliethisissue we have an ExclusJ\'C mtervlew witb Anyonewisliingtoinputlotbcfanzmc Saul , liS well liS write ups on all the \\hcthl'T with BCW articles or cnu~1sm to major appearances James have made in improvcil,pleasecon\al.:tus: promoting the current album. As of ChangeofScetlCI)' Tuesday 6th April the album had sold c/o!'Tha&keroyRoud 110,000 copies in the UK, after only 2 Aylcsford wocks , outscllingWhiplashinitscntirc Krot term. This must rcncd oo the ME206T!I managcmt'lltandbandintheircxhaustive ENGLAND schedule to mise the bands' pmfile , and llung:slookbefteronthehorizoo : aOC\\' Allronltibuwr$\\'hoM an~~: l e$an=IISO:d"'ll1 alllumpossiblylatcrthisyear,andafull rec:otveossue9f~oftlwac li\'CtourlOpromotcthat , wc~nlooking ata)-earthatcanpushJamcsbackto \\hen-thcyl:x:long. The opiniOns e~epressed in this issue are those of the indiVidual contributors , and are not necessarily those of the editor , the band , Of anyone connected with the band. This publication has no offiCial recognition by Mercury , and is purely a fan based product. The ediiOf accepts no responsibility fOf any loss caused by information contained herein . The reading of this fanzine constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. lnltrview with a !land Dlember Change of Scenery talks wilb Saul Davies HOW DID IT FEEl. TO I'I..AY """t-"""- sold Olll aftd they l'l'el'm' U>U»AWOZA! pmtocululysmallvenuc:s('llherTheywerc:JOO<I ltWQavctydlfftcuhtow, bllt•mportant!OII510 ~uroondpxlsi;s. TbmY.'ISibuzzaboultrS, kccpthtnpfOiftiiiPAmcnai.Vt:rjdlfrK:Wicbul Uldthcntherc"'IS TomorrowUide-'eiiWaltnns nocpanx:ul.vly<~~Jorabk.r=lfy lmean•l:l)' Alon&. Walm"' Aloft; got so muc:h anpby n p'll o:tiJoyablcin>OCM,..yt..VCT)'~ho:dWcdtd 10nwnber22,Uidsudclelllywewerc:abmld!Nl lo.dsandlo.dsofpai!Jip.[~IJI·­ couklbc:takenseoous.ty.pn. bnllwrt.,llhmtlt-tbc:bcst,~;~,>miilendytbc: beslpclf.......nccsthatwc've~6oolc:.youblow WIIAT IIAPPENEOTO LOST A FRIEND THEN, asablock,butwc~nocbelne:~toona TIIAT WAS GOING TO BE ntE <4nt SINGLE, _,-thatwclhouafHwcshovldb.~bcenhwas Ok SO WE BELIEVED aiiKomfansohoul••fawot•• IIWIIII"'"'IOWesolon&forusiOprolll(llell all SOWHYOOm likeasmg:lc:.lfsanothe.-2montll5procnollortll Wdl wedidltnotknoWIP111WOIIidbehkethM "wlike,Wllllamtnulewedon'IN"':21l'10ftlhs. we~mn,wcweRstuc:k.•..,-uTncky We ,...,.,l'(IOIIO""te..,...,uewf*••••gsonp•fwe spmtalalloftnMWithTrn:ky. ""''lllhclks!Oftocome0Uiwhenwewantl1 1o WE TIIOUGIIT YOU SP~:NT A LOT Of TlMF. oomeout. WeNveto\OTI\esomelultol'lp.UidiO wtlliORBITAL kdt! alloff lhln'•wNlllesltnyand ii.Wl Oh.wedid.wondeffulpeoplel'lulandPaul Aground m all about. WHAT 00 YOU CONSIDf:R Tl!E HKiH At'lD WHO SELECTED THE TRACKS FOR ntE lOW POINTS Of 1997 THI:''N' RFSTOf ALBUM' LOLLAJ>Al.()()l.A AND LOLLAPALOOZA I Well wehadiOpulal!lhestngle:son tl, well I PRE..'>UME. munwewanle<ltopulalltheS>ngleson. Euctlylhot yesandSIIc'IASI&l Findilljd'IIIWI: TilE CHA RLATANS IIAVE RECENTI.Y OONf wcn:hst.:nina;totMradiotlu:tSundayandfindong IT, TIUOV HAVEN'T PUT AIJ. ntEIR SINGLES outtl~:~ti t l..daoneinttnumbn9 ON IT, THEY HAVE !'UT UIEIR CHOICE OF SONGS ON IT IT DID GET A LOT Of AIRI'LAY TNfsarsefor~.llhinknah,doallii!MfODoand Ycah,wealwaysdobutthloiJOI"'B'"-'""mbcr9 calltl'!hctt.nds'tlc!.lur or " twever)ouwartl n totaJiyjLI!IIfied016wfloiCC1<151CIICC'Iasfai.SJ lObe lmc:artweptt!O\IITuGetVooonnbca..,., wasconcemcd&nd•IJIISt'foedlhcalbllmt!WcarM welhnU:ll'sabeauuflllson& ON Till: STUTTER WEBSITE .FANS VOll:D ON WHAT ntEV TIK>UGHT SHOULD RE ON '""SO WHAT DID YOU ANTICIPATE? TliF BEST Of .AND 14 OUT Of TilE TOP 16 To be lOWly iiiJ'IOUd, no. JOISt .m~<•l*cd AR£ ACTUAllY ON Tit£ AL6UM AND OUT llbsol~~~elynn~IOIJS""""--.IIOitwn TO GET YOU IS NUMBER I at.d~J.....s" ..tooantlley70hllq VO<tsee. Th31's,ncrt:diblef«rnc. lme;on.fans -)"8"qulka.1Masfaraslhcpublw:wcn: lllveaddTererrt•">eWilf)'OIIf-=ll*lldo ll's ((IIICCn>Odthatwasaactly.....,.l..d~ hke,wenecdcdtomakea~ufQo.lflllle!ll They di<;M~ blow ... ..m: in Ammca. IOourp.mioc.lhcmt<ha.theprcss.tolhoscpcoplc: lhatliki:JJS,to!hose"hodoub!JJS.lhatlhtslSa 11110 ALBUM S0tD PRl:TrY WEU. OIDtfT'T &rtatblndandhm:tsaoollectKJnofiS5«~p m . lloereamt'lmanyalbumsoo•mnsoutllus)"CCI Whit Whtpl&$11 )011 mean1 Thai's whal I wu fiomatuttarblndWJlh18""'S'OIIlhcrnfiJI'I s.)'lll&whenShc'sASilfeamtOidrlWUiike · SWI,SO)'OIIInli:O<l'ICIOgtlv.lluefortnOI'Oe)'l ' we'rct.:k-'rcblct' We'rcnolblcklikewe lhtnk. YO<tart: 8011'1& IOgd 16topreconlsby the werc:wnhSuDo...,nottwasmon:lhanlhalThl: llmolhcalbumcome.out,orbythe lH!lC alburnhasaoneiJOI<I,wedtdlSdalcsande-~ RunAground comes 11t1t, wlti<:h tS the Olhc new soog on n. tu~t yoo heard n yct'1 Ry lbt hmc. INI"''IIha•-eld•ffem~~,..,maon•tbutl~;a~~'t thM11a M , cos 1 known ..~u be, lltl•nl. •t ..~u rctft(ftlbef.,-tnch.Wc~hmuedlowlwwe(;ln belheblgcstSOOI&we'""JOI , SinteSitl>own. cltooscfrombttauscoftheoncswh•chMcreury thro:WIIIbc16t0f140recoolsontilefc...:ltb.t'i actuallyo..ll.wweean'ti!Obtd.CIIhnthlnthe hkt,tlw'twhy•t'snotaperwn&lllesloflwant ....:s,.....·..,..c~onc:ro.Mnc.a')lotfontana. m mUc 1 f"00 ••s Sl.lte""'m. to 11H: med1a espec:Wly-Don'tf"• •Wit.h~& all)~wem WilY NO SIRE SONGS~ IS Till: NEXT probably the: heM I"~ band 1n 1Jn1a1n, ..nh In QUESTION 111Cn:dible lks1 of album to !lliPil"ff, who keep Noot'snotbttauscofthat,beausc ofthc Singles bnng~n&OUibut&l"'lln&ia."hoteepdoo ... Any¥.Tf, htioc:ally, bkc 1"-amcd m•y,the what they want to do, bloody....,n><blly, "''ho otloc:r3wcm•ghlbcrdcasins•reCrcsccndoand reprncnltometh•nstoU.IIy•.. hd . Bythcrodof llanjjOntspiClloftheb-sida.Wc~. in our thrsycar ,..., "''11 Fl toW po~nt,.·hefcwedoa ownway,tl)'1nttOpullliCksoo11ikcSiow Jhowattlw:G-Me~•nM~~~~;hcslerln:ckoo...:lat IJQ"'n. Slow Rtghl Do ..n. do you mncm!xr tlw? WcmbleyAre"-1nlondlln...:lthal people Will Thai"JOint!Obc.,...oftho<Jibcrnnu.csdw Kl.... ly~ll$ ""'llbc~Hodoc:s.Sowc:an=lr)"llll!llldoi11Mui1"1 really hard. L•kewccouldputoutallourCD"s, WilY IS IT ALL TilE FONTANA !mJfF AND maybe: we could pul DUIJIISI I b-$odc:!, J ckon't TIlE TOKEN HYMN FROM A VIUAGE", l...,w, but then people WOI!ld nollblc 115 fot 11 WilY WUtE TIIF.RE NO WAll WAll SONGS SIY1n&tlw.'"'""~cuh inl1nand'"'don"t""'lnl ON TilE ALBUM~ tobc......,tobcdoo"'thatyouknow Thm:•s,Tumorrow,.onnlt'sal!eslofbccaw: n's a ""llel:t""' ofs•n&ln. and ll)·mn from A BLJT YOU ARE OOING A U~lnD EDITION Vlllagrbcl"'!tltcfeiSIIOII"IO«nptloii'C' alall AI.FIUM WHICH WAS RF.C"ORDED UVE AT H)·mn From A V1llase and Out 1 o Get Vw an= TilE WlHH"IUD STUDIOS, IS THAT GOING bothon•tfor•-cy•mporgmrusons. OuiToGet TO BE TIIF SAME SONGS TIIA T ARE ON YCIOIISOIIlfw:n:bcaluscweiiC<XIcdJOIIIthaiiOti TilE RFST OF BLJT ACOUSTI01..1VE1 slow. so that we ""uld break the montC111~m. the MOSioftlo:m~.andthcrcuonwci...JIOdo popnton"l(ntumofrtandtot"tSOOI"OCpropka that,.-slt"S1!0'"110bel'roo:WIIhthefi<st20000 bn:a1hef. and Hymn from A Vollage os thc:n: coptCS of the Best Of lfll d•dn't have .c laoSI t.ec.uscn'aon<:oft.hcbl:stJamesS<~n&SCO."CT.tnd 80%oflhcSWldardn.:lc:ut:otltenoo•Kyoucndup abo lltM ~hangc:s lwlds l'or £100 and "'>: "''~~~~ htl•·•n&m.youknow,.,"hallmean,tJ>.t'sanc:. Wc JamesfanJto~tholdofHymnfromA Vtiii!IC C~.~UidhaveplaycdlllsortsofSWffltWiutHeld Strtt!andt.hcllputthemOUiontlusfrttCD, ,..... couklhavehadanloOOUSiteCrnoendofot WII.L llltKI3 AE A IUoiSSUE Of 111E CO enmplc.andthentltoscflrst20000wouklbc• SIN<li.ES FROM FONTANA WITH I~SJI.>ES separ~tcrl'lcasc:andtJom,forc"OIIIdrl'tquaMy SO TIIAT I'EOPLF WHO IIAVE BOUGIIT THF. BEST OF SA V "WELL WE WOLJLJ)N'T MIND I.ISTENING TO TIU: B-SJ()f".S" ~~ ~lf,.;~A~, . ~:F~I~ BECAUSE A LOT Of TilE ll-SIDES AIU: AS MATF.RJAL PERFORMFI) LIVE? IS IT A RELEVANT AS THE SJN<ii.ES WA TERSIIED ALBUM? ARE WE NEVER Yeah, ""t knowtha. •t"s•·.ayhard 11 "OIIId be GOING TO HEAR WlV.T'S THE WOIU.O >'l."l)'hal'dfortaStodothatandnotal'fX'Mtobe BECAUSE n· ISN'T ON TIIf.llESTOI-''1 nppnt.t~pcopleoff. Howcould ..... dothat'l?llave No. 011 yes totally. we are 110'11810 play youscen1heb-•HbmDesnnyCalln•'· hhas C~onth.JstourOoyouknowwhal"'c Shc: ' •ASwonthc bttt:k,olthere"'<."gu,wc~ d•dtoday? WeiiW!lplaycdVulturetoclaytnthe retc.sedsomoeb-s•do:s~,Goai1CSBIU , Thc !dlcarsalsf«Tl-lfnday"~ICh\otipcat t.ake. and Assamn Goal.es Ball 11 a classoc Then we've&"' Jam-J II\'C 11 RcadtnK. Hooat YOU WEREN'T AROUND FOR TilE Joc II\'Cit Read!,._ Sound hw: 11 Rcadnts. Then OIUGJNAL RECORDING OF TIIAT. SO IIOW ,.....,., Run Aground""""" 0111111 SIIIJ!Ie. J thtnk [)()ES JT f'Et1. TO HE PLA YINGSTUFF LIKE mncmbcr O.tthcy ....:n fans u one: poclll. The tluftlcspcopicdolntharh...s"'iwmakesthem WILL TllliR.E 00 ANOniER TOOR TO hii'I'Y andlfheo"'l""",....m"-""mahsthc:m COINCIDE WITH THE NEW AIJtUM AT '!liE WHY SUCH A SMALL TOUR? happythmlmdorxncnllrely ltlunk1t'Sa ENDOfnlE YEAR~ Well 1111 a wmll lOUr but only beanac Tim is rdkdiOIIofwhat.,..,do,pcupleB'fllllllolllfor ~.ail,lt.,.,llbeabiJtOOif f'oulbly20datesor sull~vaywdlllw'swhy differet~~ffttOIIS. Thit•lbumisiiO!designcdwb<:boto&hlb)'fall$. WllAT IS 'niF. BIOOEST NEOATIVF.
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