NNNUMBERUMBERUMBER 146 NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter SSSPRINGPRINGPRING 2005 SUCCESSFUL END TTTOO THE LLTHE ONG 1409 BOAAAT STREET DOCK SAGA…GA…GA… Photo by Mike Dash 20-Y20-Y20-Year Lease SSear ignedigned WWWith UUith nivnivniversityersityersity FHA lobbyist, met with Frank Chopp, Ed Murray, and Pat Thibaudeau to discuss what could be done to save these people from having their By Sheri Greaves moorage taken away from them. Our legislators wrote a joint letter to Legislative Committee Chair the President of the University of Washington asking him to take ap- Sometime in early 2003, one of the floating home owners on the propriate action to extend the lease for some period of time. The UW 1409 Boat Street dock received word from the University of Washing- responded in a not very friendly way that they would pretty much do ton that the UW did not intend to renew the lease when it expired in whatever they wanted. That, obviously, didn’t sit too well with our January 2006. The Floating Homes Association immediately contacted legislators. So, a new section was added to the Capital Budget appro- our legislators and set up a meeting. Sheri Greaves and Mike Ryherd, Continued on page 2 ... Annual MMAnnual eeting - TTTuesdayuesdayuesday, AA, pril 26th, 7 - 9 PM, Navavaval RRal eseresereservvve BBe uildinguildinguilding South Lake Union Pnion Pararark, Concerk, Concerts -- Boarts Board Ed Elections - Complimentary Ry Refrefrefreshmentseshmentseshments NEWSLETTER 2 DDDancers on a raft enjoyyy a summersummera ’’’s evevs ening ononening PPPororortage BBtage ayayay... WWWe dondone ’’’t knoknot w whowhow these people are, butbute, they sursurthey e havhave e the right idea.idea.idea. Photo by Jim Weyand UUUnivnivniversity SSersity igns 20-Y20-Yigns ear Lease WWWith HHith ouseboatersouseboatersouseboaters .... Continued from Page 1 priations bill directing the UW to “develop a ten year program for the be worked through. The scenarios presented at that point were pretty eventual relocation of the residents of the floating homes located at complex, with buy-out clauses and relocation allowances and apprais- 1409 NE Boat Street. After meeting and negotiating with the affected als and amortization schedules, etc., but we were planning to have the residents, the University of Washington shall develop a report to the leases signed by the end of March. legislature. The report, giving the various options for achieving reloca- The legislators requested a meeting with the UW Real Estate Of- tion, shall be submitted no later than January 15, 2004, to the senate fice folks to discuss their report. At a meeting in June the Legislators told the UW that they wanted them to offer a full 20-year lease with- ... the Legislators told the UW that they wanted out any of the buy-out clauses which the Legislators felt were unfair to them to offer a full 20-year lease without any of the tenants. More meetings were held and more drafts reviewed…lawyers got involved. FHA retained the services of our at- the buy-out clauses which the Legislators felt torney, Peter Eglick, to make sure everything was legal and fair. were unfair to the tenants ... Finally, in January of this year, the lease was approved and sent out to the floating home owners for signature. They now have a lease ways and means committee and the house of representatives capital which will provide them a secure moorage for 20 years, and peace of budget committee.” mind. As they say in the fairy tale…”and they lived happily ever af- After a lot of initial maneuvering by the UW to try and keep the ter”. I hear that a celebration party is being planned! Floating Homes Association out of this, they finally gave in and set up The floating home owners on the 1409 Boat Street Dock and the the first meeting with the floating home owners and representatives Floating Homes Association sincerely thank Speaker of the House Frank from the FHA (Sheri Greaves and Mike Ryherd) for October 14, 2003. Chopp, Representative Ed Murray, and Senator Pat Thibaudeau for After almost a dozen meetings between October and January 2004, the continued support of our community. We would also like to thank the required report was presented to the Legislature saying that we were the folks in the UW Real Estate Office for all of their efforts and coop- making good progress toward a resolution for a possible 20-year lease eration in getting this issue resolved. for the floating home owners, but that there were many details to still NEWSLETTER 3 The FFThe loatingloatingloating HHHomes Association Spring 2005 2329 FF2329 airairairvievieview EEw SSSeattle,eattle, WWWA 9810298102A Contents President: BBBill KKill easler (2037 FV))) Vice President: MMMarararty GGty rrreereereer Floating Homes Association NewsletterNewsletterNewsletter (2466(2466 WL)WL)WL) Treas: EEEd WWWaddington / Juliauliaulia FFForbes (2339 FV))) 1 UW Signs Lease by Sheri Gotay Secretary: SSSallyally WWWeemseemseems (933 N NL) 444 SSStanding Committee Reporeporeportststs Members-At-Large: Dockwatch, DNR Lease Bond, 2004 Tour Review, Bio Lab at UW. MMMelissa Ahlers (2600 FV))) TTTiffany MMiffany cNcNcNamara(2031 FV))) 555 Annual MMAnnual eeting AAeeting pril 26th26thpril SSSheri Gheri Grrreaveaveaves (3110 PBPL) 7-9 PM, South Lake Union Park, Naval Reserve Building EEEmily HHmily ine (2766 WL)WL)WL) GGGiff & MMiff ararary JJy ones (2600 FV))) 101010 Lake UULake nionnion TTTrrrekkersekkers by Jan Carlson LaurLaurLaurel DDel oody (2241 FV))) SSSusan SSusan usor (1409 NE Boat St)t)t) 121212 Lilly PPLilly adad by Bob Lilly MMMarilyn RRarilyn oberoberobertsontsontson (2920 FF(2920 uhrman)uhrman)uhrman) by Jan Carlson JJJan Carlson (2019 FV))) 131313 “Z“Z“Zoukoukouk” Chad LorLorChad enz (2031 FV))) AmaliaAmalia WWWalton (2207 FV))) 141414 Log FFLog oundation Burns MMurns ororortgagetgage by Jann McFarland Office Manager: JJJann MMann cFcFcFarlandarlandarland 161616 Eastlake MMEastlake eeting UUeeting pdatepdate by Chris Leman Phone: 325-1132 / 323-3489 Office Hours: 181818 PPPororortage BBtage ay HHay erbicideserbicides by Betty Swift BBBy AAy ppointmentppointmentppointment by Dr. Matt Smith Messages Monitored::: 191919 SSStrtrtretchingetching NNNooow and ThenThenThen 202020 RRRoberoberobert “S“St andyandyandy” MM” cAcAcAuslanduslandusland Newsletter: JJJann, EEann, milymilymily,,, 212121 WWWaaaterterterloglog by Marilyn Robertson MMMarilyn, JJarilyn, an, BBan, illillill www.SeattleFloatingHomes.org Please note: Advertisers represented in this Newsletter are not endorsed by the Floating Homes Association. Association Standing Committee Reporeporeportststs AAAutomobileutomobile TheftsTheftsThefts Security & Safety Our community continues to suffer from car related GGGiff JJiff onesonesones crimes. No type of car seems to be exempt from being TTTiffany MMiffany cNcNcNamaraamaraamara targeted. Lately the older low profile cars have been sto- Co-Chairs Co-Chairs len as they can be driven by the thief without calling attention to themselves. Usually the cars license plates are replaced with a neighbors license plates as well. An email based newsletter on our latest crimes suffered con- SSSeattle HHeattle arbor PParbor atratratrololol tinues to be sent out monthly to any FHA member who would like to be included. To see the latest one or get A tragic accident took the life of Officer Jackson Lone on on the distribution list please go to March 16th. While on shore securing a tugboat, Officer Lone www.seattlefloatinghomes.org/lake.asp ——— TTTiffiffiff slipped, hit his head and drowned in the waters of the Lake MMMcNcNcNamaraamaraamara Washington Ship Canal. He was an 18-year department vet- eran who spent five years with the Harbor Patrol. Hundreds turned out for Lone’s funeral in a somber ceremony at the Hec Edmundson Pavilion on the University of Washington cam- pus. Everyone recalled him as a gregarious man with an infec- tious good nature. His death was the first for the Harbor Pa- trol since its inception in the early 1900s. We offer our sincere condolences to Officer Jackson Lone’s family, colleagues and friends. —— TTTiff MMiff cNcNcNamaraamaraamara SELLING OR BUYING A FLOATING HOME ON LAKE UNION OR PORTAGE BAY? Sylvia Dier Hubbert first owned an 800 sq.ft. houseboat on logs, then built and owns a 2400 sq.ft. floating home with a basement. She can help you buy or sell your floating home by viewing the Seattle floating home community from her 18 foot Duffy electric boat. REMEMBER: KNOWLEDGE + MOBILITY = SUCCESS For more information, contact Sylvia Dier Hubbert Windermere Real Estate 206.890.8076 [email protected] 30 YEAR FLOATING HOME OWNER SYLVIA DIER HUBBERT CAN HELP Association Standing Committee Reporeporeportststs Legislative & Legal The FFThe loating HHloating omes Association’’’sss SSSheri GGheri rrreaveaveaves, ChairChaires, 43r43r43rd AAd nnualnnualnnual DNR Agrees to 3/4 Annual MEMBERSHIP Rent for Lease Bond. FHA Backs Boater MEETINGMEETINGMEETING Education Bill. TTTuesdayuesdayuesday, AA, pril 26th, 2005 7:007:00 TTTo 9:00 PMPMo DNR Lease Security:ecurity: The DNR lease has always required NANANAVVVAL RESERRESERAL VE BBVE UILDINGUILDINGUILDING financial security in the form of a bond, or of a savings ac- SSSouth Lake Union PPnion arararkkk count containing an amount of money two times the annual _____________________________ rent. Getting a bond has never been a problem in the past, but it definitely is now. Companies will still issue bonds, but SSSTTTANDINGANDINGANDING C CCOMMITOMMITOMMITTEETEETEE R RREPOREPOREPORTTTSSS they are requiring that the individual
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