"MO t SONS' DOCK B.NDER/ CPRiNGPOar, Ml cm GAM 49284 Volume 16, Issue 51 Serving Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, November 4,1992 Along Main Street • - The new Lowell High School site a turning point in Grattan gas franchise L n n * p — :'X Murray, Crooked and Pine Robert Horton. "Lowell High a proposal for Grattan Town- westerly, encompassing Lake residents didn't know it School is a significant load ship. It started out Just for Murray Lake. at the time, but when the Low- which helps to substantiate Murray Lake residents, but The proposed design con- ell School System made the construction costs for resi- then grew to include Big cept was selected to accom- decision to make the Steve dents in Grattan Township." Crooked Lake and Pine Lake modate the maximum num- LOWELL FAMILY CELEBRATION Wittenbach property the site The franchise agreement residents. ber of Grattan Township cus- of the new high school, it was between Consumers Power Phase I of the three phase tomers within the shortest ^ You are invited to attend the 3rd Annual Lowell Family indirectly a significant step in and Grattan Township was project started in August and pipeline design and construc- Celebration. Join them Saturday, Nov. 7 for a series of garnering Grattan Township signed by the Township Board is expected to be completed tion timetable. workshops to include such topics as AIDS, Attention Deficit a gas franchise. on July 13. by the end of the year. The Hyperactivity Disorder, active parenting, parent-teen com- ^Learning that we would Horton said Consumers phase consist of constructing Phase II is scheduled to munication and the DARE Parent Component. be servicing Lowell High Power had been contacted by a major network feeder main commence in the spring of Stay tuned for guest speaker announcer. Remember: Fam- School was a turning point in residents on Murray Lake from southern Vergennes 1993. It will extend the Five ily woiks. For more information call, 897-7804. the Grattan gas franchise about getting a gas main ex- Township, north to Five Mile Mile Road lateral to Murray 1 agreement,' said Consumers tension to serve them. Con- Road. Lateral gas mains will Lake Avenue and Gavin Road. YMCA OPEN GYM Power marketing consultant. sumers Power than wrote out then be constructed along Four Gas, cont'd., pg. 3 Mile and Five Mile Roads, The Lowell YMCA is offering open gym for men's basket- O ball on the following dates at the Middle School. Nov. 16, 7:30 to 9:30 p.m.; Nov. 23,7 to 9 p.m.; Dec. 7 and 21,7:30 to Council 9:30 p.m.; Jan. 18 and 25,7 to 9 p.m.; Feb. 1 and 22,7 to 9 p.m. and March 1,8, 15, 22 and 29, 7 to 9 p.m. sets 3 For further information call 897-8445. The cost is $3 per Heights person. public ANNUAL HOLIDAY CRAFT SHOW hearings Lowell United Methodist (liurch will hold its annual ^ Holiday Craft Show on Saturday, Nov. 21 from 9:30 a.m. to for Nov. 16 wall ^ 3:30 p.m. Over 35 crafters, attic treasures, used winter outerwear, Public hearings were set home baked goods and bird seed on sale. Lunch will be served forCrystal Flash, McDonald's taken from 11 to 1:30 p.m. and for a new sewer ordinance Monday night at the Lowell FALLASBURG HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEETING City Council meeting. out by Crystal Flash wishes to in- Ihe Fallasburg Historical Society will hold a meeting at stall a new pole sign near the 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 16, at Schneider Manor, the sponsor is Ida i ntersection of Main and West driver Onan. The speaker will be Carl Bajema of GVSU, on "Log- Street Street. The 104 foot sign ^ gmg in the Grand and Rat River Valleys." would replace the existing ^ Carl Bajema has researched Grand Rapids newspapers and signage of 138 square feel. Lowell's Arlene copied hundreds of items in his research on local lumber mills The proposal causes the Andrea isn't sure what and logging. He has slides of mills and sites and will have a need for two varainces. happened. But. when most interesting and sought after program Visitors and guests The new sign exceeds the welcome maximum square footage for her car finally stopped pole signs by 54 square feet. an office wall had WARM CLOTHING GIVE-A WAY A pole sign is not allowed fallen, according to within a triangle formed be- Kent County SherifTs The Lowell Area Jaycees are attempting to organize a tween points on the front and Department Deputy Ed warm clothing give-a-way, December 5, in the Lowell area. side lot lines within 35 feet ^ They are attempting to distribute the clothing collected in the from the intersection. The new Wierda. annual "Everyone should be warmatChnstmas" drive, locally proposed sign would fall first. Your help is needed. within that intersection. If you or an organization you are involved in can assist us A public hearing was set with set-up, distribution or packing up, please contact Jackie for Nov. 16. Foster at 868-6766, or Barb Flater at 897-7691. ITie success McDonald's received the of this project depends on us all. approval to install a 3-by-8 foot reader board sign at the zoning board of appeals meet- LOWELL SHOWBOAT GARDEN CLUB MEETING ing on Sept. 21. A 10 fool ground clearance is necessary The Lowell Showboat Garden (Tub will meet Nov. 9 at 7 to meet code. p.m in the lower level of the Congregational Church, 404 It was thought that the North Hudson Street. Guests are welcome. clearance could be achieved. But, the reader board has only VETERAN'S DAY DINNER eight feet of clearance. Ihus, McDimald's has asked for a Clark-Ellis American Legion Post 152 will hold a Veteran s variance. A public hearing was Day dinner on Monday. Nov 9 ai 6:30 p.m. at Schneider set for Nov. 16. Manor. Turkey, rolls and coffee are furnished. Bring a dish to pass The Council received a let- and your own table service. A newsletter is in the mail ter from City Attorney Rich- ard Wendt in regards to back- * ^ j -• Hearings, cont'd., pg. 6 Main St, cont'd., pg. 3 B The Lowell Ledger-Wednesday, November 4,1992-Page 3 The Lowell I.ed^cr-Wednesday. November 4, lW2-Paj^ 2 mas Rosenberger and Valene 55, of Lowell, formerly of ews and nieces. Funeral Ser- Fetierhoff, both of Marquette. of Lowell. Mary and Dennis Sand Lake, died Wednesday, vices were held Friday from Dick and Bemice Fetterhoff Davis of Holland; five grand- October 21,1992 of acciden- the Ronan-Vanderpool- of Lowell; several nieces and children; her brothers. Ronald tal injuries. Surviving are his Car-deer crashes hit all time high in Michigan StegengaFuneral Chapel with nephews. Mass of (Tiristian Bartz of FL. Gerald and wife, Dorla; his mother, Dor- Pastor Larry Mayberry offi- Burial will be celebrated Shirley Bartz of Grand Rap- othy West of Sand Lake; two An all-time high of48,233 estimated 760,000 firearm -food availability, weather, Kent with 1,662; Calhoun, than another object, such as a ciating. Interment Chapel Hill Wednesday morning (time to belts and heed the following ids, David and Margaret Bart/ sons, Pat and Karen West and car-deer crashes with seven deer hunters are expected to size of herd and, most impor- 1,363; Montcalm, 1,239; tree or other vehicle. HUGHKS - Mrs. Florence NeverGiveupCIuh" at Kent Memorial Gardens be announced) in St. Clement tips: 4)1 NJ. A Memorial Mass was Rick West all of Sand Lake; fatalities and 1,732 injuries take to the woods between tantly, traffic volumes." Jackson, 1,222; and • Be aware of eyes re- AlK'na 1 lughesi Ben le). aged Community Hospital. Catholic Church. Romeo. • Car-deer crashes most of Grand Rapids, passed held Saturday at the Holy three step-sons, Samuel were reported on state roads Nov. 15-30, adding to the A look at the southern tiers Menominee in the Upper Pen- often occur on paved local flecting from your headlights. LUBECK - Mr Peter H away Wednesday, Octohor KIPEN • Fdward A Kipen, Name of Jesus Church, 1630 Haner, Scott and Tena Haner last year, a 5 percent increase normal traffic flow and tour- of counties shows this. There insula, 1,117. and county roads, although I>rive at a speed that allows Lubeck. aged 39, of East ROSENBERGER - Mrs 2S. at Kent Commu- aged 86. of Palmetto. IT.. for- Godfrey. Wyoming, with Fr. and Steve Haner, all of over 1990. ist travel. may be fewer deer per square The fewest number of freeway motorists are not ex- you to brake safely if you spot (irand Rapids, died unexpect- Elizabeth (Betty) L. nity Hospital. Surviving are merly of Grandville passed Dennis Morrow Celebrant. Lowell; two sisters, Jeanne The 1990tally was45,945 And, sadly, the car-deer mile than you'd find in the such crashes were recorded in empt. a deer. edly Saturday morning, Octo- Rosenberger, aged 7(1 of ner sister. Hazel Breen of away October 25.1992. He is Cremation has taken place. Braford of Gowen and crashes in which one person crash story will be repeated. Upper Peninsula but the num- the U.P. counties of • Ilie hours just before • Should you strike one, ber 31. 1992. Surviving are Wyoming, passed away after Wyoming: her sisier-m-law. survived by his two daugh- Those who wish may make Charlene Gillespie of Sand died and 1,957 suffered inju- But anyone, not just hunters, ber of car-deer crashes is uni- Keweenaw with 16; Luce, dawn and just after dusk are report it to local or county his wife.
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