-mxnrtyKT, msxTtsnnnSK Vi, W*r» ^attrlfM tpr lEwgtttitg W^ralB A ^tn gt Daily Circulation For tiM Month of Notrombor^ IMS A * ; - - / ^ Foreign Minister^ Pap.a ^Santa' Visits Philadelphia Quads Eye Witnesses Parley at Moscow Of Scenes of Horror Drawing to . Close As Hospital Burnei No Definite Date Has Sleet and Ice Been ' Set for Issu­ HaHford Priest ance o f Final State­ Block Traffic Fire Captain, First ment on Results; Ru­ Indonesian Republic Arrive on Scene mors Say Agreements All Over State scribe Details o f Ti u//sA > • ' ■ , On Wide Area Reached Premier Is Fired At, edy Which Has Thousands of Motorists Modcow, Dec. 26.— (/F)— Clubbed with Pistol 17 Lives; 18 OUu The foreiarn ministers of the aeady to Return H.ome Injured, Five Critica United States, Russia and Are (^ught in Storm; Great Britain met this after­ Batavia, Java, Dec 2 g __ -two Dutch soldiers were killed in Double Probe Start! Warm Rain Follows Batavia when they were ambushed noon to clear up the last few (/P)— Shots were fired at Pre­ on Christmas eve. Dutch Am- details of their conference, mier Sutan Sjahrir of the un­ bolnese troops, these sources said, Hartford, D ec.. 26.—(/ hoping to complete by night By The As^iated Press recognized Indonesian Repub­ set several nearby Indonesian Horror-filled descriptions 'Travel plans of thousands of mo­ agreements on a number of lic and he was clubbed with a houses aflre In retaliation. the Christmas ’eve hosri^ torists, Intending to return home To Resume Pcaoe Talks details. pistol butt today in what j fire which cost 17 lives wei They gathered at Speridonlfka last night, were disrupted by s Informed quarters said that given today by two eye w il Aneta said apparently was; British and Dutch authorities were palace at 2:80 p. in., (6:30 S. m., sleet storm which paralyzed traf­ nesses who were at the a ^ a P / . • /< ? o i/ / ' eastern atandai^ time). Agree­ fic in many parts of the state until an attempt by several Neth-i likely to renew peace talks with 0 Indonesian leaders after the holi­ to give physical and spiriti ments were reported reached on rising teihperatures caused the ice .erlands Indies soldiers to ^ main questions. Informed quarters to relax Its grip. steal his car. days. aid while the tragedy was 'The 35-year-old premier, a key said the area of agreement was Many postponed their trips un­ folding. A Hartford pric IL...... •'I don’t think they knew who figure in Indonealan-Allied rela­ greater than anyone, Including to today; and many of the more I waa." Sjahrir was quoted by a , who said he preferred to tions who has urged moderation ou/' C u$fo*i^^^S,O U ^ perhaps the ministers, had hoped venturesome who started out failed correspondent of Aneta, the oftl-1 anonymouB, amid that while The Clrmlnello quadruplets, first ever bom by Caesarian section, seem pleased with the gifts Santa upon hia follow’ers, returned yes­ when they met. to reach home. The highways were aaus, impersonated by their father, had brought them. (Left to right) l^een. Kathleen. Michael and dal Dutch News Agency^ | was among the first to arriva i dotted with stalled cars that had terday from a tour of Java. Dur­ No DeSalte Time Maurien. The mother of the Philadelphia, Pa., quads is in the rear. They were one year old last In Dutch Unlforma the seeqe, the flamca had spr skidded into snowbanka ing his absence, the British ar­ so rapidly through the Niles The hour of Issuance at the final The storm began in mid-after­ November I. (AP v i l r e p h o t o ) . ____________________________________________ _ Four men in Dutch uniforms in rested several Euraaians who were convalescent hospital that a^iO c/oM -^00. y f ^ ^ p p / communique was doubtful,. A Brit­ noon yesterday, and was at its another car pulled alongside the attempting to break into hit Ba­ then some of the human rei ish informant said yesterday the worst between 6 and 7 p. m., just preipler’s automobile and fired tavia home. were so charred we passed bulletin would be issueo at 2 a. m. the hour, apparently, when traffic Admii*al Keyes three bullets against the hood, Several British soldiers, mostly without recognising what tomorrow (6 p. m., today e.s.t.), was at its peak. Allied Board Starts forcing him to halt, Sjahrir re­ parachute troopers, were arrested were.” hut latest Indications^ were, that The area along thf shore gener­ ported. He said he had gotten out for CJhristmss rioting at the capl- The fire in the small thr no definite time bad been set. ally escaped with only a heavy Naval Hero of of hit car w’hen one of the sol­ tal’a largest Chinese restaurant, hospital got its start In the Uv French assent to the procedure rain, but elsewhere hopeless traf diers struck him with the pistol. the Yen Pin They were charged room when a Chrietmas tree I on drafting peace treaties for Eu­ flc snarls developed on hills made On Journey to Japan At one time, Sjahrir said a Neth­ with raiding the buffet after they denly burst into flames. There, ropean states still was awaited. Impassable by ice. Britain Dead erlands officer pointed a pistol at were denied more liquor. Thou­ priest Mid, be saw a woman The French have indicated, how­ Better Around Midnight hia head. He said a group of sands at patrons, including women ing under a mattress In the ever. they would not object. China Before midnight, however, vehi about 15 men in ali approached and children, fled in psnie. Police ner.“— /pe^ ^yeryoi^^,^ alreadv has agreed to the formula. cles were moving again except in To so« How Truman Home the car, but fled upon the appear­ ^ader of Spectacular closed the cafe Like Maas of Ctadera Secretary of State James. F. parts of Litchfield county where Of General MacArlhur ance of a British patrol. The cafe manager, le Shueh- “ She looked like a maas of Byrnes telephoned the French for­ the tempehiture remained at absut British military police arrested Wen, charged that doora and win­ dera," he related. "A fter gts the freezing mark Zeebrugge Raid in the eign office Monday afternoon, but Are Being Obeyed by Over Holiday six soldiers, who said they were dows of the establiMiment were the last rites of the church to was informed that Foreign Min­ Pedestrians were as badly off as First World War Passes Eurasians and Surinamese. Neth­ smashed last night, a grand piaao motorists, and in many, cities, par­ Nippon Government deed end dying (meny of ister Georges Bidault was out It erlands army authorities said waa hurled from the atage. a aged men and women), I want] gi/eryupPf/’^, u>^aftp was not announced whether Bi- ticularly in Hartfo|d, New Britain Away in His Sleep President Refuses to Al­ tkere wax no doubt that the of­ crystal chandelier was tom down to the third floor. There 1 aaW' dault had called beck. One of the Bristed, and other Central Connect­ Washington, Dec. 26 — (/P) —^ and liquor stocks and equipment icut immunities, hospitals were fenders would be punished. men crawling around on hla bs issues that broke down the earlier Nursing ambitions at policy mak-' London, Dec.' 26— —Admiral were smashed. conference of foreign ministers in kept busy treating the bruises and low Wintry Weatber Meanwhile. Dutch sources said and knees In the comer. His London was French insistence on other injuries of persons who had Ing rather than mere advice glv- ' To Curb Celebration of the fleet Lord Keyes, one of waa so grimy, I didn’t reco| /ftga^s, /J6er/y, / ?o/ > e p e a t r f - being a party to all European slipped and fallen. ing, the allied far eastern commis­ Britain's outstanding naval heroes him tintil we got him out to peace treaties. The state highvMy department street." sion leaves today for Japan and Independence, Mo„ Dec. 26—<)P) and leader of the spectacular Zee­ The man proved to be Fire Am More United Now gave this partisl list of spots brugge raid in the' ■ First World Picketing Is Resumed where traffic was stalled for any­ a look-see at Gen. Douglas Mac- —President. Truman went piernly tain Thornes McGuire, Dlploma,tlc sources said the at­ where from 30 minutes to two Arthur’s administration. War, died in tils sleep today at nearly 30 persona who were; mosphere of futility which prevail­ about celebrating the Christmas hours, pending the arrival of sand­ Weather permitting, commission the age of 73. He had been U1 three jured. ■ i ed after the breakdown of the Lon­ holidays today as hia home folks week!*. The captain, recovering in ; ing trucks: members will board a plane here showed every disposition to allow At G. M. Plants Today don conferences of Byrnes, Foreign The Charter Oak bridge over the Adm. Keyes was credited with a hospital, said today he and of Commissar V. M. Molotov and at 7:15 p.m. (e. s. t.). After flying him to do it in his own way. Omnectlcut river at Hartford; the to Pearl Harbor, they will com­ large part of the success of., com­ firemen entered the biasing Foreign S^retary Ernest Bevm His round of j-uletide calls batting the German submarine ing through a rear door after, west approach to the Bulkeley plete- the trip on the U.S.S. Mt. spread to Kansas City where has been eliminated and the Big menace in World War One and as Another Meeting Is ing repuls^ at the front ent Three now were reunited in a spirit bridge at Hartford; Berlin, on the McKinley, a Navy command ship.
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