PLANNING OUR FUTURE DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy OVERVIEW Our Community has a shared vision for Lake to guide review or development of other Macquarie City that is clear and compelling: Council policy such as asset management, Lake Macquarie is a City with a Lake at contributions, community facilities, its heart encircled by distinctive towns biodiversity conservation, recreation planning, and villages. We balance our cherished LEP amendments and development environments with our need for great control policy; spaces to live and visit, smart transport to guide specific works or infrastructure; options and a thriving economy; which to guide private and community sector adapt and strive to be fair for all. decision-making about proposed - City Vision and Community Values developments, services or community November 2016 facilities; Lake Mac 2050 is a high-level land use strategy to inform assessments of the impact of new that seeks to progress this Vision for our City. technologies, environmental, economic and It does this through influencing practices and societal change; and policies that affect the distribution of people and activities. to evaluate resourcing, infrastructure and budgetary decisions by Council. Our City has significant opportunities to reinforce the role of our centres and neighbourhoods, Lake Mac 2050 has seven Directions that increase local jobs, diversify our housing respond to a range of issues and influences, stock, improve local transport and protect our from local to global levels: environment. ▪ focus activity within and around our towns and centres; Population growth and climate change, as well ▪ develop well-connected high-quality public as technological and social change, need to be spaces; considered. ▪ increase housing choice; The Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan ▪ increase local jobs and investment; estimates the Lake Macquarie local government ▪ provide more options to get around; area will have 24,450 more people, 13,700 new ▪ protect and enhance our Lake, natural dwellings and 11,741 new jobs by 2036. The landscape and heritage; and population is projected to increase by almost ▪ ensure the City is resilient and responsive to 50,000 people by 2050. change. Lake Mac 2050 addresses these opportunities In addition to the Directions providing general and challenges to deliver benefits for our guidance for land use planning and the community and the environment consistent with distribution of people and activities across our the City Vision. City, a number of localities have been identified Lake Mac 2050 is intended for use: for special attention. by state, regional and local policy makers Centres, including strategic centres of regional and decision makers on matters that affect importance, anchor each of the localities Lake Macquarie City, such as transport anticipated to experience significant change. infrastructure; Lake Macquarie City 2 DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy Research undertaken for Lake Mac 2050 shows LAKE MAC 2050 PROVIDES that there is considerable potential to increase A LONG-TERM PLAN THAT jobs in our centres by providing high amenity to attract investment and employers. REFLECTS OUR Our City is fortunate that many of its centres are LOCAL CHARACTER, in attractive locations with excellent access to PROVIDES OPPORTUNITIES FOR recreation resources, such as the Lake. IMPROVED By encouraging more housing in and around our centres we can respond to demographic WELLBEING and lifestyle change, increase the demand for SUPPORTS A local services and improve residents’ access to community services and facilities. SENSE OF In addition to increased development in and COMMUNITY around centres, a number of other localities will AND PROTECTS OUR UNIQUE be subject to considerable change and will also ENVIRONMENT require a comprehensive locality-wide approach to planning and development, including infrastructure planning and biodiversity and for people to live close to those jobs. Together heritage conservation. these areas form the bulk of the North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area. Notwithstanding a focus on the growth of our centres, there will be widespread, small-scale Completion of the Lake Macquarie Transport infill and medium density development across Interchange will stimulate growth and provide the City in high-accessibility locations. a new focus for development in north Lake Macquarie. A major policy focus of the Plan is reducing the dominance of the private motor vehicle, by Our City has a large number of areas of high improving the safety and convenience of our biodiversity significance. Together with linking pedestrian and cycle network, and by supporting corridors, these areas provide an important better public transport. biological, recreational and scenic resource for our City and need protection. The growth and change expected in the City offers an opportunity to diversify our employment A rolling five year implementation plan will detail base and capitalise on technological change to actions arising from Lake Mac 2050. create more jobs. The small business sector will Many outcomes envisaged in the Strategy continue to be a major jobs generator, particularly may be beyond Council’s direct control and, in in creative and knowledge based industries. Our particular, rely on the support and actions of state industrial areas will continue to restructure and agencies. Furthermore, prevailing property and provide opportunities for the growth of urban development markets will influence some of the services and advanced manufacturing. outcomes envisaged in the Strategy, particularly Cardiff/Glendale is the largest employment the timing of implementations. area in Lake Macquarie. With investment in Lake Mac 2050 supersedes the previous strategy, infrastructure, such as transport, and a flexible Lifestyle 2030. approach to land use, we could double the number of people working and living in this area by 2050. Combined with the former Pasminco site, the area has great potential for new jobs and Lake Macquarie City DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy 3 CONTENTS 2 OVERVIEW 34 OUR PRIORITY GROWTH AND CHANGE AREAS 6 INTRODUCTION CHARLESTOWN – BELMONT SWANSEA BELMONT DISTRICT SOUTH DISTRICT The local imperative 8 Charlestown Swansea Area 44 Shaping Lake Mac 2050 with Strategic Centre Area 40 a global to local perspective 9 Swansea Town Centre Precinct 44 Charlestown Regional Relationship to regional Lake Macquarie Airport Precinct 44 Centre Precinct 40 planning framework 11 Catherine Hill Bay Precinct 44 Mount Hutton Windale Gateshead Area 42 FROM NOW 12 Mount Hutton Precinct 42 NORTH WEST LAKE MACQUARIE DISTRICT TO THE FUTURE Gateshead Health Precinct 42 Megatrends 13 Windale Precinct 42 North West Lake Macquarie Catalyst Area 48 Centres and neighbourhoods 15 Belmont Area 43 Glendale Core Precinct 50 Housing choice 17 Belmont Town Centre Precinct 43 Munibung Precinct 51 Jobs and economic change 18 Belmont North Precinct 43 Transport 20 Cardiff Advanced Industry Precinct 51 Blue and green network 24 Glendale Argenton Cardiff Renewal Precinct 51 28 OBJECTIVE AND Cardiff Mixed Use Precinct 52 DIRECTIONS Teralba Precinct 52 Objective 29 Boolaroo Speers Point Precinct 52 Directions 29 Lake Macquarie City 4 DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy 70 IMPLEMENTATION AND REPORTING Glendale Edgeworth West Toronto Area 62 Implementation 71 Wallsend Urban Renewal and Growth area 54 Toronto Town Centre Precinct 64 Collaboration 72 Toronto-Blackalls Park-Awaba Review and monitoring 72 Pambulong Centre Precinct 54 Precinct 64 Reporting 73 Cameron Park Precinct 54 Rathmines Precinct 64 West Wallsend Precinct 55 Fassifern Colliery Precinct 65 Edgeworth Precinct 55 Awaba Precinct 65 Warners Bay Area 56 OTHER Warners Bay Town Centre Centres not identified in Precinct 56 precinct areas 66 Residential neighbourhoods WESTLAKES DISTRICT adjacent to centres 66 Other residential neighbourhoods 67 Cooranbong Morisset Wyee Growth Area 58 Large format business precincts 67 Morisset Town Centre Precinct 60 Industrial precincts 67 Cooranbong Precinct 61 Rural Lands 68 Wyee Precinct 61 Environmental areas and biodiversity corridors 69 Lake Macquarie City DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy 5 INTRODUCTION Lake Macquarie City 6 DRAFT Lake Mac 2050 Strategy Our Community has a shared vision for Lake Our region Macquarie City that is clear and compelling: Lake Macquarie City has an important and Lake Macquarie is a City with a Lake at distinctive role to play within Greater Newcastle its heart encircled by distinctive towns Metropolitan Area and the Hunter Region. and villages. We balance our cherished Regional relationships and collaboration will environments with our need for great assume greater importance as the City becomes spaces to live and visit, smart transport more socially and economically integrated with options and a thriving economy; which the Greater Newcastle area, and increasingly the adapt and strive to be fair for all. Central Coast, Sydney and wider Hunter Region. - City Vision and Community Values This would build on Council’s existing November 2016 involvement in regional organisations and dialogues in the past. Lake Mac 2050 is a high-level land use The Greater Newcastle Metropolitan Plan, strategy that seeks to progress the City discussed later, highlights the importance of vision. It does this through influencing collaborative partnerships to help coordinate practices and policies affecting the planning for growth, optimise opportunities distribution of people and activities. for transformation and drive the emergence
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