;- * r — and of the independence of the SEVEN CENTS OCEAJsF gROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP o f NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1960 United States of America the 184th y e a r Vol. LXXXV, No. 9 History Speaker TWP. VOTERS REELECT on Co. School Board Hires MEMORIAL CROSS [Lester L. Ward-Betty L. Vaughan FIRE COMMISSIONERS Fetes Veterans At OCEAN GROVE — The 18- Nuptials Jan. 30 In Portsmouth, Va. At Woman’s Club Six New janitors foot Memorial Cross on the NEPTUNE TWP. — Fire front of the Ocean Grove Au­ Mrs. Frank C. Laird, O f commissioners were reelected Annual Dinner Five Cafeteria Employees ditorium, facing the sea, will Freehold,; Tells Club­ and budgets were approved Approved, Along With be lighted the week of Febru­ women Of “Heritage” Tuesday in the township’s Twenty-Five Volunteers ’60-’61 Education Contracts ary 27 to March 5 in memory three fire districts. In Ocean Presented Certificates And of Mrs. A. -W. • Warwick by Grove,1 Harold E. Heckman Badges For Fire Service Mrs. John E. Porter and Miss OCEAN GROVE—Mrs. Frank C. and William C. Gilbert were NEPTUNE — The employ­ Laird was the guest speaker at a returned to office and the rec­ ment of six additional jani­ Kdna T. Warwick, 503 Bosley NEPTUNE — Washington Avenue, ToyVeini'. Md- meeting of the Civics and Legisla­ ord $49,160 appropriations Fire Company of Ocean Grove . r tors and five cafeteria work­ tion Department of the Ocean item was1 adopted; ers was approved at a tegu­ Grove Woman’s Club last Thurs­ honored twenty-five of its . In Neptune fire district #1, members w ith 20 or more,, lar meeting of the Neptune day. with vpters balloting at Un­ Township Board of Education Mrs. E. J. Hillig, civics depart­ years at the annual Washing­ excelled, Shark River Hills ton Birthday dinner last Sat­ Wednesday night. Natural ment chairman, introduced the and Hamilton fire houses, New janitors are Jos. Gon- speaker, Mrs. Laird, a past presi-' urday night at Peterson’s res­ Charles E. Lang and Nelson taurant, here. They were pre­ dek, George Bartee, Augustine Names Richards dent of the Woman’s Club of Free­ Palmer were reelected com­ Dona and Walter B. Weitzel; hold, and the Fifth District Pro-: sented with special recogni­ missioners for three t year tion certificates and were also new employees for the cafe­ Appointed Manager of Util­ gram chairman. terms and Harold Harris was Her topic, an appropriate one awarded badges. - ■ ■. teria are Isabel Johnson, Elsie named to the unexpired one- First place in the list of veter­ ity’s Deparllhent Of Plan­ for February — American History Schuck, Eva Bartolf, Leon^ year term, a seat:vacated by an' fire fighters was awarded to, ning And Development month—was “Our American Her­ Benson and Iren Hagerman. Kenneth Ormsbee who has. Charles Dunning, the only one itage.” She discussed the history All education contracts for the moved away from Neptune; with a record of 50 or more years of governments, the formation of new school year were also ap­ ASBURY PARK—Dale B. The $59,800 appropriation was with the company. He reminisced our system of government and the proved by the Board.- The resig­ Otto, president of the New approved. on experiences in the early years present challenge to our American nation of Barbara Phillips, ele­ Jersey Natural Gas Company, Neptune district' #2 voters of hand and. horse-drawn equip-, heritage. / /■ :■ mentary grade teacher, .-was . ac­ has announced the promotion at Liberty fire house on Mon­ ment. He joined the company in cepted. Approval was also given of Jack V . Richards, Jr., to Mrs.- Charles Wai-ner announced roe Avenue reelected Archie the St. Patrick’s "card and game 1910. ' ' >v'V:^ ':-j: for appointment of directors in the manager of the company’s De Peterson and Norman La\vf- The 40-year men with the date various schools under the Neptune partment. of Planning and De­ party March 17th at the clubhouse; rencc: as commissioners and Mrs; Russell L. Snyder announced of their enlistment were: James •Township ^Adult Education pro|- velopment; ’. ' aproved the $13,3-15 appropri­ Blair, 1920; Elmer Dunning, 1915; gram in which the Board is coop­ the Musicale and Tea February 26. Mr. Richards has been with the ation for area fire protection. Wilbur Guyer, 1911; J;- Moore, . erating with the Township Com­ Refreshments were served, by company: since June, 1952, as In^i 1915; Frank Morris, 1919; Dave. mittee. dustrial Sales Manager. He was^ the hostesses—Mrs. Charles Piper, Mrs. Frank Muller, Mrs. P. C. O’Reilly, 1914, and Ed. Sweet, 1915. ■' — — * ------------ :-:-v gi-aduated from Rensselaer Poly­ Cornes, Miss Alice Burgoyne and The'30-yenr group were: Elmer technic Institute .with a Bachelor Blake-Anderson Beattie, 1925; Norman DeGroot, of Industrial Engineering degree. Mrs. Margaret McVoy. Parkway About 45 members and guests 1926; .Howard L. Smith, 1928; Mr; and Mrs. Lester LeRoy Ward Charles Weaver, 1925; Chas. Wil­ attended. Troth Announced . PORTSMOUTH, VA, — The St. sleeves tapered to points at the Attending were: Mrs; Frederick son, 1923; Morris J. Woodring, Andrews Methodist Church, Porter wrists, and a scalloped portrait Strom, Mrs. Frank Thompson, Mrs ROWAYTON, CONN;—Mr. and 1927, and Russell Francis, 1926. mouth, Va., was the scene of a neckline, embroidered in irridescent The 20-year group: Jake Bat­ Prepare Drivers For Haz­ George Rutmanj Mrs. N. S. Fran­ Mrs. Herbert Scott Blake, Jr., of wedding Jan. 30 at 2 o’clock when J sequins .and peals. The bouffant cis, Mrs. Ethel Thompson, Miss Rowayton, Conn., announce the en dorf, 1934; J. Stuart Blair, 1934; ards; -Changeable Speeds, Miss Betty Lee Vaughan, daugh­ 'skirt, fashioned of deep flounces of Helen Parker, Mrs. I). J. Valen­ .gagement of their niece, Miss Warren Brown, 1938; Wm. Her­ Flashing Lights Planned ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Henry lace, swept gracefully into a chapel tine, Mrs. P. L. Gaddis, Mrs. J. A. Lissa Kirkpatrick Blake, residing bert, 1937; Charles Jones, 1935; Vaughan, Portsmouth, Va., became train. Her veil of English illusion Link, M.iss Katherine Brandley, at H F. Cluthe, Florham Park Oscar Jones, 1937; Arch Shaw, RED BANK—The Garden State the bride of Mr. Lester LeRoy was arranged from a crown of Miss Mae Fulton* Miss Jennie N. J., to. Mr. Richard Charles An­ 1940; T. Turdo, 1937, and Le3ter Parkway is engaged in spreading Ward, son of Neptune, N. J., Po­ pearls and. .she carried a prayer Fulton, Mrs. Paul Straussburger, derson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ward, 1935. anti-fog propaganda., lice Captain A. LeRoy Ward and book'covered'with satin and satin Mrs. Raymond Manley, Mrs. Frank A. Anderson, of Chatham, N. J., Wm. Nordhausen; president of The New Jersey Highway Au­ Mrs. Ward,' 144- Broadway, Ocean' streamers tied with runners of C. Cooper, Hrs. A. N.. Metzger. and Ocean Grove, N. J. Miss Blake the .company, presided a t the din­ fern, topped with a white orchid. thority, .\vhieh operates the Park­ Grove, N. J. VJ: • : 'y.' , And, Mrs. Fred Schnepper, Miss is the daughter of the late Mr, ner and gave the invocation in the way, reported it will be passing ; The ceremony was performed by Miss Bette Sue Ward, sister of Florence Carry], Mrs. Harry B, and Mrs. Montgomery Stephenson absence of the chaplain, Rev. Al­ out “fog leaflets” over a 'period of the Rev. Thomas Y. Lovern,before the bridegroom,: Ocean Grove, was Jones, Miss Florence C. Gower Blake of Mendham, N. J. bert S. Layton. Corsages and time in an effort to educate motor­ an altar banked with jialrns, cut maid of. honor;' She, was/gowned in Mrs. Charles .Piper, Mrs. Thomas boxes of candy were provided for ists against the(evils of fog on,the flowers. and .lighted tapers... Mrs, a ,iuir.skirt^'>ra^ Proven, Mrs. Samuel Drown, Mrs. the ladies.: Three, ne.W;.jmembers road. ■ 5 T. L. Adamson, organist, played i feta dresa. She wore a circular Oscar' Larson, Mrs. Joseph Black- were welcomed — Bobby, Brown, Authority , Chairman Katharine' the nuptial music and accompanied face veil appliqued with aqua yel Icy, Mrs. George BlooiyMrs. David Lester Ward, Jr., and Dick Shep­ E. White said, the leaflets will be Mrs; R. W. Doleman, who sang “I vet leaves and topped with velvet Dore, Mrs. Roy Thoms, Mrs. Harry pard. And a special greeting wan distributed from time to time at Love You Truly,” “Because” and bow. She carried an arm bouquet extended to the. most recently mar­ Jack V; Richards, Jr. Tice, Mrs. Irwin Swanson, Mrs various toll plazas as part of a ‘‘The Lord’s Prayer,” of American beauty roses Fred Engel, Mrs. Martha Parkhill ried couple, young Lester Ward program to prepare the patron and The Department of Planning and ; Given in. marriage by her fa­ The bridesmaids were Miss Joan Mrs. J. N. Ferrier, Mrs. Alexander and his bride. the Parkway for the hazards of Development, which was created ther, William Henry Vaughan, the Williams, cousin of the bride, Suf­ Millari Mrs. George Paterson. Dancing followed the dinner, sudden and scattered fog. in 1955 to help meet the. growth of bride wore a traditional wedding folk, Va., and Miss Carolyn Wood- . — * -------- ---- ' : with music by Michael Sawczak While fog has not been a com­ the area and the company, is re­ of imported French Chantilly ! house, cousin of the bride, Norfolk,gown orchestra. mon sight on the Parkway, its sponsible for long-range forecasts lace. The basque bodice, buttoned i Va. They were gowned^ like the Auxiliary Card occasional appearances. have dem of construction, operation rind up the back with self-covered but-j majy 0f honor and carried an arm Active Public Speaker onstrated some motorist inability supply; research of systems and tons, was designed with long 1 .7' ^ .
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