MASTERARBEIT Titel der Masterarbeit A ZEPPELIN ENDEAVOR Understanding technological developments through Social Construction of Technology Verfasser B.A. Tobias Kühne angestrebter akademischer Grad Master of Arts (MA) Wien, 22.06.2012 Studienkennzahl lt. Studienblatt: A 066 906 Studienrichtung lt. Studienblatt: Master Science-Technology-Society Betreuerin / Betreuer: Univ. Prof. Dr. Ulrike Felt AZEPPELINENDEAVOR Understanding technological developments through Social Construction of Technology tobias kühne Depatment for the Social Studies of Science Universität Wien June 2012 Tobias Kühne: A Zeppelin Endeavor, Understanding technological de- velopments through Social Construction of Technology, c June 2012 ABSTRACT The thesis at hand analyzes an aspect of the emergence of zeppelin air- ships in Germany during the first decade of the 20th century. Partic- ularly the engagement of a broad public to support the development of the zeppelin technology by financial aid is a point that is taken un- der scrutiny. The interest for this question emerges from the fact that hardly any return was to be expected for supporters. It thus comes to mind to ask why people would engage if no return is to be expected. Furthermore the question is interesting to study because the support for Count Zeppelin, the inventor behind the airship, emerged rather quickly after years of relative disinterest. Using the methodology of Social Construction of Technology (SCOT), the author explores how this technology eventually became very pop- ular after having been widely ignored for years. The research focuses on the timespan around the general public’s turning from a skepti- cal to a very supportive attitude after the crash of a prototype in the summer of 1908. Additionally to the SCOT approach, the concept of Sociotechnical Imaginaries is introduced and combined with SCOT methodology in order to enhance the capabilities of the analysis. Sociotechnical imagi- naries provide a particular understanding for the role time and future- bound expectations played in the support of the technology. The analysis concludes that a combination of technological progress in terms of the reliability and capability of the airships themselves as well as a fit with the social and political events of the time formed the basis for a very fast change in peoples’ perception of it in the summer of 1908. Furthermore, it is observed that the zeppelin devel- opment did also profit from an inner political conflict in Germany at the time. While not being an actual part of it, it was used as a means to demonstrate the people’s resistance against Wilhelminian monar- chy, which led to a stronger support than there might have been for solely technological reasons. Moreover, the study contributes to the use of SCOT for the descrip- tion of technological development by successfully integrating some sociotechnical imaginaries, the attempt to reach a more detailed anal- ysis in terms of both the timely character of elements at work in the process and the emergence of those elements in the first place. iii ZUSAMMENFASSUNG Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht die Entwicklung von Zeppelin- Luftschiffen in Deutschland anfangs des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf dem Zusammenspiel von Gesell- schaft und technologischer Entwicklung, besonders der finanziellen Unterstützung des Projektes durch eine breite Öffentlichkeit. Aus der Tatsache, dass Unterstützer keinen persönlichen Vorteil zu erwarten hatten ergibt sich die Frage, warum sie Graf Zeppelin unterstützten. Außerdem ist interessant, warum sich diese Unterstützung nach Jah- ren relativen Desinteresses vergleichsweise schnell entwickelte. Unter Verwendung des SCOT (Social Construction of Technology) - Ansatzes wird untersucht wie diese Technologie nach Jahren des Schattendaseins binnen relativ kurzer Zeit zu großer Popularität ge- langte. Die Untersuchung konzentriert sich dabei auf die Zeit um den Sommer 1908, zu der das öffentliche Desinteresse in breit angelegte Unterstützung umschlug. Zusätzlich zu SCOT finden so genannte Sociotechnical Imaginaries Verwendung. Dieser Ansatz erlaubt in der Kombination mit SCOT eine weitergehende Analyse. Insbesondere die Bedeutung von Zeit- lichkeit und zukunftsgerichteten Erwartungen für den Prozess der Technologieentwicklung können so besser abgebildet werden. Die Analyse kommt zu dem Schluss dass die Veränderung in der Wharnehmung des Zeppelins in der Öffentlichkeit auf eine Kombi- nation mehrerer Faktoren zurückzuführen ist. Zum einen technologi- sche Fortschritte was die Zuverlässigkeit und Leistungsfähigkeit der Luftschiffe betrifft, zum anderen ein Zusammentreffen mit vorteilhaf- ten sozialen und politischen Umständen im Sommer des Jahres 1908. Außerdem ist festzustellen dass der Zeppelin von politischen Span- nungen profitierte, in denen er jedoch genutzt wurde, um Stimmung gegen die Wilhelminische Monarchie zum Ausdruck zu bringen, wo- von dieser wiederum profitierte. Außer den Beiträgen zur Geschichte des Zeppelins leistet die vor- liegende Arbeit darüber hinaus einen Beitrag zur Verwendung von SCOT zur Betrachtung technologischer Entwicklungsprozesse. Durch die Integration von Sociotechnical Imaginaries wird es ermöglicht zeit- liche Aspekte, eine Dimension die von SCOT nicht zentral behandelt wird, sowie deren Entstehung besser in die Betrachtungen der tech- nologischen Entwicklung einzubeziehen. iv Ein ehrenhafter Projektmacher ist jedoch der, welcher seine Idee nach den klaren und deutlichen Grundsätzen des gesunden Menschenverstandes, der Ehrlichkeit und Klugheit in angemessener Weise ins Werk setzt, darlegt, worauf er hinaus will, nicht in fremde Taschen greift, sein Projekt selbst ausführt und sich mit dem wirklichen Erzeugnis als Gewinn seiner Erfindung begüngt. — Daniel Defoe [10, 112] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank anybody supporting me in writing this thesis. Particularly, these are Prof. Roe Smith at MIT and Professor Ulrike Felt at the university of Vienna. Roe Smith for the initial idea and encouragement to pursue it, Ulrike Felt for supervising my work, getting me back on track, re- and advising and the nice STS program she put into being in the first place. The Archives of Luftschiffbau Zeppelin GmbH provided me with the possibility to do profound research on my topic that was unvalu- able. Further, my gratitude belongs to proofreaders and providers of feedback of all sorts, particularly Gernot Rieder and Dennis Deicke. Last but not least, my thanks go to Franziska Hollender for coun- seling, catering, proofreading, calming and supporting me in many ways. And loving me the way I am. Thank you! Thank you all! v CONTENTS iintroduction& foundations 1 1introduction 3 2literature& background information 7 2.1 Count Zeppelin’s Biography and Background 8 2.2 Count Zeppelin’s Airships: A Brief Overview 11 2.3 Literature Bodies about and around Zeppelins 15 3researchquestion 23 ii analysis 25 4theoreticalframework 27 4.1 STS-Approaches and Conceptions to be used 27 4.2 Sociotechnical Imaginaries complement the SCOT-toolkit 30 4.3 Tying together Sociotechnical Imaginaries and SCOT 33 4.4 A Side Note: the Heterogeneous Engineer 38 4.5 Goals and Scope of the Project 38 5methodologyandmaterials 41 5.1 Methodology 41 5.2 Materials 44 6analysis 47 6.1 Imaginaries and Social Groups around Airships 47 6.2 The Stabilization of one shared Vision of the Zeppelin 58 6.3 Understanding the fast Change in the Zeppelin Percep- tion 65 6.4 The Mood changed 75 iii discussion and results 81 7results& conclusion 83 7.1 Findings 83 7.2 Reflection on Theoretical Frameworks 89 8reflection, outlook and concluding remarks 93 iv appendix 97 bibliography 99 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Screenshot from Facebook 3 Figure 2 Portrait of Count Zeppelin 8 Figure 3 Cartoon portraial of Zeppelin 11 Figure 4 ’Why the ascent failed’ 14 Figure 5 Poem: ’The Dirigible’ 48 Figure 6 ’A peaceful Mood’ 50 Figure 7 ’Zeppelins Shadow’ 51 Figure 8 ’To the party convention!’ 53 Figure 9 Poem: ’Zeppelin at Müggelsee’ 67 Figure 10 Intertwined assembly processes 72 Figure 11 ’The national donation for Zeppelin’ 77 ACRONYMS LZ Luftschiffbau Zeppelin SCOT Social Construction of Technology STI Sociotechnical Imaginaries VDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure STS Science, Technology, Society SPD Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands ANT Actor-Network-Theory DELAG Deutsche Luftschiffahrts-Aktiengesellschaft viii Part I INTRODUCTION & FOUNDATIONS INTRODUCTION 1 The zeppelin is one of the best-known technological artifacts of the 20th century. At its time, it was a groundbreaking step in aeronautics and thereby the human dream of flight becoming reality. Its pioneer- ing accomplishment of overcoming gravity in combination with its characteristic shape made it an iconic technology that anyone recog- nizes. Even a century of its innovation, it still attracts attention. As the screenshot from my own Facebook-newsfeed shows, its appear- ance still seems to be worthwhile noticing and sharing with others. Spontaneously, only few other technological artifacts come in mind that would attract such attention. Its development, however, shared the contingency of many oth- ers: it was at stake several times and its success, the appreciation by many and the introduction as an artifact of everyday use highly unlikely. However great the technology may appear in retrospect, its development was all but a straight, linear success story – even though it might fre- quently be told as such. From an economical perspective, the project should have been aban-
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