John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 1-29-1987 The aC rroll News- Vol. 73, No. 15 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 73, No. 15" (1987). The Carroll News. 888. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/888 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE CARROLL NEWS Serving The Carroll Community Vol. 73, No. 15 John CarroU University, University Heights, Ohio 44118 Thursday, January 29, 1987 Committee wlll tackle AIDS dilemma by Lisa SpanueUo, the decision to establish such specialist in immunology. going to meet an AIDS case." sities' policies. If we decide to Features Editor a committee was made after Fr. Fennessy explained lhat He feels that a policy is start from scratch, then the An AIDS (Acquired Immune Fr. Lavelle returned from a prior to any policy-making, an necessary both to protect the decision will take until next Deficiency Syndrome) Ad­ workshop held at Harvard education program consisting Carroll community and to do year. If we go over the visory Committee has been University in the summer of of collected data, video tapes. away with the fear surround­ policies we have now, com­ established at John Carroll at 1986. and speakers on the topic of ing AIDS. bining and deciding, we might the s uggestion of Fr. Michael "96 universities were AlOS would be attended by John Carroll has received finish at the end of the Lavelle, S.J. , Executive Vice represented there. One all members of the committee. policy statements from eleven semester," Fr. Fennessy said. universities. According to Fr. President. Under lhe direction quarter of these colleges had "We've collected a good AU in all, Fr. Fennessy was Fennessy, most of the univer­ of Fr. Peter Fennessy. S.J., the at least one AIDS case." Fr. deal of information for our hopeful that the advisory sities are following recom­ committee intends to set up a Fennessy said. "Fr. Lavelle own education." Fr. Fennessy committee would be success­ mendations of the American working policy on AIDS, to decided to appoint on AlDS said. "We want to put peo­ ful. educate the entire campus in advisory committee in reac­ ple's minds at peace so that College Health Association. regards to the AIDS virus. tion to this." they can help AIDS victims "We'll probably model "We don't have to reinvent ourselves on other univer- the wheel.·· he said. and to generally alleviate any Included on this committee deal with real problems irrational fears held by are representatives from the rather than being afraid to students. faculty. and admini­ administration. Student Af­ touch them (AIDS victims)... strators. fairs staff, faculty, and s tu­ Fr. Fennessy made il clear "SU on concert, calendar" According to Fr. Fennessy, dent body. as well ns a that ··eventually we're all by James Perabo tickets. the SU received The use of proceeds from $10,000 worth of radio adver­ the Southside Johnny concert tisement from WMMS. Marchers and a newly proposed version Clifford also pointed out of next vear's academic that the SU has already grounded calendar were among the raised over $3.000 for topics discussed at this charities this year, with by Paul Kantz, m week's Student Union $2.000 of that going to the Heavy snows forced a meeting. United Way. busload of John Carroll "Pro­ Life" advocates to abandon The proposod dona tion of Dan Weaver . hood of the ·r u ou e i. pro i o ~.. "''" t-;c~=--~ an anti-a march in Cleveland's Rock and Roll tee. presented rhe new calen- Washington, D.C. last Thurs­ Hall of Fame was questioned dar proposal to the Senate. day. The would-be marchers when a student asked why the This version, which is being had driven for eight hours money had been ear-marked voted on by the Faculty Forum and were only 42 miles out­ for the Hall instead of some today. includes a four-day side of the capitol city when other worthy couse. weekend in both the fall and the decision was made to turn SU President Dave Clifford spring semesters. and an back. BRRRRR! After a faU semester of relatively mild weather, explained that the concert eight-day Easter break. "About halfway through JCU students were welcomed back to the reality of winter Pennsylvania we hit a snow­ committee had considered If this calendar were utiliz­ on the North Coast. · other charitable organize- ed, classes would begin next stor m."' said sophomore lions but. in agreement wilh fall on Monday, August 31. Michael J. Hart. "The farther east we went, the worse the Open hearings seek concert co-sponsor WMMS. There would be no classes weather got." decided on the Hall. Friday, October 16 and Mon- day. October 19, nor on Kim Cleveland. organizer of input on tenture policy Clifford added that in ex- Thursday and Friday. March the Carroll contingent. made Possible changes in John several issues being con­ change for 30 pairs of concert 3 and 4. the decision to turn back after Carroll's tenure policy will be sidered. being informed that police discussed in a series of open According to the statement, were telling motorists not to bearings next week. the the committee favors depart­ Trustees matching gift enter Washington. where a Faculty Forum's CommittE!e ment tenure committees being foot of snow was expected. on Policies for Rank. Tenure. comprised of aU tenured The bus. which had left JCU and Salary will conduct the plan spurs fund drive members of the department. 36 members of the Board of at 4:30a.m. Thursday. arriv­ hour-long discussions on Mon­ and chaired by the depart­ by Jeff Klimas ed back a round 9:30 p.m., day a t 8:30a.m. and Tuesday Trustees have personally ment chair. provided he or John Carroll University has after 17 hours on the road. at 9:30a.m. in room B 203 and established a matching gift she already has tenure. The been waging a fund raising "People were really disap­ Wednesday and Thursday at plan. The trustees will donate committee also feels a two­ battle against time. Its four­ pointed," Hart said. "But we one dollar for every two 1:30 p.m. in room 202 of the thirds vote should be required year, $16 million Centennial were there in spirit." Science Center. dollars of new support raised for a department committee Campaign has little sand left The group. which did par­ The committee is seeking in­ between January 1. 1987 and to recommend tenure, and op­ in the glass. June 30th is the ticipate in the annual march put from students. faculty. june 30, 1987. up to a max­ poses having separate recom­ end. imum of $250,000. last year, plans to try again in and staff. A statement issued mendations from the depart­ 1988, Hart said. by the committee mentions ment committee and chairper­ To date. $15.4 million has "The trustees are offering son. Finally, the committee been secured in gifts and this challenge to make the favors officially including ser­ pledges. These funds will ex­ campaign a resounding suc­ vice as a criterion for tenure. pand student services, pur­ cess," said campaign chair­ chase a new mnin c:omputer man James S. Reid. Jr.. chair­ o On the Inside: Most departments currently do include service in making svstem. create professor­ man and president of The tenure decisions. ships. fund the new chapel. Standard Products Company. Iran deal disillusions Reaganite .. ... p. 3 and increase the scholarly Foreign students comment on campus .. p. 4 Copies of current )CU The new support comes in tenure policies are nvailablo programs already stArted. addition to $2.1 million in gifts Museum impressioned by exhibit ...... p. 6 in the Acodcmic Vice Presi­ To insure that JCU will be already committed by the Grapplers wring out tie . .. .... ... .. p. 8 dent's office and on roservo in riding a little less on the trustees since the drive the librorv. rnzor·s edgo come June. the began. Page 2 EDITORIAL The Carron News, January 29, 1987 Confront AIDS What would you do if your roommate had AIDS? What AND Now IT)s about someone in your family? What should we do about it? These are frightening questions. but ones that need to be T1 ME toR •• ~ confronted if they are to be answered. It is with this intent that the university has formed a committee to study this issue and formulate a working policy. trw;HAT ~RE 1fHE There is a need to proceed with calm. AIDS is a growing problem, and we all must work together to find solutions. Public outcry will do nothing; this committee can. @;REAT 'lfHINKERS Its findings can teach you exactly what your risk of con­ tracting AIDS is. They can tell you things about the birds and 1fHINKING? bees you never dreamed of. And they can help you deal with ~) a personal AIDS crisis. It's too bad the university hasn't started educating the stu­ THIS W££t(S £ Pl SOOE: dent body already. Because today, the university is experienc­ ing an AIDS crisis all its own; people aren't donating enough blood in the Murphy Room. And people are dying because of it.
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