Front cover illustration image ©David Luckhurst image©David illustration cover Front https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TVFZS5T https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/TVFZS5T Feedback Survey Survey Feedback Church towers design ©David Luckhurst. ©David design towers Church constructed in 1775. 1775. in constructed visit www.norwichmedievalchurches.org www.norwichmedievalchurches.org visit Gallery). Art & Museum Castle (Norwich Service Close), The 10-12, (Nos houses Georgian into incorporated were Antiquarian images ©Norfolk Museums Museums ©Norfolk images Antiquarian Hurst. ©Paul Photographs carving of great refinement. refinement. great of carving Also revealing the medieval location is evidence that the ruins of the church church the of ruins the that evidence is location medieval the revealing Also Norwich’s medieval churches, churches, medieval Norwich’s elaborate architectural and figure figure and architectural elaborate archives, which shows a rectangular structure with a round western tower. tower. western round a with structure rectangular a shows which archives, marriage, confession, etc.), with with etc.), confession, marriage, about more learn To the church can be gleaned from a plan of 1761 to 1775, held in the cathedral cathedral the in held 1775, to 1761 of plan a from gleaned be can church the a house on the site. the on house a showing the sacraments (baptism, (baptism, sacraments the showing of The Close formed a dogleg around the church. The form and location of of location and form The church. the around dogleg a formed Close The of 1492 and, in 1535, the churchyard was leased to Thomas Godsalve, who built built who Godsalve, Thomas to leased was churchyard the 1535, in and, 1492 ambitious of the forty or so fonts fonts so or forty the of ambitious St Faith’s Lane. The parish was amalgamated with that of St Mary the Less in in Less the Mary St of that with amalgamated was parish The Lane. Faith’s St 1250 and 1265. Prior to this, it seems likely that the southern precinct wall wall precinct southern the that likely seems it this, to Prior 1265. and 1250 damaged, it remains the most most the remains it damaged, cathedral close in the mid-14th century. mid-14th the in close cathedral by Tombland to the north, and extended south to the westward extension of of extension westward the to south extended and north, the to Tombland by the creation of the cathedral close, within which it was incorporated between between incorporated was it which within close, cathedral the of creation the chapel in the Cathedral. Though Though Cathedral. the in chapel appear to have been incorporated into a northward extension of the the of extension northward a into incorporated been have to appear discoveries suggest that the churchyard originally may have been bounded bounded been have may originally churchyard the that suggest discoveries the 18th century. The establishment of both it and its churchyard preceded preceded churchyard its and it both of establishment The century. 18th the font, now to be found in St Luke’s Luke’s St in found be to now font, ‘St Mathew’s church at the school gates’. The church and its graveyard graveyard its and church The gates’. school the at church Mathew’s ‘St Minor excavations in 1952 and again in 1999 revealed human burials. These These burials. human revealed 1999 in again and 1952 in excavations Minor Design by www.garethjamesdesign.co.uk Design by as late as possibly and century mid-16th the least at until stood church The St Mary’s is the Seven Sacraments Sacraments Seven the is Mary’s St meaning 1254-75, in scolarium portam ad Mathei Sancti ecclesia as to revealed during building works in the 1930s, and thought to be its south wall. wall. south its be to thought and 1930s, the in works building during revealed The greatest surviving treasure from from treasure surviving greatest The 2.7m lower than the present day surface. surface. day present the than lower 2.7m referred was church The house. public Eve & Adam the by park car The site of the church building is suggested by substantial flint footings footings flint substantial by suggested is building church the of site The in the pre-Conquest period (before 1066) when ground levels were some some were levels ground when 1066) (before period pre-Conquest the in a now is which school, grammar old the near road the of side south The only other pre-Reformation dedication in Norfolk is found in Thetford. Thetford. in found is Norfolk in dedication pre-Reformation other only The (King Street). Street). (King excavation beneath the Lower Green revealed that this area needed drainage drainage needed area this that revealed Green Lower the beneath excavation pestilence in 1349’. The building stood east of St Martin, probably on the the on probably Martin, St of east stood building The 1349’. in pestilence The church’s dedication to a Northumbrian saint is unusual in East Anglia. Anglia. East in unusual is saint Northumbrian a to dedication church’s The Parmentergate Peter St in the 12th century. The name derives from its low-lying situation. A 1976 1976 A situation. low-lying its from derives name The century. 12th the in and that the parishioners went ‘to St Martin [at Palace]… since the great great the since Palace]… [at Martin St ‘to went parishioners the that and 1535. and 1530 between sometime demolished was but (1066), Conquest of parish the with Lane) Rose Marisco (de) in Maria Sancta as known already was church the although Francis Blomefield (18th century), explaining that the church ‘was in ruins’ ruins’ in ‘was church the that explaining century), (18th Blomefield Francis in 1157, it was probably founded before the Norman Norman the before founded probably was it 1157, in Cuthberti Sancti ecclesia and Close The (between Vedast St in 1378, 1378, in Merssh del Maria Sancta as recorded was Marsh the in suffix The Little is known of this church except for a note by Norfolk antiquarian antiquarian Norfolk by note a for except church this of known is Little This church stood at the southern end of Tombland. Documented as as Documented Tombland. of end southern the at stood church This of church lost the of that with No. 12, The Close, NR1 4DH 4DH NR1 Close, The 12, No. Corner of Bishopgate and St Martin at Palace Plain Plain Palace at Martin St and Bishopgate of Corner Upper King Street, between St Faith’s Lane and Tombland Tombland and Lane Faith’s St between Street, King Upper The parish was consolidated, along along consolidated, was parish The may be the north wall of the church. church. the of wall north the be may St Mary in the Marsh Marsh the in Mary St St Mathew Mathew St St Cuthbert Cuthbert St Trail map F5 map Trail Trail map C5 map Trail G4 map Trail A thick wall within these buildings buildings these within wall thick A cathedral precinct. precinct. cathedral facings, and the upper chamber has been remodelled for school use. school for remodelled been has chamber upper the and facings, Middle Ages. Ages. Middle located inside what became the the became what inside located cathedral precinct and Tombland. Modern restorations removed the original original the removed restorations Modern Tombland. and precinct cathedral southern extent was probably London Street, known as Cutler Row in the the in Row Cutler as known Street, London probably was extent southern The church of St Ethelbert was was Ethelbert St of church The Work on the gate was completed in 1317, providing direct access between the the between access direct providing 1317, in completed was gate the on Work south to St Andrew’s Hill formed the northern boundary of the parish. The The parish. the of boundary northern the formed Hill Andrew’s St to south gate that bears the saint’s name, perhaps to appease residual local anger. anger. local residual appease to perhaps name, saint’s the bears that gate for heavenly protection. heavenly for A common lane that ran westward from the corner of Elm Hill and then then and Hill Elm of corner the from westward ran that lane common A A later bishop, John Salmon, created a new chapel of Ethelbert above the the above Ethelbert of chapel new a created Salmon, John bishop, later A commemoration of their martyr king king martyr their of commemoration Plea. at Michael St to part small a and Andrew St to added part large a at Mercian incursions, and partly in in partly and incursions, Mercian at parishes, neighbouring between divided was parish the 1286 around By gate. priory in East Anglia—partly from outrage outrage from Anglia—partly East in dedication is more popular, however, however, popular, more is dedication original the including enclave, its and cathedral the of torching the only ever a timber building, perhaps accounting for its total loss by fire. by loss total its for accounting perhaps building, timber a ever only the location of his murder. The The murder. his of location the and riot in resulted citizens the and priory cathedral the between tension down in the reign of Henry III (1215-1273). It is possible that the church was was church the that possible is It (1215-1273). III Henry of reign the in down Ethelbert are found near Hereford, Hereford, near found are Ethelbert Cause and effect for the 1272 riot are difficult to disentangle. The simmering simmering The disentangle. to difficult are riot 1272 the for effect and Cause most of Norwich’s churches, lasting for only about a century before it burned burned it before century a about only for lasting churches, Norwich’s of most Offa.
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