Ocean Grove FOR QUALITY PRINTING Seeks $325,000 For TRY THE TIMES JOB PRINTING DEPT. Reconstruction Here AND THE NEPTPNB TIMES SIX CENIff ’ Vol. LXXV, No. 3 OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1954 United States of America the 178th year C. B. Rohland Dies MEMORIAL CROSS John Hoffman BRADLEY BEACH BANK Planning Starts REELECTS R. JOHNSON Ocean Grove Launches Suddenly Monday The 18-foot Memorial Cross 25 Years With For Library In on. the front of the Ocean Raymond Johnson- was re­ . Grove Auditorium, facing the elected president of-the First $325,000 Restoration & In Fitkin Hospital sea, is. being lighted the month Bell Telephone National Bonk of-; Bradley The Grove School f of January 2 to. 30 in memory Beach at the annual meeting, of Arthur D. Crane, by Mrs. Service Yesterday For John Hoffman, installer with the of the stockholder^ and direc­ Ocean Grove P.T.A. To Improvement Fund Here Ocean Grove Hotelman Arthur P. Bourns, of Morris­ New Jersey Bell Telephone Com­ tors on Wednesday. There town. ' . Assist In The Project; Here 30 Years; Member pany, has marked his 26th year of were no changes among the': Faculty Currently Stu­ Of Church Official Board service. officers and board of/directors. dying Curriculum Here Association Lists Reelected were Alrah Wool­ Proprietor of the Ocean Pinza ley, vice president,- Andrew Planning has started toward the Hotel, 18 Ocean Pathway, Clarence Wallace C. Reed' Milligan, cashier; Joseph Bart­ And Costs A t Organization organizing of a library for Ocean B. Rohland, 63, died Monday morn­ lett, assistant cashier. The di­ Grove School pupils to usd in con­ ing in Fitkin Hospital, -where he rectors arc Harold W- P ry an, Charles Dunning junction; with their studies, as well Meeting O f Campaign Workers had been a surgical patient for sev­ William E .' Hunkele, William as for recreational purposes. Much eral : days. Mr. Rohland had been C. Shafto, F. Ralph Shibla, emphasis is placed on research in an Ocean ■ Grove, resident and, ho­ Serve Since 1910 Max Warner, AlvaH Woolley the classroom and many of the In St. Paul’s Last Night telman for the; past 30 years. 1 and Raymond Johnson. classrooms already have a sizeable The funeral service was held Washington Fire Co. The bank reported total as­ accumulation of excellent source Ocean Grove’s $325,000 campaign was launched last yesterday afternoon in the Parry Honors Two Veterans; sets of $7,442,208.37, night-at an organization supper-meeting of the Restoration Memorial Home, Asbury Park, Change In Line Officers material' on hand. The object of the library, at least and improvement Fund Committee’s five divisions. with interment in Monmouth Me­ The Rev. Dr. - Charles C. morial Park cemetery. Pallbearers Wallace C, Reed, and Charles initially, will be to centrally locate much of this reference material Cole, Association trustee and were Howard I^. Smith anj David Dunning, of Ocean Grove’s’ Wash­ 105 More Donors a member of the general com­ H. O’Reilly, of St. Paul's Churfch; ington Fire Co., each celebrated 44 Betl Tel. Sends and catalogue it so that it may be readily available to all the pupils mittee, presided, reporting J. B. Stahl and John DeHarde, of years of . continuous - service as that more than $15,000 has the Ocean Grove Hotel Associa­ members of ’ the company at the in all the classes. Some of the ma­ New Numbers To terials already, on "hand, for exam­ already been contribute^ in tion, and Thomas Davis and Homer monthly meeting Jan. 7. Both Mr. the pre - campaign appeal. D. Kresge, of Ocean Grove Lodge, Reed and Mr. punning joined the ple, are a number of sets of. en­ In Pre-Campaign Customers Here cyclopedia on primary, intermedi­ Trustee George C. Miller, gen- P. and A. M. volunteer fire fighting force in oral chairman of the Fund, Mr. Rohland was bom in Rich 1910.- i ate and upper grade levels, a col­ New Jersey Bell Telephone lection of over twenty years ac who is in Boston, Mass., on a mond, Va., and was a World W ar Peter Dunning, of Buffalo, N. Y. • John Hoffman ’ ■ The following have contributed business conference, was un­ 1 veteran. He had served as presi- was present at the meeting to join1 • ' - * ; Company said today it had started cumulation of the National Geo­ to Ocean Grove's $325,000 Restora­ Engaged as a splicer’s helper in able to attend last night’s •<3ent of the Ocean Grove Hotel As­ the membership in honoring his mailing letters notifying all Mon­ graphic with a complete cross-ref­ tion and Improvement Fund, in, the Newark, Hoffman served there as meeting in St. PauI’s Church. sociation • for a number • of yeaTS, brother and Mr. Seed. mouth County customers whose erence for these and including the pre-campaign appeal, since last wireman before being transferred and was a member of the St. Paul’s Charles Jones, a member on telephones will be converted to maps and many individual refer­ week’s listing in The Times. The Trustee’John S. Yeo, Association to the Elizabeth area as tester’s Church Official Board and Ocean leave of absence during, a stay m dial in the Asbury :Park-Spring ence copies on all' subjects. campaign was officially launched vice president in charge of busi­ helper and lineman. Hoffman has Grove Masonic Lodge. Florida, was returned ,to active Lake cutover what their dial tele­ The Ocean Grove Parent Teacher last night at an organization sup- ness, outlined to. the 40 committee been an installer in metropolitan He is survived by his wife, Mrs. duty. phone numbers will be. Association has offered assistance per-meeting of the general com­ members attending all phases of Asbury Park since 1935, Mabel B. Rohland; a daughter, Mrs. , i To fill the ; vancancies oc- The'company said .it was giving in this; project. They have set mittee’s five divisions. ‘ the $325,000 Fund and tho break­ A member of H. G. McCully this notification nearly three aside a special meeting to be. held down of the proposed restoration Margaret Stratton, of Red Bank; curing following the recent ad­ Daniel J. King Chapter, Telephone Pioneers of months in advance -of cutover in on- Monday evening, Jan. 18, at 8 and improvement expenditures fol­ a son,. Hamilton T. Rohland; o f vancement of former Captain Albert B. Losel America, Hoffman resides at 91 In- order to give business firms time P.M. in the school auditorium for lowing -the disastrous Nov. 6-7 . Merrick, R. I.; a brother, Gostave Herbert Bush So second, assist- William E, Truman skip Avenue, Ocean Grove. * to make changes in their station­ the purpose of hearing three ex­ stortn: Rohland, of Philadelphia, and four PaKe Five, PSobbs Jane H. Gray ery- and other printed material. perienced librarians tell1 about grandchildren. - . v. •.. Samuel P. Yeo North End 550-foot. reck ; New Jersey Bell ,cautions all work in other communities and • Masonic services were held Wsd- ' Adeline I. Fritz . jetty (Ocean Grove phare of customers to wait until they re­ makes suggestions for first steps nesday night.- • Board.of Health Reorganizes, Miss Julia A. Thomas the cost) ........ $87,500 ceive . the official notification let­ that might be taken here. Present : a ? — • • M rs.' Hannah -B. Chew ; Rock bulkheading and i ter before towing any; printed mat­ at that time will be Mrs. Lora Reajjpoints W. S. Appl^ate, Mrs.. Harriet Lown earth fill along several ter made up. The company said it Washburn of the Elmwood and Cubs Postpone Edith K. & E. Helen Reese blocks of the oceanfront . < plans to have. all let teres in the Nassau Schools in East Orange, ' Ellen Brown;- ' (Ocean Grove share of the '3 Health Officer Since Jan., 1928 mail by the end of the month. Miss Doris Killian and Mildred Emilie & Sophie Zuercher cost) ^ ........ 62,500 Collection Here Lease of the Monmouth County Li­ Officers Association and the Child J. Clarence Francis New roof on the world- V At the rewrganizatibn meet­ brary whose,facilities are now be- Health and School Physiciaris.'Oom- Mrs. A.. Morris Thomson ; famous Auditorium .... 27,050 N. J. Naluipiil Gas :• ‘ing use'd By the school and "Would Of Soda Bottles ing lis t AVGefe of the ^Neptune mittees of tie Monmouth County M argaret M. Rue * Repairs'to "damaged north--"" • Township board of health, continue to be an important, part Medical Society. ",-. Bertram Pittis . i west wall of the Auditorium William Stanley Applegate Shows Club Film of any library, that would be set and.the realignment of the Pack' 41 Prepares Skits . The health. officer’s ’53 re­ Mrs. J. Dunn was reappointed health offi­ up. Parents and the general pubT South End pavilion. (Both of For Jan.'29th Meeting; port also pointed out that 147 Thirty members and guests at­ William G.-Nealyi Jr. cer, the position he has held lie are invited to this meeting. these projects have already 1 Glenn S. Trout To Aid : plumbing plans were filed xnd Helen L. Thomas continuously ’ since January, tended the Motion Picture depart­ On Wednesday, Edd Patterson been completed) .... 1,300 ! Work As Adult Leader approved in the township and Rev. & Mrs. j. Norman Bennett 1928. ment; meeting at the Ocean Grove entertained the student body of New boardwalk from Me- . 1 that 19 septic tank plana were Woman's Chib last Thursday after Chambers Meth. Church, Trenton Because of the dangerous road “The three leading diseases Ocean Grove School with his pro­ Clintock Street to North ^ filed separate to the plumbing noon.
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