It.'-.' Saturday, Feb. 27, 1988 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents NO PEACE IN PANAMA By Reid G. Miller and because of that I call for The Assocloted Press national resistance to paralyze the entire country starting PANAMA CITY, Panama - Monday." Ousted President Eric Arturo The opposition National Civic Delvalle called Friday night for a Crusade on Friday evening called national strike to show that for a “progressive, nationwide Panamanians repudiate the lead­ strike” starting immediately. ership of Gen. ManOel Antonio Aurelio Barrilla, president of Noriega. the Panamanian Chamber ol The general accused the United Commerce and Industry, one o States of instigating Delvalle’s the groups in the coalition, saiu failed effort on Thursday to end the Crusade was seeking “total his military rule and said Wa­ paralysis’ ’ of the country by early shington waged a campaign of “psychological warfare" against next week. him. However, only one of several Noriega addressed a rally of his strikes called last summer by the supporters Friday night and said coalition of about 200 organiza­ Panamanians who consider “be­ tions was notably successful, and trayal, because they are bom the government has shut down traitors, meet a bad end here.” I opposition newspapers, radio and Up to 10,000 people attended the {television stations, limiting the rally at the central garrison of the Crusade’s ability to spread its Defense Forces. message. The Noriega-dominated Na­ In his address at the central tional Assembly turned Delvalle garrison rally, Noriega said, a ' out of office in a 10-minute session early Friday after the president “The Defense Forces offer subor­ tried to fire the armed forces dination, total support and our chief following Noriega’s indict­ cooperation to the new president, ment in the United States as a our heat efforts to be able to reach dmg trafficker. presidential elections in May Noriega has denied all accusa­ 1989.” tions against him. “Panama is not a tribe,” he The legislature named Manuel said. “The Americans who live in ' Soils Palma, the education minis­ Panama should sleep easy, be­ ter, as new president, but Del­ cause this people Is not a tribe, it valle insisted to reporters he was is a healthy people.” still president. In Washington, the State De­ Panama, a nation of 2.2 million partment said it still recognized people, is headquarters for U.S. Delvalle as Panama’s president. military programs in Latin A P photo Delvalle told reporters Friday America with the U>S. Southern. night, “I don’t have a seat of Command that has 10,000 mil­ FLIPS FOR ‘7HE BOSS” — Tom Murphy, left, does a flip while Dave Walsh government, nor military sup­ itary personnel and their 20,000 strums his guitar in Boston after the two won a radio-sponsored contest tp port, but I do have two million dependents in Panama. win two tickets each to a Bruce "The Boss" Springsteen concert in Panamanians who are tired ... of After the rally, Noriega walked Worcester, Mass. Murphy did his flips and Walsh played guitar in order to living under a regime that one with his supporters to the presi­ win the tickets. man has governed capriciously. dential offices about a mile away. ^^ IniiaB tbctew; FOCUS^ an #cpan<M«,"!pullou^ fea^res section,1^^! ‘if ... Advice ..:Ty .z Comics ... MovlefcjBOOkssS'Hobbiss <.. Housing starts down from last year Dr. Crane’s Quiz No agreerhent^on censure issued for commercial uses also has during January 1988,393 were single­ By Nancy Concelman “ To become overly pessimistic family detached units, 386 were in about the upcoming year based on one remained fairly steady for the past 1. Girls would probably describe a Don Juan type Manchester Herald several yeairs, experiencing slight structures containing live or more of male as a for calling gays ‘lollipops’ month wouid be ill advised,” Papan­ units and 14 were in two-family drea said. increases, he said. But the trend for PIG HAWK WOLF FOX The number of new housing permits both commercial and residential buildings. hell before you get an apology out issued in January of this year declined Manchester, like other communi­ Hartford County aiso experienced a 2. Julius Caesar was supposed to have had which By Judd Everhart of a task force force, on which he ties across the state, is experiencing a building permits will soon end with of me,” he said. “ I will hold onto from December’s figures inMancYies- decrease to almost half the number of medical ailment? The Associated Press and Gionfriddo served, studying housing shortage. the construction of the Mall at that word and I ’ll take it to my ter and across the state, mirroring a new housing units issued permits EPILEPSY CANCER AIDS CATARACTS the state veterans home and January, 1988 figures for the state Buckland Hills, Davidson said. grave because I don’t think it was traditional lull in permit activity between January 1988 and December HARTFORD — A state legisla­ hospital. also show a decrease, of 13.2 percent, Groundbreaking for the mall is 3. Stones are usually linked with which part of the offensive.” during the first month of the year. 1987. In January 1988, 166 housing tor, accused by a colleague of During an executive session, or 166 units, from January 1987. scheduled for March. Plans by human body? He also said a censure or In a report released Friday, the units were authorized by building slurring homosexuals by refer­ the committee tried to the two In Manchester, the number of units adjneent developers for the 380-acre HEART PANCREAS GALL BLADDER reprimand would serve to limit Connecticut Department of Housing permits in Hartford County, a de­ ring to them as “ lollipops,” , legislators to agree on “ an issued building permits in January site Include 1,000 luxury apartments STOMACH the traditionally spirited debate said the number of new housing units crease of 207 units, or 55.5 percent refused to back down Friday in informal resolution,” said Rep. 1988 decreased by two from January and mixed-use development. in the General Assembly. issued permits in the state decreased from December 1987. Between Janu­ 4. The name “ pig” is usually linked with which testimony before a committee of Teresalee Bertinuson, D-East 1987, when 19 units were issued “ This coming year we know that In his testimony, Gionfriddo by 39.7percent, or'720 units, from 1,815 ary 1987 and January 1988, a decrease metal? legislators exa mining the matter. Windsor, a committee member. there’s going to be some decided called the remark “ symptomatic in December 1987 to 1,095 in January building permits. of 90 units, or 35.2 percent, was SILVER COPPER IRON GOLD Committee memrers said after But Migliaro said he told them “ We’ve remained fairly constant,” increases,” Davidson said. of prejudice and bigotry” and 1988. In Manchester, 17 new housing recorded lor Hartford County. 4>A hours of extraordinary tes­ what he had said in his public said Russeli Davidson, chief building 5. A six-shooter usually suggests which nick- said it had been “ clearly violative units were issued permits in January In Andover, no housing units were timony and executive sessions statement to the committee. inspector for the town Building n n iT iA H ^ of common decency.” 1988, a slight decrease of two from issued permits in January 1988, Hartford County ranks' fourth Friday that they would not reach “ I ’m not watering anything OLD DOMINION LONE STAR BADGER “ I wish I could believe there December 1987. Department. compared to one in January 1987. In amon^eight countieS for the number a decision before their next down,” he'said. " I said lollipops. I WOLVERINE was nothing more to Rep. Miglia- But John F. Papandrea, state He attributed the decrease in Bolton and Coventry, two housing of permits issued for housing units in meeting on Tuesday. meant lollipops and I am not ro’s remarks than crassness,” he housing commissioner, said that housing permits to the rising cost of units for each town were authorized January 1988. New Haven County was 6. Match the Bible characters at the left with the apologizing for that because I’ve housing, in Manchester and nation­ At issue is a remark by Rep. said. “ But I can’t. We can’t stand because January is often a slow this January, compared with none for first, with 281 housing units autho­ appropriate descriptions at the right that pertain to got nothing to apologize for. wide. Building lots are especially Eugene A. Migliaro Jr., R- for this.” month for housing permits, compar­ Bolton and one for Coventry in rized in January 1988, followed by expensive in town and are becoming them. Wolcott, a grflff<.and outsppken “ Any type of watering down of The resolution he drafted, ing January 1988 to January 1987 January 1987. Litchfield County with 183 uniU and (a) Absalom (v) His daughter died to fulfill her former Marine. Rep. Paul Gion- the situation would be an admis­ which was referred to the com­ would give a better view of the hard to find, Davidson said. New London CoUbty with 168 units. The number of building permits Of the 1,095 new units authorized father's rash vow. friddo, D-Middletown, a usually sion that t did something wrong mittee, calls on the House of situation. (b) Jephthah(w) Jealous King Solomon ordered softspoken, liberal legislator and by God, I didn’t do anything Representatives to “ disasso­ him killed when he asked to marry the national wants Migliaro censured. wrong,” the seven-term law­ ciate” itself from Migliaro’s beauty queen.
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