Bates College SCARAB The aB tes Student Archives and Special Collections 4-1910 The aB tes Student - volume 38 number 04 - April 1910 Bates College Follow this and additional works at: http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student Recommended Citation Bates College, "The aB tes Student - volume 38 number 04 - April 1910" (1910). The Bates Student. 1835. http://scarab.bates.edu/bates_student/1835 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Archives and Special Collections at SCARAB. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aB tes Student by an authorized administrator of SCARAB. For more information, please contact [email protected]. p* ( THE BATES STUDENT Bates College April, 1910 , > CONTENTS 'MP' PAGE Divine Peace. Carrie Agnes Roy '11 119 The American College Man. 120 ' Ovel Merton Bean '10 Triolet. Helen Margaret Whitehouse '10 122 '"' Many Hands. Harriett Lucy McCann '13 123 Captive Andromache. 126 Isabel! Montgomery Kincaid '11 An English Track Meet. 128 Robert Milton Pierce '11 The Last March. 130 Walter Eugene Ranger '79 Editorial. 131 Local. 132 , Athletic Notes. 139 Alumni Notes. 146 Book Notes. 150 Exchanges. 151 J MMfctoM^awilrrrtfiii urn Wn.lT.dhni BUSINESS DIRECTORY THE GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY, 26-36 Temple Street, PORTLAND MUSIC HALL JEFK GALT.AN, Manager The Home of High Class Vaudeville Prices, 5 and 10 cents Reserved seats at night, 15 cents Box Seats, 25 cent Call at the STUDIO of FLAGG & PLUMMER For the most up to date work in Photography Over Chandler & Winship's, Lewiston, Maine BA TES FIRST-GLASS WORK AT STATIONERY In Box and Tablet Form Engraving for Commencement A SPECIALTY *7g)p Berry Paper Company 189 Main Street, Cor. Park 49 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON Real Style If only to post yourself on what's correct — on real style—you should certainly see our line of enjamin's Suits and Overcoats. $18.00 to $25.00 Not more than ordinary clothes prices. L. E. Flanders <S Co. 56 Court Street, Auburn Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers ■fia.-«n- itii ir■■■ r i-> BUSINESS DIRECTORY The Fist Teachers' Agencies EVERETT 0. FISK & CO., PROPRIETORS. Send to any of the following addresses for Agency manual Free. 2 A I'ark Street. H08TON, .MASS. 156 Fifth Avenue. NEW FORK, N. Y. 1006 Pennsylvania Ave„ WASHINGTON, 1). C. 208 Michigan Avenue. CHICAGO, III. 414 Century Building. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. 018 Peyton Building, SPOKANE, WASH. 292 Swetlund Bldg, PORTLAND, OEB. 406 Cooper Building, DENVER, Cor,. 2142 Bhattuck Ave . BERKELEY, I'AL. To Whitewash His Client 288 Douglas Building Los AMIKI.KS.CAL is a lawyer's business—be needs the money POCKET KNIVES, RAZORS SCISSORS and SHF.ARS TO WASH WHITE is .mi- business—we,too, need the money. A case in point: Lawyers conic to us with their Paints and Oils own dirty linen. He guided by their example and do likewise. and all articles usually kept in a CLKAK THE COURT! HARDWARE STORE. HIGH STREET LAUNDRY 82 Court Street, Auburn, Me. GEORGE A, WHITNEY & GO. FORD & BBOK, Agents R. W. Hall 235 Main Street, LEWISTON, MAINE ALTON L. GRANT, The Hatter Sign (iold Confectioner Murphy Hat Ice Cream, and CATERER COLLEGE and SCHOOL CAPS Fruit and Soda 116 Lisbon Street. LEWISTON MADE TO ORDER WAKEFIELD BROTHERS The Store that Satisfies ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW 114 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON LEWISTON, - MAINE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THREE DEFECTIVE EYES FOURTHS OF ALL HEADACHES Less than one-hall of these cases are accompanied by had vision. We remove the cause scientifically and ACCURATELY. UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Complicated lenses replaced on short notice from largest stock of lenses and best equipped shop in Maine. We invite inspection of our shop and .Methods. D. S. THOMPSON OPTICAL CO. 127 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers - m •«-»»n - .*■*• w\ir**m*VKm*miW'"i*tt9**i>»i ■■<—<■» wni' J wn*f^pi^»rw BUSINESS DIRECTORY Work for GLOBE LAUNDRY Collected Monday, Delivered Thursday ~H. C. LITTLE & SON, InsuranaT AGENCY ESTABLISHED 1857 Insurance of all Kinds Written at Current Rates 165 Main Street, - - LEWISTON, MAINE TUFTS COLLECE TUFTS COLLECE MEDICAL SCHOOL DENTAL SCHOOL Offers a four years' graded course including Three year graded course covering all all branches of Sclent ilic and Practical branches of Dentistry. Laboratory and sci- Medicine. The laboratories are extensive and fully equipped. Clinical instruction Is entific courses given in connection with the given in the various Hospitals of Boston Medical School. Clinical facilities unsur- which affords facilities only to be found in passed, .'Hi.(ino treatments being made annu- a large city. ally in the Infirmary. The diploma of Bates College is accepted in lieu of entrance examinations. Kor further Information or for a catalog, apply to FREDERICK M. BRIGGS. M.D., Secretary, Tufts College Medical and Dental School, 416 Huntington Avenue, BOSTON, MASS. "HORNE" the Florist Harvard Dental School Cut Flowers and A Department of Harvard University Floral Designs A student in regulnr standing: in this college A SPECIALTY admitted without examinations. Unusual facilities forpractical work. A three years' Also a Large Assortment of ■■ course, leading to the degree, Doctor Dental Medicine. New buildings. Modern equipment. Large clinic. SOUiZENIR POST CRRDS Write for Catalogue. EUGENE H. SMITH, D.M.D., Dean, Next to Long's Restaurant, Lisbon Street, Lewiston I.ongwood Avenue, Boston, Mass. can do well in BATES MEN CLOTH I NO HARPER & GOOGIN CO. 138 Bates Street, n in j GRANT c& co. JSSE; IJOU *W000 54 LISBON STREET RcprcMMitcil by K. A. CLEMENT 'l-'. .11 Satonee Hull AUTOMATIC 1873 LEWISTON, HE. A COMPLKTE LINE OF HERE WE ARE: Trunks, Bags and Suit Cases ' q- TT r, r\ TZ PAT7PT FOCC'S LEATHER STORE 87 MAIN STREET Not merely Stylish, but durable and reason- able equipment for traveling. Second Door above Maine Central Depot. G. M. FOGG, 117-123 Main St., Lewiston, Me. C. S. GREENE, Prop. Irving E. Pendleton, D. M. D. The New DeWitt Dentist Lewiston, Me. 120 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME, G. R. PATTKB, Proprietor. Osgood Block. Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers 'MPW»H Jgf ;■! J .' t.^ isi Ml Iji i , » ,ilWK i > i i ■!'.. •r— BUSINESS DIRECTORY SIDNEY COX, Agent for GLOBE STEAM LAUNDRY ATHERTON FURNITURE GO. Complete Home Furnishers Discounts to Students on all Purchases 220 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME Do Yon. Mewl to Study Medicine? +.- The UNIVERSITY OF Harry L. Hummer VERMONT COLLEGE OF MEDICINE asks your consideration of its: PHOTO AND New Building ART STUDIO Hospital Facilities Journal Building Beautiful Location Moderate Expense LEWISTON, MAINE Elevator Service The fifty-seventh session of this College of Medicine will open about Nov. 1, 1909, and con- tinue eight and one-half months. :::::: FRED H. WHITE For Announcement and Further (Hatlnr attft Draygr Information, address J. N. JKNNE, M.D., Sec, Burlington, Vt. 125 Main Street, - LEWISTON, MAINE Let's go down to BERT'S. Where's LEWISTON FRUIT MARKET Hello! IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR thatP Why, the FRUIT FOR YOUR CLASS RIDES WHITE LUNCH CART, where you We have it of all kinds, also the best line of get the best Sandwiches, Frankforts, CANDY AND CIGARS. Pies, Coffee, and Cocoa. N K. Tel. 103-52 Call and see us. No. 193 Main Street LEWISTON STEAM DYE HOUSE PROFESSIONAL CUSTOM TAILORS Can furnish you with as (rood a Suit, made JOSEPH LEBLANC, Prop. from the best materials, with the best of 139 Main Street, Lewiston, Maine workmanship, at a price that will make Opposite Empire Theatre you stand up and be measured. Phone on .52 Automatic 136 Impairing, Cleansing and Pressing Clothing; of all descriptions Cleansed, Dyed, Pressed and Neatly Repaired. MAX SUPOVITZ & CO. 108 LISBON STREET, LEWISTON, ME. THE HASWELL PRESS MEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN ALL NIGHT ALL HOME COOKING ..•Printing.. LieClaip's Cafe 121-123 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, ME. H. A. LeCLAIR, Prop. H. W. HASWELL, Prop. 34 ASH STREET, LEWISTON, ME. Please mention Bates Student in Patronizing Advertisers MM^a—MtliMli T ill ■ BUSINESS DIRECTORY Cornell University College Gowns Medical College and A COLLEGE degree is required Caps The best workmanship at for admission. Advanced loweHt prices. standing granted students SILK FACULTY GOWNS and HOODS presenting satisfactory credentials from accredited medical colleges. COX SONST VINING Every facility is offered to under- 262 Fourth Avenue, NEW YORK graduates seeking the degree of Measurements taken by S. E. HOWAKD, '10 J. II. POWERS, *10 Doctor of Medicine. Ample facil- MISS OI.IVK L. FARNHAM ities are. also offered qualified grad- uates to pursue original investiga- tion in any department. For further particulars apply to 161 WOOD STREET Tin: DKAN, Text Books Banners Dictionaries Pillow Tops Note Books Post Cards Cornell University Medical College Stationery Confectionery First Avenue and Tw.nty-eighth Street College Paper Ink NEW YORK CITY College Jewelry Pencils College Novelties, etc. Till: CROCKEB FOUNTAIN l'KN Regulated, Reliable, Ready, Clean D. P. MOULTON PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN The PEN that INKS the POINT The Prescription Pharmacy GEO. B. FILES, Manager Cf) <5 W. O. HODGDON 213 Lisbon Street, LEWISTON, MAINE The "41" Barber Shop ELECTRICAL MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING W. (>. HODGDOX, Prop. 41 T :shnn StrpPt EDDIE MARTBL i^isoon street Almost 250,000 physicians' prescriptions GEORGE OBBOBNE LEWISTON, ME on our files. FEED NOBLE AGENT FOR TAXIDERMIST SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER New, Rebuilt and Second-hand. X Machines Kented by the month. 4nna G. Ingersoll JOHN G. WEST MILLINERY Room 2, Journal B'l'jr, I.ewlston, Maine 10» l.i-b.in Street, LEWISTON, MAINE New England Telephone 253—1 N. E. Telephone 079—53 FOUND AT LAST Why not a nice clean place to obtain a Students! trade at.. GOOD HOT LUNCH Right Goods.
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