Islam and International Relations by FAHED HAMAD ALMEKRAD Ph. D. thesis presented to the University of Wales in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. 1 IIIIIIIIIIIllI IllIllII T--0AN 17 Co N -1 F-'\ Title I)Lpe I) ecl ý,.r a' d oij bN: a no uc- Abst ,-act- ',,c !,-no wied ment Introduction 1 Scope andl SumnaTy Review of Literature CHAPTER 1: BACK'GROUND international Relat-Lon in Pre-Islarr, 19 Political inst-itution J-n Pre-lslarrj 21 ýoreiRn Relations 25 The, Rise of Islarp and concept of Islam 28 CHA`7'--TETý21 : THEESTATE AND ITS 'PILLARS Thtl- Em f irst Islamic State 31 ergence o.L th; --- So verei gn i tý-v 31 Ummah (C omlim,unI -Cv 34 1s 11,am anC, N,3 C.-110- tv 47 (AuthorJtv`l 61 S -! tap The CenLre of Autnor iv 80 84 QUal.fica- Lion and D ies 85 Ric-, to ReEz'st AU* -ný 86 SuaTý 90 C','., 'ý PTi FRI 3: POVER ANDýN TSLAI,ý --- - T) 'T- i 11C! V C,I 90 ý4 e2aC, c-. 7 C.,as a w3'. c e c, T-n E, Si -7,1 E an ý ou r a 10.3 as a wity of setf txertiism 106 h-477 ks 4 W-ty to plrotecey Wea)tk. i 0, ý py apertl And sevi III Ji', -iao' as a wE:\- to call to Isla,:: TI he Co IlL -, T,-ý .- Lt of 1n cl T'lle A oncc, f 113 The Pule-z-. 119 -T- of III Use ý'01,; iS 12) e 0. -ý_- ýi Sur,,m a 126 C"2 I XTE 1 O. f- C, n en es -c- o c)k--, IV The RI-Oit tc) Belleve 122 The R-igh', to Security 131 Equality ar-itong',In-'ividuals 133 The F.Ight to Life 137 Interdependence a-! onS Individuals 139 Islam and Peace 14 1 CHAPTER 5; : ISLA', ' A'ýD FOREIGN RELAiION-T In trod Ll%--T1101-1 1444 The Isla=ýc State and External Interve-it--ion 144 Islam and. Prisoners of ýýar Rights 16.9 Isla, -,i and Neutralitry 16L- Islam a, ýd Dijplomýacv 166 MjeaninQ of DIplomacy 16'7 Muslim Coiýce---L-iOT] o.-f Diplomacy itho Diplomatic Treaties 1-0 The Policv Towards Envoý's in Islair, 171 Islarp. and the Excnanoe of Envovs The Objectlave of Isiam, through Diploma: ýcv 17A Tslarr, and Co=ercial Relations 176 Dhimrnas hela--iD: ir, D7a. 01t-Islam. ý, - . 1,00 Trea--ies 193 Islam, B 195- and -i-pol ari; Is'Lar.r-, ar. 0 tne Sr-a--u-c Quo 20.1 islarn ariC CultI -ural Exchanort 210 Tý T 7 ý- T, DNA -n T D" lpzroGuc: lioT. 221 Islam anc Universal Securji-ry 224 Tine Unir-eý N--ýions an,-, ', Collective Secu-. ity 24 22L TIL: 7 vo -cenr: I i,--- 22,7 230 uszze a- ýI5: (fsrios 2- 2A - Cc[ lecýLve Secý4i-ity and Isi rn 219 S4 FK-NJff 244 C'IýAPTE'.,,7: ISSILA',' 247 T, Ti 2149 -;eCo-itio. -, o -" es Tv-ý--s 04 -ec!ll ýC.s 253 -G V, 253 atvc; ik7o, --,,, .N-!ý 1-ibourhood - T, -Z 255 C -i es the Exchanc-e of Prisoner's 2ýrg '17'a\cts Treat: 2E 0 ll,ý-Iitary ies, ý '. J. 11r - 26z -le-i- i.-L r-., a o -, c, ea le s Pe 266 Ine A-r-a-I of the to Cover Non-ýIusll, -. 2-6-) MuSlim Non-Muslii,,, Territory 270 1-1 eA ý-F,L-7. o. the in, 27-5 Conclusion 2ý 1 C,Ioss--r-, - Terminology 29Y 29e ATpendix 294 Biblioý--. -aphN .4 Declaration I, the undersigned, declare that this thesis which I am now presenting for the degree of philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) of the University of Wales has not previously been accepted in full, part or even in substance for any degree at any university nor is it being concurrently submitted in support of candidature for any degree at any other university. FARAD HAMAD AL-MEK.RAD Candidate Sta-:ement I, the undersigned, affirm that exce:;:t acknowleoqed w:1ere this the0is is the result of my CW:-l investigation and research. ' I -- Acknowledgments My most sincere thanks and gratitude should be given to Almighty God, who gave me the good health and the patience to accomplish this thesis. I must also express my sincere appreciation and thanks to Professor D. P. Davies for his valuable comments, and Dr. Ismail Al-Badawi, from Shariah College, Professor Ahmed Al-Baghdad'ý Professor of Political Science, Kuwait University for their kind guidance. would like especially to thank Professor Rasha Al-Sabah for her concern and encouragement. Thanks must go to my friend Abdel Rahman B. Abbas for his constructive organizational remarks. Finally, I thank all the members of my family for their patience. Abstract Islam and International RelaLions This thesis deals mainly with the role of Islýi. --.i in (the i-nternational relations, which is based on t*-.Ie Qjryan revealed book) and the Sunnah (prophetic tra--'ltion). The study has used the analytical approach and t*-Ie interdiscipl--nary approach to examine and investigate Islamic J-nternaýional relations theories in an attempt to demonstrate that they offer a practical alternative to resolve crises in international relations. This thesis highlights the Isla-. ic alternative in dealing with the major issues in the world todav, namely peace, security, balance of power, and co-operation among nations. The thesis, therefore, outlines certain concepts and themes which examine and explore the actual and potential relevance of Islamic law (Shariah) in relation to these issues. The main findings of the thesis include that Islam can indeed play a positive role in the field of international relations and that peace is the role and war the exception in most of the theories of Islamic international relations based on the QurISn and the Sunnah. Also, the Islamic theory of internaýional- relations provides a valuable framework of general application for international order. The concept of com-Linity ý Ummah s the most impoi-Lant factor which defines the 7,inction of the Islamic state. Moreover, authority in IslaiT: is based on the- iV"mall. The ro le of the state in Islam is to estn h-, and equility and to protect religious values. The concept of security in Islam is collective and is therefore concerned for both Muslims and non-Huslims alike. The purpose of Jihad is primarily to maintain security and justice. The study ha--- found that certain issues and themes such as supremacy, power, security, peace, war, equality, neutrality, diplomacy and treaties are reflected in Islamic international relations. The conduct of internal and external affairs in the Islamic state is based on the Qur'ýTn, Sunnah and human reason (ijtiHad). In Islam political life and religion cannot be separated from each other because Islamic public order is deeply rooted in the - L, Shariah (Islamic law) and is regulated by its law and at the same time guided by its past centuries of experience. TRANSLITERATION TABLE Consonants. Arabic initiai: unexpressed medial and final: d d ej b dh Jzý j t r Jý 0 .L L 6 th z L 4.14 s gh A h f sh .3 kh S q çcy Urdu and Persian the same except the following: 10 p .ý d -1 z C., r -. ch9 _) 41 Vowels, diphthongs, etc. short: -- a; i; ý U. - . W. long: j1 (5 ly diphthongs: aw ay IV INTRODUCTION The record of religion as a means to establish international peace is uneven. In the upheavals of human history it has been as often a contributing factor as an ameliorating one. Yet when attempts are made to curb the propensity for warfare that besets humankind, the impulse remains to appeal to extraempirical, or transcendent, notions. 'fne basic dilemma is the perennial question of whether aggression in international affairs can be curbed, and if so at what price. In an effort to provide possible alternatives to the present system of international relations*, this study attempts to investigate the role of Islam and its possible contribution to international peace. The study will try to determine whether any political programme can be derived from the Quýan and Sunnah which could be the basis for an Islamic theory of international relations, particularly because the very word "Islam" means peace, obtainable as a result of human beings' preparedness to submit to the beliefs and values which Muslims claim is given to humanity by God through revelation and prophets. Inter-national relations is a human activity in which persons from more than one nation, individually and in groups, interact. Usage of the term "International relations" by scholars in the field is not consistent. Some use "International relations" and "International politics" for relations between governments and use "Inter-national relations" as a more inclusive term. The study of International Relations includes certain aspects of nations and their governm-2-its particularly foreign policy making activity. For more det2ils see International Encyclopedia of the Social Science by David L. Vol. H1 19 In the case of Islam the Qurýi-n represents God's fin3l revelation to humanity through the prophet Muhammad (PBM), and because Muslims hold 6 him to be the last prophet, he completes the prophetic mission. The Quran is the foundation and mainstay of Islamic life and culture. Muslims believes it to be God's final revelation to humanity, in addition the Quýýin itself claims to preserve and protect what has already been revealed to humanity through earlier prophets, completing and perfecting that guidance for the future.
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