ORNl-4844 - Annual PROGRESS REPORT ^citiod finding ^Decemfaej 31.1972 mm BLANK PAGE Printed in the United States of America. Available from National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Corrmerce 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22151 Price: Printed Copy $3.00; Microfiche $0.95 This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United States Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ORNL-4844 UC 34-Physic; Contract No. W-7405-«ng?6 PHYSICS DIVISION ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT For Period Ending December 31,1972 J. L. Fowler, Director G. R. Satchler, Associate Director P. H. Stelson, Associate Director Felix E.Obenshain, Editor NOTICE This report was prepared as an *ccowt of sponsored by the United States Government. Neither the United States nor the United Sates Atomic Energy Commission, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, at their employees, maini any warranty, express or impned, or srtamrt any legal habihly or responsmiity for the accaracy. com­ pleteness or nirfalnraj of any information, apparatus, prodact or procem disclosed, or represents that its as* wontd not infringe privately owned rights. APRIL 1973 OAK RlOGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Oak Ridge, Ttnntmm 37830 OMrtHcdby UNION CARBIDE CORPORATION forth* US ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION MASTER! WOT^m* tf THis wmM is UWUHJA Reports previously issueu in this section are «s follows: ORNL2718 Period Ending March 10. 1959 ORNL-2910 Period Ending February 10, 1960 ORNL-3085 Period Ending February 10, ! 961 ORNL-3268 Period Ending February 1C, 1962 ORNL-3425 Period Ending January 31, 1963 ORNL-3582 Period Ending January 31,1964 ORNL-3778 Period Ending December 31,1964 ORNL-3924 Period Ending December 31,196S ORNL-4082 Period Ending December 31,1966 ORNL-4230 Period Ending December 31,1967 ORNL-439S Period Ending December 31,1968 ORNL-4513 Period Ending December 31,1969 ORNL-4659 Period Ending December 31,1970 ORNL-4743 Period Ending December 31,1971 Contents and Summary FOREWORD xxiii MONTHLY REPORTS OF THE PHYSICS DIVISION 1 1. THEORY NUCLEON TRANSFER FORM FACTORS CALCULATED WITH REALISTIC INTERACTIONS Y. K. So, W. T. Pinkston, and K. T. R. Dawes 7 Abstract of paper to be published in Nrtides 6 Nudei. HIGHER-ORDER CORRECTIONS TO BRUECKNER-HARTREE-FOCK BINDING ENERGIES AND RADII K.T. R. Danes, R. J McCarthy, and P. U. Sauer 7 Abstract of paper to be published in Physical Renew. RENORMAUZED BRUECKNER-HARTREE-FOCK CALCULATIONS USING DIFFERENT PRESCRIPTIONS FOR THE INTERMEDIATE-STATE SPECTRUM K.T. R. Davies, R. J. McCanhy, and P. U. Saner 8 Abstract of published paper: Phys. Rev. Co, 1461 (1972). HARTREE-FOCK CALCULATIONS OF BUBBLE NUCLEI K. T. R. Davies, C. Y. Wong, and S. J. Krieger 8 Abstract of published paper: Phys. beit. 4IB, 455 (1972). THE RENORMAU^ED BRUECKNER-HARTREE-FOCK APPROXIMATION Richard L. Becker 8 Abstract of paper to be published in the proceedings of Symposium on Present Status and Novel Developments in the Many-Body Problem, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-23,1972. (Proceedings to be published in nNuovo Cimento.) DEFORMED BRUECKNER-HARTREE-FOCK CALCULATIONS W. F. Ford, R. C. Braky, R. L. Becker, and M. R. Patterson 8 Abstract of paper to be published in the proceedings of Symposium on Presen Status and Novel Developments in the Many-Body Problem, Rome, Italy, Sept. 19-23,1972. (Proceedings to be published in llNuovo Cimento.) RENORMAUZED FOLDED DIAGRAM EXPANSION FOR THE NUCLEAR GROUND STATE Richard L. Becker, Robert W. Jones, and Franz Molding 9 The extension of our earlier folded diagram expansion in the core interaction to one in the Bmeckner reaction matrix has been obtained. It includes the factorization of a renormahzed Broeckner-Hartree-Fock potential energy for "particle" states. PREDICTED INTERMEDIATE STRUCTURE IN HIGH-RESOLUTION DEEP-HOLE SPECTRA Richard L. Becker 10 The admixture into a deep single-hole state of 2 hofe-1 particle states nearly degenerate with it is shown to give rise to an intermediate structure in quasi-free knockout or pickup spectra. Detailed Bnieckner theoretical calculations are presented for a Or hole in '*0. Higher-resolution (pjp) data are urged. iii IV ML-EOCXEMZATKKi OF TwC BRANDO* SEMES WITH A NEW PROPAGATOR-RENORMALIZED REACTION MATRIX Ricked U tet&c? . ... 17 bttrod^ction oi a propagator-re noinuiacd reaction operator Bluj) yields an expa«k>n in B which possesses the stationary properties of Brando* \ series in the hare interaction. TARGET EXCITATIONS AND THE OPTICAL POTENTIAL FOR PROTONS SCATTERING FROM NUCLEI C. L. Rao. M. Reeves III. and G. R. SatcMer 18 Abstract of paper submitted tor publication in Nuclear Physics. EXCHANGE EFFECTS ON THE FXCITATION OF 20Ne BY PROTONS G. R. SatcMer !8 Abstract of paper to be published in Articles 4 Nuclei INTERFERENCE NEAR THE COULOMB BARRIER AND COMPLEX INTERACTIONS FOR INELASTIC SCATTERING G. R. Satrhler 18 Abstract of published paper: Phys. Lett. 39B, 492 (1972). THE FOLDING AND DEFORMED POTENTIAL MODELS FOR INELASTIC SCATTERING S. R. Satchler 19 Abstract of published paper: Phys. Lett. 39B,495 (1972). RADIAL MOMENTS OF FOLDING INTEGRALS FOR NONSPHERKAL DISTRIBUTIONS G. R. Satchler 19 Abstract of pubhshed paper: / Math. Phys. 13,1118 (1972). THE OPTICAL MODEL G. R. Satchler and F. G. Perey , 19 Abstract of paper to be published in the proceedings of Conference on Nuclear Structure Study with Neutrons, Budapest, Hungary, July 31 -August 5,1972. EXCITATION OF GIANT MONOPOLE RESONANCES BY PROTON SCATTERING G. R. &t*Ier 19 Abstract of paper to be published in Particles 6 Nuclei NUCLEAR GIANT RESONANCES, SUM RULES, EFFECTIVE CHARGES, AND SUCH-LIKE G. R. Satchkr 19 Abstract of paper submitted for publication in Comments on Nuclear d Particle Physics, EXCITATION OF GIANT DIPOLE AND GIANT QUADRUPOLE STATES IN NUCLEI G. R. Satchler 20 Abstract of published paper: NucL Phys. A195,1 (1972). EFFECTTVE HAMLTONIANS FOR TRUNCATED SHELL MODELS B. R. Barrett, E. C. Halbert, and J. B. McGrory 20 Several methods for determining appropriate effective Hamfltoniatts to be used in truncated shaft-model calculations are discussed. In particular, we discuss die determination of an effective Hamitonian which will reproduce in the <'s/2'fi/2 two-orbit space the results of a calculation with a given (1 + 2)-body HamiHonian in the ^5/2^ 1/2^3/2 three-orbit space. A PROGRAM FOR EXTENDED WEAK-COUPLING CALCULATIONS L. B. Hubbard and J. B. McGrory 21 A computer program for making shell-model calculations in a basis of states formed from coupling of eigenstates in meqtavaJent spaces is described. SHELL-MODEL CALCULATIONS OF NUCLEI IN THE 208Pb REGION J. B. McGrory, C. M. Ko, and T. T. S. Kuo 22 SbeB-model calculations for 2,°-2,2Pb, 204"206Fb, 2,0Po, 2I !At, and 2,2Rn have been carried out. In general, results are in excellent agreement with experiment. V COULOMB ENERGY DIFFERENCES IN *rf-SHELL NUCLEI IN THE CONVENTIONAL SHELL MODEL J. B. McGrury 22 Coulomb energy differences for isobark multipiets in A = 19. 20. and 21 nuclei have been calculated in terms of a conventional shdt-modd calcination in a neutron-proton formalism. ALPHA-PARTICLE SPECTROSCOPIC AMPLITUDES AND THE SW3) MODEL Munetake khnnura, Akito Arima. E. C. Halbert. and Tokuo Terasawa 23 Abstract of paper submitted for publication m Nuclear Physics. AN ANALYSIS OF SHELL-MODEL WAVE FUNCTIONS FOR *4 AND/* SHELL NUCLEI IN TERMS OF SU<3) REPRESENTATIONS J. B. McGrory , , 23 Nuclear shell-model wave functions for nuclei with A ~ 18-22, 34-38, and 42-44 ha -e been transformed into a basis of states which carry representations of the SU<3). As expected, SIK3) is a good representation for low-tying states in the nuclei with A = 18-22. It is not a good representation for the heavier nuclei, mainly because of effects due to the singk partide span-orbit spitting. SHELL-MODEL CALCULATIONS KM MASSES 27,28, AND 29: GENERAL METHODS AND SPECIFIC APPLICATIONS TO 27AL 2*SL AND **Si B. H. Wldenthal and J. B. McGrory 24 Abstract of paper to be published in Physical Renew. SHELL-MODEL CALCULATIONS FOR ,4 = 18,19, AND 20 NUCLEI WITH CORE EXCITATION INCLUDED EXPLICITLY J. B. McGrory and B. H. Widenthal 24 Abstract of paper to be published in Physical Review. ANALOG AND CONFIGURATION STATES IN 4'Sc if = 3/2" AND 1/2) AND THE LOW-LYING LEVEL STRUCTURE IN 4SSc S. D. Bloom, J. B. McGrory. and S. A. Moszfcowski 25 Abstract of paper to be published in Nude* Physics. ON THE TRANSITION FROM SHELL STRUCTURE TO COLLECTIVE BEHAVIOR: A SIMPLIFIED SHELL-MODEL STUDY K. T. Hecht, J. B. McGrory, and J. P. Draayer . 25 Abstract of published paper: NucL Phys. AI97,369 (1972). WHERE UES THE INTERACTION BARRIES? C. Y. Wong 26 Abstract of paper submitted for publication in Physical Review Letters. ON SUPERHEAVY NUCLEI SYNTHESIS BY THERMONUCLEAR EXPLOSIONS C. Y. Wong 26 Abstract of paper submitted for publication in Physical Review "Comments 4 Addenda." STABILITY OF A ROTATING TOROIDAL MASS C. Y. Wong 26 Abstract of paper submitted for publication in Astrophyskal Journal. FUSION THRESHOLD ENERGY IN HEAVY-ION REACTIONS C. Y. Wong 27 Abstract of published paper: Phys. Lett. 42B, 197 (1972). TOROIDAL NUCLEI C. Y. Wong i 27 Abstract of published paper: Phys. Lett. 4IB, 446 (1972). VI BUBBLE NUCLEI C. Y. Wong 27 Abstract of published paper: Phis.
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