MI la Milk A Milk DEAD WEEK THE TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE FINAL EXAMS BEGINS MAY I I I START MAY 17 ‘4111CCPU/#16,11C li Vol. 31 Lubbock, Texas, Friday, May 4, 1956 No. 55 SC Approves Ann Collins Named Pres. Cabinet `Woman Of Year' Approval was given for a pre , i- dent's cabinet, payment of the By JANET MOORE Varsity Show director and a Stu- dent Council banquet while a pro- Ann Collins, Plainview senior. posed constitutional amendment is Tech's Woman of the Year. An- Temporary ROTC was rejected Tuesday night at the nouncement of her election In Student Council's regulaC meeting. other women students was mail,- The new cabinet, suggested re- at the annual Women's Day Ban- Appointments Made cently by Pres. Glen Cary will be quet held Tuesday night in the Temporary appointments from composed of two secretaries, ap- Student Union Ballroom. the ranks of the junior Army pointed by the president with the Miss Collins, who competed with ROTC cadets as commanders of consent of the council, to assist nine other candidates is an officer the regiment, battalion and com- him with his duties. The cabinet in Delta Delta Delta sorority and panies, furnished the Army ROTC will have no voting privileges, ac- president of the Student Union Corps with officers to direct the cording to the council's decision. Program Council. She is a member parade which honored senior offi- The move will be effective begin- of Forum, senior women's honor cers yesterday on the drill field ning next fall. society, and a legislator in Horn south of the Naval Reserve Build- Payment of the Varsity Show Hall. • ing. director in the future will be made, Norma Chapman. retiring presi- Cadet Col. D. W. Huddleston, up to $50 of the profits. If profits dent of the Association of Women regimental cadet commander, re- are smaller, the director's salary Students, was mistress of cere- ceived the parade with his staff in shall be limited in relation. TECHSANS IN TRAINING — Five 1955 graduates of Texas Tech monies. Miss Jacqueline Sterner, the reviewing stand. Monday night at 7 p.m. the AFROTC glance at the camera as they check a B-25 aircraft at assistant dean of women, delivered Newly appointed Cadet Maj. a speech entitled "Think on These council will hold its annual ban- Reese Air Force Bose, where they are assigned to the basic multi- Michael Burkholder, regimental quet at Hillcrest Country Club. Things." She pointed out that a commander, directed the corps At that time all new members will engine training program. They aro scheduled to receive pilot college woman graduate who com- through the ceremony and gave be sworn in and new officers in- wings in September. Left to right the Techsans are: 2nd Lts. Richard bines homemaking and a career is the order for the final pass in probably more typical today than stalled. Dr. E. N. Jones will be the C. Zeech, Lamesa ; Bobby G Day, Lubbock ; Ronald Jones, Jr., Car- review. principal speaker of the evening. one who immediately devotes her The temporary appointments Incoming Pres. Wallace Wilson rollton; Dale W. Carey, Brownfield; and Jerry L. Vines, Comanche. whole time to homemaking. will be effective until the junior will address the group as will out- Installation was conducted for cadets go to summer camp, where going Pres. Cary. Huda Hassen is the newly elected AWS officers. the final choices for these posi- in charge of arrangements. The 20 new members -of Junior tions will be made. In a vote of 11-8, the council Council and 15 new members of The three newly appointed bat- rejected an amendment which Awards Given Forum were recognized. [anion commanders are: Cadet would prevent students with less New officers of Forum intro- Capt. Jeral W. Jackson, 1st Bat- than 30 hours at the time of elec- duced are: Mary Randal, presi- tallion; Cadet Capt. Don E. Fritz, tion from running for council of- dent; Jo Anne Holmes, vice presi- 2nd Battalion; and Cadet Capt. fices. At Union Banquet dent; Kay Robinson, secretary; Donald J. Pundt, 3rd Battalion. Supporters of the amendment Lu Anne McNeill, treasurer; Those temporarily appointed as Frances Allison, historian and voiced the opinion that students Miss Ann Collins of Plainview is John McIven, Hereford; Betty company commanders are: A Sylvia Dietering, reporter. should gain experience in other or- Fran Montgomery, Matador; Bob Company, Cadet 1st Lt. Arthur winner of the 1956 Dub Rushing The president of- each dorm ganizations before being elected to Moore, Denver City; Janna Mur- C. Martin;:13 Company, Cadet 1st Award, symbolic of the outstand- recognized those with the highest the Student Council and that they ray, Midland; Janis Newsom, Lub- Lt. Danny L. Beilue; C Company, felt that a had reflection was cast ing contributor to Tech Union ac- scholarship in her dormitory. They Cadet 1st Lt. Bruce H. Simnacher; bock, Dean Rea, Bushland; Cecil were: Diane Thomas, Horn Hall; when qualified juniors and seniors tivities this academic year. Trainor, Carthage; Carol Wagnon, D Company. Cadet 1st Lt. Billy Beth Knickerbocker, Knapp Hall; G. Jones; E Company, Cadet 1st were passed by in favor of fresh- Miss Collins received the recog- San Angelo; Rebecca Wilson, Lub- men. Grace Wheeler, Drane Hall; Ther- Lt. Charles L. Strehli; and F Com- nition — the second honor for her bock; Sylvia Young, Graham; Ed esa Ponewczynski, Casa Linda. Majority opinion against the Phillips, Fort Worth; Flo Pat- pany, Cadet 1st Lt. Larry E. Glas- this week — at the annual Union Knapp Hall received a plaque amendment said representation terson, Dallas; Glen Morgan, Lub- gow. for being the dormitory with the should come from all the school Awards banquet, held in the bock. The Sam Houston Rifles fur- and if a student is qualified he highest scholarship average. Mrs. nished the color guard for the Union Building ballroom. Outstanding Freshmen: Jean should be allowed to serve regard- Martha Hall, assistant dean of parade. Only -last Tuesday, she was Elliot, Houston; Sue Flowers, Abi- less of classification. women, extended special recog- lene; Judy Harms, Dallas; Joe A report on the student Activity named Tech's "Woman of the nition to the retiring legislators of Ben Hudgens, Pecos; Leah Lewis Fee was deferred until the coun- Year" in campus-wide balloting by Drane Hall. Lampasas; Peggy Malinak, Tem- cil's next meeting nest Tuesday coeds. Recognitions for those holding ple; Cora Jean McMurtry, Gra- Music Show Gives night. the highest scholastic averages in At the banquet 67 other stu- ham; Carol Oliver, Bryan; Carol - - dents received recognition for out- their sororities went to: Janet Penland, Dallas; Judy Ridge, Mid- Jones, Alpha Chi' Omega; Jerzy 2nd Performance standing contributions to Tech land; Barbara Roan, Amarillo; Union activities. Denton, Delta Delta Delta; Jackie Tech, McMurry Set Carolyn Tapp, Lubbock; Jim Brooks, Delta -Gamma; Kathleen Gian-Carlo Menotti's opera, "The Union program has Thompson, Amarillo; Nancy Un- Watkins, Gamma Phi Beta; Diane "The Old Maid and the Thief," wrought many improvements in ger, Fort Worth; Marcia Hebert, Thomas, Kappa Alpha Theta; will be presented again today at Engineers Program Tech campus life," Warlick Carr, Houston; Jean McQueen. Bryan; Margaret Condray, Kappa Kappa 8:15 p.m. in the Music Building Tech and McMurray College of Lubbock attorney and Union board Carole Powell, Lubbock: and Judy Gamma: Jo Anne Holmes, Pi Beta Recital Hall as the second pro- Abilene have completed arrange- member, declared in the principal Speer, Amarillo. Phi; Carol Thompson, Sigma Kap- gram of Tech's fifth annual Texas ments to offer a cooperative five- address. pa; Fern Asher, Zeta Tau Alpha. Symposium of Contemporary year program in engineering, ef- Carr pointed out that the Union Pi Beta won the Panhellenic Music. The initial performance of fective next fall. had done much to raise the level Scholarship Trophy for the fourth the five-day festival was given Announcement of the new pro- of student activities, provided defi- Tech To Be Host straight year and was also award- last night. gram came jointly from the presi- nite opportunities for students to ed the Panhellenic softball trophy. A program of music for voice, dents of the two institutions, Dr. plan and organize activities. Delta Delta Delta scholarships piano and solo instruments will be E. N. Jones, Tech, and Dr. Harold Students recognized during the For Welding Course were presented to Peggy Hahn staged in the Recital Hall at 7:30 G. Cooke, McMurry. program include: Special Recogni- See WOMEN'S DAY. Page 8 p.m. Saturday sponsored by Tech's A student will study three years tions Mel Deardorff, Lubbock. Tech will be host for an agri- chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, na- tional honorary music sorority. at McMurry and then will enter Trophies: Chuck Strehli, Lub- culture teachers' are welding short Glee Club members will be con- Texas Tech for two years and a bock; Sylvia Dietering, Lubbock. course May 29 through June' 1 in summer session, majoring in some 'Tips To Techsan' ducted by Margaret Ammer and Keys: Jackie Beckner, Little- the Agricultural Engineering branch of engineering. Margaret Schindler, senior music field; Virginia Carr, Lubbock; Building. At the conclusion of the five Booklet On Press majors from Monahans. Annita Jack Pruitt, Odessa; Ted Carthel, Enrollment is limited to 22. years, the successful student will Powers, senior from Lubbock, will Lockney; Joan Chesher, Lubbock; Course sponsors are Tech's agri- "Tips to the Ness Techsan," receive both the bachelor of arts direct the club song. David Conner, Antelope; Sandra cultural education department in degree from McMurry and the a booklet prepared for new Highlighting the program will Cooper, Snyder; Nancy Lawliss, cooperation with Tech's and Texas bachelor of science degree in the women students next fall, went be the presentation of two Tech Levelland; Bob Richard, Lubbock; A&M College's agricultural engi- appropriate branch of engineering to press yesterday, according to faculty members as composers.
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