New Monmouth College Center Dedicated SEE STORYBKLOW The Weather FINAL Mostly sunny and mild today, iugh In low 50s. Partly cloudy tonight, low inW. EDITION Mostly cloudy tomorrow, high 21 PAGES about CO. Munmoulh County's Outstanding Home Newspaper VOL% : HF.DJUNK^JfllDDLETUWMuNJ. MONDAY, DECEMBER 3, HIHImUIIIIIHIl'lllllllllllllllHUHIUUIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIHIN uiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiuiniiiiiiMiii iiiiiiiiiiumiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniHUHiiiniiiiiiiiii Driver Reaction Mixed on Gasless Sunday By The Associated Press the turnpike were limiting sales to five gallons for ning," said John Macron of Freehold. "It's antiso-. cars and 20 gallons of diesel fuel for trucks and ciety and against everything the average Ameri- Drivers' reactions to gasoline rationing on the buses. can family believes in." New Jersey Turnpike ranged from anger to resig- Turnpike police reported only one nuKorW 1*8 Macron said he was afraid the $2 gas wouldn't nation yesterday, although not many drivers wore run out of gas yesterday. There were no such re- get him to his destination, Binghamton, N.Y. He on the turnpike. ports on the Other two major toll roads. added he hoped to find another open gas station. State Police on the turnpike, (he nation's bus- Traffic on the expressway (mm Atlantic City Another driver who said he was angry and iest toll road, said traffic was extremely light all to Philadelphia was ajso reported light. A parkway feared his $2 worth of gas wouldn't be enough was weekend. It was so light that precautions against spokesman said traffic was light Saturday but av- the Rev. John Orauel of Eatontown. Grauel said he usually heavy traffic tor the Army-Navy game Sat- erage yesterday. had to go to a Long Island church and then back to urday in Philadelphia seemed wasted. "This year The five-gallonJimit on turnpike gasoline sales "*Ncw Jersey for an evening service. it was totally unnecessary,".Troopcr John Barszcz was simplified to VI. or 4 9 gallons. At one lUtton, Asked what he would do if he didn't find anoth- said of the traffic preparations. "You wouldn't on the turnpike at Woodbridge, business appeared er gas station open, Graud said. "I've used my even know the game was on." no more brisk than usual. thumb before but not for 40 years." Barszcz said more-charter buses went to the Charles Martyniuk, M attendant at the station. Bob Griffin of Tivvose, Pa., was on his way to game, and he attributed this and the lighter traffic said most drivers seemed to take the limit very a psychology conference in New York and wai to the gasoline shortage. well. But several who were interviewed did not brief and resigned when asked about the gas ratio- Gas stations on the Garden State Parkway and seem happy. ning. * Atlantic City Expressway were closed. Those on "I dont believe in this whole idea of ratio- "Ah well," he said with sigh. State Jobless Rate Increase HARDWARE HORSEPOWER — Melvin Hantman, left, president of a Newark hardware firm, tries out his solution to the gasoline shortage — Seen in Crisis horse and wagon deliveries. The driver is Ronald Wright, a Newark stable owner. - By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ——- The energy crisis could push New Jersey's unemployment rate up along with gasoline and ojl prices this winter, accord- ing to state and industry spokesmen. Tax Ronald M. Heymann, Labor and Industry Commissioner and chairman of the Governor's Cabinet Energy Committee, said hundreds of companies in the state have announced plans to reduce their work weeks because of shortages in oil product supplies. Disclosure Drafted He said automotive industry layoffs already had hurt the state and similar job cuts were being contemplated in the steel WASHINGTON (AP) - The White House New York State income taxes for his 1968 earn- and construction industries. will formally disclose this week that President ings as a Manhattan lawyer, Since then, they Heymann said layoffs, inincluding those planned by air- Nbcon paid less than $6,000 in federal income indicate he has paid no state or local taxes. lines at Newark International Airport, were expected'to raise taxes during the past three years, sources re- Although California is his voting residence, the state's unemployment rate from its current 7.1 per cent. port. sources said Nixon's tax accountants obtained Other state officials warned that fuel use cutbacks recom- Confidential documents now under prepa- an outside legal opinion that for tax purposes mended by President Nixon could undermine the state budget by reducing state revenues. The slate's toll roads and (h* Port ration also list Nixon as paying more than his residence is the District of Coumbia — and •' «nui« Man urn* $76,000 in federal income taxes in'the first year that District law exempts presidents from lo- Authority of New York and New Jersey expected to lose mon- HOSPITAL ADMISSION — Four persons narrowly escaped ln|ury last of his presidency — before he obtained a sub- cal Income taxes. ey because traffic has been reduced. night when this car crashed through plate glass windows of the RlvervlWk stantial tax deduction for donation of his vice Some information on Nixon's income tax Car Sales Off Hospital emergency room In Red Bank. Seated on the chairs In the fore- presidential papers to the government. payments had surfaced earlier — such as the Because sales and production of big cars are falling off. ground were William Borcalow, 79 Morris Ave., Belford, and his three- The documents show he paid $38,646 in fed- small amounts for 1970 and 1971 disclosed in losses in the 5 per cent state gasoline, excise tax and sales year-old daughter, Jennifer, but neither was inlured. Also unlnlured were eral taxes soon after he took office on his 1968 October by the Providence Journal -Bulletin. taxes arc expected. Many officials fear the gas shortage will the driver of the car, James R. Jackson, 137 W. Bergen Place, Red Income as a lawyer. And they disclose that But the breakdown obtained by The Associated be accompanied by a recession which could cause the state to Bank, and his passenger, Joylee V. Slngletary of Wllllngboro, owner of $30,916 was withheld from his paycheck in the Press yesterday was the most comprehensive lose corporate income taxes. the car. Red Bank Patrolman Brad OuPree said Mr. Jackson was taking first five months of this year for his 1973 taxes. yet on the controversial issue. Oil industry spokesmen estimate that Jersey homeowners Miss Slngletary to the hospital when the brakes failed on the ramp to the . Nixon's salary as President is $200,000 a At the heart of the controversy is the esti- will pay at least SO cents per gallon for heating oil before the emergency room entrance. Patrolman DuPree issued summonses to Mr- year. He also receives a tax-free $50,000 annual mated $500,000 in deductions Nixon has winter ends and will get about 70 per cent of their normal sup- Jackson for careless driving, having no driver's license or registration. expense allowance, and records disclose he claimed for donation of his vice presidential ply. Fuel oil that sold for about 20 cent a gallon last spring was , Summonses were issued to Miss Slwgletary for allowing an unlicensed has made substantial profits on real estate papers. up as high was 30 cents last week. drivsr to operate her car and having an unsafe vehicle. transaction?!ihee taking office. On Nov. 17, Nixon told a news conference Industry spokesmen predicted that gasoline will be equally The information is contained in a series of that the Internal Revenue Service had audited scarce, with higher grades costing as much as .65 cents per statements and documents scheduled to be his returns and raised no questions about the gallon. sent members of Congress this week and then deductions he spread over a tltrec-year period Oilmen say most people haven't felt the full force of the released publicly as part of the White House shortage because the final- shipments of Arab oil ace just now Viet Cong Destroy 35% and combined with sizeable mortgage interest effort to disprove allegations about the Presi- and property tax deductions. arriving. But when these shipments arc exhausted New Jersey dent's personal finances. and other eastern states will suffer more than most states be- Coupled with release of the financial data "If they do I will be glad to have the pa- cause they depend mure on Arab oil. will be disclosure that Nixon and his wife will pers back and 1 will pay the tax because t Mideast Oil Of Saigon Fuel Supply give their San Clemente, Calif., estate to the think they are worth more than that." he said. Fred Sacco. assonale director of the New Jersey Petro- I.t Col Lt Tning Illen. Sai- from their primary oil sup- federal government upon their deaths. leum Council, said e9st coast refineries buy 25 per cent of 'SAIGON (AP) - Viet Cong Nixon apparently paid no capital gains lax their oil from Arab giuntires. compared to 17 per Cffit lor Un- troops wiped out an estimated gon's chief inihiaiv spokes- plies in Singapore because of Presidential associates said the First Fam- on Ihe sale of the bulk of his San Clemente es- rest of the country Sacco said the lack of oil ln>m lha Middle H.ri to Jill per cent of South Viet- man, sai(ll Ihe loss will even- Ihc Arab oil embargo imposed ily decided some lime ago to eventually trans- tate ID industrialist Robert Abplanal|> — anoth- East will cause a sudden shortage of healing oil, Aral) oil i> nam's fuel reserves earl) tually affect the armed on the United States, South fer to public use the property valued at an esti- er major point in the controversy over his used primarily for heating oil.
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