1944' CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3239 By Mr. GRANT of Indiana: McGie, of Mitchell, S. Dak., protesting against 'l'HE JOURNAL H. R. 4499. A bill to extend the benefits of the enactment of House bill 2082, or any bill the Social Security Ac~ to certain legally to deprive the American people of the use of On request of Mr. HAYDEN, and by adopted children; to the Committee on Ways alcoholic beverages; to the Committee on unanimous consent, the reading of the and Means. the Judiciary. · Journal of the proceedings· of the cal­ By Mrs. ROGERS of Massachusetts: 5364. By Mr. COCHRAN: Petition of Fran­ endar day Tuesday, March 28, 1944, H. R. 4500. A bill to insure the furnishing ces Wolfert and 17 other citizens, protesting was dispensed with, and the Journal was of necessary artificial limbs and other ap­ against the passage of House bill 2082 which approved. · pliances to disabled World War No.2 veterans, seeks to enact prohibition for the period of to provide for appropriate instruction and the war; to the Committee on the Judiciary. MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT training in the use thereof, and for other 5365. Also, petition of A. C. Urbahns and Messages in writing from the Presi­ purposes; to the Committee on World War five other citizens, protesting against the Veterans' Legislation. passage of House bill 2082 which seeks to en­ dent of the United States submitting By Mr. WEISS: act prohibition for the period of the war; to nominations were communicated to the H. R. 4501. A bill to adjust the basis of the Committee on the Judiciary. Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ compensation for overtime service of certain 5366. Also, petition of H. L. Baird and four taries. employees in the Postal Service, and for other other citizens, protesting against the passage MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE purposes; to the Committee on the Post Office of House bill 2082 which seeks to enact pro- and Post Roads. 1 hibition for the period of the war; to the A message from the House of Re}lre­ By Mr. DIMOND: Committee on the Judiciary. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its H. R. 4502. A bill to amend the act of Con­ 5367. Also, petition of Rene J. Montbrand reading clerks, announced that the gress approved May 20, 1935, entitled "An and 11 other citizens, protesting against the House had disagreed to the amendments passage of House bill 2082, which seeks to act concerning the incorporated town of of the Senate to the bill <H. R. 4346) Seward, Territory of Alaska," as amended; enact prohibition for the period of the war; making appropriations to supply de­ to the Committee on the Territories. to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. GRANT of Indiana: 5368. Also, petition of Alex Harper and 15 ficiencies in certain appropriations for H. J·. Res. 261. Joint Resolution authoriz­ other citizens, protesting against the passage the fiscal year ending June 30, 1944, and ing the President of the United States of of House bill 2082, which seeks to enact pro­ for prior fiscal years, to provide supple­ America to proclaim October 11, 1944, Gen­ hibition for the period of the war; to the mental appropriations for the fi!:ical year eral Pulaski's Memorial Day for the observ­ Committee on the Judiciary. ending June 30, 1944, and for other pur­ ance and commemoration of tlie death of 5369. By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of the poses, agreed to the conference asked by Brig. Gen. Casimir Pulaski; to the Commit­ Concord Methodist Sunday School of Beaver the Senate on the disagreeing votes of tee on the Judiciary. Falls, Pa., representing approximately 130 persons, urging the passage of House bill the two Houses thereon, and that Mr. 2082, making unlawful the manufacture, sale, CANNON of Missouri, Mr. WOODRUM of PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS or transportation within the, United States Virginia, Mr. LUDLOW, Mr. SNYDER, Mr. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private of alcoholic beverages for the duration of the O'NEAL, Mr. RABAUT, Mr. JoHNSON of bills and resolutions were introduced and war and until the termination of demobili­ Oklahoma, Mr. TABER, Mr. WIGGLES- severally referred as follows: zation; to the Committee on the Judiciary. WORTH, Mr. LAMBERTSON, and Mr. POWERS 5370. By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: Petition of were appointed managers on the part of By Mr. ANDERSON of New Mexico: sundry citizens of Fort Madison, Iowa, urging the House at the conference. H. R. 4503. A bill for the relief of Maja the passage of House bill 4269; to the Com­ Platzer; to the Committee on Immigration mittee on Military Affairs. The message also announced that the and Naturalization. House had passed the following bills, in By Mr. FELLOWS: which it requested the concurrence of H. R. 4504. A bill for the relief of Lewis E. the Senate: Newton; to the Committee on Claims. H. R. 3912. An act to amend section 6 of By Mr. GORSKI: SENATE the Defense Highway Act of 1941, as H. R. 4505. A bill for the relief of Patrick amended; and Joseph O'Connor; to the Committee on Mili­ WEDNESDAY, :MARCH 29, 1944 H. R. 4381. An act to authorize the Sec­ tary Affairs. retary of the Navy to proceed with the con­ H. R. 4506. A bill for the relief of George (Legislative day of Monday, February 7, struction of certain public works, and for Smalley; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. 1944) other purposes. H. R. 4507. A bill for the relief of Henry Hillgameyer; to the Committee on Naval Af­ The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. fairs. on the expiration of the recess. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the H. R. 4508. A bill for the relief of Frank The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown Senate the following communications Zych; to the Committee on Military Affairs. Harris, D. D., offered the following and letter, which were referred as indi­ H. R. 4509. A bill for the relief of John G. prayer: Condon; to the ·committee on Naval Affairs. cated: H. R. 4510. A bill for the relief of Lawrence Father of all men, from the 'ravaged SUPPLEMENTAL ESTIMATE, DEPARTMENT OF Michael Keating, to the Committee on Naval ground of this mad and sad earth, AGRICULTURE (S. Doc. No. 179) Affiairs. haunted by sorrow and drenched with A communication from the President of H. R. 4511. A bill for the relief of John the blood of tnan shed by his brother's the United States, transmitting, pursuant to Evans; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. hand, we lift our soiled faces to Thy law, a supplemental estimate of appropria­ By Mr. MARTIN of Iowa: pitying eyes. The centuries sob with the tion in the amount of $1,902,800 for the H. R. 4512. A bill granting an increase of Department of Agriculture, fiscal year 1945, pension to Laura E. Swope; to the Committee ceaseless horror of war and our spiiits in the form of an amendment to the Budget on Invalid Pensions. cry out to Thee in revolt against its for that fiscal year (with an accompanying By Mr. WEAVER: blasphemies; and we know that our paper); to the Committee on Appropriations H. R. 4513. A bill to provide for an appeal righteous anger at this ghastly harvest and ordered to be printed. _to the Supreme Court of the United States . of hate is answered by Thy holy wrath. SUPPLEMENTAL EsTIMATE, DEPARTMENT OF from the decision of the Court of Claims in Give to us peace in our time, 0 Lord. COMMERCE (S. Doc. No. 180) a suit instituted by George A. Carden and As servants of this stricken genera­ A communication from the President of Anderson T. Herd; to the Committee on the tion may our proudest distinction be Judiciary. the United States, transmitting, pursuant to that our names shall be written among law, a supplemental estimate of appropria­ the souls who greatly dared, of whom tion for the Department of Commerce in the PETITIONS, ETC. the future will record "Blessed are the amount of $329,000, fiEcal year 1945, in the peacemakers." Show Thy erring chil­ form of an amendment to the Budget for Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions that fiscal year (with an accompanying and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk dren at last the way from the City of paper); to the Committee on Appropriations and referred as follows: Destruction to the City of Love. Fulfill­ and ordered to be printed. ing the longing of the inspired souls of 5362. By Mr. BRADLEY of Pennsylvania: all ages who saw from afar the shining REPORT OF NATIONAL WAR LABOR BOARD Petition of sundry citizens of Philadelphia, City of God, help us in the courage of A letter from the Chairman of the National Pa., protesting against passage of the Bryson War Labor Board, submitting, pursuant to bill (H. R. 2082); to the Committee on the faith to seize what has now, in our day, Senate Resolution 130 (agreed to April 9, Judiciary. · come so near and, taking the whole of 1943), the eleventh monthly report of the 5363. By Mr. CASE: Petitions of A. S. Hill, life, to build Thy glory there. In the Board covering January 1944 (with accom­ of Highmore, and George W. Lane, and S. L . • dear Redeemer's name. ·Amen. panying papers); ordered to lie on the table. 3240 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MARCH ·29 · PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS urges one department in charge of food trol and management be so written by the Congress that it shall contain no language Petitions, etc.,- were laid before the production and food prices; asks for which would be discriminatory either in favor Senate, qr presented, and referred as· court review for those who believe 0.
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