A bird in the Band rails to catch the THE ORDWAY NEW ERA early worm. the Jay F. Johnson, Editor and P«kr. Red Cross Bsg Blue makes laundress happy, inakea clothes whiter than snow. All good grocers. Adv. ORDWAY. COLORADO NEWS OF COLORADO POINTS y No matter what happens, the sus- penders a man wears are never en- Creek, tirely free from responsibilities. the flattops to the Btockyards In that Minor Mention. in different Interests at Cripple WANTS to died at his Denver home on his sixty- WILSON Two children were found frozen town. $34,480 POSTALRONDS third birthday. Dr. Pierce’s Pellets, small, sugar-coated, death in a wagon between Rifle and easy to take as candy, regulate and invigor- Lay Cornerstone at Greeley. Meeker. Over 4,000,000 young trout, supplied ate stomach, liver and bowels and cure con- BIG BUSINESS FOR BY OF every wom- clear- hatch- stipation. Adv. APPLIED REBIDENTB Greeloy.—Members of Denver ranks fifth as to bank by the national and state fish THE STATE OF an’s club in the city as wpll as a num- ings in 1912 In a list of Western cities cries, were placed in the lakes and COLORADO. Once In a great while a man comes ber of other guests from other parts R. G. Dun A Co. streams of Colorado during tho year PROVIDED IT GROWS BIG IN CON- prepared by home early as his wife thinks he of the state were present when tho 1912 by The Colorado A Southern Rail- as John Crowley, aged fifty-four, who ought to, or the postman brings her a TACT WITH KEEN COM- Noarly $28,000 Applied for in Roglo> cornerstone of the girls* clubhouse, way Company. was brought to Denver when a baby letter that she expects. tered Form, Indicating Per- which is cost $20,000, was at PETITION. to laid in 1859, died in Colorado Springs. For the purpose of inducing the leg- manent Investment. teachers’ college. the Three hundred and fifty thousand islature to vote an ample appropria- ARK FOB ALLEN’S FOOT-BARE. the Antiseptic powder to shake Inti) your dollars In building permits was the tion for a Colorado building at the Pan- a. Relieves Corns. Uunlons. Inirowlu* Quarrel and Shoot Over Dish Washing. shoe feet. Blisters WeaternNewspaper Union News Service. 'record of Trinidad In the year 1912. ama exposition in 1915, C. S. Scott, Nalls, Swollen and Bweatin* the of a quar- and Callous spots. Sold everywhere, *sc. Greeley.—As outcome commissioner the exposition, was accept any substitute. Sample PBS.K. FREE FROM Denver.—lnformation made public Express service Is now a reality of Don't MONOPOLY them should LeKoy. N.Y. Adv. rel over which one of Address Allen a Olmsted. by Postmaster General Hitchcock at with the Montclair and Aurora patrons in Denver. wash the breakfast Juan T. Washington shows that the postal sav- dishes Fer- of the Denver City Tramway Company. Following Orders. nandez shot Leonardo Martinez in the The Denver Knothole Club will hold ASKS DISSOLUTION OF PREJU- made Colo- Doctor (to Mr. J., whose husband is / ings depositors in Colorado have throat, and the victim of tho shooting Senator Arthur Cornforth of its annual convention In Denver be- application for $34,480 of the postal slipped oa the lec In Den- ginning January 21 and continuing very ill)—Has he had any lucid inter- 0, DICES BETWEEN CAPITAL is now in the hospital here in a crit- rado springs savings bonds. Application for this ver and suffered a fracture of the left three days. Its members belong to vals? AND LABOR. ical condition. Fernandez was placed except amount has been made by seventy-five aim. the Colcrudo-Wyoming Lumber Deal- Mrs. J.-'E'h 'ad nothink under arrest. what you ordered, doctor. —Lippin- depositors, and it is particularly in- A $2,000 mangle ironing machine ers' Association. Ntuipnptr teresting to noto that nearly $28,000 cott’s. Wnltrn Union New* Service. Legs Broken, Man Freezes to Death. was completely wrecked in a steam ex- The Morrisania ranch, just south of of this of bonds have been ap- Chicago.—Big Busiacss, its right to amount body of George Rule, plosion occurring In the Bouldry laun- tho of Grand Valley, formerly plied for In the registered form, indi- Pueblo.—The town Short of Breath. growth and its duties to the country, aged fifty-two, a farmer, whq has been dry plant. owned by Phillip R. Morris of Denver sort a cating they are being purchased Patience—What of dog is were by that missing from his home, twelve miles Peter Forte, on trial at Pueblo for and more recently owned by the Mor- discussed President-elect as a permanent investment. Applica- that? Woodrow Wilson in a speech beforo from Pueblo, was found uuder a rail- murder of his wife, took the stand risauin Fruit and Land Company, was tions have been made for 180 of the the Patrice—A knickerbocker poodle. Commercial Club of Chicago. road trestle. Both legs were broken. proved an excellent witness In his sold for $250,00U. knickerbocker poodle? the registered bonds, eighteen of the S2O and Patience—A don’t care how big a business Evidently Rule bad been made help- own you notice his “I denomination, 134 of the and defense. Sister Hannah Austin, eighty-four, a Patrice—Yes; don’t grows, provided it grows big in con- SIOO less by a fall from the trestle and had twenty-eight of the denomination. A petition has been placed in circu- well-known religious and charitable short pants? tact with keen competition,” he said. SSOO frozen to death. Seventy-six applications have been lation for the reincorporation of North worker Denver and a well-known The governor made i»n appeal for of made for the coupon bonds, thirty-six Longmont, with the end in view that member cf St. Mark’s parish, fell on Spoiled Her Secret. dissolution cf what he said were County Shot. “My kept our of the denomination, thirty-five of Mesa Cattleman saloons may again be opened. one of downtown streets and is in first husband and 1 prejudices in this country between S2O the nearly year.” the and five of the denom- Grand Junction.—Edward Gordon Albert T. Patrick’s daughter, Lucllc, St. Luke’s hospital in a critical con- marriage a secret for a capital and labor. SIOO SSOO ination. and Bert Hubbard, the latter with his whose romantic marriage to a Dart- dition. “Didn’t you find it rather difficult?'' Among Governor Wilson's auditors have arm shattered with bullets, arrived student, Paul Martin, took place “Oh, no, not at all. We could were bank presidents, railroad presi- Withrespect to the amount of bonds mouth have Chicago longer her from Gateway, seventy miles divorce. Bonds been sold in to gone on for a much time If the beads of great business en- applied for, leads all other last July, will seek a dents and southwest of this city to swear out the amount of $600,000 for the con- horrible reporters had been snoop- cities of the state with a total of $9,- Mrs. Sibilla Marie Stelnel, sixty- terprises. warrants against Adam Steele, who. struction of a standard-gauge railroad ing around when 1 ap*..-d for my di- Seated near him were Governor Dc- 7CO and following in order are: Den- seven, for three years a resident of from Yeckcl Junction, on Rio with several others, they say, fired the’ vorce.” a Republican, and Governor-elect ver. $8,020; Pueblo. $4,100; Cripple Denver, died at I.os Angeles, where to noen. upon them from ambush. Grande railroad in Mesa county, Dunne, a Democrat. Creek. $2,200; Trinidad, $1,220; Tel- Lhe had been visiting a son’s family. Collbran. twenty-five miles through No Money, No Marriage. He said that success of enterprise lurlde and Ouray, SI,OOO each ; Colora- The fourth child to be accosted by the Plateau valley. “A teller told me that you Dairymen Meet January 27. fortune depended upon the opening up to the do Springs and Colorado City, SBOO an unknown man in the neighborhood are going to marry me," said the Lupton.—With 300 delegates in Mrs. C. M. Howard saved herself rank and file of the nation not only each, and Aspen, Longmont, l,a Junta, Fort of the Elmwood school In Denver, Is young man with the prominent the State Dairymen’s con- from seriouo burns whon her hair its physical resources but the business Monte Vista, Del Norte. Holly. New attendance Rosemura Stettler, eight years old. socks. Castle, vention will meet here January 27 and caught fire in a gasoline explosion in as well. Loveland and Georgetown, J. Gray of Wellington Ib in "Did she also tell you that you are Frink of larkspur, tho A. the Denver by calmly removing the hair Men had testified, under oath, he SSOO each. 28. C. B. at Fort Collins suffering with going to inherit a very large fortune?” president, will preside, and the speak- hospital from her head and throwing it out the said, to the existence of an “inner cir- the result of inquired the girl with the matted hair. to Include D. Parker of Gree- a badly shattered leg, door. She remarked after the fire had cle” to whom credit was obtainable, ers will H. heating “She didn’t say anything about a $6,000,000 Plant to Water Land. others. the explosion of a homemade been extinguished that she had been the exclusion of those against whom ley, Gilbert Landell and fortune." Junction.—The irrigation of plant.
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