Scholars Crossing 1987 -- 1988 Liberty University School Newspaper 3-30-1988 03-30-1988 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 5, Issue 21) Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_87_88 Recommended Citation "03-30-1988 (The Liberty Champion, Volume 5, Issue 21)" (1988). 1987 -- 1988. 23. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/paper_87_88/23 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Liberty University School Newspaper at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1987 -- 1988 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TheLibertyChampion Vol.5 No.21 Liberty University, Lynchburg, Va. Wednesday, March 30, 1988 INDEX Page 2 Newsbriefs Pro/Con Page 3 Newsbriefs Man on the Street Contras Page 4-5 Regis fashion Page 6 CBA trip Page 7 Not Really Relevant Page 8-9 SGA Special Page 11 Warren Stewart Page 12 LU Soldiers Activities Page 13 Single Purpose Circle K Page 14 Baseball report Page 15 Lacrosse Lady Flames Track Ivan's column Page 16 Sid Bream Annetta Paraham Gerald Swann JAMES DEAN? Professor Del Rey Loven, otherwise known as Delvis, performed for Search '88 Saturday night in the Multi-Purpose Center. Photo by Don Hayden. Pag* 2 March 30,1988 Liberty Champion Political Issues News Contras: should the U.S. send aid? Briefs: From UPI Newswire cently said the people there are plead­ A: "Our organization will not take a By Steve Sitzai Pro- ing for our help to free them from position on possibilities for potential It took some tense moments Sandinista communism. violations. Verification of the peace and a $3 million operation, but Are we going to abandon them treaties is up to the Secretary-General a bomb disposal team has when Nicaragua is closer to Texas of the OAS (Organization of Ameri­ defused a 1,000 pound than New York is? Is this Christian By Mike Sparks can States) and the Roman Catholic British bomb that was love-doing nothing while your He talked peace. Then Congress Archbishop of Nicaragua, Cardinal dropped on Holland during neighbor is being tortured to death? bought his lies and killed Contra aid. Miguel Obando y Bravo. If there is World War Two. The un- Daniel Ortega is not a man of He then invaded Honduras to wipe a violation, verification is up to exploded bomb was discov­ peace. If the Contras begin to be mas­ them." ered buried in the back out the weakened Contras. Now he sacred and imprisoned, the U.S. had Q: What if the Freedom Fighters yard of a home in Rotterdam promises amnesty and a cease-fire. better be ready to intervene with begin to be massacred and impris­ two months ago. Some 7,000 In return he eventually wants the military force to save them. oned by the Sandanistas? people were evacuated in Contras to lay down their arms and If the Contras can flee this trap, A: "We don't answer 'What if ques­ preparation for today's collect into 15 specific areas. we should begin aiding them with a tions." operation. Another 14,000 Does this sound like a peace pro­ 100 percent effort. Q: Is it true that Witness For Peace were asked to remain in­ posal or a trap to wipe out the Contras members protest in front of the doors. Officials say the once and for all? U.S. Embassy in Nicaragua and location of the bomb Daniel Ortega is the leader of the burn U.S. flags? suggests the Royal Air Pro' communist-backed Sandinista gov­ Force had been trying to ernment in Nicaragua. Supported by Con A: "The Committee of U.S. Citizens hit the Netherlands head­ By Michael Wilson billions of dollars in Soviet arms, his Living in Nicaragua (CULN) stages quarters of the German Critics call it the biggest U.S. goal has been and always will! be to these protests, but our members are army, which was stationed media covered scandal since Water­ extend his "revolution without bor­ By R.C. Tanner free to go if they choose." in Rotterdam. gate. ders" into Honduras, El Salvador and Q: Are you opposed to humanita­ On Nov. 25, 1987, North was into Mexico. Ann Dohrmann, Associate Coor­ rian aid to the Freedom Fighters? Consolidated Edison officials A: "We support aid to the Nicaraguan say about 8,000 gallons of fired by President Reagan after At­ He knows that, if free elections dinator for "Witness For Peace" was torney General Edwin Meese re­ were held, he would be thrown out. recently asked for her group's opin­ refugees. If the Contras become ref­ "slightly radioactive" water ugees, yes." spilled into the Hudson River vealed that profits from U.S. That is why peace talks with him are ion on the latest Nicaraguan Peace before it was detected weapons sold secretly to Iran had suicidal. proposal. Q: Is there free speech and free­ Saturday. The Nuclear Reg­ been used to send military supplies How many times does Ortega have Q: Do you believe the latest peace dom of the press in Nicaragua ulatory Commission says to the Contras fighting the Sandinista to lie, murder and kill before we proposal is an honest attempt at now? the leak poses no danger to government of Nicaragua. wake up and realize that he has no peace or a trap? Can the Sandanis- A: "I do not know; I cannot verify the public or workers at One of the scandals entertaining interest in peace or a free Nicaragua tas be trusted to grant amnesty? this." the plant some 30 miles the media today is the Iran-Contra What is it going to take? A: "The recent peace treaty is the Q: What message do you have for northof NewYorkCity. Of­ affair. Involved persons are Admiral The latest cease-fire agreement is best opportunity for peace. We will the American people? ficials say the amount of John Poindexter, National Security nothing more than a trap to cut off not comment on whether it is a trap A: "We hope the American people radioactive material dis­ Advisor Robert McFarlane, Presi­ U.S. aid to the Contras and kill the or not. will pray for peace in Nicaragua and charged into the Hudson is dent Reagan and National Security Contras once and for all. Q: How can you justify the recent work towards it." "extremely small." Council Aide Col. Oliver North. Ortega will make token gestures Sandanista invasion of Honduras? Q: How would you describe your An elderly woman who re­ North, McFarlane and Poindexter of peace just long enough for the A: "There was no invasion, it has organization? fused to give up her purse to face such charges as obstruction of Contras to lay down their arms and not yet been proven. Mainly, it was A: "We are a biblically-based re­ Los Angeles muggers was se­ justice, lying to Congress and con­ "concentrate into specific areas" so just a fabrication of the U.S. and the ligious organization that is open to verely injured when she was spiracy. they can be annihilated. Read the CIA supported rebels..." all other religions that share our dragged under the getaway As an American, I support the ef­ cease-fire agreements for what they O: Your organization has taken a kindred spirit to get the U.S. to car as her assailants forts of North and others to supply are-a Sandinista trap. stand against U.S. support for the support the Sandanista govern­ tried to drive away. The military aide to the Contras. 1 believe The time has come to put up or Freedom Fighters. What about the ment instead of the Freedom Fight­ 83-year-old woman is hos­ America should come to the aide of shut up. As long as the Sandinistas BILLIONS of dollars of Com­ ers. We are associated with the Na­ pitalized incriticalcon­ its allies whenever they need help. are in power, Nicaragua will never munist Soviet-Cuban arms for the tional Council of Churches and dition, sufferingfromse- Many people can't see the possible be free. If we cannot aid the Contras, Sandanista military junta? have about 3,000 members. We vere head and upper body threat of communism to the U.S. if then the Sandinistas had better com­ A: We will take no actions against also work with similar groups such injuries. we stop supporting the contras. The ply with the "Arias Peace plan" and Soviet aid, just U.S. support." as the Nicaraguan Network." In Washington D.C., a non­ U.S. should always support anti- stop receiving massive amounts of Q: What about the stated goal of profit group says it is opening communist liberation movements to Soviet arms. the Sandanistas to have a "Revolu­ a center to give a "loving touch" help stop the spread of communism. If they refuse, we should set up tion without borders?" to abandoned infants and It's a matter of national urgency and an air/naval blockade and make sure A: "The revolution is only going on toddlers with the deadly AIDS helping them should not be ignored. they comply. What is good for the inside Nicaragua itself. It is an inter­ virus. The center, called Officials should not have to point goose is good for the gander. nal problem, not a U.S. problem. "Grandma's House," is set a finger at each other either to avoid If they are not willing to do this, The Nicaraguan government is not a up in a victorian-style the undeserving punishment or in we better start fully supporting the threat to any Central American coun­ house in the city's one­ judgment for helping the Contras.
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