BELASCO HOUSES NEW AVERY HOPWOOD FARCE NEXT WEEK Comedy She plans To Tell Columbia Offers List Harold Lloyd in One Of The Aces At Julia Dean Will Hopwood "Beautiful Dozen" Head Garrickers Comes to Belasco Why Men Leave . Valentino in New First Big Comedy Keith's Theater For Week's Run Home Spectacular Role Picked by Star at Belasco At Metropolitan Next Week In Swan Comedy a star whose AT the 8hubert-Bela»co Theater s Columbia theater graduating from the raaks DEAN, achievement* in next Sunday night. Wagen- afternoon will pre¬ Names Two Girls of those who devote their tal¬ dramatic Sunday Capital IN JULIAfamiliar to all hals and Kemper will make Loewsent for an extended engage¬ ents to film farce to the broad¬ Washington Neya McMein, famous artist, started the pastime of will come to the Oarrlek their first production of the new ment one of the moBt widely her¬ er field of feature-length serio¬ playgoers, picking the twelve moat beautiful women in America, she next to 1m4 the season when they Avery of recent "Blood WHEN comic production*, Harold Llojrl is Sunday nt|bt present alded pictures, launched something in which every devotee of feminine pul¬ Oarrlek Player* In the latest comedy, "Why and Sand," a screen adaptation of said to fulfill the promise of his popular Hopwood'a as an of Mark Swan's com¬ Men Leave Home." The produc¬ the novel and play by V. Blanco chritude appears ready to qualify expert picker. distinctive work ss a comedian. production "Her Own a tion will begin its New York en¬ Ibanez. The brilliant cast Includes Now comes Alan Dinehart, leading man of the new Selwyn pro¬ In "Grandma's Boy," his first five- edy drama, Money," in which she toured this coun¬ gagement at the Morocco Theater Kodolph Valentino, LUa Lee and duction, "The Exciters," with a baker's doxen of the women who reel comedy drama to be shown a*. play Immediately following Its presenta¬ Ntta Naldl. have attained prominence in the theater world, whom he labels "The Crandall's Metropolitan Theater try and Europe. tion here. Washlngtonlans will remember Twelve Most Beautiful Women Wholly of the Stage." Here they next week, Uoyd not only creates Mlee Dean recorded her first dis¬ The association of Wagenhals the appearance of Otis Skinner in are: sales of laughter, but demonstrates tinctive Stage success as leading .nd Keinper, as producers and the stage version of this famous Billie Burke, Martha Hedman, as tangible an idea as Augustus lady of the Columbia stock com¬ Avery Hopwood as author, makes story of Spanish love and passion, Elsie Ferguson, Tallulah Bankhead. Thomas Incorporated Into the pany. an attainment that was fol¬ the advent of "Why Men Leave to which the screen, it is claim¬ theme of "The Witching Hour." lowed by her elevation to full star¬ additional color, dash Mary Eaton, Marilynn Miller, "Grandma's Boy" is the of dom. Her appearance in Wash¬ Home" one of the most Important ed. lends Wanda Mme. story .vents of the forthcoming theat¬ and vividness. Lyon, Petrova, a youth who grew up a cringing, ington Invariably arouses unusual rical year. It Is the same Wagen¬ Directed by Fred Nlblo from a Marion Coakley, Alice Brady, coward, bullied by everyone la Interest among those who have fol¬ hals and Kemper who are pro¬ script by June Mathis, the story Theda Bara, Julia Sanderson town and Is taken as * joke .by the lowed her successful career In emo¬ ducers and the same Avery Hop- reveals Valentino as a toreador, Ethel Barrymore, "Collectively," says Mr. Dine- suthorltles when It came tlnis to tional drama. Wood, who is co-author of the sen¬ the Idol of the Spanish public, who nart, "thla bevy or beauties would .wear In many new deputy sheriffs The new Mark Swan comedy, sational play, "The Bat," which Is lured by the beauty of a Span¬ be hard to equal and Impossible to to sid in the apprehension of a dan¬ "Her Own Money," presents a most his life in the Brave Chap, Is Alan! is still in New York after two ish temptress to risk surpass. It Is an all-star hand¬ gerous criminal. Through what Interesting domestic problem, in¬ years of remarkable success. As bull-ring. There are actual scenes Limits Beauties some cast that combines intellec¬ he Is led to believe Is the mystic triguing to married folks and thosfe a matter of fact, the producers of bullfighting as well as dancing tual talents with physical charms." power of a potent talisman "the contemplating matrimony. It have established themselves over and revelry, characteristic of To Dozen Washington, it will be noted, boy" actually succeeds, slnglehand- teems with brilliant dialogue and a period of many years, as expo¬ Spanish night life. qualifies with two in the list of ed. In capturing the desperado who situations that evolve into an al¬ nents of the finest the American entries. Mary Eaton, of "Fbllles," has held an army of armed men at most tragic climax. Through it Sll theater has to offer and Mr. Hop- and Talluiah Bankhead, daughter bay. are plenty of real laughs. wood undoubtedly ranks with the Lon Chaney Comes of Congressman Bankhead of Ala¬ Then he takes on his rival fer Miss Dean will have the support greatest American dramatists. bama. the hand of "the girl" and shows of Duncan Penwarden, Martha "Why Men Leave Home" has To the Rialto in Wanda Lyon's classic features him a'few fast rounds. McOraw and the other favorites of been given an elaborate production are familiar to Washington play¬ When finally convinced that the the Garry McGarry company. An and is played by a cast of extra¬ 4Flesh and Blood' goers thfough her recent stock en¬ lucky charm Is a fake, originated extra holiday matinee will be given ordinary merit. EXT week, beginning Sun¬ gagement here, and the other) by the grandmother, who knew on Labor Day afternoon. N day. Moore's Rialto Theater have all trod the boards of the what her boy was at heart, coward¬ has been eliminated from his to will present the man of a thousand National Capital, so that the pa¬ ice COSMOS. Strand Begin character. Mildred Davis, Noan faces, Lon Chaney, In what Is re¬ trons of the front row may ratify Ernest Evans. or call thumbs down on the se-. Young and others of note appear In New Vaudeville puted to be one of his finest per¬ 1?RNE8T EVANS and his 4ane- formances under the title of "Flesh lections. the star's support. ing revue will head the bill at the a vivid of a "The Mr. Dine- and Film Season and Blood," story stage," explains Cosmos next week, hi* more than mere Glen Echo. commencing THE 8TRAND. one of the city's crook's search for freedom, hart, "requires Greenlee and for that is management of Olen Echo Monday. Drayton, moat popular theaters, after torment of soul in his fight beauty, although quality 'J'HE southern singers and dancers; Rob¬ and his ultimate redemp¬ an essential asaac One might Park has arranged a Labor undergoing thorough renova¬ Isabel lighten, rated among happiness ert and in an Irish all-star cast Includes hundreds who have flashed Day celebration starting Saturday Reilly company tion and decoration, resumes its the bent dressed women of the tion. An pick and Bent "Jo Jo" a Jack and flickered in the night and continuing through Mon¬ Rooney romsnce; Dooley, vau¬ showing of Loew's vaudeville and American stare, la featured in Noah Beery, Ralph Lewis, public lime¬ deville find; Cecelia Maddox and Belasco Edith Roberts,- DeWitt light as made from the choicest day evening. The beautiful picnic first-run photoplays Sunday. Gen¬ new Hopwood play at Mulhall. Will Head Keith's George Lewis In songs and rail¬ week. Kate Price and Wilfred of nature's molds, but their promi- groves have been equipped with eral Manager Sparrow announces next Jennings, comfortatble tables and lery. and Orvllle Stamm, "the per¬ Lucas. nence speedily passed into eclipse many his inaugural program as an ex¬ benches to accommodate fect athlete," are also on the pro A good program of subsidiary when called upon to reveal a many Holiday Program ample of the class of attractions plcknlckers who expect to bring LABOR DAY will be signalised gram. The film feature will pre¬ and a Interpretative higher Intelligence. These women m. Strand patrons may expect during There's a Wide special their baskets of by an extra, matinee at 6 p. sent Wanda Hawley In "Bofcbed scere arranged by I have selected are those who "eats." Beating the coming season. orchestra and has never been better at Kelth'a Theater. Espe¬ Hair," a story of a flapper wiio George Wilde Is also have applied Oriental talents as canoeing "Getting It Over," presented by Choice of Good Director attract to the cially engaged are Pat Rooney, wanted to be artistic. well as beauty, and their advance¬ and will many pic¬ .even of the original soldier stars promised. where there Is no Marlon Bent and a company of fea¬ ment to the heights can be at¬ turesque canal, of two Broadway musical comedies. Here Now or tured players In "Ring* of 8moke," Plays tributed more to their intellectual danger from sudden squalls bad .OUirDALlI .'You Know Me, Al" and "Let's Colonial Beach. one of the biggest vaudeville hits Bank- than to charms. currents. Beat It," will headline the vaude' "Nice People" ability physical two In seasons. Prominent also will BELASCO.Tallulahhead in "The Exciters," THE season at Colonial Beach, A capacity for hard work and Labor Day there will be ses¬ Pmetropoutan i ville portion of the program.
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