-----------------------~--------." UNDERWATER VOLUME FOURTEEN NUMBER FOUR SPELEOLOGY August 1987 I C I: I L .~-- ---- -~., N MAG 0' o'J' .. J, • "'. ~ VI£'"0 ~'QITF1fr:Ii"f .. ,l.tII.,. ort" I'"IN/f BI ~ AtL__ ---'-_ _______ ___ __ -------.1 A' LEGEND' NOTES' Mf:'GMT Of i::£u.!NG. 801,11,,1;1('" t. 5==:'~~E~~A5 TlFIED UilllESTONE:, c:o.., .. t:T1E1. Y ., W&rEA DEPT'" ,t,T 1'1..,0011' G • _____ -r"".... LEDGE DROPOf" l. ElillT IIOT YIS,,,.. ! ,.ROIII ctlU,.., I,T ..,5T PE'NtTfu.TIOtI DISTANCE CA'i"E'ftN lOC&TlOIriIS . MORRISON SPRINGS ... F"AOfll ["ITAANC( ,.,......,.....--, ~. aT .. , qlllT~ TO YIEw tJ.:IT Olllilfilll5M£S ....EIIII LOWER CAVERN PIT IN '!.OQR -, '::::"_..1.--->-". II:ISllIIti F'ROIII flOOR TO CE,,,'!ItG. IEAIT 1$ MOt UN:SURII'E'f'fD BOAOfA "1518L[ .u '"IE C£ILIIr4G. ~THOUGH ftEf'LI!:CT!D WAL TON COUNTY. FLORIDA - SLOPE !iPI..,A'(~t1 lllioHT 15 ¥'SI8LE ulCllElt Opt •..., .. lIgMT CO,,- CD 1'jI67 BY J, BURCK: .•, 1ill!:"1(1""O ... F, ... O.ARD ---' DO~ jojlLL 01 TICHf$ It!! 5PRI"ICI POOL ~ uMO(t:lCl,lf •. OURIMC; RAINY Il'ERIODS notE C"O(:1'.t.wttAfCNEE !;iURYE;:Y£O BY t!!ATIQNAI.. SPE:LEOLOC;;IC.at. 5OCIE"fv- CLal' RlvE:R fI.,OOOS THE SPAI,... POOi... WITIt 1AJ000T "lI; 'JI!; ',~ LlIII,"S Of OAYl..lijI-I'I" A"D T .....IM LAOEN .AT£R. 'i'15181l1TY IS A'(Oc,u;:ED AESTRICTING lIGI1T PECTRATIQIII NSS 26&01 v'E;w POINT OF ENTlU"IC[ 5&ND INTO C:Ayt:RN. IN &8S£t!!C£ Of NATUR"'- lIGtcT OR [~IT ~}~J~W~1 IN C:AVEAIII "ULL CAY[ DIYUIG £QUIPyZNT AICI IISS 2"J'9!~ PftOC(OI.IR[S ~E REQUIRED. F'lh.1IH( HDWARD 11155 27:0'7 MINOA: RESTAICTlO"l ~ AS OF 11-e-86 THE:RE: W£ftt 3 IiIIA.lDR &,.;) I("ASTIFIED SuR¥E'I' DUEl DECEIISER 1986 {H~~h lIWESTONE NuWRoU$ ItII"IOR • .,TER REStJfilGENCE ,Ol\.$ ~ \', \, M"'''O~ 'A£STAIC:TlOtll r;!i! "ROM CAvERN F'lOOR, BOTTOM CONIOITION$ 'Suftv[v W(THOO: cIRCULAR BASE LINE WltM AAOI&l 5Ut:'t:'lEwElrilfS ,~n;~ SILT EJ;PECT(O TO CHANGE: CO"lTIHUOUSl'r. DfU'MI 8v HUNK HOw""A'D I-"'~. W.. 1"E:A FLO_ L_.l C:~O!iS SI::CflON 6. wAllER D£PTH5 'fAR'" .IT" RI!.E ANO F~1.. Of CltOC.TA'MoI,afc: ... E£ RIVER lEItH. U"s~'!i 'iPRIMG [,D. MO. :!o~o,zaO.S$41.00, o2.3G$!-eO 7. fLOOA' CQVEREO WITH ",,"IT( !iANO. SltEl..l..S ."'0 r; ..R!iT FftAijIijI£lriI'r5, • c:t..'&'!S \I SUiYl:Y FEn '0 '0 '0 .0 '0 .0 I I 1 I f-- , , 1 I wt;TERS 0 9 IZ 15 16 All DISTA.Nc.eS ~,..O DEPTHS IN f'EET ABOVE: Morrison Springs map-makers and NSS"CDS members John Burge (left) and Frank Howard (right) present a copy of the map to Morrison Springs Manager Joe Moore for display at the spring. COVER: The beautifully detailed map of Morrison Springs created by John Burge and Frank Howard. CAVE DIVING SECTION OF THE Underwater $peleology is the official newsletter of the Cave Diving Section of Ihe Na· lional Speleological Society. Inc. (also known as the NSS Cave Diving Section and NSS·CDS). Section memberShip, which includes .ubscription to Ih" newsletter, is op"n to all members in NATIONAL SPELEOLOGICAL SOCIETY, INC. good .Ianding of the Nalional Speleological Society, Inc. (NSS) at $5.00 per year. NewsleUer sUbscriplions for non-rnel'l"bers are $10.00 par year. Mel'Jilars and subscribers are urged to report any change of address in writing im­ BOARD OF DIRECTORS mediately to the Section in order to insure conlinuity of newsletter receipt. Membership/sub­ - PROGRAM COORDINATORS- scription :status, application$, and general information may be obtained by writing to the SecretaryrTreasurer clothe Seclion's permanent address: Chairman: Newslett.r............................................ H.V.Grey STEVE ORMEROID Membership ManuaL..... Joe Prosser. Pete Butt Joe Prosser, SecJTrea.s. 629 We.14th SI. Journal ....................................... WayM Marshall NSS Cave Diving Section Marysville. OH 43040 Safety(South) ................................ Mark Leonard P.O. Box 950 (513) 642-7775 Safety (North) ............................... Dale Purchase Branford. FL 32008-0950 Abe Davis Award ........................... Marl<. Leonard Vice-Chairman~ International Safe Cave All current news items, reports. articles, photographs, negatives, slides, cartoons, Of other JEFFREY BOZANIC Diver Award ................. Dr. Milledge Murphey submissions for the newsletter should be senl in direcUy to the Editor: P.O. Box 490462 Sump Diving Projec'---.................. Dale Purchase Key Biscayne, FL Rescue/Recovery T eam ..... _LL Henry Nicholson H.V. Grey, Editor, UWS 33149.0462 Accident Analysis Fi les .......................•. Joh n Crea P.O. Box 575 (305) 666·0748 Computer Applications ................... Tim Davidson Venice, FL 34264·0575 Sciontific & Conservation ........... _.Dr. Bill Fehring Secratary-Treasurer: Survey ................... _.. _. _________ .__ ........... Larnar Hires JOSEPH PROSSER Cave Files ....................................... Mike Sanders 7400 N.W. 551h St. Publications (Overall) ............................ H.V. Grey Miami. FL :33166 Publications (Dive Shops} ................. Joe Prosser (305) 592-3146 Publication. (Maps) ................_ ........... Tim Holden CALENDAR Publications (Indiv. Orders) .............. Judy Verano Training Chairman: Publications (UWS Bad<. 1•• ues) ..... Stan Hankins AUQ 29· Sep 5 - International Cave Diving Camp, Cividale del Friuli and WESLEY SKILES NSS Library Liaison ...................... George Collins Trieste. Italy. Rt.l, Box 158SR31 ~Column ........... Dr. Milledge Murphey High Spring •• FL 32643 Cavern Manual ....................... __ Dr_ Jo'*1 Zumrick Oct 31 - Noy 1 • NACD Cavern Workshop for Open-Water Instructors, Dive (904) 454·3749 Advertising (Overall) .......................... Jelf .Bozanic Advertising (Membership Manual) ...... ::.P'ete Butt Masters, and Advanced Divers; Manatee Springs (Chiefland, FL) and Ginnie Leadership Coordinator; Advertising (Workshop.) ....................... H.y. Grey Springs (High Springs, FL). For registration information contact the Workshop PETER BUTT Foreign Correspoodent. .......................Paul SrMh Chairman: Steve Gerrard, NACD President, 5714 Ed White Ct., Tallahassee, FL Rt.l. Box 152-H Grotto CorrespondenL. ................... T orir Williams 32301, (904) 877-8196. High Springs, FJ.. 32643 (904) 454-2001 Jan. 2 - 3 • NSS-CDS Winter Cave Diving Workshop. Lectures, seminars, Members at Large: slide and video presentations. Branford High School, Branford, FL. H.V.GREY P.O. Box 575 Venice, FL 34284-0575 RESCUE/RECOVERY TEAM MEMBERS - DALE PURCHASE 4181 Wayside Dr.· Saginaw, M I 48603 Report any change of address or telephone within 24 hours to the National (517)791-1701 Crime Information Center! NCIC PHONE; (904) 633-4159. UNDERWATER SPELEOLOGY. August. 1987, Vol. 14. No.4. p. 2 PUBLICATIONS OF INTEREST TO CAVE DIVERS in fe~t~ country in which located, name and nationality of the explorer prOViding the. Information, and reference source (see legend for com­ The following publications are available from the Florida Sinkhole plete expansion). Research Institute in Orlando, FL.: r Sinkholes in Florida an Introduction, by Barry F. Beck and Wil­ 1. FONTAINE DE VAUCLUSE, -315 m, -1033 ft, F@nce, "- liam C. Sinclair, 1986, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute Report 85- Telenaute of France, Info 45 p.l1 + 12 86-4. Orlando, 16 p., free upon request. (FONTAINE DE VAUCLUSE), -205 m,~674 ft, France; J. Hasen- Karst Hydrogeology of Cent@1 and Northern Florida. by Barry F. mayer of Germany, Indo 39 p.15 . .. Beck et aI., 1985, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute Report 85-86-1. 2.HRANICKA ABISS; -205 m, -672 ft. Czechosloliakia, echo­ A field-trip guidebook produced in conjunction with the 1985 Geologi­ soundings. by Czechoslovakians, Info 40 p.3+4 cal Society of America annual meeting in OrlandO, 46 p., $5.00 ppd. 3. RED SNAPPER SINK, -182.8 m, -600 ft, USA, echo-$ound­ The Karst Hydrogeology of the Cent@1 West Coast of Florjda and ings by Americans, UWS 3:4 & 13:1 Some Associated Engineering Technigues, edited by Barry F. Beck and 4. NACIMIENTO DEL RIO MANTE, -158.6 m, -520 ft, Mexico, S. William l. Wilson, 1987, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute Report 86- Exley of USA, UWS 14:4 [the author originally listed this cave after 87-1. A field-trip guidebook produced in conjunction with the 2nd Mul­ Grotte de Motiers (#14), as having a depth of 101 mor331 ft;however, tidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes, Orlando, 79 p., $7.00 ppd. in this issue of UWS, Sheck Exley is reporting a dive to 520 ft, so I have A Self-Guide Fjeld Trip to the Winter park Sinkhole, by S.E. Jam­ included this revision in the list- Ed.) . mal and Barry F. Beck, 1985, Florida Sinkhole Research Institute Report 5. GOUl DU PONT, -140m, -459ft, France, J. Schneider of Ger­ 86-87-2. A field-trip guidebook produced in conjunction with the 1985 many, Info 46 p.3-5 Geological Society of America annual meeting, OrlandO, 9 p., $2.00 6-7 (tie). LIGHTHOUSE REEF - BLUE HOLE, -125 m, -410 ft ppd. Belize, mini-sub (A. Falco and A. Laban of France), Bibliogr. #1 ' . Water On and Under the Ground (An Introduction to the Urban 6-7 (tie). FONT DE LUSSAC, -125 m, -410 ft, France, C. Hydrogeology of the Orlando Area), by Barry F.Beck et aI., 1985, Touloumdjian of France, Info 47 p.28 FIC?rida Sinkhole Research Institute Report 86-87. A field-trip 8. MYSTERY SINK. -118.9 m, -390 ft, USA, echo-sounding by gUidebook produced in conjunction with the 1985 Geological Society of Americans, UWS 13:1 America annual meeting, Orlando, 23 p., $2.00 ppd. 9. GOUl DE LA TANNERIE, -113 m, -370 ft, France, B. Leger The Florida Sinkhole Research Institute also publishes a '4-8 of France, Info 35 p.11+16 page newsletter three times per year. The newsletter is called the 10. DIE POLDER 2, -109.7 m, -360 ft, USA, S.
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