Neotropical Biology and Conservation 7(3):148-157, september-december 2012 © 2012 by Unisinos - doi: 10.4013/nbc.2012.73.01 Anheteromeyenia vitrea (Porifera: Demospongiae) new species of continental sponge in Brazil Anheteromeyenia vitrea (Porifera: Demospongiae) nova espécie de esponja continental no Brasil Antonio Alvaro Buso Junior1 [email protected] Abstract Cecília Volkmer-Ribeiro2 The siliceous spicules of continental sponges have proved to be valuable tools in paleoen- [email protected] vironmental reconstructions, whenever they are perceived in columns of recovered qua- ternary sediments. The spicules of such sponge collected at grassland subjected to short Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda1 flooding periods in the Vale Nature Reserve, a preserved coastal area of Atlantic Rain For- [email protected] est at Espirito Santo State (Brazil), were detected in soil samples recovered in the same region. Study under SEM of materials of the collected specimens indicated the need for Vanessa de Souza Machado3 description of Anheteromeyenia vitrea n. sp. and redefinition of genus Anheteromeyenia, [email protected] with Nearctic/Neotropical distribution. Key words: Neotropical freshwater sponges, genus Anheteromeyenia redefined, Spodo- sol, preserved coastal area. Resumo As espículas silicosas das esponjas continentais vêm se mostrando instrumentos valiosos em reconstruções paleoambientais sempre que são detectadas em colunas de sedimen- tos quaternários recuperados. As espículas de uma dessas esponjas, coletada em am- biente de campos nativos na Reserva Natural da Vale, área preservada de Mata Atlântica no Estado do Espírito Santo (Brasil), foram identificadas em amostras de solo coletadas na mesma região. Estudos ao MEV de materiais dos espécimes coletados indicaram a ne- cessidade da descrição de Anheteromeyenia vitrea sp. n. e redefinição do gênero Anhe- teromeyenia, com distribuição Neartica/Neotropical. Palavras-chave: Esponjas de água doce neotropicais, gênero Anheteromeyenia redefini- do, Espodossolo, área costeira preservada. 1 Laboratório de Carbono 14, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura (CENA/USP), Av. Centenário, 303, 13416-000, Piracicaba, SP, Brasil. 2 Seção de Invertebrados Inferiores, Setor de Poríferos Continentais, Museu de Ciências Naturais (MCN), Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul (FZB), Av. Salvador França, 1427, 90690-000 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. 3 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Geociências, Instituto de Geociências, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul. Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Prédio 43113, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Anheteromeyenia vitrea (Porifera: Demospongiae) new species of continental sponge in Brazil Introduction Tropical Rainforest, which extends For the period comprising the years from the State of Pernambuco to the 1975 to 2002, local climate may be Continental siliceous sponge spicules State of Rio de Janeiro (Veloso et classified as Aw type in Köppen clas- preserved in sediments have been al., 1991; Rizzini, 1997). Beyond the sification with mean annual precipita- used as biological proxy in paleoenvi- tabuleiro forest the VNR also protects tion of 1215 mm, mean annual tem- ronmental studies at Neotropical Re- other types of natural vegetation, such perature of 23.3º C and dry season gion (Volkmer-Ribeiro et al., 2006, as flood plain forests, marshes, gal- during winter (Figure 2). 2007; Parolin et al., 2007, 2008; Al- lery forests, restingas, grasslands and The specimens were collected at site NF meida et al., 2009, 2010; Machado et muçununga forest, according to the (19º09’53.80’’S and 39º56’17.30’’W; al., 2012). The ongoing research proj- classification of vegetation types pre- ~25 m.a.s.l.) a natural vegetation type ect “Interdisciplinary paleoenviron- sented by Peixoto (1992). described as campos nativos (Peixoto, mental studies at Espirito Santo coast” Tabuleiro forest, the most representa- 1992) (Figure 1). These grasslands oc- (FAPESP 2011/00995-7) proposes the tive vegetation type at VNR, is estab- cur at southern Bahia and northern Es- use of this and other proxies in the lished over Yellow Argisol, on a flat, pirito Santo States, interspersed among reconstitution of the late Quaternary smooth undulated terrain (Santos et al., the tabuleiro forest (Monteiro and Kaz, coastal paleoenvironment at the north- 2004). This soil type is developed over 1992). eastern region of Espirito Santo State, the Barreiras formation, a sedimentary The soils under campos nativos at southeastern Brazil, and gives con- plain from Neogene (IBGE, 1987). VNR were classified by Santos et al. tinuity to the studies initiated previ- ously within the research project “Mid Holocene vegetation and climate reconstructions in Brazil” (FAPESP 2007/03615-5). During this former project, at a field expedition which in- tended to recover soil samples in na- tive grassland at Vale Nature Reserve, Atlantic Rainforest region of Brazil, specimens of a continental sponge species were found at the sampling site adhered to the herbaceous vegeta- tion. Preliminary studies have shown that spicules of this species are found along the recovered soil samples. As a new species of continental sponge belonging to genus Anheteromeyenia Schröder (1927), the species descrip- tion now presented required the re- definition of the genus, and comprises one of the first results of the present research project. The description of this new species constitutes an essen- tial first step for the adequate utiliza- tion of its fossil and subfossil spicules as paleoenvironmental proxy. Material and methods Study area The Vale Nature Reserve (VNR) is lo- cated at the northern coast of Espírito Santo State, Brazil (Figure 1). The Figure 1. Study area; (A) Land use map for the year 2005 elaborated from CBERS2 CCD reserve protects one of the last rem- bands 3, 4 and 2 (INPE, 2005). The Vale Nature Reserve area is delimited. (B) Detailed nants of the tabuleiro forest, lowland image from NF site. Neotropical Biology and Conservation 149 Antonio Alvaro Buso Junior, Cecília Volkmer-Ribeiro, Luiz Carlos Ruiz Pessenda, Vanessa de Souza Machado 1996:32 (and synonymy); Volkmer- Ribeiro, 2007; Manconi and Pronzato, 2002:929 (partim). Type species: Spongilla argyrosperma Potts, 1880, subsequent designation by Penney and Racek, 1968:114. Diagnosis. Continental sponges missing microscleres, with spiny, ir- regularly birotulated gemmoscleres which gradually proceed from long, stouter, into short slimmer ones; rotules of the longer gemmoscleres dome shaped, expanded and deeply indented into large incurved hooks or smaller and cut into incurved spines; rotules of the shorter gemmo- scleres flatter, reduced to an irregular Figure 2. Climatic diagram for the period 1975 to 2002, based on circle of small incurved spines; the data from Vale Nature Reserve’s climatic station. shorter gemmoscleres predominate in the gemmular coat. Two series of megascleres may be present, the (2004) as Spodosol. The presence of ers paratypes and as such catalogued alfa megascleres, long, slim, spiny an impermeable spodic horizon in this in the Porifera Collection of the Natu- or smooth anfioxea which make up soil type makes these sites become ral Sciences Museum of Fundação the skeletal structure and the beta water flooded during the rainy peri- Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul megascleres, rare, spiny anfioxea to ods of the year. Distinct campos nati- (MCN- POR). Preparations of spicu- amphistrongyla, usually found close vos show distinct physiognomies and lar dissociations for all the specimens to the gemmules. Sponges forming plant species assemblages in response were performed according to Volk- patchy groups of large gemmules, to water stress resulted from drainage, mer-Ribeiro (1985) and Volkmer-Ri- barely covered by a fragile irregular soil depth and granulometry (IBGE, beiro and Turcq (1996), for stud- skeleton with scanty spongin. 1987; Saporetti Jr., 2009). ies with, respectively, light optical Redescription. Sponges forming from Site NF is a seasonally short flooded and Scanning Electron Microscopy green to gray or glassy very fragile open circular area (Figures 1 and 3), (SEM). The SEM photographs were patchy crusts each consisting of a poor with a diameter of ~100 meters, bor- obtained at the Electron Microscopy skeleton covering mounds of numer- dered by muçununga (Peixoto, 1992) Laboratory of Universidade Luterana ous gemmules. forest. The site was visited during the do Brasil (ULBRA), in Canoas, Rio Skeleton reduced and progressing dry season (July) and there were ob- Grande do Sul, and later treated and from an irregular deposition of the served remnants of Salvinia sp, a free mounted with the use of computer megascleres on the gemmules to a floating aquatic fern. The Spodosol graphics. Fifty (50) measurements reticulum composed of unispicular at site NF seems to be very shallow, were taken of each category of spicu- tracts or to a few largely spaced hori- the spodic horizon placed at ca. 0.5 m lar component both from the holotype zontal fibers giving off very few lat- depth. A layer of peat, ca. 0.3 m depth, and two paratypes. eral fibers; ectosome thick at places covers the soil surface. Over the peat, eventually disclosing oscules and sin- the litter is composed of leaves of Taxonomy gular pores. trees, herbs and dried individuals of Megascleres in two categories. Alfa Salvinia sp. (Figure 3). Family Spongillidae Gray, 1867 megascleres, from slim to stout, sparse- ly spined, to smooth, straight to slightly Methods Genus Anheteromeyenia
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