Volume LXVI, No. 3 Second Quarter–2002 ASBCS Annual Meeting to Feature Continuing Education Opportunities for Seven Chief Administrative Disciplines orkshops and briefings designed Baptist College of Florida. Tom Kinchen been operational in several years. Wto provide continuing education is president. ASBCS Board members will meet opportunities for seven chief adminis- The pre-conference for marketing from noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday. trative disciplines will be offered during and public relations officers is spon- Registration for the annual meeting and the annual meeting of the Association sored by the Association of workshops is from 1-6 p.m. on Sunday. of Southern Baptist Colleges and The meeting will begin with a legal Schools June 2-4 in Panama City In addition to presidents and affairs briefing on Sunday afternoon. A Beach, Florida. chief academic officers of the 55 bus trip is planned for spouses on Pre-meeting activities on Saturday ASBCS member schools, the Monday for lunch and shopping. Hotel reservations for the pre-confer- June 1 include a conference for public meeting is designed to benefit relations and marketing officers, a golf ence and the annual meeting can be scramble and various family recreation- chief admissions officers, chief made using the form posted on page 9 of al opportunities including sightseeing, student development officers, this issue or downloaded from the ASBCS boat tours, chartered fishing trips and chief marketing and public rela- Web site <www.baptistchools.org>. other water sports. tions officers, chief financial Deadline for hotel reservations is April 29. In addition to presidents and chief officers and chief development academic officers of the 55 ASBCS There is no registration fee for the member schools, the meeting is officers. public relations pre-conference or for designed to benefit chief admissions the annual meeting. In addition to officers, chief student development offi- Communicators in Baptist Education transportation and lodging, the only cers, chief marketing/public relations (ACBE). According to Marc Whitt, vice- cost is for meals and activities. officers, chief financial officers and chief president for communications and mar- Participants should pre-register by development officers. keting at Campbellsville University and completing the meal and activity reser- According to Bob Agee, ASBCS exec- Tim Fields, director of communications vations form on page 8 of this issue and utive director, the workshops will place for ASBCS, the pre-conference work- mailing it with payment for meals and special emphasis on marketing, student shop entitled “How to Build an Effective activities to Association of Southern recruiting, and student retention. “As Public Relations Program” not only will Baptist Colleges and Schools, 917 we did last year, other workshops will provide valuable help for personnel Harpeth Valley Place, Nashville, TN focus on legal issues, fund-raising, and from member schools but will mark the 37221. The form can also be down- financial management,” Agee explained. reactivation of ACBE, which has not loaded from the ASBCS Web site. ■ A program outline for all pre-meet- ing and annual meeting activities is Baptist Association for Student Affairs to Meet June 11-13 listed on pages 6-7 of this issue of he Baptist Association for Student Affairs seling, testing, recreation and other areas. Educator. T(BASA) 2002 Summer Conference is Speaker for the opening night banquet Robert Benne, author of the book scheduled for June 11-13 on the campus of will be Don Newbury, chancellor, Howard Quality with Soul will be the Hester Mary Hardin-Baylor in Belton, Texas. Theme Payne University. Keynote speaker for the conference is author J. Budziszeski, associ- Lecturer for the annual meeting. Benne for the conference is “Student Affairs–The Big Picture–All the Pieces to the Puzzle.” ate professor in government and philosophy is the Jordan-Trexler Professor of According to Anthony Lammons, BASA at the University of Texas at Austin. Religion and Director of the Center for president, California Baptist University, stu- For more information on BASA and a Religion and Society at Roanoke College dent affairs covers may areas of university registration form for the conference go to in Roanoke, Virginia. He also wrote the life including career services, campus police the ASBCS web site @ <baptistschools.org>. book The Paradoxical Vision: A Public and security, student ministries, student Click on the BASA button on the home page Theology for the Twenty-First Century. government, residence life and housing, and down load and print the February issue Host school for the meeting is The health and wellness, student activities, coun- of The Link newsletter. ■ CONTENTS Benefits of Membership in ASBCS 1 ASBCS Annual Meeting ollowing are some of the benefits available ASBCS serves as a point of contact for 2 Benefits of Membership in ASBCS Fto the 55 member schools in the 7member schools. Our offices receive hun- 3 Bridging Two Commitments: Christian Association of Southern Baptist Colleges and dreds of calls annually from prospective stu- Faith and Higher Education Schools. Please review these benefits and dents and their parents, church members, etc. 6 Program Agenda ASBCS Annual make sure your school and the faculty and who inquire about which schools are part of Meeting staff are utilizing these services. For further the family of Southern Baptist colleges and 8 ASBCS Meal and Activities Reservation information contact the ASBCS office at 917 schools. Form Harpeth Valley Place, Nashville, TN 37221- The ASBCS provides a valuable platform 9 ASBCS Meeting Hotel Reservation Form 1141. Phone 615-673-1896, Fax 615-662- 8through which member schools can rally 10 Legal Notes 1396, e-mail: [email protected] with other schools to take a stand on critical 10 Tuition Remission Provides Benefit [email protected]. issues in the public policy arena. The ASBCS 11 Names and Faces Administrative staff, faculty and trustees of holds a seat on the Secretariat in Washington, 11 People 1member schools receive The Educator. the which allows our schools to have a strong and 12 Transitions only publication devoted to promoting ASBCS viable voice in the public policy monitoring 12 Consortium for Global Education member institutions and promoting the col- process through NAICU. Through our involve- 13 Campus Report lective efforts of our schools in offering dis- ment, we have prevented several potential 14 Gifts and Grants tinctively Christian higher education. The infringements on our right to operate as inde- 14 Development Educator is published quarterly and mailed in pendent faith-related institutions. and we 15 Comment January, April, July and October. Schools are have served as major players in the effort to 16 ASBCS Directories Order Form contacted annually for updates to their mail- protect and enhance the federal financial aid ing list. Requests for updates or additions can program. be submitted anytime. Deadline for copy sub- Key administrators from your school may Vol. LXVI, No. 3 mission is 30 days prior to publication date. participate in our annual meeting. Second Quarter 2002 9 Member institutions have access to The Presidents, chief academic officers and other Publisher: Bob R. Agee, executive 2Placement Registry, a service that provides administrators report that they benefit from director, treasurer a resource of prospective faculty and staff for the meeting through fellowship with col- Managing Editor: Tim Fields, director vacancies within our institutions. A coded list leagues who share common concerns, of communications, ASBCS of registry applicants is provided annually to through workshops. lectures and presenta- Editorial Assistant: Tammy Drolsum, chief academic officers. tions designed to challenge them to think administrative assistant, ASBCS Dependents of administrative staff and fac- more deeply about what it means to offer ulty are eligible to participate in the higher education from a Christian perspec- The Southern Baptist Educator (ISSN 0038- 3 tive. 3848) is a news magazine published quarterly Tuition Exchange Program, which includes for administrators, faculty, staff, trustees and 30 ASBCS colleges and universities (see page Administrative personnel can benefit friends of member schools by the Association 10 for more information). 10from participating with other profes- of Southern Baptist Colleges and Schools. Member institutions are included in the sionals from schools much like yours to share ideas, to learn from one another, and to POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: 4annual Directory of Southern Baptist- Related Colleges and Schools and the annual encourage one another. Many professional ASBCS Operations & Communications Office ASBCS Administrative Directory. The groups have organized and relate to the 917 Harpeth Valley Place schools directory gives an overview of each ASBCS as auxiliary organizations represent- Nashville, TN 37221-1141 school as well as admissions contact informa- ing most of the professional areas within the To contact the publisher write: tion and is mailed to all state convention college or university setting. Bob Agee, executive director ASBCS offices, presidents of member schools and is Member schools can participate in the Executive Offices requested frequently by parents of prospective 11Consortium for Global Education P. O. Box 11655 Jackson, TN 38308-0127 students from across the United States and (CGE), which was founded by our schools. E-mail: [email protected] around the world. The Administrative The health and strength of the CGE is tied Send news items to: Directory includes important contact infor- directly to our ability to work together as The Educator mation on nine key administrators in the part of the ASBCS family. The Executive E-mail: [email protected] member schools in order to facilitate commu- Director of ASBCS is also the Executive 917 Harpeth Valley Place nication with and between key personnel in Director of CGE. Nashville, TN 37221-1141 our member institutions.(see order form for As a member of ASBCS, you may set up Fax: (615) 662-1396 both directories on page 16 of this issue).
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