Volume 69 September 8,1986 - May 22,1987 \ M^rtn Cluster VOI I MK I.XVIII. M MBER 1 MERC F,R UNIVERSITY . MACON, GEORGIA SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 WEDNESDAY, SEFFEMBER 10 «i» it.ni. - fcW^ ->WilHl«i!i m«> MMMIrinMiUvtan. .-v.;..-. 7:3»aa ' £uctttfv< FiraBrodifiMt. id te WuMiraArtoMM. IVCMoAiveFgrimamttof bettot aiS:M A.K1., wkh Mr. Dm J. Dtttleb fpoktac m **Kbw to work widi dto Itow» Mcdto hi Yow^ ■ 3tmp.rn. ■ An ExWhitlon in CIUT M, Conner .Ir.'ia tin Hwilaiu Fin* AtO BaMk«. Opt9 to the p«Uk. A4wwto*f ” 9:M - ^pta* • Aft ExWblbn tor Oar M* Cbmrjr. to tito SvrtaMb Fto« Aft* £o«toMHi^ OaM ' Kc*M«w« C«m to WVMT KoftAM. totheiNtoAcn r"- JM «*A • 2.09 . Tfw»r*r Studeat OrlrnUtton. W«ei Sduce Ccottr Uctare H»B. 9t«9 a.a. • tm p.a*9 REGISHUTC^ ft COURSE CHANGES la Uppt BtaftT rurfff «ito«i»l*, 3rd Ual* CSC. Zr» p.». ' 4**M( p.mt ■ Adviwr Group*. bt30a.m.UetoBwriutevKeyotttoto^MtMitoawwB If:M S.R1. - tm p.m. - Sto>H^ for fyatontty Rwto CSC L«bbr. iM p.m. - 3;M pjtt. AMoc Group*. 4?(S: a ~ 3rM p.a. > Opntoff CoarorotlM - President R. Kirby CodMy. WW ^ vJ-■■ WS.-WHflBt ASen^ - For Dm. .htiuv* wii«i>Ac<^f^:«w: M 4e« pcin. • CenrorotkM ftoorpbM. HmImI to Stodta GomiMM AanclnSM. Or. A KMy G4di«y tovttcaatwitoes to com Md meet faculty Md suff to too (pMdrmfdr. »«»eM-F*r<h<**»lwl>aniiatranftTc*AteBNC IN. ::k:' > Mmcr Soccer; Hm Bear* n. Bm? CaOepK at Berry C*lk«e. > •ftWF.iti.^Fwiilntwn.Trnitnn-ISntFnw^AajtnAMtofaFSP *»■««» In YWMSJ mk* CaBtr'innim^HaiL. Mp.ra.. MatnrSuraer IRrMaMii^team play Bmy €dkj|a||i aftyelwd^tr atRaryCoOir- ' ■ " ' ' ■ '■ ' ■ -‘ ' '^'iC ■...................- ----------------------------- P.M.. m p.tR. - SpMtol latoTM SMloaa. SNdntoA:Sl*«qiMMed to aUtadW laawa^ »> Atoet «Kt st^wtM> wHI brit V ttf InUfeat. artbetod^' :. , '■; ; ! so YOU WANT MEOtCAJL SCHOOL! SKAYBE! 216 Kntoto Kafi i:'- wwB.TA»a.NC scats ■’:r.v •- ■■ :: ■f, ®-5;: ■ '■>■'■■'■ ' ' ..............»<ki4jn.-.1;»p.m.- Art Ert»Hriiiiiii by CUT-M^iriimEmm Art«8«4dtot. ........... j C,p«.n,k*pn«tc. , mm 9-J^i.,a,‘-4!»9 p.m; - Bin» Dpv. Uxml 8«4«.l»»«ie]kM w'k^ »j9 nini*; iieeisiiiAiws w Ntw W»«;tn; -^.-OOu.m. • AnEtWiCiionk.. Ctsy YC. tYiaiier JC. intlK-HtriltwiiFlnc a ™ BuHdint. - ■- -....a^ut. S ‘A ■ ' ■ a" '. 6«A F;ttt.FYniluMn Mttt Sm^ UT c. WH f M: mmmsimms 5.-09 p.n. ^ FmlulM Bar-aQa*. A< ROTC. Km OpentothaduMk j . th« 'f*t»ainK wn* >Rn tbr Bnr-IEQM. :■ '.c'-S'' 4^ p.nu • Sorurhia* GiaL Rbl^; All« fntcmtcdtaaar aro.n - w Chapd. Oi^ caawai. ( ' 7;dd, PtW, ll:0d pju. - Movie: '‘Bevrrtj HOto Cop.” Room 3I4» CSC. 3:4# p.Bfc - R<m: Soclai oe*t t« ibe RapeBtait Tower. Stodtots invited. INTRAMURMA RcbuptoBminw^ CoHe«e Of Uberal Arts NQrre^¥to« H A tiro »top.pro<ww KI yV'; :: -;9ATUltoAY.^SEFraMBEa l2 p.«. -;Art FjAl^litonby day M-C«Mr Jr.to the Itordmaa ■;^Pi^''^toe,pobWc, ■■■* ^ ■ JlWpjn.. Sfeitw Socinr; Tht IRnrt w. SmI l« CoB.**. S<K«r fieW. - V 3 .HfTVice UtCATtfJS BATS '- fIME taWAi* wAtABAHON ■ S.U.A.a pnwiU ■lniM>Vutaj," «the WELCOME BACK DANCa OwIM. P«^ StoSuaC^ aY^r ’ : : S(MiErt"\Ya Yi§Y/’W»-irp;i>fc^Yg^Y^ St«i*rl C.IntB»I .Inrti* .i, ‘ YStiKbnfCMttr I.o*fcy CnMMln: SEPTEMBER 8, 1986 PAGE 2 MERCEK CLUSTER 22 Commonly Asked Questions By Weiwk Carter Macon 101 -Where are the lanxKtry roocm? Basement of P1u(vketl Basement of New Men’* K-mart Shopping 17 Riverside Clinic First floor of MEP Center/Zed’s Subs Hospital First floor of Sherwood Cap'n, D’s Seafood 18 Wendy’s •How much are washers and dryers? Bennigan 19 T.C.B.Y. Fifty cenu each -How long do washers and dryers run? Po' Folks 20 Washington Washers ■ 20 minutes T. K. Tripps Memorial Library Dryers - 40 minutes Beall’s 21 Kroger -Where b the largcal l.v. on campus? Hardees 22 Blue Moon In the l.v. lounge on the third floor of the Conell Student Center 8 Krystal Package Store -What t.v/s on campus hkrt cable? Each residence hall has a t.v. with cable in the t.v. lounge 9 Northside Hospital 23 Interstate Package -When are quirt hours? 10 Macon Mall Store Quiet hours are voted on by each hall and should be posted. If not. ask your RA 11 Central City Park 24 Westgate Mall & -Where can freshmen park? 12 Coliseum Cinema Any student with a parking decal may park in any parking lot on Mercer's campus. 13 Walter F. George 25 Riverside Cinema Students without a decal must park on the street. School of Law 26 Flaming Sally’s •Where can you get change? Student Bank, gameroom. 14 Wendy's 27 Days Inn Lounge 15 McDonald’s (Sand Trap) -What b (be pboDC aumber for the Mercer swtichboani (inrormatioa)? 744-2700 16 Kroger, -What b Chapd Break? Baconsfield The 10:00 a.m. hpur is reserved for Chapel on Thursdays, and study time the rest of the week. Except for a few musk courses, no classes are scheduled for this time. •How much b the rine for overdue library books? Ten cenu per day. **Black Bart’s Guide To Macon -What are local radio atalkiiis? 99 WAYS FM-Rock WMBL AM 900-Christian By Scott Young WDEN FM 105 WDDO am 1240 Once the dust hu senled and alt the unpacking is completed, a couple of obvious ques­ WFNE FM lOO-Chrisiian WIZY AM 1120 tions will arise in the minds of most freshmen. What do 1 do now? Where do 1 go for WPEZ FM 108 WMAZ AM 940 junk food? Where is there a pony? Better yet rr. where are my classes? WPOA FM 101 WMKS AM 1120-Coumry No need to worry, we've taken care of everything. If it's food you want then just head WQXN FM 107-Easy Listeicig WPTC AM 15-OWks to Krysial's or Hardees anytime, day or night. They're open 24 hours a day, (yes. in a ,wanM FM . row). Ifjrou have no cash, go lo Wendy's or Kroger, both-accept checks from Mercer •Where do you go to pay parking tkkeCs? M>.>rcer Polke • located on College St. in sludcnls and at Kroger you can gel whatever you need in one stop. Dominoes is another csublishment that has become a college staple. They will deliveruntil 1:00 a.m. Sunday front of the Medical School. thru Thursday and until 2:(X) a m, on Friday & Saturday. Base price on a small pizza -Where b the Infirmary? is 56.26. a large will run you S8.50. Macon's "HOT" spots arc few and far between Upstairs in tfie same building as the Mercer Police but'as far as enteruinment goes, there are a couple of spots that should fill the bill. -Where b Finaadal Aid? "Flaming Sally's" is Macon's edition of a dance club. Drink specials appear nightly First floor of Roberts Hall and there is always a band. (CAUTION: I D. required). A more relaaed yet equally pleasing •Where b the Rcgbtrar*s Omcc? atmosptjere is found at "Darrell's." This establishment oflferxamong other things "Thee First floor of Ryals Hall (Building marked "Uw Ubraiy") best burger in town." oysters on the half shell, chicken fingers and fried cheese Prices range from 52 to 55. Lftirary Hours The SandirapLounge, now located in the remodelled Days Inn. offers a new bandstand Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. and a renovated and totally redone atmosphere. Friday nights it's drink or drovrn from 6:30 to 8:30and Satuidays it's from 6:00 till 8:00 p.m. For those of you with adventure Saturday * 9:00 a.m. • 11:00 p.m. in your blood and an urse for "the bar hack home. " go to "Poor Richards" This small Sunday \ 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. ipiaini bar features^ .25 beverages plus pool and pinball. Ultra-preps may not survive Snack Bar Hours a vi&ii to Poor RkhanU. Monday - Thursday 7:30 a.m. • 10:30 p.m. As far as localioo of classes go. you are on your own. I haven't been to clast in Friday 7:30 a.m. - 8:30 p.m. long. I've forgouen where they are located. " Stiurday 10:00 a.m. • 2:00 p.m. Sunday i:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Good Lock! StudoilBuk M - F 10:00 a.m. • 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. • 3:00 p.m. Rcc Room Sunday - Thursday 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 p.m. Friday & Saturday 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Join The Mercer Health Clube Monday - Friday 3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Cluster Staff PMl ' Every day 1:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. / Thursday, September 11 Cafeteritt^ Breakfast at 3:00; 3rd Floor Connell Mon., Tue.. Thurs.. Fri. 7:00-9:10 Wednesday Student Center Cluster Office. Sat. A Sun. BtOO ■ 9:30 Editors: Lunch Moo.. Tue., Thur.. Fri. ^ 11:30-2:15 Baxter GiUespie, Mike Lober Wednesday Saturday/ Sunday 11:45 - 1:30 Dinwr Mon. - Thur. 4:30 ■ 6:30 Fri. A Sal. 4:30 ■ 6:00 SEFTCMBER 8. 1966 MERCER CLUSTER PAGE 3 *.weiKdiVi^* I •j TO ★ Gym Bags - all schools and <olors ★ Gym Shorts and T-shirts ★ Running Shorts and Tank Tops ★ Full line of sports equipment ★ Sorority Shirts * IncW*®® S: % from Airs Us MoBW =g»oiis: W^YAN STATION MACON MALL 7if m§.
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