13 Commonwealth of Puerto Rico Department of state OFFICE OF TECHNICAL COOPERATION San Juan, Puerto Rico TRAINING AND OBSERVATION PROGRAM m PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICES OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR SPECIAL GROUP OF ICA PARTICIPANTS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PARTICIPANTS BRAZIL Mr. Sylvia Loreto Social Researcher Rural Social Service Recife, Pernambuco Miss Marina Beatriz Cruz Santos Technician in Rural Education Rural Social Service Rio de Janeiro, D. F. BHITISH GUIANA Mr. Cecil McAllister Ashley Assistant Dist r ict Commissioner Community Development Georgetown Mr. Lawrence Kenneth Yhap Assistant District Commissioner Community Development Georgetown CAMBODIA Mr. Sam-Ean Sa.m-Nom Fundamental Educator • Ministry of Education Phnon-Penh HAITI Mr. Saint-Lucien Hector Technical Branch Di rector Cooperative Education Program Ministry of Agriculture, Natural Resources and Rural Development Port-au-Prince JAMAICA Miss Pansy Rae Hart Re search Assistant Jamaica Social Welfare Commission Kingston , - 2 - JORDAN Mr. Isam Mohammad. Ali Ajlouni Field Officer Jordan Development Board, Amman KOREA Mr. Suk Whan Suh Secretary to the Minister of Reconstruction, Seoul LIBYA Mr. Muftah Hassan Sa.hil Assistant Area Development Advisor for the Libyan .American Joint Service Benghazi, Cyrenaica NEPAL Mr. Bhogendra Nath Rimal Assistant Secretary H. M. Government of Nepal, Katmandu Mr. Mohammad Sharif Chief Specialist, Social Education, Village and District Development Department H. M. Government of Nepal, Katmandu FAST PAKISTAN Mr. Abul Fazal Chowdhury Regional Director National Development Organization Chittagong - Mr. Kafiluddin Mahmood Administrator National Development Organization Dacca WEST PAKISTAN Mr. Muhammad Yousaf Regional Director National Development Organization Rawalpindi THAILAND Mr. Saneh Vadana.thorn District Officer Department of Interior Ministry of Interior Bangkok - 3 - UNITED STATES Mr. Edwin Alan Gales Community Development Training Adviser Community Development Division International Cooperation Administration Washington 25, D. c. Mr. Boyd Faulkner Community Devel opment Adviser Community Development Division International Cooperation Administration Washington 25, D. C. NOT SPONSORED BY I. C. A. AFGHANISTAN Mr. Abdul Samad Bakhsi Position unknown Sponsor: Asia Foundation NEW ZEAIAND Miss Mary Alice Hopkirk Position unknown Sponsor: South Pacific Commission GROUP LEADER: Mr. John McElroy University of California - 4 - --------SCHEDULE June 10, 1961 Arrival Participants will be met at the International Ai rport by a representative of the Office of Personal Services and accompanied to the hotel. June 12 8:15 AM Meet at the hotel lobby and proceed to: 9:00 AM International Center Department of State Penthouse, Chase Manhattan Bank Building Muiioz Rivera Avenue Rio Piedras Tel. 6-2195 Jos~ Luis Colom, Director Office of Technical Cooperation a) Welcome Julio P~rez Garcia, Director Office of Personal Services a) Filling of arrival forms, revision of passports and airlines tickets Miguel A. Charneco Information Officer a) General orientation about the social., political, economic and cultural history of Puerto Rico 1:30 PM William Vargas, Training Officer Office of Technical Cooperation a) General orientation about Community Development in Puerto Rico b) Discussion of Program and Itinerary 2:30 PM Tour: Metropolitan Area June 13 9:00 AM Puerto Rico Planning Board Ponce de Leon Ave ., Stop 22 Santurce Tel. 3-0020 - 5 - Contact: Enio Miranda Training Officer Object Conference: "Local and Integral Planning - the Participation of the Private Citizen" 10:30 AM Economic Development Administration Banco Popular Building Ponce de Leon Ave., Stop 22 Sa.nturce Tel. 3-0040 Contact: Rub~n Gotay Mont alvo Training Officer Object Conference: "Industrial Development Program in Puerto Rico - Diversifica­ tion of Industries" 1:30 PM Department of Health Ponce de Leon Ave., Stop 19 Santurce Tel. 2-2050 Contact: Maria Isabel Frau Public Relations Officer Conference on round table discussion on social and medical services provided by the Department through the region­ alization progr~ June 14 7:45 AM Leave hotel for the: Agricultural Extension Service Rio Piedras-Cagua.s Road Tel. 6-0200 Contact: Dr. Marcelino Murphy, Director Field and Traini ng Section 8:15 AM Continue to: Naranjito Pilot Project PROGRAM: AM General orientation about t he organizat ion, functions and objectives of the Extension Service - 6 - Emphasis will be given to training program and sociological research Visit to Naranjito Pilot Project to observe rural development programs in marketing, home and leadership development and community improvement. If' time allows, visit to the health center. June 15 9:00 AM Department of' Education Vela Street, Stop 35 1/2 Zequeira Building Hato Rey Tel. 6-1100 Contact: Rosa Maria Castell6n Liaison Officer Object Conference: "Public Education Program in Puerto Rico" Demetrio Cartagena Undersecretary of Education Round table discussion on the above theme emphazising on the following programs: Alphabetization, Adult Education, Vocational Education, Home Economics, School Lunch and Guidance. Tentative: Visit to a school fa.rm in order to observe-the results of voca­ tional agricultural programs. June 16 9:00 AM Department of State International Center Penthouse, Chase Manhattan Bank Building 1058 Muiioz Ri vera Ave. Rio Piedras Tel. 6-2195 Contact: William Vargas Training Off icer Object Round table discussion Theme: Public Utilities Services Provided to the Rural Dwellers . , ' - 7 - The following agencies have agreed to be represented to this activity: 1- Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority 2- Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority 3- Department of Public Works 1:30 PM Urban Renewal and Public Housing Corporation L6pez Sicard6 Housing Project Rio Piedras Tel. 7-0010 Contact: Carmen Torr~ Public Relations Officer Object 1- Urban-rural migration 2- Slum Clearance Program 3- Determination of rent 4- Social services provided 5- Observation of group activities at Public Housing Community Centers 6- Visit to special dwellings for the aged June 19-23 9:00 AM Department of F.ducation Community F.ducation Division 150 Norzagaray Street San Juan Tel. 3-1805 Contacts: Fred G. Wale Director Luis Gonzilez Program Recorder Object Discussion of the definition of community education and the application of the same in the participants' coun­ tries and in Puerto Rico TrainiDg programs for group organizers Visit to Graphic Arts, Cinema and PlanniDg Sections Attend showing of moving pictures filmed by the Division. Film discussion. J • ' - 8 - Spend two or three days at rural neighbors communities. The group will be divided in pairs, each pair will be accompanied by an area supervisor. Group evaluation of visit to the Division June 26 9:00 AM Department of .Agriculture and Commerce Social Programs Administration Ponce de Leon Ave . , Stop 27 1/2 Hato Rey Tel. 6-4543 Contact: Rafael Morales Castro Liaison Officer Object 1- Program for the resettlement of squatter families 2- Small industries 3- LJ:>w cost aided-self-help housing program 4- Community improvements 5- Field trip to rural areas to observe the programs above mentioned June 2:( 9:00 AM Cooperat ~ve Development Administration Pentagon Buil ding Ponce de Leon Ave., Stop 26 1/2 Santurce Tel. 3-5524 Contact: H~ctor Landr6n Ubi.ffas Liaison Offi cer Object 1- Rapid growth of the cooperatives movement in Puerto Ri.co 2- Types of cooperatives : In-service and Public -3- Educational programs 4- Cocr dination of services with other private and public agencies 5- Visit to cooperatives June 28 9:00 AM University of Puerto Rico Experimental Stat.i on Rio Pied.ras-Caguas Road Tel. 6-1240 Contact: Enrique Molinary Liaison Officer r • ' - 9 - ObJ';ct : Lecture on rural sociology and findings obtained tbru rural research in Puerto Rico 2:00 PM Public Parks and Recreation Administration Ponce de Leon Ave., Stop 6 Puerta de Tierra Tel. 2-5714 Contact: Francisco Soto Respeto Liaison Officer Object Public recreational and cultural activities in rural and urban areas Tentative: Field trip June 29 OPEN FOR PROGRAMMING June 30 9:00 AM Meeting pl ace: International Center Contact: William Vargas Training Officer Object : Final evaluation interview • SPF.CIAL NOTE: All agencies participating in this program are invit ed to send repre­ sentatives to this evaluation interview. PM FREE July l D E PA R T U R E • (Tentative) Prepared by: William Vargas Training Division Off ice of Technical Cooperation Department of State San Juan, Puerto Rico April 10, 1961 .
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