— 527 — Territoires infectés à la date dn 8 décembre 1960 — Infected areas as on 8 December 1960 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la pré­ relating to infected local areas and to areas in which the presence of sence de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 453). quarantinable diseases was reported (see page 453). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ - Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in which the presence of quarantinable diseases was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, 5 et 9 (a); notified under Articles 4, 5 and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the heading of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading of each maladie. disease. FESTE — PLAGUE CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Purdab, State SOUDAN — SUDAN 20.xi-8.x n 20.x i- 8.x n Gurgaon, District. B 2o.vin Territoire situi au sud du Tripura, State. B 2S.V.Î9 12" N. — Territoty South Uttar Pradesh, State of 12» N............................ B 17.XH.56 Afrique — Africa Asie — Asia Aligarh, District .... ■ 13. vin Bañaras (Varanasi), Dist. ■ I4.VI CONGO (capitale Léopoldville) Kheri, D istrict................ ■ 23.VH Amérique — America Meerut, District .... ■ i 6 .v i n KivUy Province AFGHANISTAN Territoire de Beni Kataghan, Province A26.XI fVest Bengal, State BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA M ìk o n d e ro ................... B 4.X1 Mashriqi, Province B 19.XI Bankura, District . B 13. VI La Pas, Dep, Burdwan, District . B 6.H.S8 Nor- Yungas, Province Orientale Province B 15.XI HooghJy, District .... B 2 2 .x BIRMANIE — BURMA Howrah, District .... B 19X1 Carenavi, Canton .... B 22.IV MADAGASCAR Malda, District............... B 15.x Arakan, Division Midnapur, District . • B 12.XI BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Fianarantsoa, Province Sandoway, District Murshidabad, District . B 19.XI Para, State Ambalavao, District (Exci. Sandoway). B 3.DC Nadia, D istrict............... B 5.XI laritsena, Canton .... B 12.XI 24-Parganas, District . B 2 2 .X Maraba, M u n .................B 3.VI Chin Special Division COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA Southern Hills, District . B 20.VHI PAKISTAN Anlhgula, Dep, Amérique — America Dacca ( A ) ....................... A 3.XH INDE — INDIA Lahore (A). ...... A 3.X1I Remedios, Mun................B 11.V m EQUATEUR — ECUADOR Boyaca, Dep, Calcutta (PA) ^ ................ ■ 17.m.S6 East PiAistan leojot Province Dacca, Division Muzo, Mun...................... ■ 2S.n Andhra Pradesh, State Vasquez, Territoiy ... ■ 15.11 PaltaSy Canton Faridpur. District. B 5.XI Lauro-Guerrero, Parr. B 5.XI East Godavari, District • ■ 28.XH.S9 Santtimkr, Dep. .... ■ 31.XU.S9 Rajshahi, Division Guntur District Sanu Elena, Mun. ... ■ 22.ni Krishna, District .... ■ 27.VIU.S9 Jessore, District .... B 5.X I PÉROU — PERU Srikakulam, District . ■ II. VI Khulna, District .... B 12.XI PÉROU — FERU Piura, Dep. Visakhapatnam District • ■ 20.VII Rangpur, District • « . B 1 2 JQ West Godavari, District • a 27.Vm.S9 Huancabamba, Prov. San Martin, Dep. West Pakistan San Martin, Province Sondorillo, District . B 5 X Í Bihar, State Kalat, Division Tarapoto, District ... B 30.Vm Bhagalpur, District . B I.X Makran, District .... B 19.XI Champaran, District. , B i i j a VENEZUELA Asia — Aait Darbhanga, District. • . B 21.V Khairpur, Division Gaya. D istrict ......................... ■ 14.V Jacobabad, District . « . B 19.XI Bolivar, State Hazariba^, District. B 2 2 .x Heres, District INDE — INDIA Monghyr. District . B ll.VI Lahore, Division Madras, Stole Muzaifarpur. District . B 24.V Lahore, District................ B 19.XI Maria Luisa, Mon. ... A 7.X Palamau, District • . B 23.vra Peshawar, Division Salem. D istrict................ ■ z x n Patna, District......................... B I9.XI Santal Parganas, District B IJC Peshawar, District. B 19.XI INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Saran, D istrict......................... B 24JX VARIOLE — SMALLPOX DJawa Tengah, Provine» Gidarat, Stale FIÈVRE JAUNE 6 j a - 8 J t n Kedu Residency Kaira, District......................... B 28.V YELLOW FEVER Magdang. Regeucy • • . ■ 7JOI.59 Surat. D istric t................ B 6.VI Woaosobo Regency. ■ 7.XII.59 ll.IX -8 JC n Jammu & Kashmir, State Airique — Airica Surakarta Residency Kashmir Vall^............... B 20JC Bojolali, Regency .... ■ 1.IILS9 Afrique — Alrica CAMEROUN DU SUD Madhya Pradesh, Stale SOUTHERN Drug. D istrict............... B 12. VH CAMEROONS ... B 6.H.57 Gwalior. District .... B i 3 .v m ANGOLA....................... B 27.V.59 PESTE DES RONGEURS Hosbangabad, District. B 10.IX CONGO (capitale Liopoldville) RODENT PLAGUE Madras, State CAMEROUN DU SUD SOUTHERN Equateur, Province ... B 10IX 6.xi-s.xn Tanjor., District .... B 2 2 .x Kasal, Province .... B 24IX CAMEROONS . B 1.X.56 Katanga. Province ... B 30.VH Maharashtra, State Kivu, Province................ B 24.IX Afrique — Africa Ahmednagar, District . • B 4 . v m CONGO (capitale LéopoldvÜle) LéopoldviUe, Province B ll.VI . B 9.VU East Khandub, District Territoire situé au nord du Kolhapur. District. • B 21 XI CÔTE DTVOIRB — IVORY COAST 10^ S. — Tenitory North CONGO (capitale LtopoIdviUe) Nagpur, District .... B 2 9 .x of 10* S.......................... B llJ C n .5 6 Abengourou, Cercle... A 24.XI Poona, District. • • • B 20.vm Province do Kivu Abidian, Cerdo .... A l.X ll Bukandi........................... B 10.IX Orissa, State GAMBIE — GAMBIA . B 1.X56 Agbovillc. Cercle .... A 24.XI B usum biw a................... B lOJX Bondoukou, Cerdo-. A 10.XI Cuttack, District . • • B 8.H.S8 GHANA ....................... B 1.X.S6 Bouatlé, Cercle....................A 24.XF Dhenkanal, District. • B S.XI Bouaki, Cercle............... A l XH Mayurbhanj, Dbtrict . • B 1 .x Asie — Asia NIGÈRIA — NIGERIA. B IJC.56 Daloa. Cercle................... A 10 XI Dimbokro, Cercle ... A 10 XI BIRMANIE — BURMA ^ A rexclusioo de la circonscription RUANDA-URUNDI. B lI X n .S 6 Gagnoa, Cercle .... A lO.XI de Taéroport de Dum-Dum. •>- Excluding Mao, C ercle................... A 24 XI Rangoon (P A )................A 16JQ local area of Dum Dum airport SIERRA LEONE . B 1JC.S6 Séguéla, O r d e ....................A 1.XH — 528 — DAHOMEY RUANDA-URUNDI. Chimborazo, Province INDE — INDIA Chunchi, Canton Cotonou» Cercle .... B 25.x Ruhengeri» Secteur . A 19 ja Ahmedabad (A)............... ■ 20.X.59 Chunchi, P a rr................. B2ZX Allahabad ( A ) ................ ■ 14.X.59 ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 Bombay (PA)................... A 3.XIÏ TANGANYIKA Esmeraldas, Province Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ 5.1.56 Esmeraldas, Canton Jodhpur(A) ................... A26.XI GHANA Dar-es-Salaam (PA ). A 26 XI Rocafuerte, Parr. .... B 8 .x Kanpur ( A ) ................... ■ ii.xn.S9 Central Province .... A 19.XI Karikal (P)....................... ■ 24.IX.59 Winneba (P ) ................... ■ 3.XH Eastern Province .... A 12X1 Loja, Proving Lucknow ( A ) ................ ■ 21.1 Northern Province . A 12.XI Calvas, Canton Madras (PA)................... ■ 5.V.57 Volta» Region Southern Province . A 12 XI Pondichmry (P) .... ■ 18JOI.59 Ada, District................... ■ 3.x Southern Highlands, Prov. A 12.XI Cariamaoga, Parr. « B22.X Tanga, Provuice .... A 19 XI Andhra Pradesh, State Western Region Western Province . A 12Ja Célica, Canton Anantapor, District • . ■ 13.Xn.57 Cape Coast, District. ■ 15.x ■ 6.I1I.S6 Célica» P a rr.................... B 2 9 .x Chittoor, District .... Wa$$aw-Aowin» District. ■ 15.x Cuddappah, District. ■ 30.1.57 TOGO Gonzanama, Canton Bast Godavari, District . ■ I1.XII.57 Guntur, District .... A 19.XI GUINÉE — GUINEA Anécbo, Cercle................ A 19.XI Gonzanama, Parr. B 1 5 .x Hyderabad. District. • . ■ 20TV.59 Kissidougou» Région . ■ 25.IV.59 Lomé, C e r c le ................ A 19.X1 Nambacola, Parr .... B 8JC Krishna, XKstrict .... A 12.XI Macenta. Région .... ■ 2.V.59 Kumooi, District .... ■ 2 .v n .5 5 N ’Zérékoié, Rég;ion . B IJC LoJa, Canton Mahbubnagar, District. ■ 20.X.59 ■ 30.XI.S5 Bl'Tambo, Parr. .... B 1 5 .x Nellore, District .... Amérique — America Loja, P arr........................ Nizamabad, District • . ■ 6.IV B29.X ■ 5.X.55 KENYA Sucre, P a r r ................... B 2 2 .X Srikakolam, District . Valle, P a r r ................... B 8.X Visakhapatnam, District . ■ 1S.III Central Province ARGENTINE — ARGENTINA Warrangal, District . ■ l3.Xn.S8 (cxcl. local area of Nairobi (Emba- Macara, Canton West Godavari, District . B 22JC kasi) airport). San Luis, Province Zozoranga, Parr. .... Assam, State B 5.XI B eaziey........................... B ISJC Meni. D istrict................ A12.XI Cachar, District............... ■ 9.V Nairobi» District .... B 5.XI Santiago del Estero, Province Paltas, Canton Darrang, District. B 2 2 .x Coast Province Catacocha, Parr .... Goalpara. District. • • . ■ 4.IV.59 Belgrano, D e p ................A 26.XI B 1 5 .x ■ 24.11.56 & Port Reitz General Taboada. Dep. B 31 JC Kamrup. District .... (excl. Mombasa Port Nowgong, District . ■ 29.X.S9 Airport) Puyango, Canton Misiones, Territory United Khasi-Jaintia Hills, Cixiama» District .... A26.X1 Alamor. P a r r . ................ B 2 9 .x D istric t................... ■ 20.X.S9 Arístobulo Del Valle . A 19.XI Puyango, P a r r ................ B29.X Southern Province
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