! 54 West Main Street ! Dudley, MA 01571 ! (508) 943 5633 Rectory ! www.standrewbobola.com ! [email protected] ! Office hours Monday Wednesday 9:30a.m. N1:30p.m. ! Pastor: ! ! Rev. Krzysztof Korcz ! Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession) ! Sunday Mass ! Saturday: 3:00 pm and 15 minutes before weekend and Saturday Vigil: 4:00 pm ! weekly Masses ! ! Sunday: 8:00am | 9:00 am (Polish) | 11:00am ! Sacrament of Baptism ! Weekday Mass ! Sunday at 12:00pm by Appointment Sacrament of Marriage ! Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8:00am, Wednesday Arrangements must be made at least 12 months prior 6:30pm. We pray Rosary every day 20 minutes before to wedding. Please contact us to arrange. ! Mass. During this time Pastor will hear confessions. ! Visitation of The Sick ! Friday No Mass ! Please notify the rectory if you know of someone who Except for First Friday of the month at 8:00am ! is unable to get to church and wishes to receive the Holy Days 6:30pm ! sacraments. ! Welcome to Saint Andrew Bobola Parish / Witamy w Parafii Sw. Andrzeja Boboli ! New Parishioners are always welcome. If you would like to register or you have changed your address, please fill out the information below. ! Zapraszamy nowych parafian do naszej rodziny parafialnej Prosimy o wypelnienie formularza i dostarczenie do plebani. ! Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ ! Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ ! Telephone Number: ____________________________________________________________________ ! Email:_______________________________________________________________________________ ! ! .! . FESTIVAL ADVERTISING BANNERS ! On! August 23 !& 24, 2019 , we will be holding our annual Parish Summer Festival. ! The committee is seeking advertising from local businesses to help defray the cost of our big top tent. Adver- tising banners will be vividly displayed within the tent for the duration of the Festival. !! Re useable plastic will cost !$85 for a 2’ by 3’ banner !$1 10 for a 3’ by 3’ banner. ! (Prices for repeat customers next year will be less expensive.) !! If your business would like to sponsor a banner or if you are willing to solicit advertising banners from local businesses, please email [email protected] !!or call 508 943 4850. ! You will be contacted for details. Thank you ! in advance for your consideration! ! ! !REFLECTION ! ! .! June 30, 2019 ! ! MASS INTENTIONS AND DEVOTIONS ! When Jesus decided to go to Jerusalem, he knew ! everything that was ahead of him, and yet, he started his Saturday, June 29 ! journey with courage and determination. He warns those 4:00 PM ! r.s. Deceased members of Jarzebski & who follow him that this journey would not be easy and ! Borowski familes int.Family ! with some crosses and sacrifices. However, the gospel Sunday, June 30 ! does not picture Jesus as “easy going, do whatever you 8:00AM r.s. Philip & Theresa Lajoie int. Family ! want, you are going to get to heaven anyway.” When it 9:00 AM IM sp. Rozalia Bal int. Zosia i Zbigniew Mroczka comes to eternal life, he is not wishy washy. Some II Msp. Stanislaw, Ludwika, Wladyslaw Jankowski int. Anieli ! might even consider his words harsh. For example we 11:00AM r.s. Mary Lisewski int. daughter Charlotte ! hear about an encounter with the Samaritans. A Jew Monday, July1 ! would risk his life traveling through Samaria and Jesus 8:00 AM r.s. Helena Bal ! is aware of this and sends messengers ahead to see if the town would receive him, and they would not, and so he ! int. Jolanta Bugajski & Janusaz Bal ! ! moved on. James and John wanted to destroy that town, Tuesday, July 2 but Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save. He was 8:00 AM r.s. Irena Bugajski int Weronika Mroczka ! ! a man of peace. Why is this a hard saying? Consider Wednesday, July 3 who are the Samaritans in your life, the ones you would ! 6:30 PM r.s. of Wojdacz and Szydlowski family like to get rid of, if you could? Can you have the same ! ! int. Jolanta Bugajski & Janusaz Bal attitude as Jesus, willing to forgive, willing to avoid Thursday, July 4 ! revenge, looking for ways to find peace? It is not always 8:00 AM r.s. Irena Bugajski int. Zofia, Zbigniew Mroczka ! easy. Another hard saying is that when you are going to First Friday, July 5 ! follow Jesus there are many sacrifices to be made, some 8:00 AM r.s. Irena Bugajski int. Zofia, Zbigniew Mroczka ! even to the point of sacrificing lives. And yet we find it Saturday, July 6 ! hard to sacrifice an hour for Sunday Mass or time to 4:00PM r.s. Anna, Wojciech, Jan Krzyszton ! pray during the week, even keeping the commandments. ! int. Halina Zbugniew Wrona ! Being a Christian is not just a matter of saying we are, it Sunday, July 7 ! is living the way Christ wants us to live. He wants us to 8:00AM r.s. Walter Bomba int. Darlene Bomba ! follow Him now. How often do we say when I finish this 9:00 AM O Boze blogoslawienstwo dla Stanislawy I or get that done, then I will go to church? Jesus wants us Kazimierza Ucher w 50 rocz slubu int. corek Barbary, Urszuli to follow him without reservation. Jesus does not force Agnieszki ! our love, he gives us the freedom to choose, because ! forced love is not love at all. !! ! 11:00AM sp. Stanley Jezierski int. Ioakim, Patricia Mertzanis ! ! HAPPY 4th of JULY! FINANCIAL BLESSINGS : ! Festival News ! Weekly $1,523.00 Online Giving $140.00 ! ! Plans for the St. Andrew Bobola Parish Festival, August Fuel $30.00 Renovation $130.00 23 !24, continues to move forward. !We have identified Pierogi $230.00 ! ! chair people for most activities, but still have a spot or two SECOND COLLECTION ! to fill. If you are interested in chairing a booth, please Peter’s Pence for the Holy Father ! reach out to Paula or Gene Niksa at niksa.charter.net or phone: 508 !248 !4237. Please remember this event is vital to the well being of our parish and our parish family. !We ! MEMORIAL CANDLE will be looking for all parishioners to support this effort in For the month of July ! ! ! various capacities. Raffle tickets will be mailed to all pa- Blessed Altar Candle ! ! rishioners early in June. Dates for Polish food preparation In memory of Sophie Lukasek given by family M ! are the weekend of July 14th and July 21st many help- Harry Gallant given by his wife ing hands will be needed. Additional volunteers will be Our Lady of Czestochowa Candle ! needed for the actual Festival weekend. ! Sign up sheets are In memory of Tony Moninski given by Weronika Mroczka ! available at the entrances to the church. !I am sure we can Irene Bugajski by Arthur & Barbara Gomes ! all find an hour or two to dedicate to our parish. !You may Julie Nalewajk given by Gene & Shirley Minarik ! even find some new faces & discover that giving back to Infant of Prague ! the parish community is quite rewarding. Please join us for Leo & Viola Bergeron given by Gene & Shirley Minarik ! our next meeting, July 2 at 6:30 p.m. Your help is greatly appreciated! ! OGŁOSZENIA PARAFIALNE ! 30 CZERWCA 2019 WELCOME FATHER MICHAL REFLEKSJA Witamy serdecznie ksiedza Michala Jedrzejskiego w naszej Pługów wiele, ale życie krótkie, trzeba więc wybrać tylko parafii i zyczymy mu milego czasu w naszej wspolnocie. ! jeden. Po wyborze należy przyłożyć rękę i serce do ! wybranego pługa i nie wolno oglądać się wstecz. We welcome Fr. Michal Jedrzejski in our parish and we Przychodzi wielka pokusa. Wydaje się, że przy innym wish him a pleasent time in our community. ! pługu jest łatwiej, piękniej, że więcej można zrobić. A tu przestroga Chrystusa: Człowiek, który przyłożył rękę do CCD Program Announcement: ! pługa, a ogląda się wstecz, „nie nadaje się do królestwa We are looking for volunteers to teach our CCD students or Bożego”. Zapomniało o tym nasze pokolenie. Zawarli to assist with our program as substitute teachers or in other małżeństwo, wybrali pług, a po trzech latach myślą o tym, areas. ! CCD is expected to resume in late September 2019 czy nie należy go zmienić. Spotykamy kapłanów, którzy and we hope to make plans or preparations soon. ! ! rzucają pług kapłaństwa i zawierają małżeństwo... Please contact CCD Program Coordinator David Bugajski Spotykamy takich zakonników, siostry zakonne. Ojciec, at 508 461 7361 if you are interested in educating our matka poczęli dziecko i nie chcąc podejmować trudu youth about our faith. Thank you for your consideration. ! !! wychowania porzucają je albo w gabinecie ginekologa, ! albo w domach dziecka. To do nich odnoszą się słowa Partners In Charity Jezusa o pługu. Każda ucieczka od odpowiedzialności jest ! znakiem niedojrzałości człowieka. Sąd ostateczny będzie The Annual Diocese of Worcester Partners In Charity czasem objawienia porzuconych pługów. Przy nich staną Appeal continues to the end of August. ! To date, we have ci, którzy się oglądali wstecz I porzucili swój pług, zone, raised $17,955 of our $21,900 goal ! As a reminder, the męża, dziecko, wykształcenie, jakąś odpowiedzialność, theme this year is “Faith In Action M Loving God by myśląć, że jak zmienią pług, bedzie łatwiej nie. Odkąd serving others”. ! Servant of God, Dorothy Day is the wybraliśmy pług i zdecydowaliśmy o swym życiu, patroness. !! With your generous support, we hope to raise podjeliśmy decyzję, nie możemy tego zmieniać, ale prośmy the additional $3,945.00to reach and perhaps even exceed o łaskę wytrwania. Jest to jedna z największych łask, jakie our goal. ! Your contributions to Partners in Charity możemy otrzymać od Pana Boga. Dziś proszę was: „nie supports 29 charitable, educational and pastoral ministries, oglądajcie się wstecz”. Zostańcie przy tym pługu, przy including Catholic Charities and the African Ministry, którym stoicie. Amen ! among many others. ! Partners supported charitable organizations provide for the physical and emotional needs PETER’S PENCE COLLECTION of families, the elderly, refugees and the sick.
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