LMHuIdr. Ko. IB, r of lUinboir wU iiold Its ngur ■r at the AadH ' mutUam this oMBiBf a t 7:B0 ui Haleys After Christmas eloedy WedMedayt w ti > XasMUO Tamplo. A Cbilatmaa lelUlreelatliaa wOl follow tbs buatnoM and MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILIJVGE (HARM CMt aro rtmlnded to provldr ) etnt ftfta Sot tba giab-bag. The VOL. LVIL, NO. 74 AdvertiMng *■ Fag* ie> ' booh* for th* year 1B37 wOl also be MANCHESTER. CONN., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 28, 1937 (TWELVE PAGES) 1 this evoning. PRICE THREE CBN1B , MARKDOWNS ■ Ft •' Mr. and Mra Dwight Spweor and I ^T Y WATERWORKS Mr. aad Iba. WUllan Spencer, both | When. War Gaines Become Winter Sports of Now Tork City, apent th* Chriat- On ^AMERICANS STOLEN IN TOTO ■aaa waok-eiid with their mother, : Mta. Frank F. Spencer of North I Mayor Rushes to Another City Mata street JANUARY SALE QUITTSINGTAO to Buy E^ipment and Finds | • L-- ‘IROOSEVELT EXPECTS 1lM ICarrfad Oouplea club of the! His Own There. aaeowd Congregational church will] Of tlia FaaoBs ON y . SHIP Qrovetoo, T**., Doc. 28—(AP) baas a hoUday party a t the church Coats^Dresses— —Mayor W. L, Gibson turned th* Wodasaday eadilng, at 7:80 with LADY PEPPERELL Given With Cash Sales spigot. No water came. Mr. aad Ura. Nelson Smith aad Ur: I ‘They told biro someone had TO BALANCE BUDGET aad Mra Herbert Tenney in charge | F$fl Of City Is Expected Bat stolen almost tbe whole water­ of arraagementa. The members are works. lanrtiwlod to proride taexpeastT*| a n d SHEETS CASES M illinery The City Council convened, g tfta Clmese Insist Shantong Lowast Prlcas Since 1984 ^ All Day Tuesday In sent the mayor posthaste to The Holy Trinity Pollah Romani Houston to buy what v IF RELIEF IS LIMITED Every Lady Pepperell ; catholic Union held a Christmas | Province Is Not Lost; More needed. party yesterday afternoon in St ia woven to give extreme- *'Give me the works”, be or­ la u n d ry a m Both These Stores Starting At Once dered, “the whole town's dry.” wrtdgal's hadl. The entertainment ly long wear and to meet > was provided by the children of iytovm m jggjt Soviet Aid Is l^edicted. The salesman pointed to a HU Message To Confrett aHmoers, who in turn were present, fll government speciflca- stack of second band machin­ General Motors Corp, ed with gifts from Santa Claus. | tiona for their grade. Pre- ery. Women members served luncheon to By ASSOCIATED PBBS8 'That’s part of the water- Next Wedi Not Expected wtwka stolen from us last about 160. The program closed with laundered^ ready to put Shangbnl, Dec. 28.—Tbe United the aingtag a Christmas carola c a l^ t”, said the mayor. To Drop 30,000 Men on your bed. Each pair The JW.HAU ORR SPORT and DRESS State* gunboat Sacramento steam­ Two men were in Jail today To Contain Definite Esti­ in a box. The Tellmark M a n c m i s t i r Co n n * ed out of Talngtao harbor today, charged with felony theft, and The regular monthly meeting of P*»y*“X soldier in the snow. Just the way tbe Russian armv St. Margaret's Circle, Daughters of carrying American refugeea from water flowed again through sewn in each comer of Groveton’a mains. tonk riflemen to slosh through tbe snowdriftsin winter when there'* On First Of The Year mate Of Idle Eqwnfi* Isabella, will be held a t the K. ot that rich Shantung province aea- 1 If K™*’,'>ol<l of long ropes attached to tbe rear of the tank C. ban tomorrow night The bus- every Lady Pepperell en­ PiPPIRI port iaolated by advancing Japa- I and Wteh m ride. Now U you can only get aonie fellow to make a tank of llta puahmobile__ hMss meeting will be followed by ables you to select the ueae armlea. Diapatchea from the tnres; Treasury OffkUb a social hour. ■ Sheets ^ COATS threatened city aaid 280 Americana Detroit, Dec. 28.—(AP)—WiUlamAfor aU their needs. This win aeces- right size for each bed. CiHOUS€*^SON. S. Knudsen, president of Geaerel sarily affect a considerable number had evacuated, many of them on Motors Corp., announced today that of men in all locations, but there will Say Other Items W3 Be ■snpunin Radding. who is local, INC. the Sacrament^, which waa due m ad in Richmond, Va., connected 81x99*» employment in General Motors still remain on General Motors’ pay­ with a Hartford insurance company Rag* $25*00 Coats Now Shanghai, tome 400 mUes to the l-iURORS’ ASSOCIATION FAMOUS COMPOSER plants throughout the United States roll In the United Statea more than branch office is home until after Regr. $ 1 .6 9 ........ $ 1 .2 9 •euth, on Thuraday. Earlier thu would be reduced by approximately 206,000 men, and the monthly pay­ Sliced To Insure BahncOi the New Tear. * 1 9 - w week—Talngtao advlcea were that >30,000 employee* effective January roll Brill exceed $24,000,000. there were 800 Americans there, RAVEL, IS DEAD "Th* corporation regrsta th* elr- As a rule Henry street is a well with the Sacramento, the deatroyer The reduction in Michigan, ha said, eumstances which make this naoes- Wfishlngton, Dec. 28.— (AP> traveled highway, but during Sat- 63x99”, Rear. $1.49 ...v...... Pope, and the erutaer Marblehead wUI approximate 20,000 employees. sary, but stnoerely hopes tbe condi­ •rday aad Sunday eveoilngs It seen- $1.10 Rag* $ lf* 7f Coats Now $ 1 6 * 7 5 standing by to aid them. Mr. Knudsen said "the reoeasion in tion Brill be temporary aad that —^UsuaDy well-informed olHe od that every other car that pawssd Fall of Talngtao to Japaneae Celebrated French Musician business makes a readjustment of spring Brill see the return of normal cifilfi aaid today PreaideBt along Main street turned into Henry awarmlng southward into Sbanttmg Already 50 Members Have COAST OF OREGON the working force necessary." employment.” Rooaeveit would tell Congiees street Of course the reason for 72x99”, Rear. $1.59 ....... JWHALC province seemed imminent Tsinan, He explained that th* General Knudsen aald that reduction to­ next week that tha 198»^ this unusual travel was the Christ- $ 1 . 1 9 M a n c h i s t i r Co n n * provincial capital 200 miles to the Passes Away At 62; Had Motors plants would opemto on a tals for Ganeral Motors plants out­ maa Ughtiim of Dr. Charles Strani s three-day-a-week basis, each oper­ side of Michigan Breie not y st avail­ budget can be balaMed If n»> Rag* $22*75 Coats Now West, waa in Japanese hands. Other I0( hriy b IMicii^ '• ating a total of 24 hours a we;k. baaaa wUcb received so much fav­ Japanese columns raised the rising LASHED BY STORMS able and that local managers btouKI lief expenditurea can ba h ^ $16*75 That wUl be tbe working schedule compile the figures. orable comment 72x108”, Rear. $ 1 .6 9 ........... sun flag over Welhslen, railway Been Aflilig A Long Time. for those employees who are retain­ within bounds. $ 1 . 2 9 Self Serve and Health Market point less than 100 miles west ot He said no reductions had been Forrest N. BucMand and wits, of Rded Acddtm; A1 W»-l ’^®'*** *'*•*"'• “ ed. ordered In Canadian General Motors The budget which he wIJI Talngtao. "The corpomtion has kept Its men plants because "business Is normal Bnsb HIO Road are planning to 81x108”, Reg. $1.79 ...... Scent Deal With Japa Service And Stop Criticism Ice, Soow, Rain, Landslides Paris, Dec. 28—(AP) — Maurice send to Ckipitol HIO Jao. 4 J| laavo naatt week for Florida where TUESDAY SPECIALS 16*75 nesses Agreed, Says Jury employed up to very recently by re­ there." not expect^ to contain a daft- win epend tbe winter at their $ 1 . 3 9 Rag* $ Coats Now Provincial forces of Shantung Ravel, the celebrated French com- ducing the houra given per man in In an Intervtaw, Mf. Knudaea $14*75 war lord Han Fu-Chu took up post- order to help the generM economic said: ‘The used car market is nite relief estimate. Becauae ef 1 at Bradenton. They will drive poeer, died today as a result of a Uona on nearby White Horse moun­ Hartford, Dec. 28.—(A P)—Or- Nock Traffic In Pacific situation in the communities where I by automobn*. Doable drfC Green SUmps Given With Cash Sales grave head operation. He was 62 stopped, and when that is otopped uncertainty about tha aeveri^ tain after their feeble resistance at Warren, O.. Dec. 28.—(A P)— I ganizatlon of a state-wide juror’s plants are located." he said. "The our employment stopa." AD Day Tuesday. years old. inventories, both in the field and at and duration of the correBl Lady Pepperell Cases Tsinan. In Shanghai, observers rais­ The gunshot death of Mrs. Cor­ I association for the announced pur­ Northwest; Ships In PeriL .Asked Ifu a■ revision ofor prices OQon ed the question of whether General delia Campbell waa ruled an acci­ Ravel, who had bemi in failing the plants, accumulated through this newV motor ears mightmr “ eaa* th* mar- business recession, the PreaL ' Rale*e Large. Strictly Freeh R^g* $55*00 Coats Now poses of raising tb* standarda of policy have, however, reached a ket Han had made a deal with tbe Japa­ dent today, and her 28-year-old health for years, had undergone the . problem, he said: "A. eheapar dent probably will give only^ft SIX-PIBCE ORCHESTRA 42x36”, Reg.
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