,v , V FRIDAY, JULY 1*, 19B7’ .. -'I inanrtiFBtFr ^nytttn^ llfralb . -'X'- ■i -f' ■■-.f, Average Daily Net Press Run The Rev. K. Ejnar Raak of the new chairman to replace Atty. pir^T in on their meeting at the' The Weather For the Week Ended Fereeaat of H. S. Woollier Bariaa., Ab^ut Town Covenant Congrei^tional Church, Support Strong John LaBelle. Garden Grove. She had been choaeir Rev. Olson Visits | June '8, 1987 who is on vacation, expects to re­ LaBelle accepted a permanent Tuesday night in Torrington. Thnndereliewem oonttamtag P t Hf* Kanehoter ttnd«nta at turn Sunday morning in time to For Cavagnaro, appointment aa second aasiatant Because the Miss Connecticut Eijaaniiel Sunday j 0»Uegc of Conhectfeut in participate in the worship service state'! attorney for Hartford rvntest is sponsored by the Jay- ICE PLANT OPEN 12,540 night Low 66-70. W nm , boiuld, FTm- B rltiln h IiIitiiiI hifh lionbn at 1 o'clock when a quartet from Democrats Say County last .month. cees. Miss Llghtbown. stopped by The Rev. Car) E. Olson and sootfarod ahewets Soiiday. High the North Park College. Chicago, to thank them lot giving her the Member of the Audit iTliaeors on the annual dean'a The chairmanship had been held family of Oakland^ Calif., wlil'°be Burtan of Otrculation In 80’s. ' St for Um paat- academic year, will furnish music. Pupils of the I open ilnce LaBelle received a temp­ opportunity to enter the Miss WEEKDAYS- 8 A.M. to 8 P.M. church school are urged to sign up Democrat Steve Csvagnsro wsa America cohteati In town Sunday and If-la. expected Manchester— City of Village Charm '^ni^ are; Patricia Wupperfeld, 90 emerging today as the strongest orary appointment aa aasiatant 'Orandviefw St., annual hirh hon> each Sunday they attend the {state's attorney and. resigned as State vice president James will attend the 9 a.m. tertdqe at ora; and Jaaaaa Olemwy,. 70 Bif«» church service. Recognition will be esndidate for chairmanship of the Uurdick had arranged Mias Light- Blmamiet Lutheran Church, ''tif . SUN D AYS-8 A.M. to 1 P.M. party’s town committee. i Democratic, leader Here in Feb- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 241 (TEN PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 1.1, 1957 (Ctawtlfled Advertlrtag 'on Psjpi 8) low--St, Wa*t«a Clohnaon. 30 Cam- given to all who attend at least Iruary. As a court official, he can- boTvn's appearance at" the dinner .which {le was formerly pastor. PRICE PIVB CENTS bridst Bt, Roberta tookwood. 0 five B\uidays during the summer . The Democrats are to choose a which was part of a full day of • CRUSHED ICE months. new chairman at a - apeclat 'meet­ I not hold the chairmanship., In the afternoon from 3 to 7 Margaret ltd., and Joyce Wether- Ja ^ e a .activities. o'clock, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph aB, Stt Parker St, annual honora ing of the committee Wednesday Dressed ' in a candy-striped V . • ILO C K ICE Mr. and Mrs. John O. Evans and at 8 p.m. iri the Municipal B.uild- Swanson. 374 Hackmatack St., Sen, Qreen Resting princess style frock. Miss Ught- will keep "ppen house" for the ICE CUBES Pakistan Chief, daughter, Julie Anne, 77 Weaver ing hearing room. ^Miss Connecticut bewn performed the skit with x'liiesrgw Waller. 047 Main Bt., la Rd., left by auto this morning for Their speculation today centered Olsons and all their friienda At* in­ M tient at the' Hartford Hoapi- fhlch she Won her' title. The skit vited. They will spend the night In In Naval Hospit^ Miami, F la , from where they will around the name of Cavagnaro. consisted of a rsiidltion of the Towns Hit I taC -Ha will be'there for eome> time fly to Nassau in the Bahamas for Pays Visit Here West Hartford and leave on Mon­ Ike See Threat and would like to hear from hia long-timii operator of Cavey'a Res­ son^ from "My Fair Lady" en­ WaahlngtoB, July 13 lAV-4en. their vacation. taurant and organizer of the day for a'Visit with relative* in L. T. WOOD CO. frienda. Mias Susan Elisabeth Llght- titled "Wouldn't It Be Lovely?" Stephentown, N. T., apd from Green (D-RI) rested in Bietheeda Mansfield Bids Dulles party'a^«bimbakes. She had to borrow a pair of shoes 51 BISSELL STREEr—PHONE MI .1-1129 bown of Fairfield, newly crowned there start the return tripT home. In World Reds Naval Hospital today after rol- . Army ROTG. Cadet Robert W. Althougl^a "dark horse" might from one ..of the Jaj’cees In order Pastor Olson left Ehnanuel for Ispslng during a recoption at tbo still appear. Cavagnaro seema to BisBcll Street Runs East Off Main Street Thomtim. 60 Weatminater Rd. Blaze Squejehed Mias Connecticut, surprised mem­ to act out her nundwr. S t Paul's Church, Oakland, in At State Theater BuiMing ^H-Bombs’ Washington, July 18 —Presl- embassy of Paktstan. have "the edge,” they said. " , • bers of ths State Junior Chamber Mias Lightbown was accoinpan-. Worcester Polytechnic Institute, la April 1958, after serving here .dent Eisenhower and Prim* Min­ Green, 89-year-old ohalrman of among 700 cadets from 37 col­ In Rubbish Shed The committee must ehboae a of Commerce Wednesday by drop- ted by her mother. shout eight' years. the Senate Foreign Relattoiiii ister Suhrawardy of Pakistan said leges and imiversitlea taking six THE ASSOCIATED PRESS f virtually all of New Haven wiped Committee, last oonsciousnesa weeks of field and garrison train­ A fire fn a rubbish shed on Mints theory, Connecticut’B out with no eurvivori. today IntemS'tional cornmunlam briefly yesterday, but later ing to tjuallfy themselves for com Court threatened to spread through V Gov. Ribicoff and hti aides were continues to be a "major threat” walked Into the hospital without missions in the Army Reserve fol­ 8,205,-760 acree or* 5,009 to the security of the free world. ore the congested Depot Square area at the State CD control cedter at assistanre . lowing graduation from oollei last night V. square miles lay in devasta­ Bloomfield throughout the inate- ' In a 2-t>age Joint statement, the "It was just heat exhaustion," r Ha Is training at Fort Gordon, Oa. John Men, chief of the Manchee- tion today, its remaining citi- wide operation which was conduct­ two leaders expressed .determina­ one of Green's aid* said. "Tho ter Fire Department ^ d a fire zena still unable to compre­ ed by State CD Director Leo J. Mul- tion to support and strengthen doctors say his condition Is very f v Mr. .and Mrs. F, Warreh Ellis, SATURDAY — FINAL DAY OF collective security systems in Asls broke out in a shed In the area be­ cahy. satisfactory. He’ll be. In the hos­ SO Main Bt. Talcottvllle, are en­ hind the A and P store on N. Main hend what had happened. Sealed lastructions and the Middle pital for hvo or three das* of tertaining visitors from Paisley, TTWor 20-megaton H-bomb*, each T)iey also e x p r^ e d belief that Ike Pushed St. Information, aa to the bomb drops rest—If he'll stey that long." ' BeoUand, Mr. and Mrs. John Hunt­ > A neighbor reported the fire at carrying a force equal to 20 mil­ international disarmament agree­ er. who plan to spend five months lion tons ''of TNT, Uieorettcally Was also contained in sealed In- S:55 p.m. after aeeing emoke. atrucUons distributed prior to the ments, if provided • with effective touring the United States and Mem said three pumpers were hit the state yesterday in a mock safeguards, would contribute not attack as a part of a nationwide ■tart of the ezercise at the com­ only to world secur'it)^ but also to To Discard on the scene, and that the fin was Clvh Defense alert. These results munity level. Pope Deplores brought under control in about half Local CO staffs then began to material progress. Kenneth Oosney of the "Voice of an hour. were reported by State Civil De­ The Joint statement referred to the Andes," TVIcoUville, will be fense headquarters: prepare eatlmates of the damage, The shed was chCrred, but still number of casualties, and required Pakiatan'a long-standing dispute Fear Policy guest speaker at the Salvation usable, firemen said. Thirty Connecticut towns. In- with India over Kashmir. Men, Morals of Army service Iri Center l^rk Sun­ eiuding all' of New Haven, .wiped suppilea to rebuild necessary instal­ Elsenhower expressed hope that Mem said that a fire in the con­ lations and housing. By ERNEST B. VAOCABO day at 7 p.m. In ease of rain ' it gested area eouli^ spread mpidly out. the disagreement would be solved wiU be held in the a u d e i. Kilted or badly Injured were The bomb drop information was East and West if given a chance. Most of 'the released soon after the public par- "speedily, equitably and perma­ Washington, July 13 — buildings are of frame coifstrue- 180.000 persona, key personnel whq nently In accordance with the prin- Sen. Mansfield (D-Mont) pro­ Only ent Mase will be., said at had remained in the state after 1,- tipipation phase ended. ' By FRANK BRUTTO tlon. , ^ 'The CD staffs at all levels had cinles of the United Nations." posed today that Secretary of S t John's. Church Sunday, -for the 480.000 residents were "evacuated" The statement said Suhrawardy Vatican City, July IS OI^^Pop* present or until a successor is to safer regions.
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